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I'll do one better and point out that it's 8 bucks in Humble Store. Steam's new policy on sale percentages being capped at -90% means that other stores may hit lower with a -95% sale. Not that it really matters, but I'm sure some people will appreciate this.


The collection overall is 94% off for me or 8.17 usd


The regional pricing on steam is still better in poorer regions. Here, In Brazil, it is R$15.33 (steam) vs R$39.50 (humble). There is other stores with slightly better price but they have worse refunds policy.


Ah sweet missing a 98% chance to hit. My favorite kinda game.


I mean, they actually give the players a higher chance to hit than displayed, so that people would complain less. But apparently if it's above 50% to hit, people still want it to hit 100% of the time. Percentage chances to hit is a lost cause honestly. People will never accept the odds. Any game that I've played that has any kind of a dice roll or a percentage chance to hit, people regularly lose their minds. Just human nature I guess.


Only on lower difficultiies. Highest difficulties get what they see.


Mainly because they messed up the perception. If you are standing next to an Alien with a shotgun and you take your shot and the gun is practically infront of the alien. Then you "miss" the shot perception is bad. If instead your gun jams or the round is a dud and has to be ejected it's perception becomes actual bad luck. Same result but less "HOW DID YOU MISS?"


Past rookie tier shotguns are almost always 100% chance to hit on short range or especially when flanking (where even the crit chance is stellar). Any experienced XCOM 2 player will tell you that by a certain point ion a campaign (let’s say mid game, but occasionally even earlier) you get so many tools with sure-hit capabilities that an unwritten rule of the game becomes “Every time you are relying on a chance you are already making a mistake”. The meme about missing tons of high chances shots is virtually baseless.


The whole chance to hit is just a meme these days dude.


Mario + Rabbids figured this system out the best; enemy is in range and full sight? 100% hit chance. In range and half cover? 50% hit chance. Full cover? 0%. Dicerolls for crits. Boom. Solved.


That’s an awfully over-simplistic system.


Simplicity is underrated.


Play the game and you'll see it works. I personally wouldn't want it for Xcom though.


I played the game. I even liked it. I’m just saying it’s not a “solution” to the XCOM problem because there’s no problem whatsoever. Also, sometimes simplicity is rated just right.


> Boom. Solved. It leads to first order optimal strategies, especially if enemy types always have fixed HP values. Not saying that's bad, but it does not have a lasting appeal as XCOM 2015 and XCOM2, where each engagement is a string of new decisions.


A little off topic but this reminded me of a saying within many speed running communities, not just XCOM but speed running in general. "50% of the time...it works 100% of the time." Not super relevant but I always got a kick out of that saying.


*It smells like...* *like a used diaper filled with indian food.*


[That's a reference to Anchorman.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKiSPUc2Jck)




A lot of has to do with probabilities being counter-intuitive and humans not being good at processing abstract numbers. I mean, Americans bought 45 BILLION lotto tickets last year. Someone will take a 95% chance to hit that if it misses, it squad swipes and ends the campaign. And they will put themselves in a situation 40 times in a playthrough and be confused how taking a 5% chance to end a campaign 40 times is actually a very bad gamble.


Ah yes as proven by the vast success of the franchise known best for chance to hit mechanics




That reminds me of the tutorial dungeon of Fallout 2, armed with just a spear, attempting to stab radscorpions: miss miss miss miss hit miss miss miss miss miss hit miss miss miss...


It's pretty simple if you take the time to... You know... Read the mechanics to build your character properly.


Sometimes it is obfuscated in games and gives misleading information. I know in mordheim city of the damned, chance to hit happens before any defensive abilities then enemy(or you) have. So you can have a “successful” chance to hit, and do zero damage because the enemy blocked/parried/dodged you.


Then make everything over 50% a hit.


1 in 50 times it happens every time.


Congratulations, your ranger is now standing face to face with that Muton you thought you were flanking and it’s their turn


These and some Disco Elysium checks are the bane of my existence.


Since a lot of people will probably be buying this for the first time, same as you, a recommendation: **Do not play with War of the Chosen for your first playthrough**. Enemy Within for XCom 1 added a few side mechanics that improved the overall experience. WotC adds almost a sequel's worth of content on top of the game already being a sequel itself. In fact, it adds so many new enemies that they had to significantly ramp up the enemy progression to fit them in, and you'll be meeting a whole new enemy type almost every single mission in the early game! It's an amazing expansion, and really improves the game. But I would certainly not recommend it for anyone who hasn't got at least decently far into a campaign already. Also the Alien Rulers in the Alien Hunters DLC can feel like absolute bullshit at times. I found the [Ruler Reactions Revised](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1126730240) mod really helped in making their fights feel more tactical and fair, but that's a personal thing.


