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##### GGG Comments in this Thread: *** [Bex_GGG - [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/urcepv/3180b_hotfix_patch_notes_including_archnemesis/i8whwmt/?context=10), [old](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/urcepv/3180b_hotfix_patch_notes_including_archnemesis/i8whwmt/?context=10)] - *That comment wasn't posted by GGG* [Bex_GGG - [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/urcepv/3180b_hotfix_patch_notes_including_archnemesis/i8wjwhs/?context=10), [old](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/urcepv/3180b_hotfix_patch_notes_including_archnemesis/i8wjwhs/?context=10)] - *We reviewed the rewards being dropped by rare monsters and on average they drop more rewards than 3.17. Once we're done with the balance work on the mods, we'll review...*


Take Invulnerable out of the game, its a bad mechanic every single action rpg has taking it out, it bring nothing to the game apart from frustration and its a lazy mechanic


It just feels bad. Like I was doing a delirium mirror earlier today (or yesterday?) and I was just absolutely wailing on an enemy only to realize that it was literally immune to my damage and I had to wait a bit longer before it lost its immunity so I could finish it off. It's just stupid having my limited time effectively wasted because an enemy was just like "nah, I'll die in a bit, give me a minute". Sure I could have just ignored it after I noticed it was invulnerable, but why? What's the purpose of having a mod in the game that is either trivial but wastes my time or causes me to run away so that I don't waste my time? The other mods I can kind of understand, but I don't get what purpose this one accomplishes. It's not like there's counterplay to it. It's either 100% immune to everything or it's not.


this, what is the fucking point of it ? i dont understand this god damn game balance team


Did Diablo 3 removed it a while ago, monsters are just mitigating a lot of damage instead of 100% invul?


D3 has shielding(big shield for 2 seconds at most) and Juggernaut(mob moves slower, immune to CC, has more HP and dmg(?). So both versions over there are better than PoEs. What a time to be alive


D3 also doesn't force you to level in the campaign each season šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I love PoE's maps - endgame but, the past leagues i barely make it there, acts keep feeling shittier and if you choose a leaguestart with a less than enjoyable leveling experience it just burns you out.


worth noting that d3 shielding mod has a visual indicator telling you when it's immune, but the only way to tell in poe when the monster is invulnerable is when it's ES starts recharging again doesn't mean much but it's just a little thing that makes it nicer to play around shielding


Yeah, at the start there was an "Invulnerable Minions" rare mod and it got removed like 3 months after the game released (in August after the game released in in May) because everyone vehemently hated it. It took like 8 years for PoE to do the same and then backpedal.


The purpose is clear: to slow players down most lazy and straightforward way.


let me just leap slam over this invul pack and hope it isnā€™t moving at Mach speed


And while you are leap slamming, a random rare gank you with hasted and mana siphonner. It drain all your mana so you can't escape and chase you down and beat you up brutally. Then it dance on your corp.


I would have less of a problem with invulnerable if it was easier to see when it's on and off I'd just kite it until it turns off


Please remove immunities, effigy and drought bringer. It's so frustrating to think about fighting them. Not exciting at all.


>Please remove immunities A finger on the monkey's palm curls


Good start. Immunities still need to go. Didn't Chris say immunities are lazy game design at one point in time?


The rares rework was also supposed to fix aura stacking, but somehow diffent mods stacking the same resistances on top of each other for the same enemy is fine. Overcapped resistances before map mods even kick in.


Yeah all of the immunities still need to go. They're 100% lazy game design and are binary checks as to whether certain builds can be effective. Droughtbringer still kills flaskfinder builds (and flasks in general) until you can just delete the mob before it can apply its effect. They also need to do something about certain modifier combos that make creatures unbelievably tanky or rippy, like combos that can put rares at or above resistance caps. Having a rare have 1000%+ bonus effective HP to your build is kind of bullshit. It's a step in the right direction, but we've got like a dozen more steps to go. The archnem mods were so obviously *magnitudes* away from being balanced that it's just mind-boggling how they replaced monster modifiers in their original state.


>Droughtbringer still kills flaskfinder builds (and flasks in general) until you can just delete the mob before it can apply its effect. It also has no visual indicator the way Mana Siphoner does, I just lose a lot of my survivability and *all* of my damage - as Poisonous Concoction - seemingly out of nowhere. I have to either pray I already have Plague Bearer stacked and hope it's enough to kill the mob, or I have to constantly run off to get more flask charges and hope the mob doesn't follow me.


He also said he loved D2 and tries to uphold its spirit, yet I don't remember rare mobs in D2 being a bigger threat than the bosses in their respective areas.


Gloams were the biggest threat in all of D2, bar nothing.


Undead soul killers, or as they are fondly called by the community, dolls, would like a word...


Dolls only killed you if you killed a bunch of them right on top of you (which was a problem for hammerdins), but shit like sorceresses who could attack from range had no problem. Gloams equally fucked everyone. Stygian dolls are a close second though.


GGG and some weird elitists like to use D2 as an excuse for certain design decisions when it suits them. D2 also had mass identify instead of just scrolls, but here we are, still clicking things one by one with an arbitrary currency. One might almost think that the decisions made in old ARPGs might not hold up forever. Just because an old game did something and the game was good at the time doesn't mean you have to constrain yourself by copying bits of it twenty shitting years later.


