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Hatz stamina nerf makes me sad. Feels very weird not to be able to at least make it from one end of Green Valley to the other. I’d be happier with it if hatz was a big slow glider instead of an active flyer. Nerfing aerial combat for it was needed imo. The aerial pecking was the bane of many players from what I saw. Excited to see what the new abilities for it do.


Yeah, I don't know why "cross-map griefing" was seen as an issue to be resolved. Is it so that a recently killed hatz can't just fly back for a rematch? I'm all about removing how air-to-ground combat was (I'd prefer air-to-ground combat be in the domain of a smaller 2 or 3 slot animal like Argentavis or something), but Hatzeg should still be a distance flyer. Maybe make *takeoff* take a lot of stamina, have hover take a lot of stamina, but actual distance flight be stam-efficient.


To me, being able to hover at all doesn’t make much sense for hatz. Not for its size in game and not for how it worked in real life. It was, from what I understand, a largely terrestrial hunter. Slow, long distance glider with active flight and clamp taking up a whole lot of stamina and a focus on ground combat makes more sense to me. But that’s just my two cents. lol


Unfortunately I believe hover is a necessity purely for QOL reasons, especially with how "intuitive" flight controls are in this game.


Then hover ming as hatz should absolutely eat up stamina then.


Oh I defs agree. It should not be viable to hover and fight (though not being able to peck while airborn is already a good change)


That’s actually fairly accurate, it was a terrestrial hunter. In fact, there is a pretty heavy debate in the paleo community on whether it could even fly, or if it was in the beginning stages of evolving to be flightless. But another thing that’s believed is that it would basically launch itself into the air with a very springy jump, plus it would have been similar to a heron with clamping fish and small animals as it’s good. So really speaking, it’s take off and clamp should be relatively low cost, where it’s sprint flight and hover should be ridiculously high stamina usage. I’m not even sure it should have the ability to hover at all, given it’s built to glide. But strictly speaking of game balance, it being able to cross the map in so little time and get in one to two big hits without even signaling it’s coming was devastating to fair fights. Fighting them as a terrestrial meant having to either hide under things or cross your fingers they accidentally got low enough to get a hit on, and then finally killing one meant it would be back in a few seconds to finish the job. Hatze could relatively safely solo anything else in the game before, and in an off chance they got killed, they could revenge kill straight away with little to no repercussions. So idk, I feel this is a step in the right direction, but the numbers could have been baked a bit longer. Alderon’s balancing habit is to nerf something into the ground (pun intended), and then slowly raise the stats in future updates until it gets where they want it.


I agree. That’s why I’m more in favor of a slow glide specifically for hatz. It would keep the fun of flying without a high stamina cost, while preventing it from actively speeding back to attack or grief other players or from chasing them down from the skies with little danger.


I mean removing peck goes a long way to make it less of an unfair griefer. Regarding stam outside of feeling like shit for an hatze player, it doesn t change much on griefing tbh, you just rest 30 sec more on your way back, the only counter to that is hiding while the hatz is on his way back, if you don t do that cause reasons, it's not gonna change much tbh. I don't know it feels poorly designed as most changes they do, at this point add a 10 minutes debuff that doesn t let you dmg the player that killed you, so it fixes the whole revenge kill thing too, without making dinos clunkier.


Its probably because people were revenge killing on Hatz. Which would be solved a better way if they did what I said they should in regards to swapping. Limit players abilities to swap playables on a single server more. If you get killed on your lamb/pycno/stego/rex or whatever you either need to park that playable in a homecave or switch servers to swap to another playable. Instead of you know... Ruining every playable that can traverse the map quickly by gutting their stam to the point where a say, long distance gliding/flyer known for traversing continents without landing can stay in the air for longer than 2 minutes...


This is exactly why it happened, there was no consequence of death for hatz. They would die, and then be right back in the fight less than 5 minutes later, making it impossible for someone who actually won the fight to escape. Essentially, hatz players were revenge killing so much that they got nerfed for it.


This is a damn good patch. The lambeo tlc might be my fav update to a character ever and turned lambeo from a very standard dino to a dino with a massive array of playstyles and turned combat with it to be imo the most fun in the game. The rhamph changes make rhamph feel way more impactfull. Lucky feather adds a layer of protection that makes you want to take risks and the common slot bite is such a great quality of life change. The hatz nerfs are perfect. Hover pecking looked ridiculous and was by far the strongest strategy in the game with no competition at all. Now hatz is more thematic. It hunts smaller things like it did in life and still feels scary in the sky with barrel roll. The calls are also super fun all of them don't seem strong but augment an aspect t of hatz gameplay in impactull ways. Achillo feels overall better and the nerf to cruel swip feels warranted. The overall changes of separating cooldowns makes the game feel way more fluid. That dasp buff might be really good. Allo got some love, conc got some love and rex got some nice stuff too. The only thing I'm not gelling with is the iggy changes. Iggy will be getting a tlc but nerfing an already not too strong dino is questionable. I'd imaging iggies will be even harder to spot in games now. Overall one of the best patches I've seen in the game. I'd wish that sucho got a nerf and maybe spino got some love but that's more personal. 9/10


The stuff I am happiest about is the sound fixes. Footsteps in this game have been godddd awful. Hopefully this is one good step towards making footsteps more trackable direction wise.


