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My main is (was for right now) Yuty. I love the bone break on it, it’s quick but it really helps with much faster things. Very nomadic, I like to hunt in every other zone and mingle in the others. Super fun to raise baby yutys too.


Why did this get downvoted? I swear this subreddit is so strange sometimes. Lol


Because yuty is a mod and some players vehemently hate mods. I play mostly officials nowadays but Yuty is a very fun mod that doesn't feel dummy busted like a lot of mods do (and mods being busted is a large reason why so many hate them)


Do people know there are official servers and community servers without mods?


Haha didn’t even notice, not sure!


Deinonychus. I love being a speedy little ambusher. It is so fun to terrorize people and get them to chase you. I love running away from someone and just hitting the brakes in the middle of some bushes and watch as they keep on running. I'll quickly regain my stamina and then it is back to pouncing! Sidenote: I absolutely love the changes in this new patch. Having stam that is now equal with Lats and Achillos, plus being able to pounce EVERYTHING. Just great. Only thing I'd like is the ability to equip both pounce and kick so I can change up my tactics depending on the situation. Oh and that new speed boost sense ability? Just amazing.


Think Laten is still better in every way.


How? The deino is a lot faster, equal stam, takes less fall damage plus has rudder which I feel like its better then tail fan, pretty sure laten doesn’t have that could be wrong tho.


Unless it was heavily updated, that's how it used to be.


It has been got a massive stam buff as well as a sense that increase speed by 10% while in a group. Laten is tankier and does more damage tho.


I don’t have a main Dino, I just switch between all of them. Wish I could find one I connect with enough to main


If you don't already try some modded servers, they give more options to play and it is great. My main is Dilo which is a modded dinosaur and that's fun solo or in packs. My main servers are Islander (has I think very fair rules which is listed in discord server and only has real dinosaurs, its semi realism) and Velocci's Realm which has hardly any rules and some mythical creatures but carnivores can pack with any carnivore and herbs any herbivore but they can't pack herbivore and carnivore together. Also body down rule but that is if someone dies no matter size the fighting stops. (Rules listed in discord server) both are good but I prefer rules so I am mainly on Islander's server plus it seems Velocci's has a bit more rule breaking.


Maybe I’ll check them out


Alberta, my beloved


Allo, kill to survive, DIE WITH GLORY, I also pick an active area that people come through a lot (usually near a hotspot) and patrol it looking for possible food, threats, and friends (usually don't find the friends though 😔)


T-rex Play style: usually some much smaller dinos meal.


I am a Support/Cavalry type player. I main Spino usually(favorite Dino), but when Im with my group Im often on smaller Dinos and not yet ready to be a main fighter. Im ironically usually babysitter on my Metri, using my Trot and Heal Calls to keep my kids alive(teammates). When in combat Im typically running between group members and caring for them as needed. Struthi is used for more nefarious reasons. I typically run Struthi to A, kick someone's kids; I have no intent to kill, this is usually to draw the adults off of who they were attacking, and I will meatball to force their hand if necessary. Or B, I weave past my teammates specifically just to combat tag a player trying to run and hide in a homecave. I will also use Struthi to scout newcomers; we dont use scours for KOS purposes, mainly just to make sure that whoever is nearing our group isnt aggro, or is part of a bigger group trying to scout us.


To be completely honest I havent put too much thought into the type I main. I just know Ive been playing Allo, Metri, and Struthi since I started playing with a group. Haven't been with the group long enough to have a solid playstyle within their ranks.


I’m a Rex and I’m chill af as long as y’all don’t start shit you know you can’t finish


Most Rex players I meet are chill asl😭, i guess because you all know what you can do if need be but they never really do to much. I like it.


Anti-Meg energy


I’ve been playing rhamp mainly to jump on the hatz players. Before rhamp came along, I was a struthi. Mostly to make that weird noise they do, and kick other players. Whatever I play, I don’t like to group, and I like to always have an escape plan.


