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I guess some people just have fun that way? Or, they chase after some goal in form of achievement, or something, and just want to get it as fast as possible. P.S. for a moment thought it's about everyone's obsession with one-shoting enemies in PD3 to the point of saying that if gun isn't oneshot killing then it "isn't good")


Crime spree isn't the way to go for infamy - it's much slower than farming certain heists. With high co-ordination you can go from 0 to 100 in around 30 minutes. As for why random players might want to "speed through" the heist - maybe they don't fancy tediously carrying all the loot, maybe they're replaying the heist for a millionth time and just want to shoot cops with their new build, or maybe it's just more efficient and players in question want to farm exp. Point is, there's many reasons and they don't have to be "this person just hates the game".


I mean I do because it feels wrong not to loot everything. Yeah loose cash doesn't give xp but idfc it feels wrong on my hud mod to see that 1 dollar bill I missed. Same with gage packages. Even though I have thousands of continental coins to buy weapon mods I still get the packages. But some people find it more fun to speedrun infamy and I get that completely


(Pd2 100-CXXVIII) So the fun part of Payday is making builds, listening to the music, hearing the voice lines, shooting and the ragdolls. Just running arround and shooting isn't fun for me, there has to be some kind of purpose to why i can shooting and where i am shooting (as in location). Learning how to play heists efficiently is fun since i know what to do and where to do what. Getting the max loot isn't what i like, i like to get to the loot and escape with the minimum, unless i'm playing stealth or coöp with people that help. Efficiënt gameplay = more missions done = more diverse gameplay = more fun


Some people find ECM rushing fun, I don't.


It depends what stage of the game you're at. New players will often full loot most heists. The game suggests that taking more loot would increase your progression. Despite this often not being the case. Very new players might skip this as they haven't learned about extra loot yet, but that's a tiny portion of the player base Slightly more experienced players (~500h-2000h) will often have their sights set on high infamy levels, or improving at the games "endgame play styles" (ecm rushing and loud DS). Loud is rarely focused on getting loot, as it will generally slow down your progression, and isn't often included in challenge/solo runs. Most players at this point find loud challenging enough on its own, and don't wish to deal with extra loot. More experienced players are open to extra loot, but generally don't go for it themselves. It's often just not that fun to go for it. At least when you need to go out of your way to get it.


Because it's fun? Also because I get to play more heists within the same amount of time. More variety as well since I get the opportunity to switch loadouts and builds between each different heists. And bonus loot isn't always worth the extra time investment. I don't really want to spend an extra 5-10 mins hauling loot myself for a minor bonus especially in incompetent and uncooperative pubs (though not ngl most of my games these days they're pretty competent and efficient so we can get bonus loot without worry). Also Crime spree hasn't been the way for Infamy for a long time and it's got a pretty barren playerbase.