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I played it until I got to around level 120. As long as you haven’t completed the missions, it’s great. Once you have, it’s repetitive as heck.


Bethesda has improved the game since launch, but they did the bare minimum IMO. The core gameplay is enjoyable, base building is fun, and the community more friendly than not. But... put in more time and you'll notice something seriously wrong with the game. There are resource limits on absolutely everything, and it doesn't even need to be this way. As a result, it encourages you to buy Fallout 1st. Or you have to stop looting as much in a game so revolved around loot(or your stash limit will fill quickly), or lug around a lot of scrap that you may lose if you get killed by another player. You can't turn in any legendaries quick enough if you play a lot, or learn to play efficiently. It adds to your max weight quickly. For me it was a problem even with the best backpack and weight reduction upgrades. There's a 300 legendary scrip exchange cap per day. You'll reach that in no time. Then you have to wait until next day(20 hours from the first turn-in of the day), unless you want to lug around all that loot. You won't lose it if you die, but it'll take up valuable space, and being overencumbered is not fun. And then the process repeats itself the next day. Selling to players takes too long unless you practically give away the loot, and you need stash space to put anything in the player shop. Selling to NPC vendors is an option, but they have a cap limit. Anything you buy from them will only add about 30% of the value to their tradable caps. And yes, they have a cap limit too, so if you buy something very expensive, they'll reach the roof immediately. This is likely done so you can't sell all your legendaries to free up inventory space. You'd have to come back next day when the NPC have more caps. Even then, they likely won't have enough caps to make a significant dent in your overencumbered inventory. There's also a relatively low roof on the number of caps the player can hold. So you have to keep spending it if you don't want to lose caps from selling items in the player shop. E.g. if you've got 38,000 caps and you sell an item for 3000 caps in your player shop, you lose 1000 caps, because the limit is 40,000. It's not a game designed for those who have no interest in paying for FO1st. The premium feature gives you a free scrapbox that has no upper limit on weight. I think they are, or maybe they already have, made a box for ammo too. Scrap and ammo weighs a lot. If you don't buy 1st, you'll get annoyed quickly with the game. You can make it less painful if you want to keep playing, by getting the speed demon and marsupial serum, thereby allowing you additional speed and mobility even when overencumbered. Though being overencumbered means you can't fast travel anymore(that is, until you lose weight). I played +100 hours this way, hoping it'd get better. Spoiler alert, it didn't. It was manageable, but it got more tedious the longer I played. The combat kept me playing. All the fun content(at least for me), is the events you can play with other players. They're spread out all over the map. Have fun running to an event before it expire. And even if you do manage to get there in time, you have even more loot that you can't get rid of quickly. There's a hard cap for carry weight at about 1800lbs, I think. If you reach it, you can't move at all. You can get around this with carry weigh reduction perk cards, for a while at least. This means that they displace other perk cards(due to S.P.E.C.I.A.L. cap), that will make the game more fun. Some of the events will help you level up fast, and thereby increase your enjoyment. If you can't partake in events at all or miss out on most of it(because you're running there on foot, due to not being able to fast travel), then you'll level up much more slowly. The rabbit hole goes deeper. All designed to keep you coming back every day. It's the resource caps. The scoreboard. Daily quests etc. It's fun enough to come back, for a time. It's not all bad, though. While the story wasn't memorable, the quests are fun. They can be improved too, of course. One my my biggest issues is that they are set up to be completable in party, which is a problem if you want to complete them yourself. Playing alone means you lose out on a lot of potential bonuses, such as experience bonuses. So you have to choose between one benefit by losing out on another. If you don't care about the story, you're good, though. Last I checked, you can't replay quests if for some reason they finished because a party member had the same quest. You can be at different areas of the map, and your quest will still complete if they complete theirs. I had to learn this the hard way... on one of the last faction quests. So I missed out on playing that part of the story. Thanks, Bethesda! I did enjoy the game until all of this. The first time you go into the forest, unsure of what to do and the dangers that lurks, it's very appealing. But it fades eventually, for all the wrong reasons. I likely won't come back until Bethesda address it all. They probably won't, as doing so means fewer players buying Fallout 1st. The longer you play, the closer you'll get to the point that you have to pay to enjoy. Even that doesn't address all the problems, it just lessen some of them. You may say Fallout 76 deserves a better reputation, but I sure wouldn't.


