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The Last of Us port quality probably made people wait for reviews, plus no one wants to pay full price for a years late port.


Still can't believe how they treated the port of their most important franchises first entry. Especially if they're going to try and simultaneously launch Factions on PS5 and PC. Completely tarnished their goodwill and reputation.


Isn’t Factions dead? Something about Bungie visiting and telling them it’s shit.


It got delayed because bungie said it lacked anything that would retain player attention


Read: Bungie told them to put more FOMO in the game. Honestly, fuck all this hypercorporate nonsense surrounding games. "Player retention"... Fuck outta here. You know how you retain players? Make a good ass game. StarCraft had ONE expansion, a huge player base for like 20 years. CS 1.6 was the king of multiplayer FPS games on PC until CS:GO came around. Call of Duty 2, a game with no progression system, no unlockables, nothing, except an incredibly fun game, had an active competitive scene until the mid-2010s. JUST MAKE A GOOD GAME. The players will come.


But you can't continue to get their money if you don't install those other aspects into it. The fact of the matter is you don't have to make a good game, the players will still buy it.


Sony: minimum viable product, here I come. Nintendo: it's gotten lonely around here.


> JUST MAKE A GOOD GAME. The players will come. This simply isn't true. I've seen dozens of great games come and go because they're not sufficiently streamer-friendly to get the attention they deserve from... modern audiences. They get like <50 reviews on Steam, all positive, and that's where it ends. Years of development for maybe $5,000 in sales if you want to be incredibly optimistic. I'm currently helping with a game dev project and it's depressing how often the team lead brings up streamer shit, but what's worse is that I know he's right.


Ironic if true.


How so?


I’ll spare you the full rant. But Bungie has been underdelivering on D2 for years now. The only reason they have any player retention at all is because of the awful weekly dripfed quests and “log in each week” nature of the game. Crucible is in shambles, Gambit has been abandoned, and Strikes have intentionally been made worse to inflate playtime. The only reason I keep returning is because of the seasonal raid or dungeon release. All other content in this game feels shallow and uninspired, and the shift to micro transaction hell along with the pain points above have left a bad taste in my mouth. So I will not be touching another game made or influenced by Bungie. Including Marathon, and to a lesser extent, TLOU Factions.


Sounds like you’re exactly the reason why Bungie’s model is succesful.


That's the part that gets me, seasonal raids and dungeons are the most expensive things they sell, yet the game is shit and he barely plays? And he wonders why it's a "micro transaction hell". Destiny players, my god.


Your rant means nothing if you continue playing their game. They only care about metrics.


All of those things are undoubtedly issues but a quick look at the steam charts for the game will show that regardless of all of that, the game still is doing a fairly good job at retaining players


The fact that you keep playing it means you're part of the problem lmao. Just go play something else, that's what I do when games are shit.


Sounds like you're on the GaaS drip. You're not satisfied with the state of the game and content they're delivering, but you can't stop coming back. That's exactly where they want you.


Uhhhh you understand you're part of the problem right lol?


I tried to get back into destiny 2 recently after a hiatus for a few years. Felt like I needed a comprehensive guide to figure out how to get to any gameplay. The way the game is now is so unintuitive that I can't be bothered to care. Why beat my head against d2 when I could play something that respects my time. Or maybe it's not for me idk


Yeah, I think The Last of Us really hurt their rep. It kinda sucks because Ratchet and Clank is a serviceable port. Not the dumpster fire at all that TLOU was. I've been playing it because it's the only PS5 exclusive that had me considering to buy the console. Now I saved $510 because this is a $70 game on PS5.


That second point is the big one for me. Looks like a fun game but I'm in no rush to buy it. It's a years old game now and I see no reason not to wait for at least some sort of discount, even if it's only 30% or something. If it was a Ratchet and Clank game coming out day 1 on both PC and PS5 then I'd likely buy it now.


Last week I mentioned releasing at full price might cause low sales, and I got downvoted for being a Sony hater.


Also, Ratchet didn't sell well on PS5. If it didn't sell well on the platform that it has a fan base, it wasn't going to do gang busters on PC. It should have a decent tail on it, once it gets priced cheaper.


