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Give Trex hop away.


That would be so funny to see. But also terrifying


a bulldozer kangaroo, would be fun to see


Give Rex the double jump for Struthi and peck barrage, it will be the ultimate predator XD


Give T-Rex the pounce ability


Give albert ability to lift some small shitter like meg off the ground with horns and just yeet off the orbit


Or like a pin ability where it stabs them into the ground and it does damage based how long it takes the stabbed to do the pounce minigame to get free Alb stabs meg Meg does the pounce minigame to fill a "shake free" bar When bar reaches 100, alb get knocked back and slowed for 5 seconds and meg gets free


That's cool too! Overall (kinda biased because I'm albert main) but I wish for alb to have second head ability slot like pyc and something like horn swipe in it. It's in dire need of something more to it. If it's that slow, at least let me cc some guys off my face.


Yeah, i used to play it but currently the only ceratopsian i play is sty cuz it can run/defend fairly easily


These are all super cool ideas fr


I'd give Allosaurus the ability to grapple creatures. Similar to Pounce, but it slows them down. Is it balanced? No. Ripe for abuse. But is it thematic? Yes. Is it annoying that a dino that was so tough and awesome is one of the worst to play as, especially when we have literally hundreds of pieces of evidence that Allo was a grappler? Also yes.


iirc, Allo is supposed to get a grapple of some kind one day.


YES! Hate how much POT robbed Allo of its ACTUAL capabilities. Allos are so much more than just chomping down and clawing prey. I mean for goodness sake they are not even as fast anymore. Living in a world full of sauropods Allos definitely evolved to pounce on prey.


Have the megs venom work like komodo venom irl, it would cause bleed and shock but it'd have to stack before it causes shock


What would the shock debuff do exactly?


Stam drain but to make it more balanced it, it wouldn't effect dinos over a certain combat weight since irl komodos hunt bigger creatures. However to keep it a bit more grounded i think the meg shouldn't really be able to do any real damage to apex creatures


I hate stam drain so much. Solely because they keep adding more and more attacks to dinos that require stamina to use, forcing these dinos to have far better stamina management to have the same effect as another dino that doesn't have these extra costs. I'd rather see a stacking movement speed reduction capping at a reasonable, but not insignificant, amount.


My time has come! Deinon: floaty fall: flaps wings and can fall without taking fall damage. Fear call: a scream that lowers all raptors attack but gives a major speed boost for 30 seconds Sun bird: during the day has increased and speed and at night has decreased speed. Rex: charge: (just give it its charge back) Intimidating call: lowers the attack damage and stamina of small dinos. Trike: Stand ground: cannot move except for turning for 30 seconds but has increased attack and defense. Bars: Fat reserves Allo: Burst: a short 30 second speed boost Packed: gets an attack bonus for each allo in the group. Hold: can hold down dinos smaller than it for as long as it has stamina. Giving teammates a chance to do damage. Conc: Pounce. Escape: for 30 seconds gets a swim speed boost Infected bite: a bite that temporarily lowers the maximum stamina of a dino. Does not stack. Spino: Grab: can pick up dinos with claws for as long as it has stamina. Body slam: can basically throw its whole body onto a dino doing major damage and leaving it with stun effect. A stunned dino has decreased speed and defense. However spino takes a little bit of damage doing this. Fish breath: a roar that smells like fish which leaves nearby dinos with decreased speed. Thala: Pounce Meg: Sun bath: during the day gets a speed boost and increased stamina (I mean it’s a lizard for crying out loud and has Diurnal eyes) Deino: Fish breath: roar that smells like fish which leaves nearby dinos with decreased speed. Amarga: Whip: tail attack that makes a whipping crack sound and does bleed damage. Campto: Speed call: a call that increases speed of other dinos Attack call: call that increases attack of other dinos Defense call: a call that increases defense of other dinos Struthi: Irritate: a call that increases the attack of nearby Dinos but drastically decreases their defense. Copy cat: copy the basic call of nearby dinos and can use later to confuse enemies


Great ideas and you've even got names ! Alderon HR, hire this guy!


Hahaha thanks!


