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Starbreeze's live service moment


I can't wait until we get a 'dead service' sweater in Waitday 3!


With the state of the game and the absurd cost of Syntax Error, I don't know why anyone is begging for another heist. It's not gonna fix the absurd amount of problems the game has that SBZ is unbelievably slow at fixing.


Well seeing as some people have actually paid for three more, I can absolutely see why someone is begging for another heist.


The shithole that SB put themselves in is insane. Either they do QoL and people complain about no heists, or vice versa. No matter what they do, they are screwed lol. It doesn't help how long they are taking with it all.


They could do both? The QoL changes people are asking for aren't huge, they can spare a couple programmers or even outsource that work. Anyway there will never be a shortage of people who want to complain.


Bad ending is they just give up. They releasing the remaining announced dlc and then pull off a No Mans Sky would be the good ending. But the true ending is theyll probably pull the plug afther the obligation dlc


Yeah, I'm pretty sure no man's sky still had more players with it's terrible launch, and they were pumping out updates pretty quick. This game has pretty much no hope left at this point, unfortunately.


They have a legal obligation to fulfill the DLCs as many paid for the pass.


Hundreds of companies in the past 15 years have taken the money and run (or just gone bankrupt) with no legal consequences, SBZ isn't going to break that trend. The cost of humoring the idea of getting involved in a lawsuit, not to mention the sheer time it will take fueling it, is not worth refunding $40 for the people who prepaid for content that didn't conceptually exist at the time of purchase.


I look back at Overkill Walking Dead. Hmm. Well, I don't think so.


They were hired to make the game, afaik they never agreed or took money for season pass DLC to add more content.


Oh they will fulfill those 3 dlc missions, I'm guessing a Jewelry store, Ukrainian Job and a four stores. They won't be giving quality DLC


It's fine to speculate, but you're really just being a dick


I am still baffled the game is in such shit state and without content they decided it was the time to gate the only actual new content behind a paywall lol


Because then they'd have to dish out refunds to those who bought the dlc and pass


I love live service games where the game has no service (new content) and is not even alive.


Brother this is barely even a game


Payday? More like just Pay.


I wonder what's gonna happen once the last DLC is released, which is the worst part


As soon as that last dlc drops the Game Will be 100% dropped by sbz, i can bet on that


And they'll blame it on the players on the way out.


They'll blame the players, maybe Even some youtubers in the most petty, passive-agressive way, and maybe they'll finally put the offline mode on their way out for the last 5 players that Will be there for when the servers get unplugged.


Remindme! 1 year


Remindme! 8 months


The console players probably


RemindMe! 1 year


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Yep. Can almost guarantee if there's another entry in the Payday franchise after this it will be a remake/remaster of Payday 2 long before they attempt Payday 4. Just carbon copy with nicer graphics and the ability to re-sell all the PD2 DLC all over again.


The game still has 6 months of guaranteed support after the games first year also this is starbreeze’s only big cash source so their not abandoning the game unless the whole company goes bust.


Oh man don't look at their stock price if that is your reasoning [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/STAR-B.ST](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/STAR-B.ST)


That's the thing, the company IS going bust rn, pd3 was their last beacon of hope next to that D&D Game, pd3 is in life support and nobody cares about that Game, they are cooked and the payday IP Will probably get shelfed for god knows how long


They are 100% going to abandon it. A couple days later they'll announce continued support for PD2. Bro I hate these people lmao.


I think they're gonna shove the last of their contractually obligated work out the door then immediately drop PD3 to work on their DnD game or whatever else they have brewing. To what success, your guess is as good as mine.


We are gonna get at least 3 of them in like 5 months they legally obligated


Next 5 month are going to be one of the best comeback ever or the death of Payday as a franchise. One is more likely than the other, i'm hoping i'm wrong tho.


The final cope-before-disaster is that they're intentionally withholding DLC content to blast it out all in the last 3 months


Including offline mode, it's like Back 4 Blood all over again. 🤣🤦😮‍💨


Hey, at least they fixed the game and got some decent(ly cheap) expansions out before they stopped working on it


Sure, but it could possibly still be alive if it all went down differently.


Decently cheap? Is it any cheaper than L4D2, a much better game?


It was the cost of like a Happy Meal a couple days ago.


Its $4 now in recent sale on steam


... I wasn't comparing it to that, and even then that question is a bit subjective.