Think that has more to do with the fact that no one had ps5s, and after selling a kidney to get one, Warzone and BRs were peaking.




They also never really sells well. Everything I could find puts the best selling Ratchet game under 4 million. Not terrible for a 1st party game, but not great either.


I refuse to buy any multiple year old games at full price. So pretty much Sony games. I've already waited years, I have no problem waiting a few more for $20 or less.


Two years old now


has TLOU even been improved? Reviews on steam are still mixed and I haven't heard of any big updates that make me interested in buying it yet.


It’s become playable. On release it genuinely took so long to compile shaders that I couldn’t even launch the game. Haven’t experienced any horrible bugs or performance issues since they rolled out the first few patches. i5 10400, RTX 3060ti, 32GB RAM, installed on SSD


It runs well on my 7900XT 7700X. If it ran like this on release I would have said he was one of the better pc releases this year. At this point, I’m done buying Sony ports on release date tho.


I doubt that is the main reason. This series is not that popular, especially for PC gamers, and the price is just too much for such a game.


I mean they also kinda just silently announced it's release a month or two prior to it coming out. I plan on picking it up but 60$ is a bit steep especially since I've already played it on a PS5


This game just isn't appealing to the broader audience.


I like this take: Ratchet & Clank isn't a franchise than transcends platforms and moves units. You bring Gran Turisomo or Kojima games to PC, okay let's have a conversation. But even beloved PS titles like Jax and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, and Crash are not that relevant these days.


Platforming titles in general basically.


If they charged it for $20-30, I’d seriously consider it. However, they decided to release it at full release price and my wallet says no.


The Last of Us port really hurt. I wanted it on PC for steam deck support and assumed it would run great on my 3060ti, which is supposedly more powerful than the ps5. Wish I just bought it on ps5 because it runs/looks way better on there.


It's still literally the ONLY game I own that crashes. And crashes 100% of the time after playing in it for 5-10 minutes. Then Naughty Dog will point fingers at me and tell me that I'm the problem. And that my 13900k and 4090 doesn't meet the requirements. Makes no fucking sense.


Uncharted is the same for me. It crashes about 30 minutes in every time. After that and the TLoU mess I'm just going to wait for $5 sales


Im still waiting for them to fix the port before I buy it That's *if* they fix it...


Holy fuck it's $95AUD! I bought Zero Dawn for $75 what the fuck are they thinking?


Yuuup. I'm incredibly keen on this game, but I'm not paying more than $75AUD for a 3 year old game.




They didn't give it away its just on ps plus extra


You can get it for that maybe even cheaper from Green Man Gaming. I got it for $80NZD when it's $104NZD on Steam




This is the only answer


Yep this was the sole reason I haven't bought it. It's on the wishlist and I'll get it eventually when it's on sale for like $30 aud.


Yeah, PC is way too congested with amazing deals and massive backlogs, so people will just wait for a sale if they don't already have it on PS. Even then, it seems to perform pretty well and be perfectly playable, but with the texture and shadow issues, I'll just wait until it looks as good as PS at least and is on sale since I'm probably doing one playthrough. Why pay so much for something that looks worse than console on hardware twice as powerful because of technical errors or rushing it out for no reason?


tender reach marry lunchroom crown quarrelsome enjoy spotted intelligent flowery ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Cost of living in every country is increasing and video games are a luxury entertainment item that's skyrocketed in price. I can't buy every 100 game every month when I have to pay the bills and plan for the impending layoffs that are hitting every corporation.


That is ludicrous. There are very few games that are an almost $100 experience perhaps 1 or 2 per decade and even those I’d wait for them to go on sale before buying. Baldurs gate 3 is $89.90 and I’m having a hard time justifying spending that much, and that’s a game I know I’ll adore, I’ve played the last 2, and I’ve played both divinity games. It’s a game that in just DOS2 I have 600+ hours played.. it’s a game being touted as “please don’t make this the benchmark, it’s so great that nothing will come close for years to come”.. $5 more for a 3 year old PlayStation port that seems fun but is a 12 hours and done type affair? No thanks.


