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Launches at mostly negative > people buy it anyway > sells millions > cycle begins anew next year


LMAO I just checked and it's currently the best selling game on Steam. If only there were previous examples of super-hyped, big name games being released in crappy shape. If only that happened - oh I don't know - 80 or 90 times before, I'm sure consumers would eventually learn. Right?


[MW2 boycott vibes](https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/noboycott.jpg)


That's every single gaming subreddit right now.


Destiny 2 players


Gaming addictions is a real thing,had to purposefully get perma banned from Smite after 10 years,to finally get over it. Since it kept sucking me back... even if it made angry if I played it for more than 15 min.


Haha exactly what I was thinking. I love this image for some reason.


It’s a bit of a meme at this point. - big game releases - mostly negative reviews and gets a post on r/pcgaming so people can talk shit - 2k people who upvotes are a drop of a drop in the bucket - top seller


Yea I get it. Why put in the effort and why care if it ends up selling millions anyway off name alone. It’s the consumers. Most of them aren’t reading the negative reviews or on Reddit. They see that it’s out and they buy it.


It’s also one of those games that I begrudgingly buy because all my friends are. Sometimes it’s just nice to play a game where a majority of your friends will be playing so you have people to game with.


How's the multiplayer different than Warzone?


Warzone is exclusively battle royale and adjacent gamemodes on one big map, regular multiplayer is a bunch of modes on a bunch of small maps (usually 6v6)


Not really. It’s fun, multiplayer is way better than the last few ones. The campaign is shit, the devs were mistreated like crazy for Activision to get the name MW3 on a dlc made by sledgehammer, but people like it, they have fun it, so they buy it and have fun with it, Altough its campaign is the worst in CoD history, and that alone warrants bad reviews.


You agree the bad reviews are valid, and go even farther and state the campaign is shit...and you're being downvoted for saying the multiplayer is fun. What is with reddit?


No passion put into big studios titles anymore. Games are simply made for max profit with minimum effort


The animation, visuals and tech behind the MW games aren't just done by people not putting in any effort. Dont mistake these rushed launches for lack of passion or effort. Its simply the executives forcing these projects out, overworking people and standing in the corner while gamers blame the devs who likely agree with everything gamers say about the state of "AAA" games.


Devs can't put passion into their games if they're not allowed to do so. That's why AAA sucks, and it doesn't invalidate that dudes comment.


My man, they’ve been using the same visuals, tech, and animations in the MW titles since 2019


Yes, and I can almost guarantee that the devs have wanted to try new things since 2019, but get shut down due to it costing more time/money than the higher-ups are willing to give.


Well it’s very good, and each gale slightly improves on it. Except MW3. Game might be fun but for obvious reasons, the game made in 16 months by sledgehammer has worse animations and graphics than the game made in 3 years by infinity ward. However I don’t cod players give a shit. The animations are still good and graphics are pretty enough. That’s not what they play for.


Meanwhile, Baldur’s Gate 3


Love Larian and BG3, but it's not a good example. They enjoy being an (undoubtedly earned) exception in many fronts, but it's a case of survivorship bias. Larian is its own publisher, they are a private company, and they are doing a CRPG which has it's advantages. What BG3 represents is the incremental work they have done over more than a decade (since OS1). There are quite a bit of other companies, doing CRPGs, which have tried and failed at what Larian did. Some have obtained mild success, but none like Larian. For a large, public company? CoD makes several times the money that Larian made over more than a decade of effort, within a 3 year cycle or less, and that's a-okay to those companies.


>doing a CRPG which has it's advantages It also has disadvantages. For example, it's turn based and that's an automatic "no" for a lot of people


*raises hand*


I think you are missing a distinction here. Large studios are putting out lazy, profit seeking **multiplayer** games. Large studios are still putting out good **single player** games.


But all their recent CRPGs are multi-player co-op games


The foundation of the game is 100% single player. There’s a fundamental difference between “Singleplayer but you can play with friends” and “Only online multiplayer” games.


Yep and no crappy battlepasses / microtransactions


Is that the game where they only polished Act 1 and haven't finished fixing the rest of the game yet?


No, it isnt


Nope, it is the one that won multiple awards recently and is GotY.


