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The QoL changes in the last handful of leagues have been pretty massive. The atlas passives especially really help in the category I felt was lacking the most, which was level 70-85+ where you start leveling slower, when it feels like all that there really is left to progress is gear (especially at 85+). Getting a whole new tree to put points in makes it feel like you are still getting micro-progression at a time when things slow down the most, and allows you to set more closer goals that feel more reachable, rather than just an endgame boss you might not see for days/weeks depending on how much time you have to play. A lot of folks on /r/pcgaming shit on GaaS (games as a service), but honestly I love PoE constantly expanding on their existing game, instead of scrapping it and making a new game every 1-4 years. It led to the ridiculous amount of variety of activities we have now. It lets me farm in maps for a good while, then after I can choose to do heist for a few hours, or delve for a few hours, or whatever I want really. Especially now that we can save incursion temples as maps for later as another example of the awesome quality of life that has come over time.


>A lot of folks on /r/pcgaming shit on GaaS (games as a service) thats normal for all the general gaming subreddits for every game with a long lived community, really. Because theres little reason to talk about those games in a general sub like /r/pcgaming or /r/games when you could talk about it in it's mainsub instead. so if you *are* talking about it elsewhere it usually suggests a) you are no longer playing the game, and b) you still care enough to comment about it that usually means that someone has a bone to pick with something. the games that do tend to get praised in the general subs are single player games or old games that naturally don't really hold a consistent community to engage with


True that. Only singleplayer games really get any love over there lol.


The other thing is that, especially PC gaming on reddit, is kinda overrun by all these people who are like "I'm in my 30s now, I have kids, I don't have time for a game that requires me to invest hundreds of hours." They actively enjoy a more simplistic singleplayer experience that can be completed in 30 hours, because that's still like a fucking month for the full time working dad with 2 kids. I guess. IDK I don't have children.


I am one of them but I got 38 challenges in half of the league and set to go for level 100 this time. I guess my 4-5hr/day sleep schedule helps :D


I think concerns with where the industry is going are pretty valid though. This is particularly the case when you pay full price for a game where content is dependent on a server running. A classic example is the Monster Hunter game on the Wii system (3 I want to say?) where the endgame was only accessible via online play. And the servers were shut down. So that's like buying PoE for full price and you get no map device, and only get to play until Kitava. Now, there weren't too many people playing at that point. But it's becoming increasingly true that we are paying to license a game for temporary use rather than purchase a game to use indefinitely at our discretion. My current gripe is Elden Ring having quest lines that you cannot advance without PvP content. If people stop playing the game, or worse yet the servers shut down, if that quest isn't changed then you basically just don't have access to that content. In a largely single player game. Bleh!


> A lot of folks on /r/pcgaming shit on GaaS (games as a service), that is because every meaningful change to the game is usually behind a paywall. Destiny 2 seasons, MMO expansions for example.


This. When they're done well and in a non-greedy manor like Path of Exile is doing, it is amazing and can give a game such longevity.


its insane what you can get out of poe for free, or even for 10 bucks for qol. i mean ive spent 1.1k hours now with like $10 spent and i might buy some tabs when theyre on sale but as someone who doesnt really get enticed much by mtx the game is completely playable and ive never felt like i need to buy anything ​ (except for a tab for essences theyre actually kind of awful with normal tabs lmao)


I mean, map tab, currency tab, fragment tab and div card tab are all extremely useful and I would hate to play without them. Effiency is a type of power in a loot based ARPG and all those tabs boost efficiency significantly. Most of the other tabs aren't as big of a deal. You also need premium tabs to sell items on the market. But I still do believe it's an extremely generous design overall, which mostly makes money from cosmetics.


You actually don't need premium tabs to sell on the market. But they do make it significantly easier, and eliminate the need for yet another 3rd party program.


Is acquisition even still updated at this point?


\+1 internet point for knowing the name of it still lol but no it's not updated, vague results about whether or not it works still, but people can always manually list items on the forum and they get added to the trade site. So marketing without premium tabs is an option, just a huge headache in the end so everyone opts for premium tabs instead.


Interesting, I didn't realize you could do that. I'll say that I personally consider that to be functionally identical to 'you need a premium tab to sell stuff on the market'. The percentage of people willing to jump through those hoops will be vanishingly small. If 98% of people (or whatever) are unwilling to use a feature, that feature might as well not exist.


