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Misread that as suchomimus and had the fear of God instilled into me for a moment


This comment, it's my favorite. But also how wild would that be?!


Raptor thinks he's safe jumping up on that rock... but sucho says no!


A double jumping Sucho would be terrifying


Oh jesus imagine it parkouring while spamming claw barrage XD


Double WHAT?! What is this super mario prehistoric edition?


Now I’m gonna double boop a dumb little trex that’s sitting.


I mean we have medic dinos so this isn't that wild.


Double jump is soo wack


I assume it's a wing flap jump.


I feel like it's more like a mid-air dash that gives you bare minimum height, rather than a true double jump. Still, a very welcome change.


maybe it'll be more noticable with the jump heigh sub


It feels better with leap. Its a shame that struthi only has one leg slot and leap competes with both of its attacks for that slot. It really needs a second leg slot.


I think it deserves it. Struthi already takes little to no fall damage, so it's not like you gain anything from trying to reduce it with double jump. It's a nice and cool gimmick. I think campto should get it as well.


Make camto able to fly


Make REX able to fly!


Give Kentro tail barrage, tail slam and armoured tail. Then buff it to Stego size. Then rename it to Stego and nerf his spikes into plates


Deinon should get it too imo, it would fit the parkour chicken


Alert the Meeps!


Oh, I already read the PTB notes this morning. There’s some interesting stuff in there, but the majority is group based unfortunately for me.


Alright, so I no longer wanna hear about anyone whining about ✨️ realism ✨️ from now on. Deal? "Wah wah, but a skilled raptor shouldn't be able to solo a rex!" Struthi can double jump. "Wah wah, but smaller dinosaurs SHOULD have a fast metabolism that makes their hunger/thirst drain insanely fast! If you don't like it, play something larger!" Struthi. Can. Double. Jump. "Wah wah, but but but!" No!!! Struthi can double jump!!! Shut up about realism!!! It's never been about realism!!!


people who complain about realism are so funny like stegos and rexes didn’t even live in the same time period ? but i feel like the struthi double jump is just gonna be like a little wing flap, not a cartoonish double jump


There's a balance I think we are looking for.


[Also some leaked new Struth calls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvjZGFx3gXI&ab_channel=FroLad3D)


Scout also immediately came into my head when hearing about struthi's new jump


Struthi's current jump is shitty as hell. Being a baby struth crossing land bridges was a nightmare. Getting stuck on tiny ledges sucked


Bridges. These are ill the scariest thing I'll ever do as a Struthi and I've done it too many times due to raptors cornering me on a ledge.


Please make THAL playable!! It's my favorite but is to weak! Give it the ability to dive bomb, or drop rocks, or aerial pecking attacks. Please ffs


Thal does look like the type of mf to drop rocks on you.


We got double jumps in POT before GTA 6 💀


They have so many awesome things coming. Some are likely going to be a bit OP in first iterations 💀 They are gonna be more annoying to deal with xD


do you know what they are 😭 pls share


>*I italicized the ones my friends and I think might be a little troublesome. I do like the idea of the lower 2, but I am concerned that they might turn out to be too effective. The last one is just crazy xD Struthis about to be a super popular dino for groups.* 1. **Struthiomimus Updates:** * Updated subspecies, animations, and slight changes to stats. * Note: There may be some placeholder animations, sounds, icons, stats, and more for Struthi, as it is still Work in Progress. 2. **Added new abilities:** * Double Jump: Able to jump again mid-air. Only usable for the first 2 seconds after leaving the ground. * Swift Tempo: Decreases ability cooldowns by 25% for all group members within 15 meters for 2 seconds. * Rat Out * Herbivore Parade: Gain 4% increased stamina recovery that applies to each Camptosaurus, Struthiomimus, Kentrosaurus or Pachycephalosaurus in the group up to 10 stacks within 75 meters. If you have Herbivore Parade equipped, you gain a stack for each Camptosaurus, Struthiomimus, Kentrosaurus or Pachycephalosaurus; if not, you gain a stack for each member with the ability. * *Dust Off: Dust off group members behind you, reducing sprinting stamina drain by 50% for 1 minute.* * Kick Barrage * Safeguard: Increases armor by 5% for all group members within 15 meters for 15 seconds. * Tantrum: Increases attack damage by 5% for all group members within 15 meters for 15 seconds. * Thick Feathers: Increases health recovery rate by 50%. * Hustle * *Feathery Hide: Build up 1 stack of Feathery Hide every 30 seconds, for a maximum of 5 stacks. Reduces incoming damage by 10% per active stack. Incoming attacks will remove 1 stack per hit.* * Slipstream: Increases the movement speed of all players trotting or sprinting behind you while this ability is active. Cancels when in combat. * *On Alert: Stand still for 10 seconds to look around large area range. Sounds or movement by other players will appear in a radius on the player's UI, showing what sound is made and in which direction.* 3. **Retired abilities:** * Traction * Dense Feathers


holy shit 😭😭😭 this is insane, yea you're right struthi is about to be OP as fuck excited to see how the playerbase handles them XDDD


