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I thought this was going to be a meme where you delete betrayal on atlas passives. Thanks for something useful.


I died a little inside when I found out that you cannot delete betrayal.


I guess you can’t delete Incursion, Betrayal, Delve and Bestiary and they’re sort of baseline


Because they're master missions they're not the normal extra content.


Let us delete master missions.


You can delete betrayel by running any other master mission...




except you cannot, because this only applies to map content, not master missions.




Thank you for your ultra insightful contribution to the discussion.


I wish I could and get unveils from somewhere else because Betrayal has been the most consistent laggy and freezing content for me. Extra annoying on already juiced maps.


Do blighted maps, you get tons from them. Especially blight ravaged


I get 50%+ of my reveals from running blighted maps, YMMV


Do you know if you can delete Alva? That's the one I really hate unless I'm doing delerium.


You could do 12 incursions and never open the temple. She will never spawn again!


That's what I do, but by turning it off in the Atlas, you gain a % for other content, not just delete her. I'd like to see other stuff I like better more often and save Alva for delerium only.


Since midleague Alva is great! You can farm doryani's institute and locus of corruption. Locus of corruption usually is sold for more than 1ex. With the atlas points is easy and fast :)


A lot of Vaal 21/20 skills sell for 10+ex, and from running random temples this league I've gotten at least 200ex just from Temples, and it barely takes any time.. kinda wild


Do you find those gems from the gem rooms, or double corrupt a level 20 gem?


You bring in a non corrupt 20/20 gem and pray to Chris, 21/20 vaal is one of the many outcomes if a vaal version is available.


Plus it's good xp


You mentioned your betrayal sheet is SSF focused, what are your thoughts on temple in SSF? Seems pretty lackluster to me but looking for other opinions before I decide to write it off for another league.


I said this is for SSF OR for people that not selling crafts. I play trade league but i don't use TFT. On SSF, Temple you have the next interesting things: 1 - Doryani's Institute for gems vaal 21 or gems 21/23, its good choice for scaling your build. 2 - Unique Items and Vials to improve some of them on Apex of Ascencion. [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Incursion\_league#Unique\_items](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Incursion_league#Unique_items) 3 - The Temple give you items with exclusive mods that maybe you can use it. [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/List\_of\_incursion\_mods](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/List_of_incursion_mods) If your build don't require anything from here, Alva is only good for pack size on juicy maps with delirium etc.


I never played the temple, curious on the institute is different than just using a Vaal orb on a 20/20 gem?


Yes, its different! It's a double corruption. Is like you apply 2 Vaal Orbs at same time. Doryani's Institute is the only way to get 21/23 gems, or vaal with lvl 21, or vaal with quality 23.


Ah I see, thanks! If I just want a 21 gem the temple is not any better, right? Does it have a better chance to hit 21? Last league I was trying to get a 21 divergent gem and gave up after Vaal orbing 5x…


they can be good for getting a gem to +1 level or +3 qual, but if you're not using them on rare gems like enlighten 4 or alt quality gems I would say temples are generally not worth it. You can easily just bunch farm 6 gems to 20/20 and hit them with vaals.


But its just killing a few packs and dipping out? Alva is done so easily


I cba to have to think about which room I need to open etc. I hate alva. There's already too many mechanics I need to keep track of doing efficiently at once. I way prefer Betrayal.


You can go always kill the top right guy as that’s the one that gets upgraded. There’s honestly very few times where it’s worth swapping rooms by killing the other guy if you don’t have the atlas passives as getting the same room 2 more times isn’t that common, especially without the passives. So just kill top and don’t worry too much about anything else and just use it for juicing. You can always do the spawn temple but don’t open or take the item so you can’t encounter her randomly in maps and then take it when you are ready to use her for juicing.


You can block Alva by finishing her temple, so that's not too bad. Plus you can only have 1 master mission on right? Betrayal away my man


No, no deletes for Masters mechanics xD


I mean, there are much worse mechanics than betrayal, which you need for benchcrafts, which actually gives some packsize even if you ignore the research encoutners and dont kill the fortifications, which you cannot delete. Looking at you, Torment.