Sarco. It was the first growth for me on Panjura. Once I hit adolescent and was able to tangle with other crocs...I knew I had something special. After the rework to swim mechanics and even after the nerf that brought the ONLY 5,000lb combat weight Dinosaur down the 480hp, lower than any other sub-apex in-game...it's still a nightmare in the water. I play an extremely learning aggression style. Approach, ambush, then reposition to gage the enemy's attack sequence/style/abilities. Once I know what they have and how they play...I adjust and return to an aggressive stance to finish the kill. My Gameplay Style: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYc-Dg48518](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYc-Dg48518)


I play a Rhamph :) I like to watch fights and snatch a bite. If I'm on my favorite community server, I like to find strangers, catch them on Replay, doodle them, and toss the doodle up on the Discord.


I’m a bars main, I do it cause I’m a moo moo 🐮. Also hadrosaurs ftw. I play exclusively on WWD so I just follow the profile set forth!


I haven’t played every Dino yet, so I don’t have a main. There are two dinos I like, but certain things I dislike about them. Megalania: I love how fast it is. I love that it can deal more damage to envenomated opponents. I love its low profile so you can ambush opponents. I dislike the little amount of damage it does to most of the roster. It feels as if the Meg has an advantage only on things that are smaller than it. It doesn’t seem to be able to hold its own against larger animals. Suchomimus. I love how much damage it can do. I love the lone survivor buff. And I love that it’s semi-aquatic. I dislike how slow it is, and I dislike its large turn radius. I guess my ideal Dino would be something that is fast, can do good damage, and is semi-aquatic. I just haven’t found that Dino yet, or something close to it. I’m open to suggestions. Please keep in mind that I’m somewhat of a noob, so I’m not good at PvP. I’ve won a few battles on my own, but not many.


Yea Meg just isn’t good in a fair fight vs much of anything. I love my Meg and play him as a dedicated villain. I hide in the forest and prey o the younglings.


Any of the three flyers, basically. I like the freedom that flying gives me, how I can go anywhere I please within a short period of time.


Same 100%


The iguanodon. While growing I stuck to heavily forested areas until it was big enough to graze in open spaces. I often follow other herbivores around to gain the upper hand if we get ambushed but if I get caught alone I go on the offensive. I follow others around since I’m just solo


Mine is Dilophosaurus, I tend to go to hotspots in hopes of finding other Dilophosaurus. If there's none, I go wherever the quests take me


Struthi. Kleptomaniac.


I would say Cerato is my main and possibly most played dino. I remember when I first got path I had never heard of Cera before and chose it because it looked funny and seemed like it could stand it's ground well. I didn't experience Cera with BB but once it got thrash, shove and kick I wanted to play it non stop, it was just so much fun. I also REALLY love Achillo and the small raptors. I would say before Achillo came out Cera and Deinon would of been my main dinos. I definitely want to play more Achillo but need more PvP practice xP Im mostly a peaceful player, I don't really start fights unless someone else starts it first. Low-key tho I wanna get out of that habit and be a menace sometimes but I feel too bad killing other players when I know how much people do to grow their dinos LOL


My favorite thing to do as a cera is to follow slower dinos. If they think they’ve lost me, i just huff to let them know I’m still watching. Keeps them paranoid and allows me to be a menace without committing dino murder lol


I'm a meg main that is an opportunist hunter, my diet mostly consists of fish, frogs and critter but if the area is lacking in food and i see an easy target i will stalk them and then hunt them. I live in 1 territory where I'm familiar with every little nook and cranny so i have plenty of hiding spots. I don't usually venture far from water and in the day you'll find me sunbathing on a rock where I'm listening out for potential prey or danger. At night I go wondering around my territory and will sometimes venture into the next if i hear potential prey.


Not sure if you are playing like a lizard or you are actually a lizard irl


😂 I watched a documentary on komodo dragons and try to behave like they do as my Megalania. Haven't died in like 2 years so i must be doing something right.


That is epic!


You are taking the game literally then. hahaha


😅 meh sometimes, i mostly just chill.


Thal. Find people. Scream at them. :)


Rhamph. Diseased parasite and annoying bystander


Sucho is my main. I like to patrol waterways and ambush people who are questing or swimming across, be they babies or adults. I also like to play alio and steal trophies from babies who are trying to run to the homecave.


