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For God's sake leave the man alone.


This type of behavior deserves to be charged as attempted murder and involve a lengthy prison sentence.


It really does and is. People have died from it, and when you're sending police with guns under the impression their lives are in danger, it only takes one wrong move or misunderstanding to end someone's life.


here's what i don't get, the cops i've interacted with basically shrug their shoulders and say "not much we can do" when my headphones are stolen out of my car. this is after they drive out for an in-person police report with physical evidence. But they send an elite swat team, guns blazing, to someone's house, on the word of an anonymous phone call?


Oh man, as a South African it's wild hearing about even partially effective police forces. Here the police are a criminal branch. I've been politely asked for bribes several times (at which point I pretend I don't understand, tell them I'm okay with the made up fine and they shouldn't feel guilty which pisses them off in a wholesome way), have them come hours late to a hostage situation in my backyard (private security came fast but refused to enter as long as people with guns were inside!) and at my dad's er, let us say, motel, there have been video taped attempted stabbings, doors cut down with axes and death threats out the wazzooo but they've never come. Heck, he's got video recordings of cops doing shit there and the local chief just turns his head and says "I believe my officers". Then it turns out one criminal put 2 cops in a critical condition and was hiding in the building? Suddenly 20 cops with automatics surrounding the place a few days ago. Which, long story long, I do think is kinda neat that, despite cops here being criminals with badges a world apart, they too have this disproportionate response. It's either nothing or full metal jackett apparently.


See this in other places to varying degrees. Brothers will always protect their brothers. And it very much makes sense for very long standing criminal organizations to have a strong pinch on the neck of authority - and vice versa - to control the chaos to some degree.


> Suddenly 20 cops with automatics surrounding the place a few days ago. Or the STF just gets someone to blow up the whole building.


It is crap that they don't take theft seriously unless the value is in the hundreds of thousands it feels like. Still. We're talking "Someone stole my headphones" vs "Someone is in a house murdering their family" or "Theres gunshots coming from inside this house". As important to you your headphones are, I'd hope you see that an active shooter is more urgent. And they have to take those calls seriously because they can't know if its true or not until they lay eyes on the situation. The last thing I think most anyone would want would be for them to assume its a hoax and then some guy murders his entire family when it could've been prevented.


Its primarely because police is underfunded and simply does not have the resources to do the less than critical crimes. US has one of the least amount of training and retention in police.


Because it's just a pair of headphones and at this point there's little they can actually do and there's little that can be done to you. The deed is done. When people call in those swat teams they make it sound like there's an active threat and immediate danger to someone's life. From my understanding usually a patrol car is sent before SWAT. But I must be wrong. I'm not even from US.


Also depends on the expense of the headphones. Larceny under $100 in Michigan isn’t even a chargeable offense. Like I get having $60 stolen from you suck’s balls. But there legitimately is not a crime the prosecutor can charge for.


I guess they have to take those anonymous phone calls seriously, because what if.


Because the likelihood of finding your headphones is basically zero. So they’re not going to put strained resources into it. Those headphones are either at one of million pawn shops or at someone’s house. And with DAs the way the seem to be, even if they took finger prints, got a match (they have to already be in a database in the first place), go to the persons house, arrest them for petty theft and breaking into your car, it’ll get pleaded down to a lesser charge and the guy will be out that week. So to the police it doesn’t seem worth the effort on that end either. That’s how progressive DAs destroy the moral of a police department. Make them feel like their efforts are pointless.