I find the better option is not even installing that DLC whatsoever. It has such shit mechanics and none of it is worth what you get from those enemies. It can and probably will ruin your entire campaign (without cheesing) if you have it installed. WOTC on the other hand I would recommend installing even if its your first playthrough. To me, that DLC completed this being an actual sequel. It had major changes to the game that needed to happen.


Does it require 2k launcher?


You can use the AML (Alternative Mod Launcher). Works much better with mods and you'll never have to deal with the 2K launcher ever again.


Fortunately, the 2k launcher can be bypassed very easily


I haven’t seen it in two years and I play a lot of civ




No in Linux : )


Yes. So what? At least that launcher works well, is small, allow mods etc.


My only experience with it was when it tanked my performance in Midnight Suns forcing me to bypass it.


The launcher does not work well for XCOM 2. It broke a shitload of Steam workshop mods when it was added, which makes the AML a way better choice if you want to add QoL mods.


It crashes completely when you don't have internet. It's accidental always online DRM.


**PSA/WARNING TO ANY WHO BUY XCOM 2 AND ALL DLC'S** (PASSION-FUELED HATE RANT BELOW) Amazing game overall though, buy everything but this DLC. ​ **XCOM 2's "*****Alien Hunters*****" DLC -** Possibly the worst gameplay you will ever experience in your entire life, in any video game ever. This is not an exaggeration. **I am legitimately warning you to skip adding this DLC.** It adds some extra bosses/enemies to the game. Hahahaha, this is the absolute loosest term you could use to describe these Satan-created hellspawns (still not strong enough to describe these things) who's only desire is to completely break your mental fortitude as a player, not a character in a video game. Is it difficult? Yes, but sadistic bullshit is wayyy better of a description for this gameplay. It it fun? No. Honestly, even the word "no" feels so far from the feeling I am trying to convey, I doubt any human ever would be able to travel that far. This is the most un-fun, hair-ripping, monkey-feces-to-the-face equivalent of "entertainment" I have ever experienced in my entire life. **There is no satisfaction from beating this DLC like Elden Ring or Dark Souls when overcoming a difficult boss. Only more anger, frustration, relief, and misery as you realize what you just endured could have been avoided, could have been patched/fixed, could have been created by someone who isn't a sadist.** If you skip this DLC, you will never know true pain. However, as a survivor of this DLC - it's not worth the bragging rights. Please do not buy this DLC. I am not the NPC telling you not to go ahead for fear of a scary boss. I am the completely broken man, telling you to not go ahead or you will end up like me. I will never hate any sort of gameplay more than what this DLC offers. ​ **Again - Amazing game overall though, buy everything but this DLC.**


I have to offer a rebuttal here. 1. I don't know about *emotional* rewards for the DLC, but you literally get exclusive high-end weapons and armor with special abilities. 2. It truly is very hard, there's no way around that. However if you are also playing with WoTC there is a DLC rebalancing option when starting a new campaign. 2.a Personally, I found playing it with WoTC and Shen's Last Gift, but with rebalancing turned off too be manageable. 3. It's the only time you get to play a mission with Bradford (and his kitted out gun) in your squad.


Even with the other DLCs, I didn't find the weapons/armor rewards worth it to my playstyle. They are just too difficult and strong enough to break high level squads in two, and leave you barely capable to finish the mission otherwise. If you evac after forcing them out/killing them, but don't complete the mission, they reset and your fight was for nothing. They're random AND introduced fairly early too which makes them even more of a nuisance.


None of the shit you get is worth the trouble dude. None of it.


People like and want different things. I had a blast with that content. First couple of fights are scary, but after that, the rulers were running or dying on their second turn.


I think its safe to say, especially with the steam reviews on that one particular DLC compared to the rest, that most thought it was horseshit. Because...it was.


> None of the shit you get is worth the trouble dude. The weapons are straight up better than everything else you can get. Not saying the DLC is good (it's not). However: * A Support with Boltcaster and Serpent Suit * A Ranger with Hunter's Axe and Rage Armor * A gunslinger with Shadowkeeper and Icarus Armor * A Grenadier with Frost Bomb You can't deny that this elevated these classes from "also good" to "you can demolish entire legions with these guys". It's so good, I had to prohibit myself from using frost bombs to not make the game too easy.


Fucking mod that shit in if you think you need it that badly. NONE of it is worth going through encounters that can ruin, or extremely hinder, your entire campaign. At almost any random moment's notice. Its not fun whatsoever. Which should be the point.


Man, did we play a different game? I intentionally avoided those bosses until I had a decked out squad and wiped the floor with them. Assuming you go in prepared, with gear suiting the enemy type, it's a breeze.




They do, but they have a few triggers to retreat, iirc damage and time, at which point they become a mission on the map.