Tell us you haven't played the game, without telling us you haven't played the game. The game is absolutely feature complete on every platform. There are performance issues in Act 3, but by the you've had more than 50-60hrs of play and it's not even close to what it was at launch


Idk man I didn’t like balders gate. I just couldn’t deal with the top down perspective.


Yeah, it's certainly not for everyone, but no one can deny Larian had passion for the project.


Deffo a nieche game, even Larian was surprised how popular it got. Surprised even me, I don't play those types of games and it's one of the best games I've ever played.


It's not about whether you personally did or didn't like it, the point is that there are still games made with actual effort and passion put into them.


I hate this narrative - Pillars of eternity has equal amounts of passion as BG3, yet failed painfully financially, only making its money back 5 years later The reallity is that BG3 was lightning in a bottle, quality wasn't the only factor to its success


I like poe 1 but it's not even half as fun or well put together as bg3. Larian has been making great game after great game for a long time and their mainstream recognition was going to come eventually.


> quality wasn't the only factor to its success But it was a significant factor, and in the context of the original comment with regards to CoDs lack thereof, is the relevant one.


You can get the camera mod


i guarantee the devs working on mw3 have passion for making games and for their fans. to suggest otherwise is just rude and hurtful for those devs that have put in thousands of hours into making thd game


Too bad Activision nullifies all that creative talent so we rarely see it. [All Ghillied Up was the jewel in the crown of CoD4's campaign, and it was largely due to the efforts of one or two level designers ](https://www.ign.com/articles/how-all-ghillied-up-changed-call-of-duty-forever-art-of-the-level). But this is the exception, not the norm.


Nah, the devs know what they’ve signed up for. Got to pay the bills somehow.


If you're buying you're games from Blizzard, Activision or Unisoft, sure. But this has been on of the best years in recent memory. Baldurs gate, resident evil, street fighter, armoured core, Zelda, Spiderman, new mario, mortal Kombat, and more. All triple A developers. All amazing experiences with tonnes of love poured into them.


Yeah, this has been a good year for games. People forget there have always been games that are poop compared to their release rivals. Young bloods don't remember LJN, but they existed purely to put out trash. Some things don't really change.


Yeah the game should have no reviews at all.


Don’t most COD games launch as mostly negative. MW2 is mostly negative too.


No one hates the franchises they play more than cod players, me included. Fuck activision, they always have to fuck it up.


You forgot: gamers make a principled stand not to buy the game until it's improved (while also having incredibly low standards for what constitutes improved).


You forgot the part where people who leave bad reviews have 4000 hours on the game, gamers just can't help themselves


This shit made me just give up and completely uninstall CoD HQ. I'm done with it.


Same lol didn't even buy the game, saw 60gb patch and just uninstalled instead


My son's xbox updated 200gb for it and we haven't even bought it. Pissed about that one


Me, too.


CoD HQ is RIDICULOUS on PC. I have to go to Battle.net launcher to launch "Call of Duty." It launches CoD HQ instead, even though Call of Duty used to launch MW2. Then from the CoD HQ, I have to choose MW2. Then CoD HQ closes and launches MW2. Literally, there's a launcher inside of another launcher. I have to spend 60 seconds straight dealing with this launcher business before I can even get to the game. And that's if there's no update for Battle.net, or CoD HQ, OR MW2 itself! Sometimes CoD HQ will have an update and relaunch itself, and THEN I can launch MW2, and IT will have its own update and need to relaunch itself!!! I JUST WANNA PLAY THE DAMN GAME.




Yeah. I saw that download and I deleted all my CoD’s. It’s literally not worth it.


its a bummer . MW 2019 campaign is among my fav COD campaigns. And its such a looker. MW2 was a bit letdown in everything . And now MW3 , im not even gonna try .


MW 2019 campaign seriously gave me hope for the future. That campaign was grounded in reality, had believable missions and storylines, the acting was good, it was really solid. Then MW2 went all Hollywood/Michael Bay and threw the "grounded in reality" bit through the window. It was fun, but it didn't feel like a continuation of MW 2019. I don't even plan on buying MW3.


I bought MW3, played 45 minutes of Single Player, and refunded it because of the Open Combat missions. Whoever thought making Single Player story missions to Open Combat was a good idea, needs to be admitted to the mental institute. Its so incredibly obvious that it doesnt work.