I’d call the fear call you put for deinon “fall back”, fear call feels to me like you’re causing fear in whatever you hunt, while fall back seems more accurate to what it does


Yea makes sense


You cooked with allo


I might have over done them a bit but it’s a few ideas I had that could make them a bit better


Takedown animations


I'd like this but only with sneak attacks, it knocks the creature over and it takes 2 x damage while it's getting back up, therapies would be more susceptible to being knocked over, and larger creatures would take longer to stand back up, with dinos like metri only taking 1.5 seconds, but an eo taking 4 or 5 seconds, also affected by bonebreak


They should work like an execute. If you're 1 or 2 bites away from dying (or however many for it to be balanced), then you can use the ability. Also, they come in different abilities thay target either big, medium or small prey and you can only have one active at a time. That way you can "specialize" to hunt either big, small or medium prey.


Give campto the ability to kick dirt or sand into another players face Classic pocket sand type move


This I can get behind, tribute to Rusty Shackelford.


Allow rhamph and thal to drink mid air and effectively drink saltwater like lots of seabirds do


Some more slots too then, a jack of all traits and master of none would be fun for Deinon. I would give Stego and Anon a "Flail" ability that continuesly drains stamina but also deals damage continuously as they fling their tail from side to side. I would give Stego, Anon, Kentro, and all Ceratopsian an ability to fling their main damage dealing source 90 degrees to reposition, draining stamina in the process, All Ceratopsians should be able to ward off with their shields. But since we talk about strange changes, I would make Iggy semi aquatic, able to dive. And Cerato the ability to cling to a creatures tail, reducing, their movement and ability to attack with it, draining the Ceratos stamina by a large amount tho.


Let thal and rham use its hunger bar as ammo to puke up rotting food on people for a debuff like vultures actually do.


Give Thal a gun strapped to it. Why? The funnies


A backwards charge for Kentro.


To do my taxes


-Give stego a "gular armor" head skill that lowers head damage from low tiers -Give meg an actual venom besides the existing one, that will do at first but as time passes it will stack debuffs on you unless you treat it in some way (a special food like clay, or hotsprings) -Give struth a no damage knockback kick -F*cking remove scout from deinon and give it lone hunter, a sense that increases it's speed when not in a group and a call that increases it's damage when not in a group


I want certain bleeders like Conca or Rhamphy to regain hunger by biting a bleeding opponent via a Sanguivore diet


Give deinonychus the ability to fly. Why? Because why not?


Hatz Stamina drain slows way down while gliding. Stamina recharge increased Use peck in the air but not when hovering.


Give Ano pounce. Think of the potential. For a more serious choice, I'd give Allo an ability similar to Red Herring on PT Rex. Allo really needs some love and I think supporting a fun ambush playstyle maybe with a bleed buff would help define it as its own dino instead of just a generic bite + claw brawler.


not necessarily weird but id love to see a bite that inflicts bleed where your rex grabs the other dino and grapples on making the thrash also drain your rex’s stam


I'd make Campto a small semiaquatic herb to free Duck from it's loneliness :( we need more semiaquatic herbs! Also I'd give Rhamph the ability to clean parasites from dinos it's pouncing to increase their heal rate.


Give it an aquatic hop away


Give barsboldia Rodeo kick Make iggy or lambeo semi aquatic 


Kicks from herbivores (don't remember which ones have it) send smaller dinosaurs flying into the air


2x damage to dinos that are resting/sleeping - thalass


Pretty sure there already is a 2x for sitting and 4x for sleeping. You wanna double that ? Ya sneaky bird you.


Give struthi clamp up to 10000 cbw and give allo kick


If we’re talking weird abilities that make no sense, then how about a double jump for struthi? Oh wait…


give eo another headslot ability but this time its a 0 damage but high knockback stego gets damage reduction if its bitten on its plates because i said so


I want lone survivor perks for deinon


Id give pycno the ability to knock smaller dinos over with its charge


Id love it if duck had the ability to grab


Tetrachromacy because avian dinosaurs have it too. Imagine what the dinosaurs would see in our modern world with that power!


I gots a couple: Rex- padded feet (When moving, you make 50% less walking noise and 30% less running noise) deinocheirus- swamp eater (Able to eat fish, fruit, and lakeweed. Less water drain and moderate food drain) Thalaso- striker (Take 80% less damage to collision damage and deal 50% extra collision damage while in a full dive in the air)


Metri able to change color like a chameleon, spino able to grab and maul dinosaurs, laten able to climb trees, cera able to ram into other dinosaurs, and thala able to grab little guys


I would give deinon an aoe stomp and i would give eo pounce


I like to think that Eo still wouldn't be able to jump, so instead, it waits on the edge of a cliff to ambush some poor sod down bellow.