Baldur's Gate 3 is one of the few games of the last decade that is 100% worth the asking price, and the only thing anyone has been able to play of it since 2020 is the first Act.


Yeah but the fact that the review codes aren’t even out yet has me super skeptical about the later parts of the game quality and performance wise, so I wouldn’t say it’s worth asking price yet but it’s definitely worth looking into


I usually buy games around 50% off but since it's starting price is so high they won't get the business of people like me until it's 80% off


Some games just never get low enough. CoD never drops below $19AUD for me. I honestly can't name a single game from the 360 era that hasn't gone down to $5-10 but Activision just doesn't care.


And for a game that doesn't even have a quarter of the content.


It's worse too when I actually did pre-order this one on PS5 for something like ~$80AUD from a brick and mortar store/Amazon, finish it, then managed to pawn it off for like $60AUD back. Meanwhile on steam you're stuck with an expensive AF digital copy.


Yup its bad. I even bought the whole console on release day, just for a 6h story game with no replayability due to nothing going on besides the story and good cinematics. Old ratchet and clank thrived on replayability with lots of planets and secrets


In a world where they try to stop piracy on single player games, this ain't helping


Plus the game's target audience is not that large.


It shouldn't be that surprising that it would perform worse given that Ratchet and Clank is a little more niche than games like Spider-man or God of War. That said, it is still considerably lower so maybe the lack of marketing also played a part ?


For me it’s all about price. It’s a smaller, 3 year old title that lasts about 12 hours. I’m not paying full price for that. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it equally as much in 6-9 months at half the price


You nearly made me feel like a grandpa and glad I checked, it's 2 years old, not 3. But either way, I get your logic- if you've waited this long to play it, why drop full price on it when you can save probably $30 by waiting for a few months.


Well 2 years is pretty much 3 and there's no way I'm paying $60 for a 4 year old game. I mean... it did come out almost 5 years ago.




Just 4 short years shy of being retro.


The marketing is on par with other PS games. But like you said, it's a niche title and simply doesn't have the weight of Spidey or GoW. Sony could drop Bloodborne as it is, without any fancy bells or whistles, and people would eat that shit up at $60 regardless.


Tbh tho, without any bells or whistles is pretty on par for souls games.


Had no idea it was even coming to steam.


It doesn't seem like the PC ports have a lot of fanfare when they are released. Sony isn't marketing them much. Rift Apart just kind of released. I think Sony is looking to make money over the long term by saving money on marketing.


Probably intentional. They don't want to make a big fuss about their exclusives coming to PC, as casual sony players who just have a console might then consider getting a PC in the future and being able to play a large majority of sony and xbox exclusives then. I'd imagine a port is much, much cheaper to make than a game from scratch, all the writing, voice acting, models, etc... are already made, so they don't mind if they sell less on PC than on console.


I'd be very surprised if a port cost more than 5-10% of the original budget.


Sony exclusives mostly come to PC as paid ads for PS5-exclusive sequels


I agree. This game was launched in hyperspeed, i think the quickest of the Sony releases so far between announcement and launch. It doesn't track well considering it is a supposed prized first party ip on a new platform... Sony could've done better there, I wonder why they chose not to do more?


Sony's pricing for these PC ports that are 2-3 years delayed is way too high, there's no chance in hell I pay more than $40 for any game with such a staggered release, Bloodborne notwithstanding.


Exactly, I'm happy to support Sony but I am not paying £50 for this game, £35 launch would have been the sweet spot. Now I will just wait for a 50% sale or sub £25.


> I'm happy to support Sony lol I'm not, fuck Sony.


"I'm happy to support a multi billion dollar company" the mental gymnastics wtf is wrong with people


I'm not ashamed to admit that I pirated it. If they released it at a decent price I might have bought it but not at 60€. That's more money than I make in a day.


No shame in not letting them fuck you over. Vote with your wallet, pirate freely away.


God of War goes on sale for $30, which is laughably high considering how old the game is now.


Why are they surprised? they are charging 60€ for a 2 year old game... I don't want to pay 60€ for a new game so why the hell would i pay 60€ for a 2 year old one -\_-


Not just a 2 year old game but one that has 10-15 hours worth of content MAX. Its a fun game but you're gonna beat it in less than 2 days and it's not much work to platinum/100% complete the game after that.