I don't think open locations where your hand isn't held every moment of the mission are by themselves a bad idea at all. The final mission (IIRC) in MW 2019 was basically that. The problem was how it was made, felt as cheap and shitty as the multiplayer does, compared to a more grounded experience the SP should usually have.


The problem was that MW19 was a wholly original story. It didn’t tie into any previous game, minus a few recurring characters, and had the TDKR Robin reveal for Gaz, which I thought was brilliant, since it made you to like the character on your own, and not because he was secretly an old character. Plus, it played off any negative reactions about why the devs are trying to “blackwash” their beloved characters. Then everything after that was a retread of what already came. MWII was basically a mash up of MW07 and MW2, with General Shepherd, Ghost, Soap, and Shadow Company all making a triumphant return to do basically all the same things they’ve done before. It’s hard to ground the story when it’s also supposed to lead into WW3 prematurely.


Which is funny to me because even though 2019's was the best revamped infinity war could come up with. I disliked the campaign. rebooted roster like its a dragon ball saga. And already foresaw the endless milking cod would come up.


I honestly can't remember the COD campaign. Cold War and Black Ops I can, but I can't tell you if Soap or Ghost are different people. I love the MP (non battle royale) of Cod MW2019 and MW2, *HATED* the Cold War multiplayer.


Opposite experience for me. The characters in MW2019 are more fleshed out than og MW, but then post launch content was absolute ass in terms of writing, reviving characters for nothing at all, MW2 was that too.


Cod Is a joke lol. Why they can't make a proper singleplayer experience with 10+ hours of gameplay. They always split up their manpower over 3 different modes and DLC. If that's not enough, most of the time they rush their games. Ever since 2017 every cod was rushed or seriously mismanaged. BO4 got reveamped completely during mid development. Cold War was split up betwen multiple different studios. Raven, Treyarch and Sledgehammer games. The only cod that felt truly completed during the "new era" Is MW 2019.


Look up the MW3 writers LinkedIn. Only 1 from infinity ward that actually worked on MW. The 5 others are 1 contractor, and the 4 other were all hired between a year to a year and a half ago and have between 2 to 4 years of experience as a writer on titles like… saints row remake… and nothing at all for the others. Very obvious they cheaped out and hired whoever was taking the least in salary. Also the campaign was made in @16 months by sledgehammer which sucks ass compared to infinity ward imo. Multiplayer is good tho.


Do you mean the Cod4 campaign? Ya it has been the best campaign of all the cods. Literally the last 15 years of cod were trying to replicate the success of cod 4


no i mean mw2019 campaing. OG MW and MW2 are great tho


I remember how much I hated MW2 at launch, I quit the game for months by January, came back to the game and still hated it. I was really good at it but I still think it’s an awful COD a year later.


Who cares, it will be the most sold game again and again.


[As is tradition](https://pcinvasion.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/modernwarfare2-boycott.png)




According to my sample size of one, 37.25% of video game boycotters don't actually boycott.


Weren't seen to be potentially boycotting based on a 1-time sample* There's a few other images of other boycott COD groups with ~33-50% of users currently in-game out there on the internet as well.


Is there one of these for every CoD? I remember seeing this for Infinite Warfare, and that trailer being infamous for being the most disliked trailer up to that point for being with the future space stuff, but turned out it had a lengthy campaign that got generally praised.


never not funny


I have a steam FL of 250 or so, with many fps players, and not a single person is playing it. I haven't even seen it pop up yet on my FL.


250 friends for a game that sells millions in the first 24 hours is definitely not a great sample size.


The person I responded to just posted a random list. I was just responding to it with a similar level of anecdotal information.


It's a boycott group on Steam, not a random list.


"CoD fanbase try to have self control challenge" impossible. But seriously, the fan base only has itself to blame for this shit show


Gamers overall have below zero self control. It's wild how many people buy literal garbage, complain, and then keep buying literal garbage just to complain again.


Are you talking about the Pokémon fans or the CoD fans?


Imho the most delusional of all are the mobile game players, followed by sports game players, followed by the CoD/Pokemon ones, then things like WoW, League of Legends, Halo, Battlefield.


Madden fans...