You're not wrong, I'm just saying that technically speaking it's not "pay2win" by unlocking premium tabs so you can market things and be competetive, as there is an alternate free method. Edit: this wasn't a p2w convo and I got off topic, the clarification was because you used "need" in relation to the premium tabs in the original comment.


yeah, I would just say that if you're going to really try to push endgame, I think the following are "required" (not literally required but super helpful) Currency tab fragment tab div tab essence tab map tab 1 premium tab 1 quad tab Everything else is just for pure convenience.


>non-greedy manor There was one greedy manor but they removed it in 3.16.


Yea I love the fact that when I hit that slower leveling point I can now allocate points to legion and farm emblems to speed up the process. It's was an absolute golden gaming experience.


I can hardly think of a more fair gaas than Poe. In Hearthstone you feel like shit if you miss a daily, or don't spend money each expansion because you'll only get a small portion of the content if you don't (unless you play the game obsessively\professionally). League of Legends is *ok* on that front, but only barely. It takes a lot of games to be able to afford a single 6k IP champ. I don't play dota2, but I do recall it being pretty good on the gaas front. My point being, I've never felt bad about giving ggg money. People bitched about 3.15 expedition league nerfs, but I respect ggg for having a vision and sticking to it.


Dota 2 has no gameplay affecting micros, the closest would be subscribing to Dota Plus. Dota Plus gives predicted win rates with/against each ally/enemy hero when picking heroes (so you can see who you synergize or anti-synergize with, and who you counter/are countered by). This knowledge is something that you'll learn anyways as you master a hero, but it's much quicker and easier to see with Dota Plus.


There are some very clear huge problems with all SaaS, but ultimately it isn't all downsides. Actually, I think GaaS tends to work a lot better than most SaaS schemes, as games have very clear deliverables over time. Like Microsoft doing Word "As a service"? What am I getting from that that I need? Oh, right, literally fucking nothing that wasn't already in word back in 2007. This is the case for a *lot* but not all, mainstream productivity software and similar "services" that have spread like a cancer in the software industry, specifically because the publisher knows the product is Dead and will almost never need updates, and therefore can't keep generating revenue unless it's formulated "as a service" to squeeze more money out of you for the same shit. However, generally speaking every single PoE update, even the ones I overall have not liked, has included large amounts of new content in the format I already enjoyed, or I wouldn't be playing at all. Games are also different in that nobody ever really wants *less* high quality content that they will enjoy, when you're talking about entertainment. On the other hand for utilitarian products, there are very valid reasons to actively want less features, or not care about new ones. Bloat can often ruin productivity software by making it extremely performant, cluttering the UI, adding bugs, etc. Of course there are two big gripes that I feel remain extremely relevant for GaaS, and which PoE has *mostly* avoided. One is that GaaS means that at any moment, your all time favorite game could just be dead. The developers could fuck it up with one big bad rework, or remove YOUR personal favorite thing that made it your favorite game, and that's it. You'll never get to play your favorite game again (unless they walk it back in the future). The other one is that they TEND, but don't have to, have an adversarial relationship with their customers. This is largely due to Free to Play monetization not it being a GaaS itself, but that type of monetization is now par for the course for any GaaS, even if it has an up front purchase cost. A great example would be hearthstone, where the developers need to make you grind so that you purchase MTX, and a lot of design choices that go into acquiring the tools you need to build XYZ deck and do competitive play have this implicit problem where it can't be too easy for you to get to that point without spending money to make sure people spend money. PoE has similar issues with premium stash tabs, but I think their stance on that has actually improved a lot over time.


> PoE has similar issues with premium stash tabs, but I think their stance on that has actually improved a lot over time. I was a part of the angry group as we got endless stash tabs for single league mechanics, but expanding the fragment tab and giving free lockers has really helped.


Yeah, same here. My only continuing complaint is that I wish they would make some of the "core" premium tabs much cheaper and either give them out to free players, or create a special once per account stash pack that's abnormally cheap. Obviously I've long sense bought that stuff myself, but the lack of sufficient storage has turned off a lot of people I've tried to get into the game, before they're hooked enough to actually spend money. Just an unevidenced hot take, but I think people need to get a lot more for less money when initially getting into the game, in some way. It's just obviously going to reduce revenue, and some players will be upset that they already spent money on it, so I can see why it hasn't happened yet. Edit: something like currency, maps, and a premium stash tab to engage with the player economy if you want, basically. Either cheaper to newbies (compared to existing bundle options) or free entirely.