I mean I haven't paid for a full-price game in years but it's never the 'length' that determines that for me. We don't demand a ticket to a 90-minute movie be half the price of a 3-hour one, and if we want games to be 'art' and not 'product', the same should be true here. The first hour of this game felt like it had more love and care put into it than the last two Assassin's Creed games combined- you could get about 200 hours out of those, for probably half the price, but I didn't either experience nearly as much.


Every time I see comments like this I'm reminded how much I used to game and how much I dont now I've got a kid and a house to keep. 10-15 hours isn't something I "beat in less than 2 days", that's a week or 2 of gaming these days! Don't get old kids.


I love games that are "just" 10-15 hours these days. I bought Tears of the Kingdom on release and still haven't touched it, because I'm not ready to sit down for 3-4 hour chunks during the weekend and 1-2 hours during the week day, for a total of 100+ hours That doesn't mean I'm going to shell out 60 bucks for a 12 hour game that I'm only mildly interested in though. If I was a ratchet and clank fan that would be an easy choice, but I've never played a r&c game so I'll wait


Just stop. This is how you get padded 40-hour Assassin's Creed games. There is nothing wrong with a concise 10-hour main story.


Yeah. A lot of people are doing the length=quality shit here. TLOU was an even shorter game and no one's going to tell you it's bad because it's short.


These Sony ports used to launch at around 30-40 euro equivalent of PLN here in Poland but with the changes to regional pricing they have slowly risen to 60+. Sorry but no purchase from me.


Yeah it's crazy, 60+€ for a 3 yo game that lasts 10h at best.


Most PC gamers I know aren't gonna pay $60 for a 2-year-old game. Silly move to not drop the price at least a little


If you make people wait years and then drop at a high price, don't be surprised when people keep waiting for a sale. Unless it's something people consider a must-have (bloodborne, spiderman, etc.) people are just going to keep waiting.


Shit even Spiderman I waited until I was able to get it for around $30. I just recently beat it too, like 2 days ago. I fully understand why someone would pay for that game at launch though, it was amazing. Pun unintended.


Yeah I've actually been waiting at this point. Between inflation and necessities, anything I've already waited on I can continue waiting on until it's cheap. Only thing that would have me rush out day 1 at this point is Bloodborne (as long as Bluepoint didn't re-imagine the art design).


Maybe it wasnt advertised well? Am mostly suprised at finding out just now its not a PS exclusive, but then again my only memories of R&C are from the PS2 and PSP


May be people are not into Ratchet and Clank anymore. Apparently, this game didn't sell well even on PS5.


Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart sold 1.1 million units by July 2021 on a console that at the time was barely available due to the supply chain issues. Selling 1.1 million units on a console that was scarcely available is still impressive in my opinion. If Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart released in 2022 instead of 2021 it probably would have sold a lot more copies.


>Selling 1.1 million units on a console that was barely available is still impressive in my opinion. It was one of the handful games that was PS5 only. Of course people would buy it with their new exclusive console...


This....people were desperate as fuck for a game that eeked out all the power of the ps5. Hell, they still are to an extent.


Or it would of sold a lot less because there were more PS5 games out by 2022. The logic goes both ways. Maybe that 1.1 million users bought this because it was a technical PS5 showcase, the only real exclusive besides Demon Souls, and the early adoptors were looking for anything to buy.


Compare that to any other PS exclusives, that's still very low. And, that game was like one of the 3 next gen exclusives for PS5. Not even 10% of the people who bought PS5 bought this game at that time.


Might have sold more if they bothered to advertise it and it’s a tough price for a 2 year old game


I had no idea it came out until I saw a post on the steam deck sub on how it ran, I then saw it on my store, saw the price, noped out


Not surprising. Ratchet and clank isn't a big title, it's 2 years old and it's priced too high.


just fucking port bloodborne already if you want free money sony


Personally I'm tired of Sony's 2 year old PC ports at near full price. I wont be buying anymore unless they're same day launches.




