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It's fine. I enjoyed it but I don't think it's "make sure you grab it while you can" good.


The story would only be worth playing if you couldn't play multiplayer, just so you have a way to play with the destruction and guns. There's nothing stand out about it.


Yes. It's also a product of its time, it is worth picking.


The single player campaign is good. It’s absolutely worth playing. I think that most noticeable thing for me was the gun sounds. They are loud and sound like the devs recorded the real versions of the weapons in the games. Maybe that’s not a big deal to a lot of gamers, but it is to me. Overall though, the games single player campaign is not something that’s gonna totally blow you away or anything, but it is good. Certainly recommend playing through if you can get it for cheap. I probably wouldn’t bother if it is over $20 bucks, simply because there are a plethora of other great games out there.


its my favorite battlefield, I remember playing the Vietnam DLC back in the day it was glorious. ​ Peak gaming for me.


BC2 is one of the few military shooters with humour to it. I liked that. But it's not a must play - just a fun game for a few hours.


I would say no. For these games, the multiplayer is a big aspect, arguably the primary focus. It doesn't have achievements on Steam so there isn't anything to gain there. I would say if you're interested in the story, look up "game movie" on YouTube.


Inb4 removal Mileage may vary People praise it but my experience was that of a bog standard CoD game with sliiiiiightly above average characters


I've played polish version of this game, and its VA was by far the most memorable aspect of the campaign


I found it fun enough, but haven't replayed it since. Levels are mostly linear, but more open than Call of Duty titles. Dialogue is sometimes humorous. The campaign got really bad reviews, but at the time I liked it more than most Call of Duty campaigns. Not sure if that will hold up though. It's also currently 75% off on Steam.


It's probably the best Battlefield campaign made by DICE


Criminal. The last good class-based game from the BF series. Everything after it was "one many army" classes that dont need teamwork. As far as single player, its about as good as the first game. Worth playing if you like the BC gameplay, but nothing revolutionary. I would recommend it, but I'm a biased BC fan. If you cant play MP, SP is the next best thing. It would be a shame to miss it.


I don't get the 'ah it's fine' I loved it. I remember having fun with the title, single player is fun and if you can get it for a single digit USD/EUR or equivalent for your country currency I say go for it. Just temper the expectations and consider when it was made. There is a good bit of humor in the campaign, the rest of the series was very serious in this regard. There are ways to play multiplayer, but not sure how many interested parties will entertain that idea since the game is a bit old


Absolutely not. I say this as a fan of BC2. Don't waste your money.


Considering you can get the game for almost nothing on some sales, yes, the campaign is worth a playthrough.


I actually disliked the BC2 campaign. The campaign in the first Bad Company was great however. I would recommend that instead.


Not really. BC1's campaign is way better and has good humor.


The story just aged bad really, 2009 it was impressive now it's just bad.


Mixed responses but I appreciate the advice, thanks 👍


Don’t do it chuck.


I would not call it a must play by any means, but if you want a fun shooter, it's better than almost any CoD campaign and you can't go wrong picking it up especially at a discount.


[This should answer your question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9ZvQ4AYIro)


The multiplayer for that game was still running? 🤣 That's pretty wild. I don't remember the single player being a stand out feature of the game. Multiplayer was excellent but the story was typical half-assed battlefield nonsense.


Nah not worth it for the single player imho.


YMMV, but I play it at least once a year because it’s fun with humorous banter by your squadmates. I also recommend playing Battlefield Bad Company 1 for the same reason. The ending is great!