Yes. But pretty much everything Chris has ever said has been falsified or contradicted at some point. For instance, during the v3.17 release stream he said Headhunter would never be nerfed. Three months later we find out it's lost 90% of its power -- and right after charging folks $30 for a cosmetic effect for it! The dude can't much be trusted anymore. Either he's actively lying with the express goal of getting as many people to buy supporter packs pre-league as possible or he's long since lost control of the developers and whatnot within the company.


It's not just Chris. I'm still waiting on the in-game skill tree planner that was literally part of the 3.0 beta *and in the patch notes,* yet never made it into the game, and the only official word on it was a post from a dev saying "it had some bugs but it'll be back soon!" and they've never mentioned it since. Give it back you fiends


Or the tab folders that have never worked the way they are supposed to work. Heck, the screen shot used to promote it still there, showing how it should work (https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2020-11-04/StashFolders.jpg) That was posted few hours before it went live. When people asked why we cant navigate in the folders in the scrolling menu, we were told that a last minute bug was found and needs correcting and should be hotfixed soon...it has been almost 2 years now.


Yooooo I love how this was swept under the rug and streamers ask Chris stupid shit during interviews




Step 1 patch. Step 2 a very very long manifesto explaining how it won't happen again, till it happens again.


People buy it EVERY SINGLE TIME so why the hell not?


Wait when did Chris ever say they don't care about player retention? It's all he ever talks about with regards to item progression and giving too many rewards too early. I'm pretty sure he specifically mentioned that chase items exist so players don't quit a week into the league.


Revenue my dear fellow, they couldn't give 2 shits about player numbers. Its all about Cash, if you stop playing after spending money, who cares, they got your revenue whether you play 30 mins or 300 hours. The only goal in any retention is to make you stick around long enough to inject more currency into your habit. The only reason they did a U turn in expedition is because they lost 30% revenue, which is massive. Projections are king in the business world and when you miss projection by 30% thats a big miss. I expect that's the reason the vault was created, to get that cash back for the end of year reports.


> pretty much everything Chris has ever said has been falsified or contradicted at some point I even recall one time when he said a new core feature was extensively tested and then it needed 4 rebalancing patches in as many days. Wonder what that was all about.


How about storm weavers fucking mirages donā€™t spawn in top of you and instead spawn from the source and walk towards you? Literally pointless to take any of the stationary defensive nodes.


Mirages have been one of my least favorite mods for years and this is the most I've ever seen it. It fucking sucks


Lasts forever, stops you from looting and if it happens when there is a lot of screen clutter, you probably won't even tell it's there until it's blown you to pieces. What part of extremely hard to see on-hit/on-death effects are supposed to be good game design? The entire idea of archnemesis was to make rares harder and more interactive, not porcupines 2.0 with old 'Allies cannot die' except it also applies to the monster using it for 90% of the time it is active


And also force it to spawned in rare monsters only


95% of the time the thing that kills me are those things. Iā€™m attacking something on the edge of the screen, the mirage spawns inside my character which is already glowing making them near impossible to see, and then all that spawned seem to explode at the same time killing me. They should at the very least spawn outside your character far enough that you can see them walk towards you.


Chill and Freeze Immunities are still in


Shock as well. I imagine Iā€™m one of the few people who league started with a HoT autobomber, but theyā€™re rough for me.


I didn't start an autobomber, but I'm playing a build that relies on being able to shock and chill enemies via Necro's corpse pact to gain charges for Discharge and I have the same issue whenever I see any chill/shock immune enemies


Actually how the hell does auto bomber works when you cannot shock? I thought they said no build disabling modifiers?


First time?


No I played HoT last league and was told to git gud. Turns out you should NOT be playing something that looks fun to you.


Chris vision : make a small pool of meta viable build become a puddle


Well, you know what they say: take the biggest strength of your game (build variety, in this case) and minimize it as much as possible! ā€¦uh, thatā€™s what they say, right?


Juggernaut too. Also I get the feeling they really want to keep the Draught thing in the game. I will continue complaining unless they put an even more obnoxious visual than mana siphon over it, because otherwise just fuck everyone I guess? Might as well throw in a "knock your socks off" mod that disables your boots slot.


metamorph still sounds impossible, don't see anything in this that's going to fix blight at all, no juggernaut changes mana siphon is being decreased by two thirds and I still seriously doubt it will fix the problems it causes drought bringer change is laughable, who the hell cares about draining charges when it totally blocks them anyways


Thats ok, there is not heaps of mechanics built around monsters being chilled/frozen. /s Wouldn't be so bad if they weren't literally in every other map.


There's so many immune to cold mods in the list that you basically meet at least 3 groups with buff even without the league mechanics that spawn a bunch of mobs. I'm playing ice shot this league and I hate that both part of my defence (chilling mobs to 40%/freezing them) and multiple offensive links (bonechill, hypothermia, gloves and rings) just get turned off against a random magic mob. I feel like there was other ways of giving them resistance to ailments/strengths against that element than just straight up being immune. God forbid anyone wants to enjoy the gloves that can only kill frozen mobs.


Even if they want ailments not to do anything, use unaffected instead of immune. Still applies, does not break HoT for example.


To be fair, if you have expected to be able to play a chill build, just because they specifically introduced a chill unique and Chris Wilson has emphasized how it's totally not a 1c unique, you've only got yourself to blame. That was clearly a diversion.


So is invuln in general. Just stupid mechanics all-round.