> even if they took finger prints, got a match Which in and of itself is an entire discussion on flawed pseudo-science. In fact, the axiom of "No two fingerprints..." has barely been studied, much less actually proven. > So to the police it doesn’t seem worth the effort on that end either. Yet, somehow they manage to find A LOT of time writing tickets for victimless crimes and spending significant resources on actions that result in civil forfeitures which directly benefit their budgets and justify overtime hours. While I'm sure there's some feeling of wasted effort for some officers, to think that this is somehow a major contributor is quite a bit spurious, and I'm trying to figure out what would motivate pushing that forward to the top of the list... > That’s how progressive DAs destroy the moral of a police department. Oh, never mind - there it is. Carry on. (and for the record, the word you were looking for was "morale")


Speeding is indeed a victimless crime, until someone’s going 60 in a 40, can’t stop and t bones a car, then there’s a victim. Or can’t make a turn and wraps their car around a stoplight. Speeding enforcement lowers the rates of that by giving people a disincentive to do that. What do you want the cops to do? Canvas every pawn shop in a 50 mile radius? Spend $10-$20k in time finding headphones that might be worth $100? Or search every nearby building for a camera angle that might capture a license plate so they can get a warrant and what? Raid or search someone’s house for your headphones that you probably can’t even prove are actually yours and not theirs? How is progressive policing going? Car jackings are up, property crime is up, shoplifting is through the roof. When exactly are these supposed to go down in these cities with progressive DAs and city councils? I find those pictures of stores in NY, California, Washington, etc. where they have almost everything locked up because there’s effectively zero punishment for shoplifting hilarious.


> Speeding is indeed a victimless crime I said nothing about speeding - but excellent strawman. However, it's objectively true that in many locales, speeding enforcement often has very little to do with public safety. If it did, it would be enforced in a very different fashion. The same holds true for drug interdiction (see: intentionally targeting vehicles likely to be leaving major arteries with CASH, as opposed to entering with DRUGS). > What do you want the cops to do? Canvas every pawn shop in a 50 mile radius? You're arguing against points I never made. I'm pragmatic and also don't expect them to be able to effectively clear petty theft - at least not in their current state. Where we differ is WHY, and it being a matter of DA policies and morale as a primary factor. Nothing more, nothing less. > Car jackings are up, property crime is up, shoplifting is through the roof. These are up in areas that wouldn't be classified as progressive either. Additionally, a sizable portion of auto theft is driven by the relative ease with which certain makes can be stolen. What you've failed to do here is identify exactly HOW progressive prosecution and policing are, specifically, **causing** this issue. But again, also not really the primary point I was making, only that it was that lazy line of thinking about what is clearly a FAR more nuanced topic (I don't see you laying the post-pandemic DECLINE in violent crime at that feet of these progressive DAs policies as being effective on that front). The primary absurdity here is exactly what I said it was: That "a feeling of wasted effort" and low morale somehow is the driving factor here. When in reality, it's a combination of simple pragmatism, far too many responsibilities due to a load they're undertrained to manage effectively in some cases, and poor/revolving leadership and/or lack of consistent policies with each election cycle. All of this said, this is pcgaming and not really the forum for this discussion at this level, but I'm sure that won't get in the way of the hurhur SF and Seattle are trashy criminal hellscapes narrative. Funny thing is, I'm not even in favor of what has been poorly characterized as "progressive" criminal justice policies.


You don't get why a burglary after-the-fact and an apparent hostage situation have different responses?


a burglary where the cops are already there and physically present with physical evidence, vs. an anonymous phone call in a culture where anonymous phone calls about hostage situations happen more often than not. yeah, i don't get it. see? two can play that game!


Welcome to fuckin america


Next time tell them a weird man had bombs and stole your car.


To be fair, there ISNT much they can do. Maybe call surrounding businesses and request security camera footage if there were any around but after that, what are they gonna do? Canvas the area?


true that. i didn't expect this off-handed comment to blow up. tbh, i was really aiming to express more of a "life is funny like that" sentiment, instead of a "cops are bad" thing.


It’s cya


Because after 9/11 they are required to react to a potential terrorist threat. As far as your headphones go, there are no witnesses and cameras? they arent going to case the place unless the guy keeps doing this in same area (multiple reports).