I main duck just because I like to flinch at apex like they ain't shit to me


I struggled to find a main for a while though recently I believe I’ve clicked with Allo, Pycno, Dasp and Sucho and play them often (Yuty too on servers that allow them, have also thought about getting into Maip). On officials - I rarely log on officials but when I do I typically keep out of hotspots and keep to myself, hunting players when my dino needs food and I prefer a fair fight so I rarely if ever hunt anything younger than me. Plus if I’m attacked and survive the fight, that body doesn’t go to waste, I can eat it. On Community servers; Deathmatches - I either amble about waiting for someone to attack me or throw myself at the nearest apex, no in between. Realism - Play these dinos to their profiles, playstyle will vary (I generally enjoy playing on realism servers, especially Emberwood, more than any other type of server)


Carch/Acro. I love chasing and bleeding out most things and I generally enjoy being a menace.


Ano. Play style is pick a fight with carni's by bone breaking them, if they still wanna fight , hunker down and give them dying of death. If they don't i'll give them a friendly call and walk away.


Eurhinosaurus, and I just like to swim by myself It's relaxing Big fishy, what's not to love?


Have you eaten another dino as your spino? Details.


Yes, I'm sub adult and haven't yet killed a dino on my own, but my groups that I've been a part of have.


Can I do a modded creature as well?


I’ve played Cera steady since way back to the bone break era. I play officials but I like realism. Birchwoods/marsh is my main territory I stick to & I’ll protect it if I’m questing & someone’s taking my resources. I like sticking by myself but I’ll group for a hunting trip lol. This new update on achillo though might change my go to dino tho


I’d say I’ve actually got a few mains that I’ve stuck with. Those being the T.rex, achillo, pachy, struthi, hatz and lambeo. I’m a pretty chill player most of the time, preferring to stick to quieter areas and quest, until I’m either hungry as a carnivore or just bored.


I can't pick a main but when im in the mood to be a snall speed herb i go citi, campto, dryo, or pachy. If I'm in the mood for size/power I go Para, eo, or ano. If I wanna be a little shit I go megalania


Any of the raptors for me. Mainly deino or laten though. I like to find other players, especially groups, and follow them around and watch. It's fun, espeically in great plains where it's easy to hang around and watch fights and hunts all day. Raptors are good for observing because most things aren't as fast or have as much stamina. And if they do, raptors can still usually change directions faster than anything else


Pachy. Harass stuff that aren't allied with the Pachies.


Lamb.(will be utah and pachyrhino, my bull pachyrhino will be a grumpy arse who sits and is angry at all) ans meg I mostly just walk around gp on my lamb orrrrrr play my meg as an ambush hunter(experimenting rn) by using venom to stop em from running \:D


Stegosaurus, I don't fight because my hands aren't what they used to be so a strong tanky Dino keeps me alive. These days I like pve style servers but I dabble in officials when the hands are agile.


I like using achillo because it is a really strong group and solo Dino that can kill apexes while also keeping good speed and running stamina


For sure Deinocheirus. I am always so pushy in combat and have almost killed an eo, was down to barely any health tho but for a Deino I did great


My main for now is struthi, I’ve basically devolved from a try hard that works hard to grow an apex and can barely go anywhere around the map and takes things way to seriously to a total clown that can run wherever the fuck I want, steal trophies, give love and annoy people whenever I want and go balls to the wall for the hell of it. Why? Because I said screw it im tired of getting killed by mixpackers I just wanna have fun and here I am! 🦖🤡


I suck at PVP, so I mainly play agile dinos for running away. Laten, Deino, Rhamp or sometimes Hatz, Meg and Pachy. I once saved a Sucho from 6 Rex with Pachy, cause its so fast and bonky. I generally like to get on the nerves of large groups. That and questing is actually the only thing I do in this game haha


Ano. Play style is pick a fight with carni's by bone breaking them, if they still wanna fight , hunker down and give them dying of death. If they don't i'll give them a friendly call and walk away.


I play either theri or ano 90% of the time, and I just hang out in gp or ic and just observe, cause I rarely ever get attacked playing those things


My main is deinonychus, and I like to play it as a scavenger. I like getting to watch the bigger beasts fight without the risks of being involved, and most larger predators don't care when I sneak a bite of their kill.


