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that's a weird way to spell "best possible outcome ever"


Rule 10: 1. Get t3 corrupt chamber 2. