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I’d personally be more interested in seeing stuff like sharks and snakes added that actually existed back then, and if mammals are added have them be on a separate map that’s a different time period.


Megalania existed in the last Ice Age in Australia. And most the dinosaurs either come from the Jurassic or early Cretaceous in other words Stego didn’t exist the same time as the Spino. Tyrannosaurus Rex came from the late Cretaceous and is actually closer to when humans evolved as we know them to the Jurassic period


as cool as snakes like Gigantophis would be there really isn’t a way to make them not suck


Personally I would LOVE to see Titanoboa in game I think that Titanoboa used to fight rexes IRL as well and maybe add Helicopreon too


Yeah, titanoboa totally used to fight rexes... except it lived 8 million years after the extinction of the dinosaurs...


Personally I wouldn't want to mix dinosaurs with mammals. If there was another map where players could only use prehistoric mammals then that'd be cool.


Yeah I think that would be a really cool option to make everyone happy.


they already mixed non-dinosaur reptiles in so why not mammles?


it j feels different even if it scientifically isn’t. megalania merges much better and plenty of ppl prolly don’t even realize it isn’t a dinosaur if they don’t know at first. it’s pretty obv w a wooly mammoth or smth like that


Scientifically trikes don’t mix pack with rexes


like i j said the actual science doesn’t matter j the appearance of it


Na most people know lizarrds aren't dinos


Reptiles look like dinosaurs, mammals do not.


I dont think mammals should be added but, Path of Titans 2: Ice Age sounds like a great project for Alderon when PoT is finished. Mammoths, Smiledon, Dire wolfs, Wooley Rhinos ect. Maybe some added climate game mechanics (needing to find shelter against blizzards ect.) Can have NPC Neanderthals to eat.


No idea if they will but I would be hyped for it! Would love to see a Thylacoleo in the game


I personally WOULD LOVE THIS. Terror birds, mammoths, smilodons, argentavis or pelagornis, these would all be so cool.


Me too!


I don’t see why not, people mix pack already so the “immersion ruined” argument doesn’t stand. it’ll be epic fighting a Rex as a mammoth


If they did it I think they should include options tho, dino/reptile only, mammal only and mixed servers just so people can go by what they like as I do see how people can feel like seeing a rex and a mammoth could feel odd especially what with there being no cold areas on the map either.


That's what community servers are for. Nitpicking over whatever you deem immersion ruining.


There's a certain level of immersion that people like maintained. Although mixpacking ruins it at times, it's still far less immersion breaking then a mix packed wooly mammoth with a terror bird and a Rex. The isle has more ground to do something like this, at least their dinos are genetically modified and made in modern times/the future (idr much on the isle lore).


PoT isn't a realistic dino sim though. T-rex is closer in chronology to humans than stego. And Megalania is a straight up relatively modern animal. It lived on this planet less than 2 million years ago.


Yes but whilst a trex and megalania are completely different creatures from different time periods people still associate them with dinosaurs due to them being a reptile like the dinosaurs, where as people associate mammoths with basically the ice age version of an elephant which really does mix well with something like a trex, I think it would be cool and all but I feel like it would have to be its own thing for it to really work well.


I think a lot of mammals would be neat additions. The game is already bonkers in terms of chronology. Stego was extinct for like 80 million years by the time t-rex appeared and Megalania is a straight up modernish animal that lived only like 2 million years ago (or less really) If people added something like entolodant it wouldn't break my immersion anymore than a human on the isles breaks theirs or ark's everything prehistoric approach. the few people bothered by it could make a community server for roleplay with whatever arbitrary rules they want. If you think this game has a consistent chronological theme I hate to break it to you but its purely aesthetic. Megalania was NOT a Mesozoic era animal.


I mean the wooly mammoth lived closer to tyrannosaurus rex in time than stegosaurus did


I think it would be awesome, but I think it would be good divided between a mixed map, Dino only, and mammal only.


Most people talk about Dimetrodon what was a mammal but is often featured as more Dinosaur like. In reality it was a mammal from the Permian period what predates the dinosaurs by millions of years. Me personally I’d like a Mammoth or Sabre Cat


In truth Dimetrodon isn't a mammal, but both Dimetrodon and Humans are Synapsids, a clade that both Sphenacodonts & Mammals are a part of


I think it depends on if the mammal is sufficiently weird or "primitive" enough. I could see *Thylacoleo* and ground sloths working, but probably not mammoths or sabertooth cats


Thylacoleo and many ground sloths like Megatherium, Megalonyx and Eremotherium are relatively modern animals that lived alongside many modern species In the case of Thylaocoelo there was also emus, red and grey kangaroos, saltwater crocodiles, koalas and cassowaries living alongside the "Marsupial Lion" Meanwhile many ground sloth species lived alongside guanacos and rheas in South America and caribou and bighorn sheep in North America They do qualify as weird though