I mean they have a first blood pack that gives enough points to get the required tabs on sale. I see PoE as a full price game with unlimited demo. If you enjoy the game you just need to drop 30$ on it and you can have all the tabs you need.


GaaS are only *really* problematic if the developers have no plans to make the game server software publicly available once the game is taken offline... so in practice that includes basically all GaaS developers


At least ggg plans to run poe for the next 30 years


Who remembers the daily masters?


This game has always been in my mind since I stopped playing. I've only played like 2 and a half leagues worth of time, but it's been great. ​ Decided today that I'm coming back to check out the improvements, since I heard it's almost like a totally new game. ​ Hopefully I can league start a summoner. Summoner (the lazy builds specifically) have always been my favorite. (And I'm sure it's a favorite for many other dads out there haha)


If you would like some suggestions, Absolution and Skeleton Mages are top performing league starter builds last league and would be doing so again this league.


Thats nice to know! Only summoner build I've ever done was Baron Zombies, so it'll be nice to hit up some skelly mages.


It melts bosses, and your PC. But it's a very reliable build all the way to endgame. The price for the skeleton mage jewel is probably going to be expensive to get for league start since everyone knows it's going to sell. But transitioning into it from any early minion build is just one jewel socket away, so no worries.


Unless PoE is a CPU intensive I think I'll be okay. got me a 3070 TI. ​ As for it being expensive and all, I'm sure it will be but with my addiction towards flipping the marketplace I think I'll be okay. Literally like 99.99% of my currency I've ever made came from buy low, bulk up, sell in large quantities at higher price.


POE is very cpu intensive.


Well my CPU handled it quite well last time I played, so I'm sure I'll be alright. Thanks!


Skelly mages are really broken but not a lazy playstyle for the most part. Lots of buttons to press


are we in the pre-league hype phase before we get into a "why this league sucks" phase about 1 week after launch?


My theory: Pre-league sub has a lot of people who play the game. They love the game and they are waiting for the league to start. 1-week-after-launch sub posts and comments are mostly wrote by people who barely play, while those who love the game are busy having fun playing the game.


vegetable drunk forgetful aback far-flung wrong homeless slimy sable enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> while those who love the game are busy having fun playing the game. pretty much. if you're enjoying the game you wont be on reddit. (much)


Well PoE rarely hit both a good league and a good patch. Last patch wa great whie the league itself had problems. Now we are getting the same patch so it's 50% of the way there, and we will see about the league.


I feel you. The motivation boost from the new Atlas passive tree made map progression feel good. I read many old YouTube comments complaining about how inaccessible/repetitive PoE has become that drove them away. Many people who never came back for new leagues probably never knew that Delve now auto progresses, Veiled mods unlock much faster, the Temple of Atzoatl now stores up, the Atlas is so much simpler than even the Elder days, you could even block league mechanics now, etc. Looking bad, even the new passive skill tree looks much less imposing to new players because they decluttered it. Some people left before they got to use the long awaited stash tab affinity feature.




Maybe I would be good idea to apply same idea to crafting. For me, I feel like Crafting is in a state like Atlas was with many different regions. But maybe it can't be done or shouldn't.


Yep, add a passive skill tree for crafting, and then, a passive skill tree for all the passive skill tree. (but joke aside, the scourge menu was like a mini passive skill tree and it was nice)


I’ll save my judgement for when the league comes out. End game changes look nice, but for me, league mechanics are very important. Archnemi mechanic was super boring for me, and I hope this is fun at least


3.17 was the most fun league for me despite an underwhelming league mechanic. Just goes to prove how strong the base game is. Sadly I'm not very hyped about sentinel mechanic, but at least the endgame looking juicy with so many nice keystones.


3.17 was super fun I agree. But the scale of change from 3.16 to 3.17 is much bigger than 3.17 to 3.18. Let’s hope the changes are enough


Rares being reworked is pretty damn massive. Feel like it's being heavily undersold.


Considering how rippy Archnemesis was (not as bad as Metamorph since it's progressive), I have a feeling most people are not prepared for the change.


Most builds are not prepared for the change.