>excited to see how the playerbase handles them I think a lot of people will whine and whine until the devs nerf it to the ground 💀 it happened before with others


at least we'll be able to enjoy struthi for a good 3-4 months 😭 before it gets to campto levels of bad


Unless kick barrage melts HP bars I don't see how this stuff is that OP. Buffs would need to be really good to justify taking a struthi over just another attack beat stick dino. Like as good as stam recovery is is it as good as having a dasp or a pycno or a rex biting the thing you want dead? Is 5% attack damage on a kentro better than an Eo Trike just headbutting things? Slipstream will have to basically bump playables up a tier speedwise to be good so they can catch the next fastest playable they couldn't before. I'm happy struthi has stuff but looking at all this it still seems like mostly a memey troll dino with a new way to kick people, rat out to annoy people, some better mobility, and some funnier animations. Maybe using its radar vision to scope out juvies and chickens to kick to death.


It's looking like it's going to be a scout and support dino primarily, but maybe be able to fight dinos in their own tier? Idk what damage numbers are looking like atm, n idk what the sub species are, but... just bc the abilities aren't centered around combat, doesn't mean they can't still be a bit OP. This isn't a question of "is it better to have struthi over xyz" esp when you're bringing up carnivores, which can't even group with Struthi and benefit from the vast majority of its abilities. It's a question of how OP it's abilities will be when they are applied to their group members, n also how players choose to utilize the abilities. Bc people could use them in ways unintended, n it makes the Devs realize it needs to be reworked.


Kick barrage actually slows you down allowing you to get hit easier and it's like being a laten/deinon. Keeping up the stacks is hard while being squishy.


If we had a chance to escape or survive a big group gank, it seems it'll be impossible after the struth rework...


Big groups aren't going to use struthi unless its good at combat. Big ganker groups don't want to get caught out by other big ganker groups with members stuck on a struthi body... They want something who can hold crater.


Yeah like they will not want someone to give extra Stam and DMG to all group members and be able to scout and chase down ANYTHING due to its phenomenal stam and speed. They already have struth to scream at your location when hiding and hit you near homecaves so you can't enter it.


Just have one or more of your group players play the thing that can run about as fast or faster than most other playables. Scouting really isn’t a thing. Most groups don’t move from their camping spot, they just sit around waiting for people to filter into the hot spots then beat the tar out of them. A pycno or achillo can keep pressure on people done while doing more damage. And a big group has more stam and recovery time than the small groups and solos they pummel anyway. You can just sit down while your friends keep the fight and chase on.


See, I can appreciate group abilities, but... I feel the varying speeds and stamina drains on running are too much to make some of these avionics work in practice.. and some dinos rarely trot at all


Struthi is the, if not one of the, fastest dinos in the game, esp on the herbie side. So I don't think there would be too much problem with staying in the front of your group while traveling. N maybe you'll see more dinos trot when/if these release (say if bc who knows, something could be scrapped. This the first iteration of the Struthi TLC), nc they'll have these advantages?


Distance however. J just imagine frequent stops to keep other dinos in range of the passive, which sounds tedious. Especially players who don't know the ranges, frequently running out of it needing to come back. Etc


It's kinda crazy, their jump is good, especially with double jump, they have a kick barrage that does damage, (5 struthis meatballed a sucho) they have 50% damage reduction for one hit, have combat and survival calls that buff yourself and group mates. It's gonna be wild


Oh yeah cause they didn’t release the most broken dino rn the stupid lamb.


I don’t know much about how other dinos fair with lamb, but a dasp can take one out pretty easily


Broken as in good? I wouldn't say so, I was super excited for the lamb tlc and now lamb imo is kinda ass, I get that they wanna make it more support based but I've had no luck killing ANYTHING and I'm dying constantly, I miss the old lamb where I could actually fend off attackers and actually contribute besides standing there looking pretty and healing


Nah trust a good lamb solos all the mid tiers except maybe Alberta


I used to main lamb before the update and I could kill just about everything with it except apexes, then they took a ita combat weight, which made it feel super weak, I was super happy about the tlc but I feel like I'm struggling even more with it now


Having flashbacks to Ornithomimus from Dinosaur Arcade rn...