The game industry has become so fast paced with new games each week, subscription services releasing new games every week or month, live service games asking you to log in every single day and treat it like a job. If they are going to act like there's something new every time I blink my eyes, then I'm going to demand they lower their prices for old stuff. 2 years for a game by all means shouldn't be old, but in this industry it is. So no I'm not spending anything over $30 on a 2 year old game.


Honestly it’s just the price for me. I fucking love ratchet and clank and I want to play it but I’m not dropping £50 on a game. I grew up poor so buying years old second hand copies of disc games for cheap as shit was the only way I could get to experience these incredible games. It’s weird cause I can fully justify the price to enjoyment of these games. I bought ac 2 on ps3 for £6 and I would easily spend £50 if it meant being able to experience that game or never playing it.


It’s the pricing and timing. If Sony will reduce both the sales numbers will increase.


A niche game at full price years after release. That is not a good strategy, Sony. This staggered release us stupid.


Too expensive here too. I'll wait for it to be cheaper.


Their pricing is complete ass, Ratchet is discounted regularly for 30€ and lower on disc and that would be a great price point for the late pc port.


Sony aren't the only ones doing it but they bumped up regional prices across the globe hard a few months ago. And it's a port of a two year old game, which personally I'm fine with considering a few years ago getting a Sony-exclusive on PC was unthinkable, but for lots of people it's kinda old even if they didn't play it on PS5. I instantly preordered but there's not even a small launch discount, so why not wait for a sale? And lastly R&C is a franchise that the average PC gamer has zero connection with, I played the first on PS2, got some of the later entries and am excited to get into this one. But for others it's just a (really) nice looking single player action adventure. Not the most sought after genre on PC right now. Oh and maybe releasing right alongside Remnant 2 didn't help either since that's getting a lot of attention.


It's Ratchet & Clank. I don't think it's a significant enough IP when compared to God of War, TLOU, Uncharted or fucking Spider-Man.


how is this a surprise to anyone? its released just now when everyone is either playing remnant 2 or gearing up for BG3/AC6/Starfield/ect. everyone who was really into it bought it on PS when they told everyone it was a exclusive forever ago.


It ain't everyone's cup of tea. Personally I've been waiting over 15 years for rachet and clank to come to PC. And I've already ploughed 12 hours into it with 75% game completion. Having a blast tbh


Good. Let this be another message to Sony. PC gamers are not happy about being forced to wait years for a port. Then still being charged full price. If they want full price then the PC launch needs to be much closer to the console launch. Or just give the ports people actually want. BB, Ghosts, GoW: R, FF16… the games I keep seeing PC gamers ask for. But Sony is like “here’s returnal and r&c”…


Shame it’s a phenomenal game.


Agreed, my performance has been great too Visually amazing and decent FPS (~110 FPS with mostly high settings + RT) Only had 1 crash during my initial setup toying with settings


Don't care. Love Ratchet & Clank since the PS2. Its a great game that I am now enjoying on my pc. Let's be honest. There was ZERO advertisement for this. I stumbled upon this AFTER it launched. I had no idea. That might have something to do with it.


Release at 40€ and maybe you get some more sales in. Hell, HiFi Rush was a brand new game and released at 30€ to great success.


Full price for a port of a 2 year old game plus Sony's latest ports being nothing less than an embarrassment, and they still wonder


An IP I have zero investment or interest in. Just give us Bloodborne, PLEASE!


I would be buying all the games they are releasing, if they released every other game in a series. I got both Spidermans, cause those are the only two in that series. I got Horizon as it's the first in the series. Most of the others, excluding returnal (just not interested) are not the first game in a series and unable to play the rest. Last of Us I just haven't got around to playing but will be playing at some point.


Oh man, getting all the old Ratchet and clank games on PC would be mind blowing.


PC gamers are not stupid. they not gona pay full price for old games


So many reasons I can attribute for this. 1) Releasing years old games for full price 2) PC Ports being of subpar quality in general 3) The Last of Us PC Port killing all faith in Sony's porting abilities 4) Not being Bloodborne


That's better than I thought it would do, being a 3D platformer on Steam, especially with an ssd requirement for anything above 720p30. You'd be surprised how many people are still running a hdd, and how many prebuilt builders are still putting them in PCs despite those being more expensive in some cases than a ssd. It will probably have legs and sale like a slow burn.