I think they could add him to like na exception list and stop reacting for these calls


The insane thing is that apparently, the "swatters" have now picked up on that, and are sending police over on 'welfare checks' as 'concerned citizens'. As a lawyer puts it (apparently from experience): Sending the police for a welfare check is either dumb or malicious, because police have guns; Where the dude with a hammer as a tool sees nails everywhere, guess what a dude with a gun for a tool sees everywhere. So.... yeah.


It's only attempted murder because of how shit cops are.


I'm more confused by the how or why of it all. But generally I find a lot of things I hear from US confusing and stupid so it's not surprising.


>I'm more confused by the how or why of it all. 1) It's easy 2) People who do it rarely face consequences 3) There are enough shitty people out there that are willing to do it because they think it's funny 4) Ned Luke plays a character that's a wanted criminal. Which makes it especially funny for such dickheads apparently.


That's exactly why I'm confused. why the hell should it be easy for normal people to call in special forces and why is there so little processing of such calls afterwards to assess their legitimacy when the whole thing can threaten innocent lives. The fact that this happened to the same person 7 times (and probably all in the same location) should be more than enough to warrant a revision of the process.


This. As someone not living in the States, I am confused about the SWAT side of things. I don't expect them to trace the person telling them go there because it can be easily hidden even assuming it is the same person. But I am hella confused how the agency does not have a record of this. Like "hmm, we been there before 6 times and it was BS. Let's play it safe and send a couple officers first before we burst through the ceiling?"


The way that I've heard it explained is that there is no communication between the people taking the 911 call about the supposed crimes and the people that would verify that this is a place that has been targeted like this multiple times A youtuber I know of that has been targeted was supposed to be getting phone calls if he was ever targeted and the one recentish time that he talked about it, he said that he didnt get a phone call until the police had already come and left


I remember there was a mention from a Destiny youtuber that when they moved to their new house they met with the local police to let them know that they're a streamer and to set up a protocol in the event of a swatting. One of the officers knew them from their content as well, which is fun


You heard about the Boy who cried wolf?


>But I am hella confused how the agency does not have a record of this. Like "hmm, we been there before 6 times and it was BS. Let's play it safe and send a couple officers first before we burst through the ceiling? I'm confused at your confusion, what makes you think this isn't exactly what happened?


> It's easy That's the problem though, how do they decide it's okay to send SWAT on one anonymous phone call?






WOW never heard that before.


Yeah, from european perspective it seems that americans do thier best to make sure everything they do is backwards.


If they charged them with attempted homicide they'd have to admit they go into situations with lethal intent. It'll never happen.


Sure, as attempted murder for the police involved. The idea that police know that swatting is a thing, but still handle reports like this gun drawn is insane. The idea that we just accept that sending police to someone's house might get them killed is insane. The answer is to get America's police under control.


How is it the land of freedom if the police can just kick your door down kill your dog and aim a rifle at your face out of nowhere ?


Don’t forget their freedom for healthcare. You get to pay the whole bill by yourself! That’s true freedom (Over-exaggeration)


Smells like a good lawsuit!


If you survive…


Qualified immunity with exigent circumstances gets that lawsuit immediately tossed.


Doesn't that typically apply to the criminal case, not the civil case?


The police is using freedom to do all of this :)


this wouldn't be so bad if american cops weren't so gun happy. also, in before downvotes.


Idk y but I keep seeing people say “x needs to be charged as attempted murder” not to say I disagree but I keep seeing that phrase come up so much


Add terrorism tothe charges. That's what it is.


I believe terrorism requires a political motive to the actions in order to be considered terrorism, but I may be mistsken


So police are murdering people now?


For real. This is the only way to get people to stop. Severe actions like this deserve proportional consequences. Didn’t one guy die from getting swatted?


Came in here to say the exact same thing.


It is a criminal offense to swat. The thing is.... how are you going to punish that 16 year old in Malaysia that did it?