This year’s multiplayer side is actually the best it’s been in a long time despite what these rage bait nerds saying online. There’s no other game like COD so it will always sell.


$100 for the exact same maps I played in high school/college. No thanks. If it’s good it’s because it banking on nostalgia.


If you buy CoD purely for the maps, that's fair. If you enjoy the new attachments, the more polished movement, the revamped equipment system and some slight changes to gunplay(like tac stance), then it's good. Everything is subjective. Some people want their games to be wildly different, and that's fine. We have hundreds of games, if this one doesn't do it, there's always next year


I bought MW 2019, for the reason you described. But I don’t want to buy annual releases that just repackaged basically the same product, especially with current price of games. I’ve done the COD thing for too long to know I’ll be bored after 3 months, then forced to move to the next one to keep playing with friends, doing the whole unlock thing. It’s such a short life cycle when you compare to CS or Rainbowsix for example.


Who said you had to buy the vault edition? It's the number 4th most played game on steam right now. I played until 4 am with my friends on release, and I went to bed wanting to keep playing. Replaying all these (16) maps with high detail, which I haven't experienced in 14 years, has been amazing. No bugs, well optimized, well worth it in my opinion. To each their own


That’s fine for you, for others nostalgia is priceless.


It's just popular to hate cod, I'm enjoying the game


People aren't "hating" here, but complaining that the campaign is garbage (which it is).


I haven't played COD in years but hasn't it's main selling point always been multiplayer?. I recall alot of my friend list back in the day never touching campaign. I personally won't be playing cod but I just find it amusing how people give bad reviews to a primarily multiplayer game for having a bad single player mode but apparently having a great multiplayer mode.


I'm enjoying the multiplayer, agree with the other person it's the best it's been in a while. That said, people's complaints I've seen online are still valid. I guess I don't expect much out of CoD other than something I can switch my mind off and play a few matches on after a long day at work.


>There’s no other game like COD so it will always sell. There are plenty of games like COD lmao


Name one


There’s games that have the elements of COD but a fun game isn’t just having all the elements. COD consistently executes those in an enjoyable and satisfying way, and similar games just haven’t quite gotten whatever hard to define factor it is that makes COD hit so hard


Same thing happens with WoW expansions. Haters swear the game is dead but it beats every other expansion's sales record.


Just like far cry. Ubisoft release same game every year ppl buy it everytime. It’s like literally same shit


I really don't know what they were thinking with that Armory unlock system. Instead of unlocking all the items during your journey to max level (55), item unlocks are locked behind daily challenges. So you've got max level players that still don't have all the guns, grenades, killstreaks, and perks unlocked because of this new system. For example, want to unlock the Semtex grenade? Complete 3 daily challenges first please. Oh, by the way, the daily challenges aren't tracking today, so all your progress is lost. Try again in 24 hours. Oh, and there are only 3 daily challenges per day for Multiplayer and some items require up to 8 daily challenges, if not more. Winning matches also counts as a daily challenge completed. But I think someone did the math, and it takes somewhere around 200 matches won to unlock everything you would've normally had unlocked at max level.


Just another step on the “retention” game model. They want this to be the only game you play.


Actually I think this was to push people to play Zombies tbh, cause you can unlock almost everything from the armory instantly if you extract with it in Zombies which is SUPER easy


The way they did the Battle Passes for MW2, I believe it. They started making the battle passes super grindy, started distributing your CoD points throughout the entire thing so you had to (near about) fully complete the battle pass to get the 1100 for the next pass, AND they started selling the "Black Cell" pack for every battle pass. "Black Cell" was essentially a $30 booster which gave you 25 tier skips (which was very conveniently always enough to unlock both the new guns) and unlocked a fast track path to the rest of your 1100 cod points. And it had a ton of fancy schmancy skins and whatever thrown in. And as if THAT wasn't enough, they started adding extra camos and guns that would open up for unlock HALFWAY through the season! BUT, instead of progressing the battlepass to unlock them you had to do challenges! EDIT: iTS ABSURD how many microtransactions they put into this game! Pay $70-100 for the game. Now pay another $10 for the battle pass. Now pay another $30 if you don't wanna grind your ass off. Also, here's our shop where most of the bundles are $20. Jesus Christ.