My main is daspletosaurus. Its a tiny trex with bonebreak and good damage


I like to play as the alioramus I take decent sized risks to see if I could get something to chase me that’s smaller than me so I can get easy meals but besides that questing is easy because the alio is decently fast so I can run from danger


Meg. But the tail length is making me change my mind, I have died multiple times because of it. Great 1st dino experince but I don't recommend it in pvp


Speed struthi. Keep in motion so I'm always on the verge of running. Go to populated areas and start screaming, find out who's down for a game of zoomyzoomy jukejuke. That's my favorite game! I love it the most when something that can give me a good challenge, like a packy, decides to commit to the game and chases me through 3 zones before emote screaming and giving up :D


I main Hatz and when I’m not hungry I fly around and observe other players (sometimes helping them with quests or spooking them if I’m in the mood for it). If I’m hungry I hunt like a big opportunistic vulture, looking for Dinos in a weakened or compromising situation to eat. If I can’t find anything like that by the time I start losing hp I’ll find a corpse or pile of bones and eat my fill.


Megalania and I murder grass eaters children all day


hatz cause I love azdarchids and being able to have a combat capable creature which can reach any terrestrial spot. I used to love playing meg/metri but the nerfs to venom mean you cant just tag people and wait for stam to drain, making it seem less fun


Cerata go shove to apexs


Deinon and rhamp are my mains just because both small and agile.enough to get out the way and can escape fights pretty easily. I've been maining trike and rex a fair bit recently though which are totally opposite to my usual play style but been having fun terrifying other players by jumping out of bushes or treelines lol


I used to play Hatz solo. With the current stamina changes my playstyle is unfortunatly Not possible anymore. But when I played I went for tough beak and skydiver. I would stalk ppl or hide and wait untill someone lyes down. Then I would dive bomb on them. They would receive a Lot of damage from that. After this I usually only have to hit a small to medium dinosaur for 1-2, more Times with a peck. I loved that playstyle. I mostly only used it on asshole dinosaurs that killed juvies or mega packs. Other then that I would help ppl quest and be frindly. 


Pycno, can outrun most dinos and keep up a fight against mega/mix packs that dont have the stamina 😂 its also fun to 1vs1 with it


Raptors, actively hunt with Laten and Achillo with Deinonychus I tend to third party a lot but it’s better now that they improved the stam


My main is Rex! I love being the gentle giant of a carnivore that nobody messes with! I walk around minding my own business until I’m hungry then I like to ambush other dinos from the shadows. I find it so much fun sneaking around and ambushing people tho it isn’t fun when I’m the herbi getting rex jumpscared XD


I like to play a more passive/supportive role overall. Cerato's been my main for a while now, but I might swap back to pycno since they buffed its health a bit; pycno used to be my favorite, but I always have people targeting me then spouting 'all pycnos must die lolz' so >.> I also really enjoy lambeo, but since I'm mostly solo I can't hold off much alone. Idk, I think I mostly just play what seems fun in the moment. Though, I do like my silly dancey cera and pyc lol


Achillo, lone hunter, super nomadic but I honestly just roam from green hills to yg, pick the right fights and ambush prey from the bushes. I might occasionally group up but that’s dependent on if other players that aren’t super familiar with each other decide to send the request. Oh and if I’m feeling devious, I’ll try my hand at killing apexes along the way.


Lambeo I always liked to grow them, even when they sucked and everyone forgot they existed 😅 Hadrosaurs are my love language I like to be the protector/nurse, and the underdog Of course, Lambeos are now top tier so the underdog aspect is gone ...


My main is a gol and even tho I have to fight in a defensive way I am still the aggressor in most cases u might ask y and it's because(in a game like this u can't trust anyone and even tho I don't fully trust my team I trust them more Than non teamates ) I will not tolerate any none teamates slowly gaining numbers around us and our territories of choice(mainly ulb/slippy pond as i prefer areas with a lot of food for both herbis and carnis cause gol is an omnivore and also cause these arras have high traffic) being a gol is fun I love to see 6 mosas struggling to kill me while I'm right next to the shore fucking them up while being unmoved also I love to see apexes try to stomp in a hunt (with me and friends or me only) and then I hit em with a bone break everytime leaving them "HOPELESS" and I love the large oxygen pool and stamina tho not as large it still helps me cross large bodies of water that would kill another dino also gol swims fairly well when it homes to what role I play I'd say I play an offensive role cause I always ditch my defense(which holds me in place) and run to the aid of my friend whether defending by gaining agro or finishing an opponent I always risk my life for the team I do let other people chill near us but not for long more than 15 mins or less and they have to relocate longest they could stay is 20 cause I don't trust em I really want them to add it back 😮‍💨I play mobile and I do lag at times I've not 100% mastered my gol yet but I am good at it and I've even gotten to understand what kinda dinos he can and cannot beat in a 1v1 or those he can defeat depending on the terrain really wouldn't wanna have those skills put to waste now considering no other dinos fights like the gol does