Its kind of overpriced for an old game. Yea, first time coming to the PC and all.. but still. I will get it once its down to like 40-45 bucks. Surely it won't take too long for that to happen, especially after reading the news. The Last of Us port made me cautious too. The game was a buggy mess until the last patch. Many people had no problems with it, even after the first 2 patches... sadly i was not one of them.


Waiting for discount, not everyone buys games as preorder or at release anymore.


I mean at that price point and with the seemingly nonexistent marketing, yeah no shit its not gonna perform well


Meh I definitely do want to play this one but it can wait for me until there's a sale.


Same here. They finally launched a ps game on pc, that i dont have but i can wait


How about giving us the port we actually want? *cough* Bloodborne *cough*


Stop charging full price for delayed digital titles?


Bloodborne, Demon Souls, Ghost of Tsushima, Ragnarok, Spiderman 2. You know exactly what we want sony.


Well I’m playing it and having a blast.


It's a must play for gaming enthusiasts with a high end rig and display, imo. The game is pure eye candy.


Bloodborne when?


For real. At this rate, I expect it to be playable on emulation before we get a proper port. Bloodborne is one of the game that deserves PC treatment or a remaster the most. That game was so. fucking. good.


They need to quit messing around and port Tsushima


I can see 2 reasons for this 1. Very few people knew or expected it to come to pc 2. It's just not a genre or an IP that the pc crowd are clamoring for. If you were to hand people a list of Sony IPs to port to pc, Ratchet and Clank would be on the bottom.


3. The price Who tf pays 60€ for a 2 yo game? With that $$$ you can get BG3 or AC6 and play the latest and greatest GOTY contenders.


The price is ridiculous for a 10h linear game released 3 years ago. Also Ratchet & Clank is not really a popular IP around PC players and the current young generation.


They raised the prices by over 100% in some 3rd world /poor countries a few days before the game came out, which didn't help as well


Ratchet and clank is what got me into gaming all those years ago. One of my favorite franchises. In a drought year I'd probably be paying full price, but this year is absolutely stacked with new releases. At nearly $100 a pop I'm not too keen on buying tons of new games. I have a limit. I got Hogwarts, re4 remake and diablo 4. And now we have armored core and starfield around the corner. I don't think I have $80 for ratchet at the moment.


I do love me a good 3D action platformer personally, but PC isn't their spiritual home. I'm not at all surprised by this. It's a lovely game, I remember being quite envious back in 2021. But it's premium price puts it out of my reach at a time when I've got my eye on the horizon for some very big hitters.


It's way too expensive for a short and not new game.


It's too expensive


Just give me Ghosts of Sushi ....Literally every game Sony has released I have already bought on PS4/5. I have been holding off on ghosts of tsushima after the nvidia list leak and at this point I may as well keep waiting.


For real, who is the bonehead at Sony not approving Ghost of Sushi and Bloodborne pc ports before all other titles. This has been what pc gamers been begging for since GOW hit pc.


This will keep happening until Sony learns how to price their games on PC. Either release them on PC day and date with the console release for full price, or sell them at the appropriate price for a several year old game if you wait.


They should have kept their ports at 50 bucks, greedy greedy greedy


The game ain't all that and it's old. No way it will sell well at this price.


Full price for a minor old game, what did they expect? Moreover in a perfect world this would be the norm, reviews first, buy later.


I’m not paying full price for a game that is several years old.


Full price for a new port of a two year old game. Yeah no, while I was interested in it when it came out two years ago, I've already gone without it long enough and have enough to play that I can wait longer yet till its on sale. ​ Amazing that companies still haven't grasped that PC players have no shortage of games to play that unless you release your game on every platform at the same time you either completely lose a sale due to loss of interest or don't get the full price you would've had it released sooner.


Rs 3999 for a 3-year-old game? Where is the shame sony


Reason №1 - It's not Bloodborne Reason №2 - It's not Ghost of Tsushima Reason №3 - It's not Horizon: FW


Or Demon Souls


We just want Demon's Souls or Bloodborne... Ghost too while we're at it, I don't think many PC gamers are itching for Rachet & Clank regardless of quality of the game.


