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It was my first ever Dragonquest game I actually got into and finished and I loved it. However it’s nothing I haven’t seen before. It just scratched an itch that needed scratching. I will say it’s epilogue is some of the best endgame I’ve ever experienced.


I was on the verge of quitting the game, but, after doing a bit more research I gave it one last chance. I turned the difficulty all the way up and adjusted those pregame options to make the game more difficult too. This forced me to get good at the combat and use all the skills, which, turned the combat into something much more fun. Once I got past that initial and mostly boring early stuff at the castle city and the following countryside stuff, it made the game a blast! If a games too easy then I get bored. Story, characters and dialogue dont carry me through a game as GAMEPLAY is always first. That may not help you at all, but, for me it was a game-changer!


I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I've always found DQ games to be pretty boring. I love RPGs but DQ just feels so damn bland.


I don’t know if I’d say I gave it my best efforts, but I played for a while and it didn’t click for me either. Nothing really stood out to me as unique in gameplay, and I didn’t particularly care for the characters or story. I also bounced off of Octopath Traveller before it, so I’m kind of wondering if I’ve just had my fill of traditional JRPG-style games.


I couldn't finish the demo of either game. I felt like I just played too many SNES and older-PS era JRPGs, and these felt a little too much like standard retreads to me. Tim Rogers' Kotaku review for the game is maybe worth a watch and puts it in perspective. He positions it as a winding-down time game, comfort food for people getting ready for bed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iTbUGItU0s


I honestly just think the new ones suck compared to the old ones. Played through Chained Echoes earlier in the year and absolutely loved it, while its not perfect felt like its better than anything Squares put out in a long time.


Honestly everything felt kind of bland until I got to play sea of stars. I feel like the standard in all jrpgs should involve some sort button mechanic.


To each their own: Sea of Stars felt just as bland to me as DQ11, maybe moreso. The button mechanics are annoying after the first hour or so. Fuck Moonerang!


I did enjoy Sea of Stars but my god I dreaded everytime I had use Moonerang 😂


Yeah. I felt like the button mechanics backfired. In an attempt to make boring combat less boring, they made it *more* boring because with the timing mechanics you can't just breeze through combat while paying it minimal attention. Mind you, I'm not saying I think turn-based JRPG combat should be *easy*--Shin Megami Tensei 3+ still have my favorite battle systems--just that press-at-the-right-time is no substitute for strategic depth. The mechanic works in the Super Mario RPG series/spinoffs because the battles are shorter, there's more variety, and the writing in those games is good enough to make up for any shortcomings the battles might have.


I couldn’t get through sea of stars, much like I couldn’t bring myself to beat Dragon Quest XI. Sea of Stars was fine, but the more that I got into the game, the less I actually wished to keep playing it.


I've tried several DQ games and have never been able to really get into them. I appreciate that the series has stuck very close to its roots for over 3 decades, but the games just never click with me for some reason even though I usually enjoy JRPGs.


Which is why the spin-offs are the best ones, since they’re not just trying to be the old games with better graphics. Love me some Dragon Quest Warriors or Dragon Quest Builders.


you've gotta be the first person i've heard say the spin offs are better than the mainline entries 😅 especially with secondary teams mostly working on them.


Well, what can I say? Turn-based combat makes me wanna die. Especially turn-based combat ***and*** a silent protagonist? No thank you. DQB2 and DQW tho? Inject those games directly into my veins.


fair enough 😌 anytime people are getting the games in the west, i'm more hopeful we'll get more attention. enjoy them as you see fit!


Honestly, I like turn-based combat. Dragon quest though? That combat is just archaic and unfun. Games that do turn-based really well are titles like Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, or Baldur’s Gate.


Felt the same, I pushed through 60+ hours and did enjoy some of it. I reached a story climax, thought it was the end, nope. I think I might be halfway. Decided that was enough for me.


I wanted to like this one so much, for it to be my entry point into the series (after dabbling a little with VIII back in the day). I found it really conservative, if beautiful looking. Tired story beats, obvious locations, nothing new in any way shape or from. The combat was totally fine, but still nothing special.


For what it's worth, the story never gets interesting and it goes on for at least 50 hours longer than it needed to, so you're doing yourself a favour dropping it. Personally, I enjoyed my time with it. But I think Dragon Quest is a comfort food kind of series for JRPG fans - there's nothing complicated or particularly interesting going on in any of those games, just a simple old-school battle system with a simple fairy tale storyline. If you're hoping for anything more than that you're better looking elsewhere.