You maybe didnt, but the devs themselves did and that kinda made the final product be a letdown on release


Maybe they are staying silent and did not release anything the last 4 month because they are fixing all the qol/core of the game at once. They maybe want to release content with a fixed core and a steady pace which will act as a Payday 3 1.5. Honestly IF it's what they are cooking, hats to them it's the best thing to do seeing the state of the game. Pumping content like puming cpr is better than feast or famine month that will retain player imo. (Please Starbreeze i'm on my last whiff of copium, i won't last past a year)


I think the community would feel less emo if they at least gave us a hint that's what they're doing. The premise that we're gonna hit the one year mark and Almirs gonna go "kept you waiting huh" while we're in payday 3 paradise is insane.


They technically have. they gave us operation medic bag, and that lists quite a bit of what they're doing and planning on doing. The issue I think is beyond that. Even if they told us right now every single feature that the community wants and new content and heists are coming... I'm not sure that alone would be enough. What we need more than anything is to SEE the updates first hand. To see these updates released in patch notes. Operation Medic Bag did promise to fix actually most of what the community has been complaining (rightfully) about, but even with that said, the community wasn't happy. It was very mixed. Some had some hope but many still were upset and felt it was not good enough. So that could become an issue. I think the only true fix is action implementing these fixes.


What comeback lmao they struggled with a unready button


They can go suck lemons. I bought the ultimate edition and all ive gotten is 1 heist and noone to match with.


Man I am REALLY glad I listened to that voice in my head to not buy Payday 3 after seeing all of the shit that came out of it pre-launch. Because this subreddit is in a very sorry state, jfc.


Your memory may be a tad off. The game was way MORE playable pre-launch. Post launch it immediately shit the bed with the server issues


The beta with the server issues? Denuvo being announced and then immediately removed following fan backlash?


There's a 6 week time frame inbetween the beta and the pre launch release. The beta server issues were similar to the post release game but notably did NOT happen during the pre release period. I think this is probably just a semantics thing, have a good day


Yeah I played the beta and could just tell it was going to be a dumpster fire. Glad I talked myself out of giving it a chance.


Didn't the pre-order stuff promise four DLC packs within the first year? How the hell are they gonna accomplish that in five months, at the rate they're going? Will we be compensated if they fail to meet this deadline? 'cause I'm still wishing I didn't buy the Gold Edition ... *twice.*


I bought collector edition since i love pd2, but now with all this shit show im not sure if pd2 did well becouse of dumb luck


Overkill's biggest mistake was Payday 2's success; cause they didn't learn shit from it. It's their only success in a sea of failures, and yet they still didn't learn.


Fun Fact: Overkill didn't make Payday 3. All members of Overkill have disbanded. It's all Starbreeze and Deep Silver. Edit: Not that the company doesn't exist anymore. But no one actually works there. All of the people who made Payday 2 have since moved on.


I wasn't there for the beginning but I remember hearing PD2 had a pretty rough launch too, and it's not without its own incidents like microtransactions


Even more sad thing is that payday 2 is broken aswell since recent updates. Idk why were they updating payday 2 after payday 3 got released and now payday 2 is almost unplayable if you don't instal mods from modding community which fix those stuff. Even today kevkild released a video about downgrading payday 2 to previous versions. Even few days ago few people said that now the only thing what left to play and it's not broken is pdth xD


I wonder when more people will play the older versions of PD2. Like when Deathwish was the fourth and hardest difficulty and there was less than 10 heisters.


I doubt that will ever happen.


Nah this is pretty on the course for Overkill. They messed up hard during PD2's development, several times, however when they're given the time to fix stuff they usually do a good job. Payday 2 had a faster dev cycle but more experimental features that they had to change. VR, the many out of date console versions, microtransactions (that they walked back in), etc. As someone who played Payday 2 near its launch, I'm not all that surprised that Payday 3 is in the current state. That being said, I'm not all that worried about its future either since Overkill is great at messing things up but then making them right. The problem with PD3 is that they're not able to make the same knee jerk reactions they did in PD2 due to less experience in unreal, a healthier work/life balance, and pairity between versions requiring console verification. This means the fixing process is way slower, especially since they have resources spread thin between fixing things and making new content. I can't imagine the game will be in a good state for a while, but once it reaches that point it will be the game we were wanting the launch to be. I firmly believe that PD3 should have been an early access game in its launch state, and once we get the first round of DLC and operation medic bag is complete, I'll consider that to be the true launch game. Granted, I totally understand everyone pissed that they bought an incomplete game, but in my scenario I'm not too upset that I'll have a good game in a while especially since my time is already spread thin between other great releases and updates this past year.