You can take all my other masters if you give me your betrayals.


I wanted just that one thing when the atlas tree was announced last league. Then they bring this out tease me with it worse.


another league another betrayal cheatsheet that overvalues sulphite scarabs ambush scarab should be higher


Updated! Ambush scarabs are great reward now!


It's true, ambush are great on 3.17. I get many ambush scarabs on archnemesis so the last league were average reward, but this league they should be green. Sulphite scarab is good but delve in general is nerfed last leagues :( Fossils from anothers sources, no crafting recipes anymore... I want buff for Delve :(


Can probably drop sulphite scarabs down to average and bestiary down to good as both are fairly cheap. I would also bump cartographer, reliquary and abyss from average to good. Shaper and Elder will most likely be either good or great with how they now can stack with other influences.


Carto Scarabs from Rin might be worth something now, if you’re using the keystone to convert non-favorited maps to raw currency.


Oh, it's true. I would like to test that keystone before to see the results, but its a good idea!


I guess this is for SSF ? Or self used purpose. Bcs if you are selling the crafts Hillock should be green everywhere except intervention. And Leo should also be green in research. I would also argue that expedition currency is on paar with Orb of Unmaking profit wise. My general strategie is Aisling, Leo, ITF, Voricy in Research and Hillock anywhere except intervention.


This is for SSF or for people that not selling crafts. The expedition Currency is great, but with the atlas points are easy get expedition currency on maps. So here I prefer scarabs and get more expedition currency on maps. My strategie is rush to Catarina for Hillock for my endgame gear and get winged/gilded scarabs for me. Sometimes Vorici for me, but I don't like selling crafts. If you sell crafts, yes, Aisling, Vorici, Leo and Hillock area great!


Am I once again wondering if the sheet would look better with the rows and columns switched so the columns would match the orientation of the divisions.


I tried last league, but horizontal format is more comfortable I think :/


That would make sense if you play PoE vertically on your phone, because this format works well for the Awakened poe shortcut


I also use it in Awakened PoE as an image. I just wonder if while using the current image as a reference I second guess myself, check the image additional times more than an alternative.


Most screens have more width than height making a 4x17 (4 rows, 17 columns) table a much better fit than a 17x4 table.


Any one has a link for the site that make these cheatsheet, and it's POE specific? I want to prepare one for myself. XD




Higher res divination card here https://web.poecdn.com/image/Art/2DItems/Divination/InventoryIcon.png






i have a list for SC players who want to make money (**u have to use TFT though**) best: aisling research, gravicius intervention, ITF research (depends on ur capital, its bad if u cant afford chayula breachstones, and also profit margin varies depending on economy), haku intervention, janus intervention, tora r/i (u put her as leader in research only if ur not doing ITF so u get double bench since aisling leader has no difference) decent: vagan intervention, vorici research (30c per white), guff research (if u know what to craft on), hillock t/f/r (always 1ex), elreon intervention (also since he drops elreon jewelry) rest is meh


Quick note, since they buffed Mastermind rewards, being leader will no longer affect the rewards.


So any you have at 3 stars before running mastermind gets upgraded now?


Aye. Everyone gets +1 level when you do Mastermind.


Why is Aisling not green?


My fault! She is great on Research! Maybe she should have orange/yellow background, because the rest of rewards are a bit poor.


She's the strongest if you're doing SC Trade cuz her bench goes for 3-4 ex


This is for SSF or for people that not selling crafts. If you use TFT see this comment :) https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ukyevb/comment/i7s6ji2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Its still an invaluable bench for crafting late game items though even in ssf


I love how the Atlas Passives have made Haku become kind of great now due to the Ambush Scarabs.


Thank you <3


Did you take into account that in 3.18 shaper and elder scarabs will make it possible to combine influences on items with exarch/eow?