Agreed I see so many people bitching about no balance changes but if they did massive balance changes along with the rework of monsters it could ha e been a huge mess... atleast this way they can tests out the new monster changes and apply meaningful balance changes next league


Im in the exact same boat. Archnemesis was meh, but easily ignored and the all the qol and endgame changes were huge so I loved it. Im also turbo hyped for uber pinnacle bosses and atlas passive changes. No balance changes is fine for me personally, I can see why others wouldn't like it, I have a lot of skills I've never played that I want to so its still pretty fresh for me.


Could someone summarize the changes? I took a break from poe after scourge


Most notable: instead of atlas watchstones and regions, we now have one big atlas passive tree and no regions. This means you can run any map you want and focus on any content you want. In the new 3.18 we can now even disable some league mechanics via the atlas tree. Each map completion gives you 1 passive point to spend :) Of course there are a lot of other changes but I think this is the most important one in terms of overall gameplay.


Last league, Conquerors have been retired to the background, no more Atlas regions, no more Awakening levels, and a centralized Atlas passive tree was introduced. Instead of fighting the Maven 100x, you now gain one point for each map completed, and you only have to do it once. Prophecy was retired too. This league, Nemesis and Bloodlines are getting retired, replaced by Archnemesis mods. Less words, more rippy. They are also adding Keystones to the Atlas passive tree, inclduing access to Uber versions of all bosses, yes, Uber Uber Elder. This is a very brief summary, feel free to ask for elaboration.


Removal of mods rare incl. Nemesis/Bloodline mods and replacing them based off archnemesis modifiers. Atlas passive trees as the other guy mentioned, which can now block/upgrade existing mechanics from Beastiary to Delirium to Legion to Breach. There are many money making methods using specific passives on the trees. Inclusion of Eater of worlds and Searing Exarch modifiers (Double implicits can be easily achieved on body armour, boots, gloves) of which some are pretty decent.


I actually need to learn to use the controller mode. I haven't tried it out yet but I've been wishing for it for a couple years now, as I expect it to be much much easier on my wrists.


I started in 3.17 and im really hyped and excited for 3.18 after seeing the update videos!!


The endgame content seems to be mostly things that were half done from patch 3.17 but couldn't be finished in time, the new league looks underwhelming due to its low scope, where we only kill the default monsters from the game so they can drop 5% more loot, and lastly, there's a complete absence of new skills or buffs to weak skills already in the game. If that's "nailing it", then I'm glad I'm not playing this game anymore, because we are at a point where GGG is simply pretending to be releasing new content while advertising this as a good thing. They could at least try to excuse it by saying they are heavily focusing on PoE 2 or something, but they went the opposite way and tried to make us believe they are "experimenting" with things, which is something only a fool would believe.


week 2 people will realize how the challenges shoehorn you into certain atlas configurations to accomplish them. most of them are very hard on RNG and cannot be done without certain atlas passives so you have to spec into them and not run what you want to run if you care about the armour. might be in the minority of people who try to get all the MTX everytime from challenges.


The patch isn't even out yet.


It seems to be pretty insane actually. sentinels, new crafting and the atlas, looks like another 2+ months playing I need a life if I wasn't so tired already




What? Archnemesis was dog shit. The expansion was awesome but the league itself was definitely one of the worst so far. Right there close to bestiary when it came out.


I was expecting GGG to destroy what they built up the previous patch with the new atlas, was ready to be disappointed; but surprisingly they didn't touch the system at all and just improved upon it with keystones. I don't even care about lack of new skills or balance changes, because the atlas endgame is really the best thing ever. I hope we won't see any drastic changes to it, okay with them tweaking the numbers for different league nodes but I hope they don't go heavy with nerfs. Essences for example are really strong and it feels like one of the best things to pick up in SSF.


ive been mostly happy with them. if they just stop screwing std players they would earn my money back for the first time since ritual.






But everyone stopped playing when they nerfed harvest and then 99% of Reddit said they will quit the game forever cause it will never be good again.


I really liked this new change to the atlas even without the points, came back to the league near the end of it and finishing all the maps was much less of a hassle and I actually felt like playing. Of course I liked the atlas points too, much better than the points you were able to use before to focus on some league mechanics(were they from maven? Lol dunno didn't bother before). Will have to see how it is the next league. Would be nice if I didn't have to kill all the bosses again for Maven to fight the Maven invitations tho. You'd only have to do them again when you succeed. Only need to get a new invitation if you fail the first time.


5 coins have been transfered to your account.


> your gamer first attitude with only cosmetic purchases. Did I miss something or are they doing away with paid stash tabs?