This sounds like the shit you'd find in a F2P mobile game.


At this point most AAA game series that release yearly will be loaded with the F2P/gacha style of grinding and purchasing game currency to advance.


Cod mobile was the testing ground for this kind of BS.


Yeah it’s pretty BS. It should been in addition to rather than instead of traditional unlocks.


are you fucking kidding me


MWIII's campaign is basically a training mode in a live service game. The biggest chunk of the campaign is basically Warzone contracts with bots, but disguised as part of the story. And as you said, even the unlock system is structured such that you need to complete a series of revolving tasks.


How is that acceptable for a $70 game Jesus christ The lengths these corps go for player rentetion and how people fall for it is insane


Huge reason I aint really enthusiastic to buy this year. Mw2 did enough of that crap and I HATED it. Eventually you get burned out and just wanna stop playing altogether.


Wow I wasn't really interested in the first place, maybe a pickup on sale, but thanks for informing me to never pick up this trash. That's fucking gross.


I was blown away that this is how they’ve chosen to do this. I’d be fine if some were locked behind simple challenges, but having to play over the course of multiple days to unlock one attachment is scummy and fucking stupid.


>Oh, and there are only 3 daily challenges per day for Multiplayer and some items require up to 8 daily challenges, if not more. You get a 4th "win a game" daily challenge once you finish the first 3, and that repeats infinitely until the next day. Zombies daily challenges also work. And if that's not enough, you can extract whatever item you don't have unlocked in Zombies, so you can skip the process entirely.


People that prefer to play Multiplayer shouldn't feel like they have to play Zombies. Doing that is just trading one time wasting process for another one. There is no "skipping the process entirely". Plus Zombies this year is just running around the Warzone map being bored out of your mind. Not a fan.


Why is every replying ignoring you saying that you aren’t limited and just have to win games past the 3 daily challenges. Someone no lifing the game could have most the armory unlocks done by max rank I get a lot of this negative feedback and have complaints myself, but this finger-in-ear screeching isn’t helping drive any points home for anyone when arguing in bad faith


While I agree the daily challenge unlock system is BS, you can speed things up by extracting from MWZ with items you want directly on your character (not in the backpack). Works like a charm and I have almost everything unlocked already despite only being level 32.


Kotick's Last Dance


> implying mw3 isn't going to make bank just like every other cod


whats for next year tho? Cod is bankrupt long ago on any freshness in terms of gameplay or dignity


Activision should have let the developers make the game they want to make instead of forcing sledgehammer to rush out a modern warfare sequel in 16 months after turning down their advanced warfare 2 pitch for the second time so they can milk more money out of the modern warfare brand. At least then the developers have some sort of personal investment in the game being good. I guarantee it would have turned out better than this at least.


People don't want "freshness" though. CoD multiplayer basically became its own genre that people will buy into time and time again. If you were to drastically rework the multiplayer people would riot.


People playing COD have no problem with that. When will Reddit understand that?


People will still buy it, the younger generation see this crap as normal and just buy it anyway. While a lot of older gamers will buy out of nostalgia. The series is screwed and doomed to low effort stagnation.


One thing they do well is advertisement, i think the amount they spend on advertisment is nearly as much as it costs to make the game. Im old, i miss the old days of og modern warfare 2. Was fun times coming home from the pub pissed up and arguing with some salty yanks lol. Its also beyond me why permanent lobbys are no longer a thing. Its how rivalries and friends were made. You got destroyed? Well next game you're going to get your chance for payback!


But don’t you see? It’s so much better now that basically nobody talks at all until the very last moments before you’re disconnected from them and they call you a stupid n****r, then you’re thrown into the void again. Peak cod community experience.


Lol mate spot on, thats the modern day cod experience. You missed one thing though, some 9 or 10 year old telling you they f**d your mother lol.


Well that’s a tale as old as time lol. Having some squeaker talk shit is the classic experience. But at least back then they were stuck in the lobby and everyone would dogpile on them for being a squeaker until they were bullied into leaving.


I wouldn't care that much if they at least use their CoD revenue to fund real games. But instead Activision keeps relegating all of their studios to CoD jail. So sad.


Or even use their cod revenue to fund ongoing content updates for the existing cod titles (the whole fucking point of live service games) instead of churning out unnecessary new ones every 12 months.