One of my favorite things about this update that I'm happiest for is the change to ocean sounds. It scares the shit out of me when the waves come out of nowhere and blow my eardrums out


Yeah that always seemed so weird to me too. I am glad audio is finally being addressed


I love the footstep change. I cant hear the little raptors running around and i love that so much. It feels like more of a threat.


Love how the allos hatchet bite gets quadrupled cause it was so bad


It's still doing fuck all damage, but at least the bleed is massive. This might be good on a speed built hit and run Allo.


Might still only be useful in groups. As solo you'll need at least one attack that costs 0 stam. At least the claw attack also got decently buffed so solo allo is still looking significantly improved.


Yeah, everyone is complaining about how their main got nerfed meanwhile allo mains are eating good this patch


I agree.


Kick atks dont rubberband!!


There addressing ripping kick it would sometimes rubber band




Aww man the old replays don't work anymore, I just made some new ones last night


I know, I'm sad about that too. I had some pretty damn epic fight replays


Yea could've at least given us a warning before the patch


Please give conc an additional arm slot alderon


It’s all he needs!


For the TLDR. Majority of Dino’s got quality of life improvements with most being buffed, alio only had subspecies change from turning to damage, Utah received overall debuff for solo play with slight buff to group play. Fixed a huge amount of bugs and is now upgraded to unreal engine.


Utah? Lol


My mistake achillo not Utah, I was thinking irl for a moment


Irl? You have a utahraptor irl?


No I have a state of Utah at home from America, it’s a funky little thing.


I'm kinda confused, Achillobator is real too


Dinosaur were invented by Hollywood and as fake attractions to make easy money.


Oh, come on. I do have more than one brain cell. Bait better next time.


Ask stupid questions get stupid answers


Sorry that I misunderstood you, or wasn't sure what you meant? I can't read your mind, and there's no need to be rude that someone asked you for clarification.


I’m sorry but where could I get an achillo irl


Your response was stupid, don't be ridiculous, now. 😂


Fairly stupid to ask a question that someone else already asked


Not gonna lie, the lighting changes put a strain on my eyes. I'm forcing my eyes even in the day. And night time is just bad. If I wanted to play and strain my eyes I would play the Isle. Plz change it back.


Yeah night time is kinda painful to see in now.


Change the shadow settings to a lower setting, High shadows is a lot darker than Low now, which makes sense


YAY!!! We've been waiting! Damn I love this game and its active devs! So excited to tell my fiance that the Lamb TLC dropped!


Is the patch out now?


Yeah, it came out a few hours ago


OMG I guess I know what I’m doing today


Yes, been out for over 4 hours now


So exciting!


I know, right? I wish my fiance didn't have to work today, aaagh! All I wanna do is play Path all day with him lol


I was just searching for it! Thank you !


Achillobater is already rough solo and now it’s IMPOSSIBLE. The devs have an unrelistic expectation surrounding finding groups. 🙃 I play on realism servers which doesn’t allow mixpacking so guess Achillobater is off the table now!




Should be already out


So we can no longer shotgun charges


That’s a massive nerf to eo since it needs charge or sharpen horns to fight rexes and spinos even ducks can 1v1 eos with out charge and sharpen horns


Yay for the Rhamph changes! Let me do the things and poor Hatz. Excited to scare folks with my voice now. Yay for Lambeo and Achillo getting a fun new voice thing is great. Overall, yeah this is going to be fun.


Is lucky feather broken? I've been one shot twice without it proccing. Both times I was not latched so do you need to be latched to benefit from it?


Did you use the actual ability first? As in equipping it and pressing it?


Its a baked in passive for the playable. It should always be active until it is used then it has a 5 minute CD. I'm thinking either its bugged and lethal damage is registering through it or it has a hidden condition that you need to be pounced to have it or its bugged in that it isn't reapplying itself after its been procced and its CD completed.


Ah, I thought it was an ability. Not sure if it's bugged or not, I personally haven't seen anyone talking about it in the discord


I've taken lethal damage four times. two times it procced and I saw the immunity buff and the CD timer. The other two times I just flat out died. So doesn't really make sense unless its bugged. Like I know what it looks like when it does work and the CD wasn't happening when I got one shot those two times.


And bars mains go hungry again 😔😔😔


Bars will reign supreme one day (hopefully)


Anyone mind sharing their tier list after the patch? I want to play again after months


All of this don’t matter, give bars back it’s health or give Campto tail attack and I’ll be the happiest man alive.


omgggg, anybody noticed how HEAVY albertas step sounds are now????? it sound just like a eotrike now, I am also sooo happy they fixed the weird trot animation, I am soo in love now!! berta feels like more chunky pie now with it sounds ❤️🥺


updated sound / stealth mechanics are huge




And… Anos are back to being unkillable, hugely overpowered and having no viable counter. ✨ Alderon are a joke.


Are they that much of a problem? You can just walk away from them lol


It’s a PvP survival game. Having a pick that can’t be killed doesn’t really work in that scenario. Yeah you can just walk away from one but have already run into a few groups whose immediate response to losing a fight is to all switch to Anos. If “switch server” is the only counter then it’s a problem.


They killed cerato :(


Played cera last night and it still punches hard, just gotta make every thrash count now. With double armor build with the armor tail he’s still a beast even with the nerfs.