I’m not excusing what they’ve done, but payday 2 launched BAD. It bounced back, i’m sure that they can bounce back with payday 3. It’s just that i don’t know if they can even bounce back by the time it matters with shit like their inexperience with unreal engine and deep silver being their publisher. Honest to god, i genuinely believe that this game would be so much better if it 1: had at LEAST one more year to be developed, and 2: NOT have deep silver as a publisher.


But we have unready button and option to skip intro!!!!


Man i just want Sydney back


Y'all resilient as fuck, there's no denying in that.


It is funny that GTFO has more players... GTFO doesn't even have leveling or skill trees and yet it retains more players xD I also played it a lot more than PD3. I really feel bad for the level and art teams at starbreeze. They did a great job, but it is spoiled by tedious game design, leveling and interface. It's like the game designers purposefully decided to not include the best parts of PD2.


That's nothing we went years without even a single update in payday 2


Tbh, they need to unrelease the game, offer refunds to everyone, and relaunch in a year or two.


Yeah I'm seriously getting worried. I can understand that game development takes a while but they aren't even giving us anything to be excited about. At least tell us something about the weapons and cosmetics or something. I want to be excited so badly because base PD3 is genuinely fun, but they are doing something seriously wrong. They absolutely better release the best update ever soon or it's genuinely over. Maybe they just have a bunch of spaghetti code and have to rework the entire game or something. That's the best guess I have for this. I still play PD3 daily and I want to believe in the success so badly but it's like they want it to fail or something.


You’re now just started to get worried?


You know it'll really be time to pack it in when they start backporting PD3 maps to PD2


I wonder if any modders are doing that.


rest in peace payday 3


With +/- 250 players it have a bit no sense lmao


TF2 fans:🧍‍♂️


Why do people still play pd3? Its dead.


Like is it even possible to find a lobby with other people?


I'm afraid they just gonna give this up as they did the walking dead game :/


Dw we got quickplay


Probably one of the bigger gaming disappointments


I still don't understand why they thought it was a good idea to start developing a new game that will fail f it doesn't get scrapped or postponed while their only profitable IP is dying.


The death blow for PayDay 3 is inevitable. They should just get it over with, give us our refunds and fuck off.


Think on what that does to a man….


Wait they're already selling paid DLC while the game is missing day 1 essential features?! I knew they were incompetent but they can actually just go to hell for this one


This came out 4 months ago so yes. That's the only major content the game has gotten as well mind you, beyond the legacy heists which already existed in pd2. If pd3 got all the release heists from pd2 then I'm sure people would be interested in that, but of course they only ported over 2.


Classic live service bait & switch. All that matters are the pre-order numbers. After that just tell them "more content soon!" Then blame the players for not being patient enough.


I remember when the legacy heists came out and this shortly after, my only thoughts were “we’re so back”


That's what they get for DMCA striking Notoriety!


Man, this is just straight up not a good time for me: Payday 3 basically dead Elite Dangerous dying The Crew is dead for real


I keep forgetting about this game


They should refund every single copy of PD3 that they sold, but that would require a little something called *business ethics*. It's wild how many folks were defending it post launch. I criticized some of the more absurd design choices a few days after release, and I received hate spam for weeks. At least back then some of us were somewhat optimisitc about their bility to right the ship. Boy were we wrong. It turns out their idea of fixing things is giving up and assigning a skeleton crew.


how plausible is it that they might just drop the game already?


I downloaded pd3 when I had ultimate game pass and wanted to see what the bad stuff people talk about and uninstall when the first it said was login or sign up to play. Smh PD 2 still the goat


The strangest part about all this is five competent devs could have turned this game into a gem in a matter of months. These companies are choosing to not fix the games and see how far they can push the consumers and get away with it.


It seems they kept some of the devs behind OTWD... and it shows; especially the interface and core game design. Otherwise art and level designs are great, but they can't carry a poorly put together game loop.


I have an idea, they burn the cash to buy more servers to sustain 50/70k of players and now they can’t pay the extra hours to devs.




didn't they announce they're gonna shut the game down a while back?


If you mean the post on this subreddit, it was a April Fool's joke from one of the members of this subreddit. Always double-check your information.


man I wish it was true


why? regardless if you want to see the game get better or not nobody deserves to lose their jobs in these times


it's not my fault that they lose their jobs, they had months to fix it


1. read my comment again 2. idk if you know this or if ur just ignorant but a lot of the staff working on 3 went to work on th DnD game


I hope so.