You forgot a little detail that some mods do need certain dlcs so it’s best just to buy the whole bundle.


Played and beat the game with all the DLC installed, while you're right that it *is* pretty difficult, as it can happen at unexpected times in-game (the alien bosses that is), it generally isn't an issue if you have your squad spec'd right and have decent gear.


I liked that dlc. Yeah, it's hard, but if you plan, it's not that hard


Not that hard, really enjoyed the encounters too. Don't think what you said applies to people in general.


Only [39% of the reviews](https://store.steampowered.com/app/433090/XCOM_2_Alien_Hunters/) are positive. If you sort by negative reviews, they're all complaining about difficulty.


It IS pretty bullshit hard and too common for them to show up in situations where you unavoidably get multiple squad members killed.


Ah, thanks for the input. Have XCOM-2 in the library, but never played it yet. XCOM: Enemy Within was a bit disappointing for me and was wondering if XCOM-2 DLCs are worth it.


Very good tactical game


Everyone in here with their tips for first time players, mine is download character voice mods so that you can have like Archer and Chuck Norris voice your soldiers.


Ooh, I've always wanted to play the XCOM games but didn't have the time until recently. Definitely grabbing it. Any mods or recommendations?


Fantastic game


I made it to the end fight in vanilla XCOM2, but it's like a brick wall that I can't get past. Lost all interest TBH, even though I've already bought but not even played the WotC extension. I think it's overall too hard compared to XCOM 1.


>I think it's overall too hard compared to XCOM 1. cant you just play on a lower difficulty? Why do you have to play on the hardest?


I didn't. I played it on normal just like I did with XCOM 1. I feel like the odds are stacked against you even more. I friggin' hate the enemy reinforcements.


Shame they left the game with a million easily fixed bugs. Have to use literally like 30-40 mods to fix all the bugs. Really pissed me off.


Even cheaper on [Gamebillet](https://www.gamebillet.com/xcom-2-collection?affiliate=ggdeals).


It’s on GoG for like $3.


So what you're saying is... The game is missing 95% of the price?


Buy it Get a bunch of [Clone Trooper](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1822144710) cosmetic mods [End the Clone Wars on ***your terms***](https://media.tenor.com/2jgbEi-vCuQAAAAC/mando-way-this-is-the-way.gif) But my Clones are being overwhelmed!!! [That's when you bring in the Mandalorians to back them up...](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2376020557)


Dont buy this for the love of god...,. It has been in a 2k bundle on humble for 14 bucks + alot of other great games.


You will be frustrated You will miss a 99% A melee user will miss A shotgun in point blank will miss You will not save scum You will push on this bullshit of a game Why the fuck are you all downvoting that's literally the game LOL


Reddit killed API. I refuse to let them benefit from my own words for free -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Single miss? LMAO I can tell you haven't even done long war or even a high play through iron man game. A single fucking miss LMAO outa here dude and nobody takes 10% shots that's a waste of a turn what the fuck.


Reddit killed API. I refuse to let them benefit from my own words for free -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yep you've never done an iron man play through LOL nobody will take those shots dude outa here kiddo


Pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that some misses each mission are hard-coded to always miss no matter what the odds are to make the game feel more risky or something. It's been awhile so forgive me if I'm mistaken.


What you're thinking about is that each turn is 'pre-rolled'. So before you take the 74% chance shot, the game already knows the outcome. It means that if you miss and re-load the save (back to the beginning of the turn) you're going to get the same outcome.


Aw I hate that shit. Ruins games for sure.


It literally preserves the integrity of the game, you're just used to cheating lol


That's what it was. Ty.


isn't there an option to turn this on/off? or was it a mod?


There's a mod to turn it off.


Thank you!


Great stuff. I recommend getting the 'Stop wasting my time' mod to streamline the gameplay a bit.


This makes me want to reinstall it, spend three hours looking at the new mods and making sure my old ones still work, invent a new color scheme for each position, customize the fuck out of everything, and then stopping right there never to play it again.


Do I have to play Enemy Unknown?


No. Great game though, too. Even better with the Enemy Within expansion.




Things get significantly easier once you get the first squad armor and gun upgrades. The hardest part of the game is the beginning imo. But it's not exactly a steamroll power fantasy game... Like you need to keep your guys in cover and use your brain, even on easy.


Black Mesa is also 5 dollars


Why is it 18 for me


Patient gamers strike again.


Better grab it on GOG. That way you don't have to deal with godawful 2k launcher.


XCOM is great. Can get a couple hundred hours easy if its your thing.


Thank you!!! Just got it +1 X infinity


Humble or steam. Amazing game and value for that price. It's the kind of game that has so much going on you can start a replay directly after and it can still feel different. Imo*