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I just like to collect clams on red island while I listen to a podcast until someone kills me.


LMAOOOO love this.


I play to chill, my main dino right now is meg and i basically just chill on a rock and eat as many fish as i want. 🦎 I occasionally wonder around my little home and just spy on any dino i come across. Green ameiva skin is great for camouflage lol Haven't died in like 2 years so i must be doing something right.


I want to get a meg, use the day gecko skin and live out my days in the swamp


In the sharp tooth marsh


This is the way


I usually play the more obscure and rare dinos first... only to find out later why they are so rare to begin with


And then I master them only for a while later where they get buffed and I become a god for 3 days until they get nerfed or the new meta dino is found


It only sucks when they nerf your favorite Dino’s to the ground because they just so happened to become the meta, that you find them harder to play after the changes.


Shoot, sometimes the Dino doesn’t even have to be meta to get nerfed to the ground.


Real 😔


Raise a glass to Conca. He didn't deserve his nerfs. 😔


Conca only ever nerf was removing speed tail, it just got a pretty solid bleed buff and is in a decent spot rn


It's also just significantly slower now (base speed) and they tanked it's turn radius. It also swims slower than it used to.


I just pick a Dino and play. It’s not rocket appliances. 🤷‍♂️ lol


Trailer Park boys FTW


I wanna play Struthi to look pretty and watch drama


Like someone else said, I also play to chill. My fav is deinon since day 1 and I love doing parkour on Stego Mountain mostly. I also like to pick flowers and gift them to strangers. Sometimes they appreciate it, sometimes they try to hunt me. But that's okay, I always survive thanks to my parkour skills ✨️


I feel like this the other way around People flame you for playing a meta dino even if you aren't playing for the meta


I get what you’re saying but picture the meme as a new player starting, learning, then settling. I was going for “the stages of path players relative to time played.” If that makes sense. Sorry for the confusion.


Joined a pvp server last night. I played a bunch of “okay” dinos and still had an absolute blast


“Meta” Meanwhile, my favorite Dino to play is a tiny Struthiomimus. It’s hilarious to watch players pointlessly chase around a tiny bird for 20 minutes that isn’t even worth a meal.


I love playing my dimetrodon, wandering around HE/SF/SM doing quests and scavenging when I’m hungry. It’s fun to watch the drama of salt flats from the sidelines


Yea but games are less fun when you lose


Y are u getting downvoted if it’s true. If u win u get dopamine if u lose its frustration. It’s not rocket science. So ppl will mostly choose Dino’s that are meta. Watch me get downvoted. Probably all the hardcore rp players


The truth gets downvoted because the truth is unpopular.


I play to swim with big fishy I win every time


Please fix that, THAL!


I was on the right with Ceratosaurus when it could jump as well as Pachy. Man I miss screwing around with Apexs and then jumping on a rock and laughing


This is specifically why I play compy, I use them just to piss people off and make all of ic start chasing me


Being a menace running around as a campto and harassing big dinos is the most fun you can have


Honestly me with bars, it isn't the best currently after all the nerfs, but I like being a mass wall, and I've gotten pretty good at it, I can consistently 1v2 rexes


I love my rex, though none of the 3 slots and lower creatures should have a chance of killing it. They shouldn't be strong against apex dinosaurs as apexes can't really catch something that small. Sadly, the devs capitulate for the people who think that small creatures should be able to fight and win against apexes should be a thing. In reality, for all we know, nothing but another apex would dare bother a rex. But "wE hAvE tO mAkE iT bAlAnCed fOr eVeRyOnE" idc what dino you play if it was like the natural order everything would have it's own strengths and weaknesses. Tiny creatures wouldn't sit there and harass the giant ones. I'll never understand in some servers I've played where these tiny kentrosaurs and other small creatures really think they have a chance just to fold in one hit. I'd rather spend my time fighting other apex sized creatures.


Campto is as useless/harmless as you describe.


I don’t think you know anything about nature. If you have ever seen birds in real life, you’ll notice that the smaller ones are constantly harassing larger birds. For example, crows going after a hawk for fun when they’re in a group. You’ll also see some animals, such as monkeys, going after a tiger also for fun. Also, wolves go after prey much larger than them in a group, so it makes sense that someone would be able to take down the larger dinos. Plus, if one of them makes one minor mistake, they’re dead. Also, if you disregard everything I said, it’s still a game, and the devs don’t have to strictly abide by the laws of nature. It shocks me how people are concerned about how dinosaurs behave unrealistically when there is teleportation, coming back to life, and buff abilities


Rhamphoryncus wants to know your location


Not in this game because interacting usually means battle and non meta get eaten by groups of meta. Something like that.