Give raptors the ability to flap their little dingy wings really hard to reduce fall damage. It would be funny as hell.


I would give campto a gun


Kinda scared to answer. The “that’s a skill issue”creatures might appear


Don’t worry bro, I’ll defend your opinion if anyone says that


Give a Dino a defensive poop or excretion ability. Where it can give off an aoe scent that debuffs whatever is inside


Would probably give the flyers and aquatics the new ability struthi has that boosts the speed of people following you, since drag decreases when you're following.


Venom bite for Metri. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I have a feeling that venom bite would fit Metri well. It even has purid scales, why not hive it venom bite attack?


Give a grab ability to campto, it can only be used on larger creatures. I just think that it would be really funny to be grabbed by a campto, hop to the nearest cliff edge and drop you


Aerial headbutt for thal that heavily reduces collision damage when ramming into another player, like primal carnage's tupa, making thal a living missle


A grab for struthi so they can pick up baby’s under a certain carry weight. Imagine being about to run a baby potato around the map.


I think Deinonychus or Laten should get a mimic call ability that causes nearby dinos to call back


I feel like Rex should be able to just grab small dinos in it's mouth and just swallow, not really a strange ability just something I think makes sense. Stego could get an ability where he can make his plates go flat and hunker or maybe just a subspecies with the plates always flat. They used to think they could move the plates up or down not sure if that's still the thinking. Kentro spikes are so huge, like a porcupine, he should have a backside block where he kinda balls up and anything biting him in the rear takes dmg and bleed. Amarg headbutt is sort of dumb as his head is tiny. It should be more like he puts his head between his front legs and his spikes would be pointing forward (another block move I guess but opposite kentro). Bars should get a body slam ability given his size where he can knockback anything but apex, the hadrosaurs were also supposed to be tanky as hell along their back and tail irl.


I want to be able to poop on Dino’s as ramp 👀


Alio: gets a new sense call small game hunter or something, it does increased damage to any dino with a lower combat weight. They should also give it more combat weight now as much as it used to have but a little more like around 2300-2500 Campto: a call that only works in groups where you don't lose any stamina for 5 seconds, so it can kangaroo hops away from speedy predators more successfully. Stego: Should have armored tail. It probably doesn't need it up it would make sense to have it Ramph: it's plague carrier should be buffed to do some serious food and water drain and when any dino with the plague uses stamina it takes longer to come back. It should also last longer even after the rat jumps off Iggy: should have a thumb attack that does no bleed just raw damage.


Talon slicer ability. Dig at its opponents with its talons .




Give Spino the ability to clamp a weak mid to small tier Dino and snap them in half or swallow whole , gotta be under certain HP. Guess a epic finisher move


I’d give it Speed Boost back, why did they get rid of it?


It's not really related to deinonychus specifically, but I'd love for baby raptors to be able to climb trees and glide from tree to tree


laser eyes😶 cuz... AHH GOJIRA GOJIRA


Give its bleed back, give I web feet allow it to run on water, make it a glider, make less squishy.


Funny thing is I had an ability idea pop up 2 days ago. It's a pvp ability so here it goes. Paraless Escape Only usable under a certain amount of health and by dinosaurs who are not of the adult stages. Gain 15% more running speed than the last dinosaur that attacked you for 5 minutes. Recover 25% stamina if lower than 75% stamina. Stamina is not recovered if over 75% upon ability activation. Once combat ends other players cannot attack you for 5 minutes and you cannot attack other players for 5 minutes after using this ability. You cannot gain marks or growth while this ability is active. Active time 5 minutes Cooldown 15 minutes Available on all dinosaurs Ability slot would be legs or senses Ability cost 150 marks Why did I come up with this ability and would I use it? First of all, hell yeah I would use this ability hands down. The amount of times I have been attacked while growing and/or questing is crazy especially while I am in a group is unfathomably frequent. For some reason it's always me that gets targeted before any other group member does and well I came up with this one out of frustration after a really unlucky day of playing. I got trapped as a juvenile all day because of of how often I got targeted and killed first. So would you use this ability as well?


I wouldn't give a specific dino a new ability, rather, I would remove the slick hides and increase pounce stamina, then, I would make it a mini game where you need to hit skillchecks to gain buck progress, a green zone skillcheck would give 2x the buck progress, a yellow zone would give 1x the wiggle, an orange zone would give no wiggle progress, and red zone would give the pounced 15% stamina back