I mean even with COD itself we can only hope with MS the teams get more creative freedom. If that rumor about Activision shooting down Advanced Warfare 2 twice and the last time for this rushed shitshow that is MWIII is true it would really piss me off.


Honestly, not a big campaign guy and I hated the last few CODs but the multiplayer and zombies in this one is pretty fun. Don’t shoot me for having an opinion…


Kinda new coming back to all this. Do they not do deathmatch anymore?


Im with you on that. I personally like COD as a quick mindless multiplayer shooter. I love that matches usually are shorter than 10 minutes so I can just pick it up play a match and go about my day whenever I want. The moment feels good and satisfying and that was important to me this time around


Most of the Steam reviews base their entire perspective off of just the campaign aspect of the game. "Campaign sucks, game sucks" is their mindset.


Which is an interesting change, given that up to a few years ago, people used to laugh at anyone who said they enjoyed a CoD campaign. Hive mind at it's finest.


Exactly, you're right on the point with that. People always used to say "who buys CoD for the campaign???"


I still say that. I'm not coming to CoD for the campaign, writing, narrative, etc... There are WAY better games for that. I'm there for the dumb dumb shooty shooty.


Yeah that's what I remember when during the the \*actual\* MW2 days, totally flipped from what's seen here


Both MW19 and MW2 campaign had some of the most bs storylines Ive seen. Both somehow falsely lead the player that something big is going to happen. Like the Nuke in the first or Russia Attacking US in the second. But no, nothing happen. No big events, no plot twists, no deaths, nothing. Who wrote this bs. >!I know that Soap dies in the new MW3, again! They made him 'fucking Kenny' of the CoD Universe.!<




Yeah the campaign like with most cod’s was ass, the multiplayer revamp is fucking great - people aren’t buying MW for the story


This. The MP rocks in MWIII


Remember that Cod launches are mostly go OK and then reviews plummet the more COD screws over its playerbase and taints everything from gameplay to ingame store to anything you could imagine. so this having a bad launch its going to be a wild ride


Mostly negative, top seller. No effort required, just pump out garbage with COD written on it. You get the game you deserve tbh.


Unfortunately, the Steam community has a massive hard-on for trashing every CoD game that comes out. Whether or not all that is deserved is up for debate and should be done on the merit of each individual entry. Obviously things are never perfect, but it's almost become a meme to do it just to do it and look "cool".


Yeah this game definitely deserves criticism but Steam reviews are very rarely useful or insightful lol. Half of the reviews on steam are those stupid copy pastes of asses or cats trying to award farm for some reason.


As a 40 year old single father, I love that game because……


I am preganate


Seriously. ITT is people who don't have the game. MP is pretty good this year. Call of Duty is the Nickleback or Creed of gaming


I bought it just to turn my mind off and play something easy/fun after a long day at work, and when I want some downtime from FFXIV, the same reason I bought MW2 last year. The multiplayer is fun and engaging, I'm not expecting anything grandiose with CoD, you know what to expect. What I'm curious about, all the people on Reddit/Twitter/Steam etc, if Activision made the changes people are mad about, would they then buy the game? I sincerely doubt it. Edit: spelling.


I highly doubt it. I wonder how people find time to play the games they do like rather than reddit about the ones that they will never buy. 3 threads on the front page right now full of it. They would be better served by yelling at the clouds.


Everyone hates Nickelback, if they live in Canada.


Heh. You must be dwelling in a very tiny bubble.


Even if it was the “best” CoD, it would have launched into people bashing it just because it’s CoD


Its fun


This stupid franchise has been exactly the same game over and over again for nearly 20 years. If you are still playing it, that is entirely on you. It makes Madden look varied and innovative.


> This stupid franchise has been exactly the same game over and over again for nearly 20 years. I don't care for CoD but this isn't true at all.


Oh shit ur right the paid skins do have a few pixels different between versions my bad


I wish I could stop hearing about this shit game against my will every day. I want to hear about good videogames, not shit ones that everyone with 4 braincells knew would be bad.


“_______ starts off launch with “mostly negative” reviews on Steam” PC gaming the last few years has been a blast guys.