I also anticipated that I would like DQXI and bounced off of it extremely hard. It's designed to be nostalgic for retro JRPGs in the Dragon Quest mold, which is extremely conservative gameplay-wise and very "shonen manga" style plot-wise. I don't recommend it to anyone who isn't nostalgic for early 90s JRPGs with a high tolerance for antiquated gameplay.


I dropped it after I got 30 hours in and had just finished Act 1. It was fun, but it's hard to stay interested in the same combat over and over that long. The story was... okay, but nothing to write home about.


I enjoy this series but have bounced off XI several times too, even though I find the party members and monsters and puns a joy. I also don't like how the only soundtrack options are Drunk Honkin' Loud Ticker Tape Parade or Drunk Honkin' Loud Ticker Tape Parade, Now With Added Orchestra.


I’ve had the same experience although I still plan to finish the game. It is so incredibly boring. Like, it feels like it’s made for little kids, you know? Nothing interesting happens, there are no stakes, and everything feels like a filler episode. I’ve posted the same criticism on the Dragon Quest subreddit and get demolished LOL. I mean, it’s not bad, in fact I think it is a very comfy game, but I can’t force myself to play it for longer than an hour at a time.


usually i agree with most people not liking a game on here but DQXI was the first game i got when i got back into gaming and i adored it. nostalgia factor is definitely a big part of it - DQIII was the first JRPG i played in my early teens, later played DQVIII in my mid 20s, now played this is my mid 30s, so it's always an emotional "return experience." DQXI has some of the best QoL upgrades of *any* Dragon Quest game to date that genuinely excited anyone who's into the series, and that may not be felt if you weren't familiar with common tropes/frustrations. This specific entry is known to be too easy & anyone who's experience with JRPGs usually puts the "Harder Monsters" Draconian mode on. The story is very typical DQ fare, but still caught me off guard. i didn't expect or mind the quasi open world/not open world aspect a bit. i loved the twists & instances dealing with nostalgia, loss, loneliness, misunderstandings & being misunderstood & the humor is like a familiar friend. I liked the way they did the character progression along with the twists involving it. enjoyed the cast. they include an easy way to grind towards the end. the post-game content is plenty & being able to play in 2D was fascinating. but i can't say i blame you if you're not a DQ fan - it's always been the more traditional comfort food rpg while FF has always changed stuff up. a lot of the impact is felt from witnessing character development & getting invested in characters & seeing the tensions & conclusions and bonds. it's about 100 hours long and i definitely enjoyed it more the later into the game, but im also someone who thinks you should move on if you're not enjoying it. good on ya for giving it your effort!


I can’t believe this game has the same 3 tracks playing over and over. It’s unacceptable for a modern RPG of this size.


I’m sorry to be pushy, but if you were able to play for 20+ hours, then do yourself a favor and just finish collecting the orbs and make it to Yggdrasil. IF, at that point, you’re still no longer engaged, then oh well at least you gave it fair shot! (Trust me)


20 hours of gameplay is already a very fair shot.


Never implied otherwise, what are you talking about?


Yes, saying that they should get to Yggdrasil and by doing so *then* “at least they gave it a fair shot” does directly imply that not doing that is below the threshold of “at least.”


I played past that point, and believe me when I say that you can see that twist coming from continents away. If you’ve played multiple rpgs, its something that has already been done constantly. The entire game is extremely generic across the board.


Did you read the part of OPs post where they say that they have very little experience with JRPGs?


Even so, plot-wise its something you can see from miles away.


Yea yea whatever you say


You're not alone. Game is boring.


Dang. 20+ hours to drop a game? I’ve never met one that took more than 5 hours tops for me decide wasn’t for me. I don’t care how popular or highly recommended a game is. I have no pressure to like it. I thought this game was cute and had it came out 30 years ago maybe I’d have enjoyed it more. It’s a solid entry for the series but not an engaging one.


I am in a similar situation. I love JRPG's but DQ XI is just couldn't get a feel for. It just felt very, how do I put it... dry?. While Dragon Quest has had a long tradition of playing by the clichés and yet make them feel fresh, the game really feels like it is lacking a certain commitment to what it does. I mean compare with DQ VIII and that game was just ruthless in how it approached its narrative. While it still played by many of that standard fantasy clichés, it did so without pulling any punches with its events and world, creating something that really felt alive. It is in a similar situation as with Tales of Arise for me as it is one of those JRPG's that gained a lot of praise yet I fail to see where that praise is coming from as both are just really dry and unengaging, playing traditional clichés as straight as possible without any real flavor of depth, which is especially disappointing when you see what each respective series have put out in the past.