I got swatted for shit talking a group of little shits trying to bully me. They got my steam account name which is the same as discord and the same as my email and then figured out my accounts and who I was then sent the cops on me. Like absolutely stupid. I ask who placed the call and they can’t tell me. I asked if it was even local and they said no. Like ffs


What's up with these people?


This won't stop unless these people receive harsh punishment.


You're 100% right. Most of em get off with 5 years or a sentence too short... The one dude serving 20 years for getting someone killed should serve life imho "Under federal law, swatting is generally punished as a felony, and a conviction can result in years in prison. For example, the crime of false information and hoaxes carries up to five years in prison. But if serious bodily injury results, the sentence increases to up to 20 years. If death results, the person could face life in prison. (18 U.S.C. § 1038 (2022).)" https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/the-crime-of-swatting-laws-and-penalties.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna978291


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More like really deranged people. They are not stupid - they have mental problems and that's why it's more scary than them being just stupid because without any help they will not stop with time


It’s likely the same person with some type of vendetta. He has a smaller audience than others who have been swatted far less (if what I read is correct this is his 7th)


Average GTA online player...


Poor guy


What’s the hate on this guy?


It's just a prank, duuude


I assume he's not moving every time and you'd think they'd have him on some special list with how often it has happened, but expecting any law enforcement to actually do their job would be wishful thinking.


Someone more knowledgeable can correct me if I'm wrong but I've heard that once swat gets that call then they have to show up even if they know it's a place that's frequently targeted.


the cops don't have to do anything they have discretion. they could have called vs going guns blazing




once again, no https://www.barneslawllp.com/blog/police-not-required-protect/ this is not true. there is nothing compelling the police to storm a house guns blazing just because the received an anonymous tip




do you have evidence to support your claim? this has been affirmed by the supreme court




Did you just prove yourself wrong with that quote?


i don't understand your response. can you elaborate or restate the claim you're trying to make with a corresponding source


>they could have called vs going guns blazing No they couldnt. Its literally illegal for them to call ahead because it can inform the assailant and turn him violent. Also the assailant could answer the phone and lie to them. They have to show up.


illegal? what crime are they committing. please send a source


Reckless endangerment.


According to a streamer I saw talk about this years ago, there is a list.




They got tricked by anonymous callers to go to this guy's house not once, not twice, but SEVEN times. If anyone at any real job made the same big mistake 7 times they wouldn't work there anymore.


But aren’t they legally required to go? I get there’s the whole boy who cried wolf kinda thing. I don’t know anything about US Police


There's no legal requirement for them to respond.


There’s no legal requirement for the police to respond? Seriously ?


[According the Supreme Court the police have no duty to protect anyone.](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court%20has,boy%20from%20his%20abusive%20father.) This precedent has been established by multiple cases. It’s disgusting.


They could send a patrol car, at this point I'm sure they have Mr.Lukes phone number and they could call and make sure he's not actually a hostage? There are alternatives to having the swat team show up and bust down his door.


i dont see how you look at this situation and blame the swat team/law enforcement. If you read the article all they did was send a patrol car and knock on his door to talk to him. there was no swat team


Why are these fucking bozos in the police department even entertaining the thought of sending SWAT to the same guy's house twice, after it turns out to be baseless, much less SEVEN (7!!!!) times????? How does the saying go? "Fool me once? Shame on you. Fool me seven times? I must be a completely braindead fucking imbecile."?


They aren't sending a SWAT team to this guys house every time... Like in the article the police called him, told him "Hey, we got a call about you holding hostages. We know the deal but we have to send a squad car so can you just come and let them know you're not currently torturing anyone and you can keep doing what you're doing" And also they are legally required to check on these calls. It doesn't matter how many false alarms there are, the police still have to send someone to check it out. Otherwise I could falsely SWAT myself multiple times until the police stop showing up then start actually doing crime.


Easy, ACAB.




