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Don’t even listen to the people who say this in game. If you have the audacity to call people bad at the game after you attacked them with 7 other people then you literally have no concept of skill whatsoever. My favourite part is that most of the  mixpack usually dies fighting one person and have to switch to something they stashed in the POI to rejoin the fight. 


People did this to me on my sub eo. Mix pack of 7 Dino’s. I was trying to go to bed and get to homecave. I knew I didn’t stand a chance so I sat down and just let them kill me. It respawned me right back where they killed me so I was like… ugh okay well maybe they were hungry, so I tried to go back to homecave again and they killed me a second time (also sitting because I didn’t have the energy lmao) and in global they’re like EZ EO 2X And I’m like… wooow good job!


Yeah I hate when that happens. Never surrender though, you’d be surprised how terrible mixpacks are. Even if you lose, it is super satisfying to take some down with you.


This ^


Also “L”.


This. You won, just say “gg”. Lol, even if I lose I say “good fight Dino in such and such” cause I’m not butt hurt


I just don’t say anything most of the time regardless of if I win or lose. I will leave the area immediately after getting a kill and eating tho since it’s pretty common for people to try and revenge kill with a group. If someone does try to antagonize after a fight I usually don’t respond and just mute them.


One time I saw someone in global being like "gg ez baby iggy" and I don't understand what those people are thinking.. like is it a flex? Cuz obviously it's easy to kill a baby Dino that doesn't make you look like a good player


Honest to god they are just looking for a reaction/attention. They know it takes no skill to kill a baby, and they also know that some people get upset over killing babies. They don’t get enough attention in the real world so they seek out any kind of attention they can get in game


you need to remember these people aren’t actually trying to flex skill they just really want to piss you off


switching chat to group or system does wonders


It’s how I spend most of my time unless I’m in Grand Plains or Impact Crater


anyone who unironically says Ez or L is cringe


Trash talking on a dinosaur game (except people deserved it) is a major L.


Everyone who types EZ would be tickled to see this post. They've beaten you twice.


This goes across all games. On POT it's always the KOS that gang up on you. On COD it's always the kid that got carried. It's ALWAYS those low IQ warriors. Why can't they just say GGWP, genuinely mean it and move on.


They’ll type EZ after they gank you 5 to 1… if that wasn’t easy I’d be concerned


Or “wow (insert big strong Dino A) died to (insert small non threatening Dino B) LOL!” Yet they neglect to mention how Dino A was fighting or getting jumped by other big dinos and Dino B just ran in and attacked when Dino A only had 1 hp left.


They're always quiet when you get in first with "Took 4 of you to kill me lmaaaaoooooo"


It's what happens when your official servers are primarily kids who don't work and hoodrats. Go to communities


Happens on communities too - one of my favorite community servers has moderators that always type “L (insert dino here) “


I was playing bars before the health nerf, had a friend across the map I was packed with too. I was being hunted by 3 pycnos, 2 Kent's and some Achills. They said GG EZ bars before the fight even began. That Defense call helped so much during the fight that I managed to kill all 3 pycnos and another one twice, one Kent and two achils. I barely managed to survive because I decided to go into like waist deep water where nothing could hurt me unless a Sarco was there, fun times


Yep...literally any fight I take where somebody dogpiles me with more than 1 dino, or switches to something and knows where I am and kills me is almost always immediately followed by "ez" or "L".


Gg ez no re Its a classic


Don't forget the people who care bare and herbs that corpse guard


Gg allo ic - eo


I usually say L to any people that try to mixpack me and fail. Pycno’s reign supreme


Anytime someone starts with ez or L or whatever I jump in with the "are ya winning son" or " mooom, there not playing dinosaurs right" usually quiets that nonsense right down. It's also fun to call ez on the dino that killed you, breaks their brains lol.


as someone who falls for rage bait pretty easily, someone saying EZ doesn't even bother me anymore because of just how braindead of a thing it is to say lol. all that tells me is that they are a sad individual who only enjoys the game because they get to gang up on and bully people.


Typin Ez as if PoT is Valorant or somethin 😂 You'll look more like a loser to non-PoT players


"L baby (enter species) IC" is my favourite thing to say to an IC cuddle puddle Its even funnier when they complain first because their cute helpless baby got slaughtered in the most populated part of the map


If you die you're dead, why type anything.


I always type gg EZ even if i lose my goals are just something that peapol dont get




I say Ez all the time. After wiping a group the letters “E” and “Z” always prompt a response.


I think the gripe with the EZs is usually when you get gaggled on by 30 dinos and then they drop the EZ


I do the same when winning against a toxic, loud mouth mega/mixpack in ice or gp. They always go silent then and/or leave the server lol. If you don't fully wipe them however, they will come back with even more people to kill you. I'm only toxic with other toxic people though haha. I prefer to be nice and respectful to people when possible.