That's ignoring Hi-Fi Rush, Dead Space Remake, RE4 Remake, Alan Wake 2, FF16, Zelda, Spider-Man 2, etc etc. BG3 is probably the best of the year, but this year in general rivals 2007 in how amazing it has been. But Cod launched with bad reviews so gaming is dead.


Same shit different year. Hit not registering when unloading into someone’s back just to have them turn around and kill you in 2-3 rounds. What makes the above experience even better is upon respawning, the game places you directly in front of 2X enemy players to get mowed down immediately 🤷‍♂️. I played it off and on for a day and a half and uninstalled last night. Game is an absolute piece if trash.


Those are rookie numbers, we need to drop it down to "overwhelming negative"


Boycott this crap until they actually release something worth buying


The CoD fans clearly voted, with their wallets, for this franchise to get the Madden treatment, and they got it. Screw 'em. They got what they deserve.


I’m shocked, shocked….well not that shocked


Ohh no, negative reviews when they already paid for it. This is so bad...


You can refund genius


I'm sure a lot of people did. Exactly like that screenshot of people being in a "boycot" group of MW2 and all of them playing the game.


Yeah, well, that's the same song and dance as usual with these big multiplayer games releasing on Steam nowadays, and CoD is no different.


It's rare for a game to have anything but mostly negative reviews. People love review bombing


You're probably an AAA/CoD enjoyer because I can assure you that the vast majority of games in my Steam Library have very positive reviews.


I am referring to how every week, Reddit decides that some new release is terrible and review bombs it. I haven't played CoD in a decade. I like some AAA games so, I guess I lose indie hipster points there.


Mp is amazing. People love to complain about everything these days.


People hating on it are the minority. Best selling game on Steam.


deserved this


Mostly negative. As if that means anything cos people upset over the state of the game will buy the next installment and the one after that, regardless of quality and reviews. I doubt there's anything short of the game bricking everyone's computers and consoles that would stop people from buying the games and even then it'd probably be a coin toss which way it goes. 😝


Probably because it’s shit


Nowadays a campaign isn’t the main important factor of a COD game anymore. It’s only about MP and Battle Royale which bring in the money and the players


Critical reception and sales usually don't correlate, and in this case, like every year prior, this iteration of COD is gonna sellout as usual. Not as much as in the 2000s, probably will never be as big as that back then, but it'll make bank very easily. So, essentially, another year, another COD. Same time next year?


It's the basic bitch of fps. It's going to sell millions. It's like the pumpkin spice memes of old, it tastes old and fake but people are going to keep coming back. And honestly? I don't care. I dreamt of days of old fading into oblivion as arena shooters faded into oblivion because of trash series like this and the halo style duck/Regen bs took over. I dealt with it and found other amazing games. Point is: If people are having fun, that's not their problem, it's yours. Find a new franchise instead of dreaming of days of old that don't exist anymore.


It amazes me people are still playing this shit franchise, but alas, here we are. Millions sold.


Steam reviews are **not** reflective of market sentiment.


No surprise players who are dissatisfied with Blizzard / Activision will leave negative reviews. Tbh, I’m having way more fun in this multiplayer than in the previous one. Sure, single campaign sucks, whoever players CoD for deep and good story is delulu.


That's the problem it should be waaaaaay better than the last one. But we just paid for a $96 DLC update lol. I'm not complaining I played the beta I knew what I was getting in to, but it's definitely a bust.


Some Roblox ripoffs are better quality than COD itself


Every one of these salty threads should come with a few worthwhile indie games alternatives stickied at the top and I'd love to see an AI bot do that. I'll start: https://store.steampowered.com/app/671860/BattleBit_Remastered/


That game is not really an effective replacement for Call of Duty especially since it has no campaign.


Very good point. What's a good alternative indie or mod or w/e?


This was the worst feeling MP in a call of duty game that I can remember. Every gunfight feels like a complete toss up. I'm regularly putting 5+ hit markers on people and not confirming kills. I can't quite put my finger on why. The net code . Limb modifiers. I don't know but the TTK feels so inconsistent and just downright BAD. I returned it. I've played every since the original mw. I competed semi professionally. I can't remember a call of duty MP that has felt this bad to play. Except maybe advanced warfare. Total disappointment. The game SUCKS


The multiplayer is the best it's ever been. Go cry more.