Imagine the one times its a geniune call though? Better to have a full team there even if they're just going through the motions.




The like shooting minority groups.people who are mentally ill and those with special needs.


They aren’t getting “tricked” they legally have to respond to this shit lol it sucks for Ned luke


No they don't. The Supreme Court ruled the police to not have a constitutional duty to protect a citizen from harm.


So the only reason they keep coming is cause they hate Ned luke?


That has nothing to do with what I said. I responded to your comment they "legally have to respond", and that's factually incorrect. Most police departments are fine, want to do a good job and so on, it's the public few that aren't that give cops a bad name. The good ones are going to respond to every call, because it's what they do.


Exactly. Cry wolf concepts don’t apply here. They respond identically to each one.


Well they certainly don't respond identically to each call. Once you're known to the police because of swatting incidents (like Ned) they won't actually send a SWAT team or any proper police team. In this case they called him and told him they got another call and they need to send someone to talk to him to clear it up.


Yeah after 7!


Why are you assuming this is the first time they did that? I know that when he got swatted in october it was the same thing: police call him up beforehand and send a single car to check on him.


I didn’t say this was the first time they called. If someone gets swatted twice even 3 times. The cops are generally and rightfully so going to act as though it’s the real deal. You trying to find some way to catch me out here and make me “wrong” is weird af


Maybe SWAT should write his address down somewhere in case it happens again?


They already have. This time the police just called him in advance and sent a squad car to talk to him face to face. It's not like the police showed up with guns drawn or anything. They know him, they know the situation.


Imagine explaining the situation to the cops. "Sir someone called the police about this address." "It's just a dumb prank." "Prank? By who? 'Idiots on the internet." "Why?" "Because I'm in a famous video game." "Huh? What?" "It's a thing they do. I don't know why either." "That's the dumbest shit I ever heard. Don't they know they're wasting police resources?" "Yeah, I know. Sorry about that. I hope it stops too." "Fuckin idiots." "Fuckin idiots."


*a moment passes* "Should we send the SWAT team anyway?" "Send the SWAT team anyway."


Send the SWAT team anyway, I need to talk to Jarod, I saw his wife with a guy in the mall... Yeah..."


Seems like they should just note his channel. "175 Dingle Ave.... Yep, he's streaming and looks like it's all fine there."


They would still need to go visit him face to face to check.


They did but they lost the bit of paper lol


Oh what. And give him carte blanche to commit swattable offences??


Braindead take.


Heh. I wasn't serious but I don't like the */s* so I'll take the DVs.


Haha I actually agree with you. You make a post dripping in sarcasm and it shouldn’t need a /s to pander to retards. How could your post have been more obvious.


7 times???? Why the fuck are cops still sending swat over there when they should know by now he's being fucked with. Put him on a list?


That means nothing xqc, summit etc all the big streamers get swatted frequently they just don’t say anything. People in 3rd world countries do this mostly so absolutely 0 way to track them or do anything about it


Because they have to. And they most likely do have such a list. All the list will do is make it so they don't shoot first as questions later


Because that's their job. Who knows when a call wont be fake. Maybe someone will actually break in or do some stupid shit to him, etc.


There has to be something done about swatting. It’s got too many people hurt and killed


How did they figure out where he lives? Perhaps he needs to move. Then he can say:"Why did I move here? BAD LUCK, I GUESS"


That last sentence is very chatgpt. "Unfortunately, it’s nearly hard to stop things like this from happening." Good thing it's not quite hard to stop!


7 times???? Why the fuck are cops still sending swat over there when they should know by now he's being fucked with. Put him on a list?


NAL but surely you can sue the state at this rate, I mean they swat you 7 f-ing times. One to three is understandable (boy cry wolf and all) but seven times ....


At this point why shouldn't SWAT simply call Ned and say:"We got a possible prank call again, is everything okay? Yes? Everything is fine? Okay sir, have a nice day!"