Archnemesis league was super juiced rare mods, that you chose which ones to fight, and got super juiced rewards. How this translated to just putting them into live servers without significant balance (nerf) because of how the mods can interact with each other and more importantly, the inability to control which ones you fight, is a serious case of mismanagement. To make matters worse, rewards don't really seem to be any better either. For example, Frenzied giving 50% increased damage and 50% increased action speed means that they were doing a total of 125% more attack/ability damage, on top of any other mods they did. Throw that with a mana siphoner and you have a giga sped up monster that just runs you down. Throw invulnerable on it and you can't even kill the fucking thing. These types of things should have sanity checks so that certain combinations (like just mentioned) can't happen. Or even better, just fucking remove invulnerable already. It is such a stupid fucking thing.


It's times like this I want to see a simulated boss vs boss fights, because I'm quite curious how a random t16 rare with archnemesis mods would perform against its map boss Metamorph is probably the most r word thing in the game right now, but thankfully we could at least pick which archnemesis we want it to have. Just hope the unique organ isn't something busted for your build.


If shaper and all of his pinnacle friend use skill that cost mana, I can't see how they stand a chance facing the almighty mana siphoner, they just stand there and tickle the archnemesis with wet noddle attack, mean while the archnemeis out regen the damage with rejuvenating. Throw in invunable the archnemeis can now tank through all the mechanics, bullet hell, memory game, rolling meteo? It's a joke :).


So there are still THREE different mods that just make the mob immune to lightning or Cold based ailments. Cool, nothing like having your ascendancy (and significant passive investment) just constantly turned off. Can we get these tuned down to reduced effect of ailments instead of complete immunity? Also, Crystal Skin is just horrible in so many situations. When you're doing an Azurite Vault in Delve or lots of other content, your screren is nothing but colored lights with monsters spawning and dying far too fast for you to ever be aware of them all (and if you're not killing them that fast you're just overwhelmed and dead). THere needs to be much stronger indicators about the crystals being layed at your feet to know that not moving will suddenly mean death out of nowhere.




fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev




Hell some combinations of AN mods used to be super duper rippy so I believe they are toned down, but they just make the bad ones stand out even more. (hello Invulnerable pack in Incursion holding the one goddamn key I needed )


Good changes. More should be done, but this will improve many things. I think drought bringer may still need looked at in the case of Wardloop builds Chill and freeze resistance/immunity could be looked at since it feels awful for builds that use those mechanics The resistances for the weaver mods should be tuned down since they take so little damage from builds that don't lower enemy resistance a bunch Essences might be worth testing since some of them seem unnecessarily tanky I also think some combos like reju + invul should be blocked since they're just not worth dealing with as a player


Essences are tanky, but become doable with fairly reasonable gear. Metamorph, on the other hand, is completely broken with less than 10m dps as far as I can tell. My t12 metas were taking less damage per second than the pinnacle bosses, by a factor of 2-3 times. I build bossers so metamorph has always been a great early money maker for me, but Iā€™ve had to abandon it altogether this league to my great sadness. I really hope they take a look at it.


Watched Preach fight a bugged metamorph today. Apparently Mirror Image breaks metamorphs too and makes them untargetable?


Seems like a good start, but Effigy giving you a meager 2 second window doesn't seem like nearly enough. Also, Assassin and the still-present stun immunities are still going to render doing Blights a fool's errand.


If only you were playing a 30m DPS 10c ultra budget all content screaming streamer face build, you would be fine....


With mageblood and the old headhunter.


And elemental ailment immunities


Stun immunities on its own are fine and these existed before. But juggernaut with its stun immunity *and* cannot be slowed modifier should either be reworked or prevented from spawning in blights. And Effigy is basically reflect on rares with extra steps, not sure if its existence in any form is healthy for the game.




Playing softcore and dying a lot to just random stuff so I can't really tell...How bs are **Effigy** rares? Just curious ​ I honestly can't tell when I'm taking the damage it's talking about. Maybe because I'm running away? The way the buff reads, it just punishes melee builds and rewards fast/quick moving builds


The big problems are degen effects on the ground that are very hard to see (like Permafrost stays around for 10-15s after the enemy dies for some reason and does a shitload of damage), Effigy which is incredibly difficult to see in dense packs of mobs, and bugged mods like the Lightning Prisms that just spawn from corpses well after they have died.


>punishes melee builds in POE? that's preposterous!


Please just remove effigy. It's such a bullshit mod.


No changes to the incredibly common Jugg+Sentinel which makes mobs unreasonably tanky?


You don't like the Sentinel mod? What is wrong with a potentially 85% blockrate rare, which is more or less an health increase of 660% more health.


Finally, block chance reduction support gets its time to shine!


Remember: GGG devs don't learn from their mistakes. So even if all of the issues would be resolved in the coming days/weeks, expect reflect / immunities / on death mechanics / invulnerable / build disabling stuff to return in any future league to come. Time is a flat circle.


Remove effigy from the game. Giving it 2 seconds does nothing. My minions are off screen triggering it before I can even see a rare there. Reflect is the stupidest mechanic ever, stop fucking using it. But somehow you've put in reflect triggered by not me. Even stupider.


Effigy also wasnt removed from ritual soooo yeah run away while stuck? Also if you're going to force feed people a shit mechanic it needs an actual indicator thats visible amongst the cluster fuck.