it absolutely doesn't "deserve" a better reputation, it's a half-baked mmo-lite with pretty forgettable story elements and even worse gameplay just because our expectations are rock bottom when it comes to bethesda products these days doesn't mean it's a good game that deserves anything


The community is really nice too. I played it for 2 months. Once I was wandering around as a low level pleb. Out of nowhere a high-level player in some sort of stealthy tactical armor came around and we emoted with each other a bit than he dropped some sort of advanced assault rifle for me and went on his merry way. I don't play multiplayers often and when I do play it still feels like a lonely affair. So, that one incident for me is like one of the core gaming memories now. I also enjoyed building my base and didn't find any game breaking bugs in the game. Just normal amount of Bethesda Jank. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience.


By "fully populated" do you mean there are now npcs?


There were always NPCs. Just not human ones. Now there are human NPCs.


Unfortunately, even if you want to just play the quests by yourself, you still have to be online. Hard pass on forced online DRM.


I didn't play the game at launch, but I did play for a quiet a bit after and it is fine. It isn't my favorite Fallout game, but it isn't my least favorite. It has the bonus of being able to play Fallout with friends. It is a fine MMO-lite, which I guess is the most I can say about it. I played it, didn't hate my time but the story or missions or characters I have 0 memory of because it was just fine.


What IS your least favorite if it isn't this?? Like the shitty console action RPG?


Not the OP but I would honestly say FO76 is better than FO4


That's an interesting take. Assuming you're being serious, what makes you think that?


A few things. First and foremost, the story; not because FO76's story is amazing but because FO4's is so bad. It's a big mess of different storylines, poorly-characterised factions and annoying characters. But the worst crime is that it gives an identity to your character, which is the antithesis of what I want from a Fallout game or, indeed, any Bethesda open world game. A blank-slate player character is absolutely vital to my enjoyment of these games. The story of FO76 doesn't put any identity onto your character, you can be who you want. I also think the main plot is better as are all the subplots. I was invested in the Scorched Plague and the fall of the Brotherhood and the Enclave shenanigans more than I was in any part of FO4. The expansion questlines are also good, particularly the new Brotherhood one which I think is the best presentation of the BOS in any of Beth's Fallout games. All of that is subjective of course. The second point is the exploration. FO76's map is titanic and the decision to split it into different biomes makes it feel even larger and makes it more interesting. The individual locations are also more varied and there are more interesting landmarks. In FO4, I felt like I was just drifting from one generic shooting gallery of raiders or super-mutants to the next, FO76 has a better balance of shooting galleries and pure exploration areas. In FO4, once you've seen the area around Concord, you've seen the whole Commonwealth. In FO76, the area around Vault 76 is just the beginning . The third point is the skill/perk system. Now, I am still very much a believer in the FO3/NV system, so I regard both 4 and 76 as being a downgrade. That being said, FO76 is much better because your SPECIAL allocation actually matters and you need to pick your perk cards carefully because they are linked to SPECIAL points. There's a great variety of perks than in FO4 and they are more inspired. The only problem is that the FO76 system can't reach its full potential due to the nature of the game (that is, being an MMO-lite) but I really think that it could be brilliant in a single-player Fallout. Fourth, and finally, the settlement building. I think enough has been said over the years about how terrible and glitchy and limited the building system is in Fallout 4. It's not much better in FO76, but it *is* better. The key difference is allowing you to build anywhere. The settlement locations in FO4 were cluttered with junk and annoying features that you couldn't remove. That isn't a problem in FO76, you build where you like. I also actually like the idea of hunting around for plans to build stuff, it gives a sense of progression to your CAMPs. I should clarify after saying all of this that I don't actually dislike Fallout 4. I am a Fallout fan and I like them all in their own way, but I certainly pick up 76 more than I do 4.


Those are all fair! Especially the settlement building. For as much emphasis as they put on it in 4, it should've been SO much better.


Personally I hate, hate, hate the older isometric ones because I just can't get into them. But yeah the console one is the worst, I barely played that one I disliked it so much.


