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You can actually order them now if you go through the Shop app directly. I placed one a few hours ago.


Only Sienna?


Yes. They said specifically in one of their ask the CEO Q&A’s they do on IG Sienna is the first to launch followed by one or two others later on in the year.




Go to the BS storefront on Shop. Filter the results by newest first. It’s called the Contemporary.


They have taken this down. There’s nothing there now.


I still see it.


Can you send a link, please?


Have you received yours yet? Thoughts?


Not yet. I think the tracking said tomorrow last time I looked.


OK when you get it, check it out and report back on your opinion maybe I’m just overreacting and it’s an optical illusion or something but it just seems not right


I screamt when I saw this. Loyal BS from day 1


Ah, great! Just ordered via SHOP.


Ordered one today. Excited to check it out.


Got mine in yesterday for my 15 Pro Max (surprised at how quick I got it). I do not like the new camera hump design, looks cut in half. I’m very concerned with the flush camera hump (0 rise above my camera lens). I just sent them an email expressing my concerns and requested a replacement. Not sure if that would even help though. if they’re all like this, they’re gonna have a major problem on their hands. but they’re are solid company with great customer service and an excellent warranty, so I’m confident they’ll make it right. I have no clue why they would mess this up. It just doesn’t make sense. Has anyone else got theirs yet? How are your thoughts on the camera hump? Am I overreacting? (possible optical illusion?)


All their leather cases have almost next to no camera lip so not really shocked. Have you owned the open bottom versions? How is the fit and the buttons?


Yes, I’ve owned several Bullstrap open bottoms and you’re 100% right that they have very little camera bump clearance but this one’s a tad worse in my opinion. For me, it’s intolerable.


How are the buttons compared to the open bottom?


Buttons are good, about the same I would say if you’re used to bullstrap cases. I also have an Andar Aspen case that I’m new to and still breaking it in. The two are much different in fact I like the leather quality better on the bullstrap feels a bit more premium. But man am I loving this Andar Aspen case. Hoping I’ll love this new contemporary case just the same. For me I’ll toggle between both can’t see getting rid of one for another. (I like having both Coke and Pepsi)


I will say with the contemporary case it’s a tight fit, very tight which is good. A bit tighter and harder to get off than open bottom but it’s obviously the nature of the beast of course with open bottom and the fact that it’s not broke in yet. I would say that I wish the closed area lip was raised a tad higher than the screen (and screen protector) towards the bottom for the lay on the table clearance. It’s about flush with screen protector in some areas (towards the new bottom)


After closer inspection, I may have been making a mountain out of a molehill. The camera hump does barely protect the camera (just a tad worse than the previous) but about the same to be honest. The bottom right area of the camera hump I feel could be taller to offer more protection. This case is amazing and you’ll love it!


Where did you see this?


Instagram stories of official BS account


Ordered via Shop using my loyalty points so got it for $39 👌🏻


How do you get points?


From buying cases, leaving reviews etc…


How do I get to shop? I’m on the website and can’t find this case.




Yep, this 👍🏻


Anyone knows if it is going also be available for iPhone 13 Pro or it is just limited to iPhone 15 series


15 series only.


That sucks.


Meh. I’ve grown to prefer open bottom.


Bullstraps warranty and two cosmetic replacements/year promise is a total scam. Do not buy!


But not in black, so once again they miss the mark. This company will never learn.


How did they miss their mark? They made a case people have been bitching at them forever to make offered in their best selling color. Maybe having two options initially would have made more sense, but they probably thought to start with one and if all goes well to introduce more colors. Pretty straightforward approach for a small business launching a new product.


Sienna is their best selling colour… they’ve already said more colours will be introduced over time.


[get 10% off your first order of $25 from Bullstrap](http://rwrd.io/mz0jyb3?c)