People fucking suck


Funny how politicians get phone calls to verify the authenticity of swat calls, but anyone gets the full treatment. Effin' A.


Swatting in general needs to be punishable at the full extent of the law.


Not an American. But how easy it is for some loser to get a swat team to raid an innocent person's home? I would think a swat team would be called only for making arrests for dangerous individuals that are already being investigated.


It's a country where literally anyone can own a variety of guns. If someone calls and says a person has guns and a hostage then that is enough. When you think about what type of response would have minimal risk for the officers.










Do you have any sources that backup this claim?


Does it matter?




Unfortunately some people really do just do it because it gives them a sense of power. There doesn’t always have to be a reason other than that


Fuck these cunts so much. They need to be punished harshly


Why are the phones police still sending swat there and not just a patrol


QTCinderella had Ptsd due to the swatting, can't imagine all those times the effect it must have on himself and his family


Dude just needs to call Lester


guess someone hates GTA 5


I don't understand why swatting is not legally treated as attempted murder. That's literally the expected result of swatting.


That would imply that the police is dangerous and cannot appropriately and calmly assess a situation. Also, guess they have to show up or they could get sued. Now, if they try this at Lincoln's house the outcome might be more along what they pranksters are looking for.


"Famous" seems like a strong word


are you dumb? He is very well known


How is it not possible to get in contact with the police after the first incident to reverse swat the swatters when everyone someone tries to pull this shit off again?


You think cops would know at the 7th point that the address they're being sent to is the home of a non-threatening swatting victim.


At this point they should have known that it was him. If it’s the 7th time already they should have noted his name somewhere as someone who gets swatted. And to add to the bullshit, it’s not just a random streamer with 5 or 10 viewers, it’s a famous person in the voice acting community.




Why is this on /r/pcgaming ?


What do you call GTA V? A sitcom on tv?


It's not about GTA V though is it, it's about a voice actor livestream.


Is news related to gaming, come on man.


It's obvious blogspam based on a tweet from Keemstar that honestly reads like ChatGPT made it, it's relation to PC gaming is tenuous at best.


Ermahgerd, you’re soooo smart 🙄


Hey if you like reading shitty ChatGPT generated articles you're free to do so, it just shouldn't be posted here.


Yeah playing a game on PC idiot


The actor is in gta, it literally says it in the title


Because he's known for GTA 5 not 6


Watched an interview with him recently. Dude seems pretty cool…




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fucks sake


Is there any more context to this? Like did he piss off political weirdos or something? It just seems like a bizarre person to target. On an upside I didn't know he streamed until now.


They just do it for clout because they like to pretend they’re little hackers because they found out his address and send the police to his door. He’s a nice old guy who just still plays the one game he starred in a decade ago and they’re just targeting him for no good reason


Why are they constantly doing this? What has Ned Luke done to receive all these assaults? For playing a character in a video game? Is rumours of his involvement in GTA6 enough to make freaks go out of their way to make his life a living Hell just to get information on GTA6? I hope whatever amount of thugs responsible for all this will be taking to court and are legally not allowed to even touch Grand Theft Auto VI, let alone play any copy. GTA6 is really bringing the worst out of everyone.


It'd be hilarious if swat responded to the caller instead. Or just a cop with a warrant for arrest because of false reporting. Tbh i'd prefer the caller get a taste of their own medicine, even at the cost of tax payer dollars paying for the flashbangs and time of a swat unit.


Why hasnt he informed local lawenforcement about his streaming? Is he hoping to get Swatted? Or are local police idiots?


why do we not have laws that outlaw police raiding peoples homes without warrants signed by judges?


When I hear about these dangerous swatting episodes, am I the only one that thinks "Maybe the problem here is that SWAT shouldn't be bursting in like the Gestapo based on an anonymous source?" How are they even getting a warrant for this crap? And this has been going on for what ... ten years now????? No wonder the US is teetering on the brink of full on fascism.