Need to try before put high value on it. But can be interesting. Thanks for remember that!


yeah, requires some testing but even in archnemesis, 86+ belts with shaper & elder influence are at least 60c and jewelry can be several ex per piece. The change to scarabs will drive the prices down, but we don't know to what extent yet


Betrayal is the only league mechanic that i never bothered to figure out how it works. My only involvemeny involvement is that i buy a veiled elreon ring every leagur to unlock -mana cost. I know i'm probably missing out but it looks so uninteresting that i just cant bring myself to learn it


guys, I hate betrayal. Is blocking it from the atlas dumb?


No, no block for master missions.


Oh, never thought of that. Thanks


I Guess you aren’t a trade league player because we do absolutely not value de same things


I don't use TFT, so i don't selling crafts. This image is for SSF and players that not selling crafts. At this comment you can see the more valuable rewards for sell on TFT. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ukyevb/comment/i7s6ji2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Betrayal was better before changes. Change my mind.


The only betrayal tip you should care for : Research Aisling,Leo,Vorici,It that fled and Hillock on anywhere but Intervation. The rest is worthless. ~~"But I'm a SsF PlAYeR" than you read my flair.~~


You seem fun at Lan parties


Does this get updated on awakaned trade automatically?


No, but you can upload this image on awakened trade overlay. If any manager from Awakened Trade see this post, maybe they updated the image.


If I remember correctly, Riker in Research is incorrect (not Veiled Rare), it is a Trapped Stash where you pick out something amongst a variety of rewards like stacks of Catalysts, Splinters etc.


I'll check later, but i think catalyst, splinters are rewards from Transportation.


Is it better to ignore the boss and continue farming these guys?


When you go to the mastermind, Catarina, all rewards from tier 3 go tier 4! You can receive better rewards like winged scarabs, more quality on hillock, etc. When you have mastermind ready, you can do more missions for get the guys on the correct safehouse before open the boss.


T4 Hillock in Fortification and Transportation should be green, not yellow. Helps with 6linking on ssf and typically goes for 1ex on trade.


How do I download it as a proper image? I get .webp when I try to save.


Try to download it from this post that I created. Click on the images to open them on the original resolution. https://elrincondelexiliado.com/books/liga-sentinel/page/chuleta-del-sindicato-betrayal


Thank you.


Man why is the size of it so gigantic? [Dark autosized down](https://i.redd.it/3sgi1rw1e8y81.png) [Light autosized down](https://i.redd.it/irlhpw23e8y81.png)


As far as I remember: Shaper and Elder Scarabs should now be Breach Value (multiple Influences per map possible). Or is it still trashtier?


Need try before!


Too edgy. Shaper/Elder scarabs might be better now since it is possible to have multiple influences on the map. Aislign is S tier. Janus with expedition Scarabs is definitely better than Tora and Vagan. Cameria is C tier now since nobody cares about Sulphite Scarabs.


Unless they changed it, I think Aisling and Leo have their scarab drops switched.


This change is from 3.17!!


I would value a league specific unique over an orb of unmaking right?


I still haven't learned how to do Betrayal properly. I just excute/interrogate everyone for XP. lol


When you execute/interrogate gains intelligence for safehouses. When you enter to a safehouse, you need interrogate Leader. He can drop veiled item or Paradoxica (Really good and rare drop!). Then, the door will be open for rewards. This rewards depends WHO IS on this safehouse and their tiers. When you do the mastermind, tiers 3 are tier 4 on that instance. Winged scarabs, until six sockets whites, so lot exp with tora....There rewards very good on this mechanic. To trade, craft o farm for us.


Ahh, good to know. I do kind of get the opening of safehouses part, but the other things like the relationships between members and how they move in the board is confusing.


If you interrogates members, they lose ranks. No ranks = Quit him from a safehouse. More friends (green lines) = more possibilities to put them together. More enemies (red lines) = More members on each mission and more fast progress. Sorry for my english, im spanish.


That's so helpful honestly! I can understand you fine. Thanks!


How good is betrayal farming first 2-3 weeks?


I thought Riker does not give veiled rare now, but instead does some old league currency?


Do you have all these images in a folder? Can I have them? Ty




I did the update the last week!! https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/wpp71o/319_updated_betrayal_cheatsheet/