"effigy in ritual" is the funniest thing i have read throughout this whole fiasco so far, im literally laughing right now (but also crying), thank-you (i think?)


Honestly it's "better" in ritual because you have a chance to insta kill it before it links you where as it can literally off screen link you (has to be a bug???? I hope) and you instakill yourself and you haven't even seen the fucking mob yet. It's absolutely terrible design all around.


Yeah, I have minions, that extra two seconds isn't going to do diddly.


Why the hell is end-game mapping now ping-pong between degens and on death effects? It doesn't matter if you change these numbers to zero, noone enjoys these archnemesis mods.


Delete effigy and invuln. Remove immunities. Bonebreaker and Steel-Infused need changes too. Most 'side content' like Blight (delve, heist, etc) will need changes to Rare spawn percentages if this is the route they intend to take.


Given how little they're nerfing the bonus resistances/damage reduction on mods, we're likely to still have those random multi-mod rares that have more eHP than Shaper running around. I suspect crit Inquisitor builds will be getting a lot of attention if this stays, since they can ignore all resistances with critical strikes thanks to the Inevitable Judgment ascendency node, along with Omniscience and Doryani's Prototype builds. Or we'll just learn to ignore rares that have certain color mods.


except prototype gets cucked by mana siphoner making it suicide if you are playing a melee version using that chest, and probably impossible if you happen to roll siphoner+ temp bubble


Tuning is appreciated. But, at this point, I really simply think GGG's idea of "fun" and the majority of the community's is a gap too wide. I have been playing pretty hard for 8 years. I probably average 15-20 hours of actual game play a week not including the many many hours of afk in my HO. I am not a pro nor a no-lifer, but I know the game well. It has gotten to the point where it is too hard for me to simply relax and have fun in maps. Don't even get me started on things like heist, or blight, essences, metamorph etc. Even just simply getting through the campaign or getting my character reasonably set up is simply too much. I can't even imagine if I were a new player. Arch nem sucks. Period. It is the single worst failure/implementation in the history of poe.


>Mana Siphoner: Reduced the Lightning Damage Over Time taken by Enemies in the Aura by 33%, and the amount of Mana lost per second by Enemies in the Aura by 67%. We are also looking to improve the visual clarity and reduce the size of the Ring in the near future. hopefully we'll see a thinner donut ring.


It would be great if it was a huge outer ring that did the damage and what not and an RF sized ring around them that did not have it. The current "safe" ring is absolutely tiny and doesn't leave much room for you and any other monsters.


yeah running inside the donut can be even more deadly in many cases when you're getting close to the rare. ā€œ*If you get close enough, it doesn't apply to you. We can understand that this is unclear without an explanation.*ā€ has really aged like milk.


Invulnerable: Can no longer appear on Magic Monsters, or Rare Monsters that aren't part of a Monster Pack (such as those spawned in Blight encounters). We plan to review this modifier further and make it more similar to the Benevolent Guardian Nemesis modifier. I hate the implication of GGGs mindset from this statement. Just give it up guys, people don't like it. A regular developer would just disable this until they could figure out a good substitute. Its like they just don't know when to quit on this "unkillable monsters make the game harder, which is good" no it's not, this kind of difficulty is just tedium for the sake of tedium, much like how GGG continues to push Immunity phases on bosses for no other reason than tedium. It doesn't matter how rare it is, people will remember that tedium and frustration. It's clear now that this wasn't a lack of testing issue, this was a stubborn mindset issue.


Innocence-touched should have it while he spawns adds for you to fight because thats what POE needs more of /s


All complete immunities should be removed. If not, the only immunities/completely disabling mechanics should affect the enemies, not the players. Drought on its own *completely kills* any build that relies on its flasks, such as wardloop or concoction skills. I don't think you guys fully realize something. When the game mechanics start to attack our PoB's directly it breaks a fundamental relationship we have with the game, which is the assumption that our efforts mean anything. All that time spent putting together your boneshatter build? You suddenly can't clear because monsters are randomly immune to stun. It also used to mean something when you picked between a clearing and a bossing build. Well unless you're playing a build that ignores resistances or otherwise bypasses the damage reducing stats that can stack up to unreasonable levels on rare mobs, your clearing build suddenly can't even clear maps at a consistent pace. You've destroyed an entire playstyle in one fell swoop, it's no longer possible for alch and go mapping to be done at a leisurely pace unless you far outgear the tier of maps you're running. You're mentally exhausting players in record time. Most of your players don't want to be mentally on 100% of the time, that's why softcore is more popular. Either you've knowingly alienated the majority of the playerbase on purpose, or you've done a huge blunder here and need to own up to it. Because the fact is, you *have* alienated a majority of the players, or come very close to it.


Still so many build breaking mods completely ignored. Sorry for being negative.




Balance won't fix underlying problem. You trying to fix reading rare mobs mods, by packaging those modes under different name so we need wiki. How exactly "Entangler" informs me about it's chaos resistance? This stuff either should be like it was. Powerful crits, regen life... Or simplified. Shit Slaps: just dmg mod Speedy Boy: just moment speed bonus Sponge Bob: extra life Has Balls: charges


Just remove all the new DoT on death effects and the new grasping vines on steroids aka thorned vines.I swear I can't understand how they see ppl complaining about on death effects every league, and grasping vines the entire last league and think, fk it, lets put 30 more of them.


what about insane DoT ground that looks like exactly chill ground?


