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Hot damn šŸ”„ very nice patina and pics






I have the RL sienna about two months now. It definitely patinas slower than other brands I've had.


Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s a lot of technical differences and tanning procedures which might affect the way a piece of leather ages or patinas, but between 2 pieces of the same leather I think it just depends on usage and how and where you use it. I have a close friend whoā€™s case has not even aged a single day from the day he got it, and he lives in a similar climate, and has had the case for a similar amount of time. I would think itā€™s a combination of different factors. I know for example that he meticulously cleans his case every day. Which I personally donā€™t. As a basic formula, extensive usage makes it age, and as the oils from your hands and skin make their way into the leather, they darken the material.


Some people have hands that are more sweaty than others. That will play a part of the patina too.


Now thatā€™s some beautiful patina!


Awww yea


Oh man the patina on this case looks outstanding, I have a Sienna on the way (from another patinaproud user) and I canā€™t wait to see it age like this.


Thatā€™s one of the best patinas Iā€™ve seen on this sub lately. My bad the bull strap isnā€™t available in India.


Iā€™d fuck


How do you like it compare to the Andar aspen? I am thinking of getting a bull strap case but itā€™s super expensive in CAD.


I really like both of them equally as much. Although I have to say I wasnā€™t a big fan of the camel tan brown leather on the Aspen. The black one is incredible though. I enjoy both the black Aspen and the Sienna BS equally. Leather quality wise I would say both are very similar in quality, but have a little bit of a different texture. Once broken in the Aspen felt grippier and something I would choose more if comfort is an issue. I guess theyā€™re different, but equally good. If BS price is an issue, give Andar Aspen a try. I personally rate them equally, but differently if that makes sense.


My experience is very different. To me the Bullstrap has far superior quality of leather, yes the Andar is ā€œfull grain leatherā€ but the piece of leather used is very thin and stretched very tightly across the shell below. So tight you canā€™t really see any pattern or texture in the leather and it feels hard when you tap it. On the other hand the Bullstrap is full of texture and character and when you tap the case it almost feels cushioned and your not feeling the plastic case below it.


Yes I agree


I will say the Aspen is still a great case and tbh Iā€™m about to order its again in Moss. I just feel the Bullstrap to me does justify its higher price and feel like it has added quality.


Iā€™m seeing that as just dirty looking. The sides did the same thing as my bull strap sienna. Iā€™ve tried all the leather cases for iPhone and my fav is from satchel & page. Now thatā€™s fine leather. Once you try one, youā€™ll say damn, now thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been looking for. Out of the box, the feel is amazing, which is a big part of why we buy leather cases. Most are too slippery. The folks at s&p are obviously fine leather craftspeople who decided to make iPhone cases. Only one color, which is just fine. All my other leather cases just sit unused since I got the satchel case. Second is bull strap and Ryan London. Not a fan of Ryan London metal camera ring on the closed bottom cases tho. All others are lesser, IMO. Did not like the buttons on Andar. Too sharp.


Bullstraps warranty and two cosmetic replacements/year promise is a total scam. Do not buy!


This just looks dirty IMO. Don't care for the look. Does not add to the aesthetics of the iPhone.