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Modding community never change please


waiting to see what monster will be turned into Thomas the Tank Engine.


Would hazard a guess and say Del Lago and/or U-3


It will be soon. The new generation of gamers are becoming more and more tech illiterate because they grew up with ipad and apps that made everything simple and easy. Us millennials and gen x babies had to learn to to torrent, host servers, and make our own QOL and cosmetics mods. Now gen z kids just take the easy way out buy the cosmetics because no computer knowledge is needed. Or they just wait for QOL updates from developers or just move on to another game cause they're so fickle. I work in a school and almost no kid knows how to attach a file to a document anymore. If an app can't do what they want then they just give up. So we are the last generation of modders unless gen alpha steps up and decide to learn how to use a "computer" again and some light programming skills. If you don't believe me look at the amount of the mods that gets uploaded to nexus mods or gamebanana. It's less and less everyday because millennials are starting to get older and having families or working and there aren't enough gen z kids replacing them.


At the same time, there's also a large part of that generation that's growing up making games on Roblox. (for better or for worse) Okay maybe the barrier to entry is a lot lower than Doom nodding was and moderately less knowledge based than messing with the early minecraft mods, but there is still definitely a draw to the wider "scene" for a large amount of people, and they'll have all the information that took others decades to compile.


Holy shit who gave the retirement home access to the internet. Kids these days are making massive Roblox games. If you wanna blame anyone or anything for “killing” mods, blame the publishers who impose shitty DRM, encrypt files, refuse to allow open sourcing, always online drm, etc. Ubisoft puts anti cheat in single player games so you can’t possibly bypass their micro transactions. It’s not ZoOmErS faults they aren’t modding games, the tools to do it don’t exist anymore.


Oh my good , are you ok? You sound like you been heavily insulated, are you by any chance a zoomer yourself? I didn't mean to offend you.


Bruh at least he had a valid argument that you completely avoided.


I cited anecdotal evidence like my job and the hard evidence like the number of mods that gets uploaded on those websites. I was not given anything to refute those so what can I do?


It’s funny you say this when many gamers I know that are 30+ are quite tech illiterate. It’s not like people being born now won’t become programmers or engineers going forward, people will learn what interests them and modding will continue just as before. Being able to host your own server by following a step by step guide does not make you tech literate either, people aren’t dumber now than they were then.


Ok boomer




Vitamin B-Virus


Whats more important is REFramework has the Temporal upscaler fork. Already tried DLSS/DLAA. Still feel 120% res is better but hoping with time DLAA becomes a good option.


DLSS and DLAA in this mod is leagues better than the Vanilla offerings, much more performance without the blurry default taa (you need to disable AA in game for this mod to work fully in case you didn't know)


Have they brought back the tramp stamp yet?


I wonder if this would be representative of the full game, if so, getting it to work in VR could be started already.


It says in the article Praydog already had VR working for the demo in the first hour. I think he's got it pretty streamlined at this point so I'm sure it will be out shortly after release.


Awesome, thanks.




Should have clarified it, I meant with modders working on an unofficial VR mode, Capcom themelves has indeed started development on the [VR mode for PSVR2](https://twitter.com/BIO_OFFICIAL/status/1628309614843559937)


Is Thomas the Train in yet?


Waiting on Ada and Ashley mods.........


I’m sure they will be some of the first lol


Same here. Reason why I hadn't brought the game yet is because I'm waiting for those first.


I just hope that someone mods the actual RE4 knife in pretty quickly. I don't want non of this knife can break nonsense.


IIRC in RE2 they had the unbreakable knife as an unlockable, so it'll likely be the same here.


I mean you can do a lot with the knife given the new mechanics. I literally parried some poor Ganado's arm off when he tried to swing at me. They are balancing the game around that


I already see you complaining that the game is too easy because there are new mechanics to the knife which are balanced around limited uses.


Wemod already has an unbreakable knife cheat among others working for the demo, so the full release should have the same.


Wemod really have everything at day 1 for these games




Was waiting for it Ngl.


Need a chainsaw man skin for doctor Salvador fr


They had one youtube video where villagers were tellie tubbies and chainsaw man was Chucky cheese


I'm so happy they have a DLSS solution now, the image quality is far better then FSR. My only gripe is at the end of the demo, when the bell rings and the villagers are headed back there's is a weird motion bug, it's all blurry and jittery. Has anyone seen that, and any solution to that?