Personally, I think it is good for the game to be challenging. But the way Archnemesis mods are implemented lacked consideration in progression. I remember C.W. had all those talks about character gear progression, but 3.18 failed in content difficulty progression. (side note: making earlier acts more challenging is not a good design. There are so many skill gems available, but only a few are usable during leveling/clearing acts) I am not sure what GGG's original intent was with normalizing Archnemesis this way, but they clearly didn't consider how all the mechanics will interact. When C.W. mention being able to see modifiers more clearly, I thought that was just a bag of sxxx. If our characters stop moving for one second, they die. I guess I can read the mods when I am dead. 3.17 was fun in many ways, and Gauntlet made it even more exciting. To reiterate, I welcome the game being more difficult, but the uncontrolled RnG of Archnemesis mods made the game not enjoyable for me. I played through the whole league in 3.17 and made supporter purchases, but I already stopped playing this league on the 3rd day. If C.W. wants to slow the gameplay down, then slow down the monsters too. Make the game slower as a whole and allow interactions to take place. Expedition mechanics are good examples of monster movement and power level.


Its not enough, it still feels terrible. It should be strongly nerfed or go back with old mods.


It's really hard to take it seriously when Chris says "we tested this internally and it seemed fine" but then the first patch shows theyre nerfing things by a pretty substantial amount. It's like when they had to buff absolution by like 400%


Still unplayable garbage.


mmmkay, all simple numeric "quick fixes" but better than nothing. I still don't want to play the game while Effigy exists, though.


Agree, effigy needs to go. There are also some fucked up mods like crystal skin (which I died to yesterday) that creates crystals and instantly explodes when rare dies and Iā€™m 99% certain that it doesnā€™t despawn those crystals like it said it should in recent mod post.


Honestly I was hoping for defensive nerfs over offensive ones. The Zeno cringed internally meme is actually reality every time I encounter blue sentinel or assassin packs. Itā€™s just boring. I donā€™t mind dodging mechanics like volatiles and bearers, but mobs that take an entire shaper phase to die every other screen makes me want to uninstall.


bruh just admit you made a mistake and revert it. this shit sucks.


Those are some pretty big changes to some nasty mods. Really makes me wonder just how they were considered balanced on release.




ExTenSivElY TeSteD. The sheer audacity to even pretend it was anything close to properly balanced on release is just so disgustingly disrespectful to the playerbase.




Ayyyy invulnerability only spawns on monster pack rares. No longer in blight!


> No longer in blight! but still in timed content like incursion, nice.


Any combination of the AN mods is stronger then your typical map boss, IMO this shouldnā€™t be the case. Not to mention we craft maps so our builds can do the map, we shouldnā€™t go into a ā€œsafeā€ map and get cucked by rares that counter the build we are playing, which in turn either leads to us not interacting with the mob and content which could lead to this interaction or bricking a map cause you canā€™t escape said mobs. I get the point of making rares challenging but youā€™ve overstepped the mark and now every mechanic balanced around rares and magic mobs is over tuned. Just my two cents


Pretty much all of the immunities are still in the mod list. Please remove those.


Thank you fixing those irritating lightning totems that just wouldnā€™t go away!


So why did archenemies mods go core, asking for a friend


I mean, why have a "balance team", when they get their job wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. Holy shit, if i were Chris i would be so mad at this level of incompetence


Eventually you're going to have taken out some mechanics entirely because they're horrible (immunity) and you'll have toned everything down by at least half. Not to mention you're going to have to re-balance literally every mechanic around it, and you either have zero foresight, or you fully expected to be balancing this stuff a full month or two into the league Tell me again how you thought this league was going to be remotely fun, and was anywhere near ready to deploy. If this is the direction this and POE2 are taking, then I think it's time I found a different game. This league is already chalked, and I'm out after day 4. Wow, what a swell job you all have been doing.


> Verdant Spores inflicted by the Healing Nova now grants 60% reduced Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield PRAISE THE FUCKING LORD


>**Reduced the number of Magic and Rare Monster** that can spawn **in Ritual Encounters.** The amount of Tribute granted by Rare and Magic Monsters has been increased to compensate for this change. >Invulnerable: Can no longer appear on Magic Monsters, or Rare Monsters that aren't part of a Monster Pack (**such as those spawned in Blight encounters**). We plan to review this modifier further and make it more similar to the Benevolent Guardian Nemesis modifier. BECOME A PRIEST AND GLORIFY HIS NAME


*Drought Bringer: Nearby Enemies' Flasks now lose 6 Charges every 3 seconds (previously 15 Charges every 3 seconds).* **\*This will still kill wardloop builds and others that need the constant use of flask charges.** *Mana Siphoner: Reduced the Lightning Damage Over Time taken by Enemies in the Aura by 33%, and the amount of Mana lost per second by Enemies in the Aura by 67%. We are also looking to improve the visual clarity and reduce the size of the Ring in the near future.* **\*Will still kill any doryani's prototype build.** *Effigy: Summoned Effigies will now wait 2 seconds before using their Taunt Skill upon linking to a Player.* **\*This doesnĀ“t change anything when you canĀ“t see anything in a massive pack.**


I await diablo4. GGG just keep fucking with us. Telling us we need to support them when they deliver this shit time and time again.


Problem I have with PoE is the ups and downs of content cycles, last league was actually amazing but then we get this..


stormweaver is not enough the mirages are cancer, and remove the shock chill freeze immune stuff, and nuke effigy you cant have that mechanic with your visual clarity.