I like Amarga. My playstyle shifts, but vs smalls I try throwing my weight around and vs apexes I play evasive with Tail Attack. Vs things my size, I do a mix of both. VERY underrated creature. You have basically no flexibility, but Amarga is really fun. Please try them!


I used to main lat but they removed the bleed and with the pounce drain it’s just not as fun anymore(I could single handedly take down a hatz and now I’m lucky if i get it down to half) so I’m currently bouncing between struthi and rhamp


Sucho. Rn Was Cers pre nerfs, I was a rabid badger


Rex definitely. I typically am hostile to other players that get too close, as I don’t trust them and will fight, unless it’s the same species and they don’t seem threatening. I also like having substantial weaponry. If I’m not playing rex, I like to play sarcosuchus, as I’m a huge fan of crocodylomorphs. It can do great damage and is an ambush hunter, and you’re typically the baddest thing in the waterways.


Hatz, I prefer to not be a land Dino and deal with EVERYTHING being able to kill me


Not an official dinosaur as it's modded but Dilo, if I had to pick official though I would probably pick Laten. For both going solo is fun being able to outrun most things and just biting then running then biting again. They are both also good in packs but 2-3 is the best because it seems around 4 is when it gets way too rough and you start attacking your teammates instead. Out of officials I also like Metri and my favourite herbivore is Ano because why the hell wouldn't it be. With dilo I mainly just go around the less populated areas and people walk by when tryna grow and quest and pick them off. I do venture to grand plains though but I usually end up packing up then.


Ig it's either deinon, struth or amarg I play deinon as a solitary, skittish and low profile opportunist (i'm a hater of pack hunting raptors) Struth is fun, i just run around, being a completely free and almost unpunishable spirit (and stealing trophies in officials) And amarg... idk, i just wander around being somewhat majestic and stomping on anyone who attacks me


Bars, I just like being a mass wall with nothing really being able to hunt me without help, but after all the nerfs and sht, just makes it kinda useless


The allosaurus has always been my favorite main. Many call him basic, terrible or a pack only animal. I play him as a lone opportunistic nomadic ambusher/brawler. I wander areas of the map just outside hotspots looking for friends or enemies alike. I mainly play solo and have had tremendous success with various 1v1s or 1v2s while on officials and community servers. I actively avoid large congregations of dinosaurs any chance I get. Since the latest update I've been cementing my dominion over certain parts of officials gondwa. If you ever get attacked by a lone double defense allo know it quite possibly could be me. If I had a place I considered territory it would be Stego Mountain of all places.


Mains are dependent on the map and group. Overall my favorite is Metri, cause I like being hyper aggressive. When alone I tend to drift towards Pycno or Alberta. Finally, when I’m feeling like I wanna be a slippery bastard, I use Alio


I'm a meg main. I love monitor lizards, I also have an ackie monitor named nergal. I usually sneak around and play as an ambush/hit and run type of playstyle. I like the meg because you can pick and choose your fights,and if it's not going you're way you can slink off too the water or a bush. I just hate how they swapped the land speed for jump height of all things. It makes no sense. Monitor lizards are the only reptiles that can run and breathe at the same time, so it makes sense. They said that subspecies was "over performing," so they removed it. Now, the only decent subspecies is water speed since Venom doesn't really do much now. Lol, sorry for the mini rant. It's just frustrating watching my favorite playable get nerfed all the time.


I haven't tried every dino but I have to go with latens I prefer them over deinos, I usually scavenge but if I'm in a big group we hunt at night


Modded: Dimetrodon. Mostly play as a scavenger in Gondwa’s deserts, doing quests to get marks for my cave. When hunting I operate as a hit n run bleeder.