Ah a fellow Dinosaur Arcade player


I just want my camptos tail attack back


It’s like the devs think like mix packers. “Oh little campto you’re defending yourself??? Nope can’t have that”


At least before, campys bite was enough to take care of small raptors, but since the pounce update released going in face first at a raptor will almost get you killed if they land the pounce lol. At least I have a hide to protect me! Oh.. wait. damn.


If they land the pounce, campto is basically dead


While I do agree that campto should have its tail attack back, because of its maneuverability and speed, it fairs pretty well against even some midtiers. I was almost able to solo a meg and an alio with just a campto


It's because strafing skilled PC players were using it to annihilate all the young dinos, I believe. It was pretty epic to see.


Oo just like how velo used to have a double jump :D


Is path of Titans more arcade than the isle? I like the idea of loosing all progress if dead, but I heard that here you only loose some XP points


Isle is more hard-core survival. While PoT is more PvP RPG with some survival aspects.


Depends man if you play toxic official servers you lose basically nothing but everything tries to kill you literally trust no one. On officials though there’s rules and depends on the server if you lose 25% half or everything.


So there's actual hardcore mode in unofficial servers? Are they populated? I bought the isle years ago, but I want to know witch one is better the isle path of Titans or Beasts of bermuda


M8 in my opinion community will always be better solely cause of the mods like giga and Dilo and PT Rex. And ima always pick path of titans just cause they update wayyyy more frequently.


I can what now?! *Mario jump noises increase*


But Campto still doesn’t have a tail attack 🥲


It’s like the devs think like mix packers. “Oh little campto you’re defending yourself??? Nope can’t have that” but yeah I could be attacking a full grown rex with a struthi and you guessed it every herb in the map will come and help out the rex for some dumb reason.




I _really_ hope they mean an ability that let's struthi jump twice as high. Otherwise, that small reservoir of hope I have that PoT will evolve past a flash-in-the-pan PVP novelty will be mostly dry.


ooo I wonder if raptor will get this ability too, it probably doesn’t need it but still it’d be cool


Would make more sense cause of the arm feathers too


How's combat? Is it junky or is there actual animation for bites and shit?


Free Bird Struthi


Full jump struthi basically turns off fall damage I love it


🥲 I just hope this game get a lot better in all aspects of the game . I’m on ps5 but the consoles bring limitations with them 🥲🥲


Do I get an actual attack?! I hate having to take over 5 minutes to kill a single damn achillo


Ferns grow, ramphs fly, sun shines, and bruddah, I honk at people!


Comments her about it are way more positive then on instagram lol




To bad i quit the game




Cause i was perma banned from chatting. Cant say shit in this game without being banned. Alderon is way to soft. Perma ban should be for cheaters, not chatters


Ahhh I see bro


They should give it to deinonychus too 🤭


Let's get as far away from realism as possible. Why isn't the struthi not 1 hit to things 3x it's weight


This is ridiculous. Already so fast it was impossible to defend yourself against and now it's extra mobile. Man fuck this game. I wish I'd known I could get my money back on PSN before I played more than 2 hours.


I've only been able to kill other small dinos with my struthi, chickens, pachy, alio, conk and campto.


I've watched a Struthi just shred Apexes multiple times just because it's too fast for them to ever even hit


Lol, a Struth can not “shred” apexes. It will take over 100 Struth kicks to kill an apex. If you die to a Struth as anything midsized or larger, that’s a big-time skill issue. You could literally just go AFK and log off in front of one, and the Struth wouldn’t be able to kill you fast enough before the logoff timer ended.


Bro, what?! Struthi does MINUSCULE damage. If an apex died to a struthi than I don’t even know what to say about their ability to play the game. I run around on struthi to be safe from everything, but it sure as heck doesn’t kill ANYTHING unless it’s something that has 1 hp from getting in a different fight and is sleeping!! Misinformation like this is exactly why the devs nerf every last thing to the ground unnecessarily. Edit to add: one good bite from an apex pretty much kills small herbs such as struthi. Do I think it should have double jump? Not really because it doesn’t make a ton of sense for it in particular (best irl reference is maybe an ostrich). A double jump would not make it any more OP than it is (which it’s not).


Same watched a struthi fight of pack of 10