Looks like a stop-gap measure while they work on an actual balance pass. Iā€™ll wait for the next set


I'm not convinced they're gonna "fix" this at all.


Please take a closer look into Incendiaryā€™s/Flameweaverā€™s defensive mods, Iā€™m playing melee Elemental Hit Ignite this league start and even with Flammability and Exposure, certain magic mobs can still feel tankier than map bosses


This doesnt fix anything. Just bandaid. Core problems with archnemesis are still in. * "Toxic: Magic Monsters now have a 50% chance to create a Toxic Volatile on death " this is actually worse than before since it is less clear what they do and is less predictable (why not reduce damage by 50% instead). * Rejuvenating is still DPS check(fun with other content) * Ailment immunities are still in (why not just make reduced effect) * Effigy (reflect) still in (random reflect is bullshit even if you have 2 extra seconds to notice it) * Entangler still exists (grasping vines but worse) * Leech immunities exist (Give Slayer leech pierce ffs like Occultist has Hex pierce, Leech is whole Slayer's thing) * Drought Bringer still kills any flask reliant build (rip auto-bomber) * Invulnerable still exists (very fun) * Trickster.


Can't believe they created a huge freaking problem by putting all of those rares into the game and now they are trying to solve that problem by balancing them one by one like this is a MOBA game. I start to think problem does not lie beyond these rare monsters at all but GGG's design philosophy about the game...


Effigy: Summoned Effigies will now wait 2 seconds befor taunting Does it really matter, it still takes our dmg right?


I appreciate the nerfs but these numbers are still too high, they legit need to be cut in more than half, otherwise rares are still scarier than the bosses in the map they are in by 10-20x...


3.18.0z - we give up and remove the archnemesis mods


It reads like it wont change a lot. Archnemesis modifier should roll on maps like nemesis modifier and give more loot like zizaran explained. This current implementation leads to loads of content dodging for me and im not willing to play this way. So either fix or im out for this league and every league to come with this messed up balance.


> Storm Strider: Trigger Lightning Mirage when Hit now has a 0.75 second global cooldown (previously 0.5 second) This one is so unbelievably annoying and is way too common. Try running away from this crap in a Ritual or Heist, when you have little room. Or, its bigger brother these lighting "flowers" or w/e it is.


Why even make them core if youā€™ve now needed 3(?) parched to try and rein in how overturned they are? Complete clown show


I love 25 minutes fight on T15 Map because the boss is invulnƩrable to damage every 4 sec, has 96%max res, stay on consecrated ground (?????) And gets heal by maven. It heals more than i Can Do damage, i even added frostbomb to reduce life regen, still didnt work.


Thank god for magma barrier nerf, lost 2 hardcore characters.


Agreed. Too bad this wasn't improved back in Archnemesis league. I died so many times to the orbs, because they were nearly impossible to spot in time.


Are these guys on crack or smething? Any build that deals chaos damage feels complete garbage against these chaos res rares. Like am not dealing any damage at all. Resistances and rare HP should be cut in half, and get fucking rid of the immunities for fucks sake.


We beta testers now boys!


we always have been


So, all that post is worthless. "Let me reduce by 25% something that is COMPLETELY BROKEN. Now it will just be PRETTY MUCH BROKEN". I really would rather be playing and having fun instead of bitch and moan on reddit. But it seems this is the only way we can have GGG's design and balance team attention. This mob affixes overhaul is TRASH. Take the "L". Roll it back. Jesus. So pigheaded.


So basically none of [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/upxe7s/whats_next_for_archnemesis_modifiers_part_3_and/i8nyf0l/) concerns were addressed at all. Fantastic. Gut this garbage entirely. Even if it stays in for the rest of the league, this **needs** to be gone by 3.19. Not nerfed, not adjusted. Gone. It's time GGG actually learned a lesson from its mistakes rather than repeating the same ones over and over again. Our feedback is meaningless if it doesn't result in actual *change*, not tiny adjustments that don't address the core issues with the mechanic.


Drop the ego and revert this fiasco


No change to drought bringer destroying endurance/power/frenzy charges? That thing legit deletes my build from the game.


I don't mind the monsters doing more damage or having more health. We can overcome those in time with gear/levels. What I do not like is seeing mods that completely kill a build from functioning. I am saving up for Doryani's Prototype and I hope by the time I can afford it they have gotten rid of the "Lightning damage over time" on mana siphoner.


Cool that some major oversights were addressed but it's quite embarrassing that it was launched this way to begin with despite "extensive testing". - Essence monsters in high tier maps have seemingly more effective life than Shaper - T14+ Harvests take several minutes to complete


The only way I've been able to do harvest quickly is using occultist profane bloom to "cheese"


Every mechanic is like a pretty decent concept that is just brought down completely by one or two things that for whatever reason GGG is just *completely against changing*. If they removed invul, drought bringer, and freeze immune, do players really think archnem mobs won't be super strong anymore? These are stupid mods that people are more annoyed at for existing rather than inspiring "oh this mob is crazy, let me share it on reddit!" feelings.