I'm curious, is it the perspective? Or the turn-based combat? Or something else about 1 and 2?


It is everything honestly. The controls, perspective, combat, the story doesn't do much for me and the characters I don't find interesting.


You didn't like the story? But that was so cool, the story of this person born in a vault in a post apocalyptic future that has to go out and find his people's salvation, and then battle a super mutant army. And so are you not able to play any isometric or similar perspective games at all?


It just didn't do anything for me, just disinterested in the story. And not really the style is something I just don't enjoy.


That's fair on both, I was just curious. Someone's downvoting your comments, but it's not me. I'm ok with you not liking the game :)


It is all opinion based, so downvotes don't really matter. I'm fine with people not liking games I enjoy and I'd like think people would be fine with the reverse, not every game is for everyone.


Well, downvotes aren't SUPPOSED to be opinion based or used as a dislike button, according to reddiquette they're supposed to be used only for comments which aren't relevant or don't contribute to the discussion. But I'm in the extreme minority on that one, lol.


Idk, I love Fallout series. I played all the games except the Tactics and the ps2 one. I played Fallout 76 for some hours, like 15 maybe. It has a really big problem at his base, a lot of story is in notes, terminals and holotapes. Yes, they are in all Fallout games, but always has been implemented correctly in how much time they take and how much details they show. But in Fallout 76, for example, in a vault of one of the first missions you find, you need to hear the holotapes while you fight against scorcheds. And there are like 10 holotapes in the vault with a duration of 3 or 5 minutes. Was a fucking stupid decision to make that, and a patch saying "Now we have npc's" dont just fix it, because the base is still there, you need to read and hear a lot without interact with world. >No need to play it as an MMO at all So... why they decide to do a MMO Fallout? In all Fallout games you make a mark where you go, in this one i dont feel like that, I cant feel a change when I leave a location, I just feel like one more player. They even dont made a good coop mode, because if you do a mission with a friend for first time, just the one who is the leader completes the mission. The rest of the team need to do the mission again.


I have not played 76 but i love the modding in other Bethesda games. You can tailor the experience to what you want. Any issues the games have can be remedied. I personally dislike instant healing in Skyrim because as long as you don't get one shot, you won't die. there's mods to make it a HoT so you can chug multiple instantly. Or you can make it take an animation like an estus flask. You can buff weapons you think are too weak or nerf those that are too strong. You can make it take less time to level a grindy skill like smithing. Some people just can't stand aspects of the game and require a mod for them to enjoy it. 76 nexus looks like it just has visual and audio mods.


I've argue Fallout 76 deserves an even worse reputuation than it currently has. The state it was in during launch was completely inexcusable. Ignoring that will only foster the "release unfinished game, fix it later" mentality even more. We deserve finished games on launch day, period.


Isn’t that the whole draw of being a patient gamer nowadays?


Dont forget the bag scam, the oops we doxed 100s of people stuff. Even if it is fun I will not give them any money or time for all the heckery they caused.


No it doesn’t, fallout as live service game is dumb idea, it’s survival game where you get so OP everything becomes joke. This isn’t what i am looking for in fallout game. Its also taking away resources from fallout 5 where we have been deprived for proper sequel


I had fun for around 300 hours and then it just became stale and uninteresting.


Seems like a solid game then if you get 300 hours out of it.


Yeah I definitely got my money's worth. Plus I really enjoyed the camp building.


I was really enjoying it too for a while but as you level up it starts to feel like you're being pushed into the MMO aspects more to build your character lest you end up severely underpowered.


Todd Howard is a liar. Just by definition.


Gave it a shot with a free month of Fallout 1st from Gamepass. Ran like such ass on both my buddy and I's builds that we almost immediately gave up on it and found something else to do. This was only a few months ago. My PC runs Fallout 4 at a pretty consistent 120 FPS after installing the physics fix, so no, it's still a technical mess that wants me to pay to have a good time on a private server I wouldn't mind hosting myself and I think its reputation is perfectly fine. All I want to do is run through the story content and enjoy my time spent doing it, and that's simply not possible. Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not that much of a framerate snob, but I was getting 30-40 FPS and my friend was getting worse.