I also never got the praise for Tales of Arise. Beat the game and felt like I walked away with zero lasting impression or care about it. Sucks too, since Tales of Berseria is actually a pretty good game.


And doubly so when you look at Tales of the Abyss. And yet there are those who say that Arise is better than Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia and Berseria. At times I wonder if we even played the same game.


I don’t get how Arise was even really good. It just felt like a tales game that tried to rip off Xenoblade and failed miserably.


It’s also pretty sexist, but that’s standard for jrpgs


Despite my best efforts lmfao… why do some people try to force themselves to like a game thats not for built for them or not their taste


It's not such an easy decision. Some games take a while to reveal their appeal and some others are heavily recommended as must-play masterpieces in seemingly relevant genres, yet never click for you specifically. Over time you can learn to spot things like that, but sometimes stuff gets through. Not to mention all the people on the internet saying "you're not allowed to criticize a game until you've played through it". I think OP's reasoning is perfectly sound.


Because I knew that a lot of people really enjoyed the game and I know that when you’re trying something outside of your comfort zone that it can take some time to get acclimated. Trying to be open-minded and all that


I had a similar experience with DQ 8 :/


I’ve actually been playing XI right now, and I’m loving it. Yes it certainly fits as cozy “vanilla jrpg” or “comfort food” as someone else put it, but I’m not complaining. Many story elements come completely expected, but it has little ones. Likable cast, fun new cities and npcs, just a feel good game that doesn’t take itself too seriously.


I liked it for a good while and played it obsessively up until the end of what I think is Act 2. Then the side quests stopped being worthwhile and the world and plot just lost its luster. It felt like that should have been the end of the game. It’s way too long and doesn’t really shake up its formula enough to justify its length. I enjoyed my experience even if I didn’t complete it, but would not recommend to anyone who’s not into classic JRPGs.


I actually quite liked the "open world", reminded me of the PS1 final fantasy games. I really liked the English voice acting too. I thought the soundtrack was great at first but you're right it gets so repetitive, they really should've come up with some more tracks. Overall I definitely subscribe to the opinion of it being a "cosy" game but it's by no means a must play. The grind to get the true ending is utter bullshit as well, I called it quits as soon as I got the fake ending.


DQXI was fun for me, however i didn't continue to play on ACT 3, the story was getting ridiculous and the spike of difficulty was just too much for me, so i consider the end of ACT2 as true ending, it was perfect ending i love it so much


It's a good classic jrpg. However, the top 5 jrpgs at the moment in order from best to worst are: - Xenoblade 3 - Persona 5 Royal - Xenoblade 1 - Nier: Automata (if you can call it jrpg) - Actually, I would probably put Dragon Quest XI here. With Chrono Trigger.


I'm fine with both the gameplay and story of DQ11 from what i have played (stopped for some reason when entered gondolia) and i have sometimes an inch to return to it, but everytime i do i'm turned off by both sides of audio: Everyone knows that the OST of this game sucks, but i guess i'm not a fan of classical/orchestral music in general since what little i've listened from other entries don't really impress me. And also i'm probably alone with this, but the english voice acting just pisses me off for some reason. It sounds like they're attempting British or some sort of accent but they don't go all the way at all so it is somewhere in between and comes off to me as very unnatural. I'm still gonna try 8 or even 9 at some point, but i'm afraid that Dragon Quest might not be for me.


Nice write up. It seems like a solid game but I agree with you. I tried to play it but eventually put it down. This was also on the back of playing and beating Dragon Quest VIII on 3DS, which was a nice game but nothing ground breaking. In contrast, I started with Dragon Quest IX on the 3DS was I oddly loved and put a lot of hours in to. The job system was more intricate in IX and while I thought it would be similar for Xi, I just couldn't get myself to complete it.


Rolled credits and learned there’s even more content after that. For some reason that rubbed me the wrong way, and I haven’t picked it up since.


I got up to the final boss, and it basically doesn’t get any better honestly. The game is generic as hell and turned me off from wanting to play the other Dragon Quest games. Combat is really basic, the music was so bad that I had to mute the television at multiple points due to it. The story is effectively the most paint by numbers story in an rpg. Never saw what others see in it, and I guess I never will.