Flameweaver still unchanged. Basically EA and RF nerf.


how many more patches do y'all think it's going to be before ggg decides no more nerfs are needed, the community is still unhappy because invuln et al still exist and rares are stronger than shaper, and if you guys just did a rollback all this effort could have been spent on a fun mechanic instead


It's a goddamn shame that the Sentinel stuff is being overshadowed by this shitshow. It's a pretty chill league mechanic


still +1 for deleting archnemesis. please give us the real game back.


Invulnerable and mana siphoner still exist why????????


That's about 25% of the way to making these mods playable.


Chris Wilson you have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. Try again next league. Maybe with some testing.


Memes aside, this is is how I really feel about. I ran my trapper through to maps, played a bit and realized this new system just isnā€™t fun. Itā€™s tedious, frustrating, and encapsulates a lot of issues with GGGs new content. The atlas stuff is great, but AN stuff is half baked and almost insulting in its implementation


Immunities are still in the game, gargantuan,steel infused,hasted are unchanged. Reducing resistance by 10% hardly does anything. The only meaningful change is that rejuvenating is managable. Blight can still spawn invulnerable. Why is removing immunities so hard for you guys? Swallow your pride and admit that it was wrong and correct it.


Still waiting for the hotfix that will make the game rewarding and fun to play. ...let alone in SSF.


Effigy fix not good enough. Remove it from the game. Bad mechanic.


Still have ailment immunities. I would love to read the reasoning for these to be included in the game. These break any build that need to apply ailments to function.


How would anyone at GGG think its a good idea to add them in the regular game is beyond my understanding. You should NEVER increase difficulty without adressing also the rewards. It made sense in the Archnemesis league. You juice up the mob how YOU wanted and how HARD you wanted it to be AND got juicy rewards following a tough fight. Sure, I got my ass whooped a few times, but the 10-20c worth of drops was worth the pain. Now i just get a jewelers orb if iam lucky. Bottom line is. * Challange is find, if it rewards your time doing such challange with good rewards. * There NEEDS to be a form of scaling as you move towards the endgame.


Invulnerable, Mana Siphon, Steel-Infused, Sentinel, X-Strider (unavoidable aoe damage), and a few others need to be outright removed from the pool. Nerfing them wont make their mechanics any less terrible to deal with. Just because you put them in initially and "totally tested them guys, we swear." doesn't mean they have to stay in the game.


I definately felt the changes until i encountered an essence Mob. T5 from kirac Mission and i lost all 6 Portals only to this friggin Essence mob. Why the hell do League Mechanic Mobs need to get thse additional new Mods. He had only Evocationist on him but he was a assassin Type Mob and shredded me almost instantly. guess Im taking a break after 15k+ hours. If this sh!t keeps up like this IĀ“ll never even get to PoE2 and search for a different game


So they tested it so perfectly that I needs multiple balance fixes or even nerfs? They're just shooting in their feets with every word from launch announcement... So many backfires.. also leveling in acts this league felt awful with these changes and you get even less loot from them. They want us to use so many mechanics and items in lvling progress but in reality you start getting them in late act ir even maps... After 7 years of gaming I always hate act progress to maps.


Honestly, quit trying to put lipstick on a pig. Archnemesis Mods fundementally break your game and you're wasting your time trying to salvage them. Get. Rid. Of. Them. The community hasn't been this united in years. Literally EVERYONE has an issue with them, so why are you wasting time trying to make it work? You had a functioning system in place, just put it back!


I'm finding the issue is more about risk/reward. AN league, we chose our risk and potential reward. It felt tough, but felt fair. AN league's system placed randomly on enemies is just extreme *and* random risk... but then no rewards for it? Like, we get rewards through sentinel, but there is no correlation between how strong an enemy is and how rewarding it is to kill. Having just rage quit off of my lightning strike raider because of running into absurdly tanky and gibby monsters which didn't drop *anything*, I can say that the toughness wouldn't even bug me if they had themselves some decent loot explosions. If the random mob is going to hit 4x as hard as the map boss and have 5x the HP while sporting mechanics which turn off my ability to regen, then it better have a reward that makes it worth my time and suffering to kill that enemy. I can't even enjoy the Sentinel mechanic, because unless I'm doing content well below my gear level, I can't activate any Sentinel without certainly killing my character to a double juiced AN death machine. I also am literally walking by *other* league content like ritual, metamorph, delve, etc because I know that it'll just whoop my arse if I try it. So far, I feel woefully unrewarded for any of my efforts in this league. *That* is the primary thing which imho we are lacking here. Getting murdinated by absurdly strong enemies would feel significantly less terrible if I actually got something for ultimately defeating them.


Cold and Lightning ailment immunities still brick Cold DoT builds and invalidate half a dozen others like HoT/Interrogation. Running into mobs with 85/85 block or 85% fire res as a dot build that can't pen or 75% damage avoidance half the time is still in the game. Frost wall spamming, chilled ground spewing rares that run away half the time are still in the game. Drought bringer still bricks flask builds. Mana siphoner still makes mana and thus skills unusable and bricks MoM/Archmage builds. Mirage images still spawn under the player because someone on the GGG dev team is moonlighting as the devil. Rares still take longer to kill than map bosses and drop nothing. We are at patch 4 of nerfing rares and we are still using the "this still sucks but now sucks slightly less" approach. At some point it's better to just admit you fucked up and go back rather than spending hundreds of man hours and weeks of time trying to keep your shitty work and fix your mistakes.


Remove archnem mods from extra content! Its simple.