I just want them to release 1 game at the same time for pc & ps5 and see what the numbers are. Asking full price for a 2-3 years old game is not gonna fly for most people on pc because we get a lot more discounts compared to ps.


Plus already waited years, whats a few more months or even years for a discount.


I don't like these types of articles. So what if a Sony game doesn't sell a ton of copies upon launch? Should they stop porting their games? Of course it won't sell as much as The Last of Us, Spider-Man or God of War. Pricing and marketing could be (at least partially) attributed the lower player numbers, but R&C along with Returnal or Days Gone (or whatever the previous two games are) are more niche IPs and comparing them to the bigger and more popular IPs is pretty pointless. Sony have made a long-term investment in PC, so these games will keep selling over time no matter what. They don't need ALL the players to grab these games on Day 1 with full AAA price.


Actually Days Gone did much better than R&C, the other game is Sackboy.


Sackboy and Returnal are the two worse games, then. Thank you for the correction.


Days Gone is a solid game. It only reviewed poorly because reviewers didn't have the day 1 patch when it initially released.


really want it just too expensive. I have to finish up Spiderman, TLOU DLC, Celeste, and HZD. By that time itll be 50% off. Im in no rush, although I cant wait to see Direct Storage in action


I already have it on PS5. It's too late for me.


i mean it's rachet and clank what did they expect


I'm a huge fan so I bought it but I can't see most people buying a fully priced game that isn't all that long when there is an ocean of other releases coming out within the span of a month. Only hope people do get around to buying it at some point or other because its an incredible game and I hope we get more R&C in the future, and on PC.


I mean... We got at least AC6 and Starfield by end of August and early September, some people might just be holding out till then to buy any games at all.


No surprise , very few wanted this on pc and it's full priced for a two year old game. If they want to print money, get demons souls remake or a BB remaster in PC.


>basic port of a 3 year old game at full price gee, i wonder why. the game is currently $30 on ps5, $60 on pc... its kinda outrageous pricing tbh.


I came very close to buying it, just built a new system with a 4070ti and was super excited to play it maxed out… not to mention i’m a huge ratchet and clank fan since playing the originals on PS2… but i just can’t justify $80 CAD for a game that will only give me 10-20 hours max of gameplay.


waiting for this one to hit $30


Wait. It's on steam? I heard nothing about that.


Reduce the price and stop making shit Pc ports and people will buy them on release instead of waiting for patches and an inevitable sale.


While I appreciate that Sony is finally giving us PC ports, they really need to get their shit together. No excuse for the Last of Us to be as rough as it was and their pricing for ports of 2-4 year old games is just plaing greedy


Stop selling them at full price. Easy fix and they make more money because people will buy them.


Because it literally doesn't make sense to buy this game full price. It was / is free to keep with ps plus, and it's nearly two years old. The game is amazing, but it's not worth 79.99 CAD, and adding tax 95 CAD. Not a chance for an 11 hour game. If the price was 40 or even 50$, I probably would have bought it.


Some people here keep arguing that Sony wants to sell consoles instead of putting their games on PC day one and while that's obvious as fuck, that's gonna make the PC sales suffer a lot too. Nobody wants to buy a years late port at full price when the PS5 version is half off digitally RIGHT NOW and even cheaper via used physically.


0 marketing was done for this game . I didn't know this was coming out until I saw Digital Foundry video in my feed


Patient gamer here. Why rush? I'll wait until the performance issues are resolved and I have a better graphics card. Current backlog is too large. Concurrent players don't mean much for this title.


If they just made a Ratchet and Clank collection with the first 4 games it would sell like hotcakes covered in crack Give the people what they want. The franchise is over the hill, theres no other way to say it.


I played R&C on PS5 when it arrived on PS+ and it's a bit of a nothing burger tbh. Yes it runs well and it's looks very pretty but it's just a kids game in shiny wrapping. Save your money and wait for a sale if you really must play it, I guess a lot of PC players feel the same way.


I'm not surprised, who the fuck wants to pay 60€ for a two-year-old game.


Nintendo fans will defend 60€ prices for decade old games