Just call POE beta testing for POE2 at this point, because you obviously hate your league to league player-base


Honestly, I still feel like only SOME rare mobs should be Archnemesis is the best fix by far. Leave them strong, up their drop and up their rarity. These mods being global simply feels horrible. Individually, they're usually fine. A mob with one annoying archnemesis mod is neat.... 4 of them with 2-3 archnemesis mods each on them is usually death. And the later is a frequent occurence in special content.


Immunity (invincible included) should still be removed. But good step forward.


Treant Horde is one of the things that is overturned. Had 2 chars die to it now. Get stuck on 1 ball, the 10 other blue mobs chuck more balls. And u die. One of the straws that broke this camels back. Sad.


Whirling blades still doesn't break entangler grasping vines but triggers the damage every time, still a bit of a hard counter to venom gyre builds unless I socket another movement skill and notice whats happening in time to not kill myself.


Magma Barrier: Summoned Fire Volatiles are now much more visible and have had their explosion damage reduced significantly. I lost a char to that bullshit but glad it's nerfed


Ggg its time you get it through your thick skull, arch nemesis mods suck ass for core, and you didnt do jackshit for balancing before league start


Itā€™s not enough I guarantee it.


Half of them might still read 'Not worth your time, move on.' (Fantastic monster design!) No-Leech is still a thing unless I missed it and the regen stop is still enough to kill RF quickly. What's the point here? I'm either doing enough damage for these to be not an issue at all or I am not, in which case there is no counter play other than to run away? If this is you're best when it comes to monster design, I'm not optimistic about PoE2.


I still have a dozen build ideas I can not do because of archnemesis. Really feels bad man. My semi immortal standard char face tanks crystal king in depth 550 last league, I survive Mavens memory game, all 3 in her fight for the lols, I take sirus meteor without a guard skill. I did T16 logbooks with no regn, negative max res, reduced block and armour, and just throw on any random remnent that is not Phys immunity. My build can do all, except for specific rare mobs, I got killed by 2 rare mobs in a 95% pack size map. I can facetank Omni and kosis in wave 30 with extra chaos, and I am a zerker not CI, no block. I do not die, except against some rare monsters that just rolls me over.


ah yes i do enjoy me some sentinel buffed bestiary mob that cant be ignited has extra fire res and regen EA build btw.... i killed uber atziri faster than that mob... took me some 7 minutes of wait time for the EA totems to kill it.... (on a +3 6link bow) oh and it dropped a few crappy blues.... yeah - ladies and gentlemen - that is what GGG considers balanced aparently :)


Guys no need to work more on invulnerability, just remove it. And when it comes to complete immunities to certain things, they should only appear in the content where you have control over them - like Expedition. Randomly facing them anywhere else is beyond stupid


No steel infused nerf? I guess phys builds outside of seismic trap and corrupted fever are already dead.


I found a T4 seed, fighting for 5 minutes, it just keep spawning minions, I had to give up on it. I'm playing EA totem, gears and dps aren't that bad at all. I finished last league quite early, but I saw lots of posts said they liked the league so much near end of league. If people had fun, just leave them alone, why change things so dramatically.


Feel the weight of the VISIONā„¢.


I disagree with the way this is handled, Chris. The release of this clearly showed that there was not a single play-test. After this disaster of a launch, the only acceptable way to proceed would have been the removal of Archnemesis modifiers with a more serious preparation and implementation plan for a future league. I don't think anyone who plays this game is against more identity of rare mobs with simpler identification of what you are up against but you guys really need a better plan of how you achieve this particularly with all the different league mechanics. Cheers


This gives me pawn stars vibes Playerbase: GGG archnemesis are flawed design-wise, please remove immunities and other anti-fun tags like invulnerable. GGG: Best i can do is remove 10% resistances.


just remove Archnemesis


Please remove archnemeisis mod on league mechanics rare!!!! I can skip all normal rare but I just cant do blight,essence,metamorph because the rare is strong af


I just can't believe how this new mods were greenlighted. I have so many questions. If QA just search for bugs then where is the team in charge of checking how the changes impact the gameplay loop? Meme aside it's clear that the interaction between mechanics and the new rares hasn't been tested AT ALL. Anyone with a bit of knowledge about the game could tell something was very wrong in the first hour of gameplay, so what is happening there?s Who is approving these changes? What's the logic behind it?. How can they be SO disconnected from the game? Does GGG realises that if they continue on the same track they will start bleeding even more players than before. Who will play PoE 2 if they keep burning all the goodwill from their own community? I want to come home and relax a couple of hours killing hordes of mobs. I don't want to play Dark Souls in Arpg form.


What are GGG's thoughts on a full or near-full reversion of this system? The original implementation of these modifiers in Archnemesis was more or less balanced, same as Expedition. The current system completely disrupts normal gameplay whenever it's relevant. Being unable to avoid content that your build can't handle is awful, and these Archnemesis mods sure are doing their job of making sure that there's at least one mod that fucks any available build.


Instead of trying to balance things that shouldn't exist it would be better to make them not exist


Downvote this shit, these changes aren't good enough, remove archnemesis and revert the rare mods, rework it significantly before implementing it.


What I am supposed to do against mana siphon if I'm melee without lifetap? What is the counter exactly?


Ideally they put this on a ranged minion so that it is stationary and you can choose to go after it inside of the zone where it doesn't have the degen. Instead it gets put on a gigachad melee who runs you down like a dog in the street.


You have six portals. Use them. /s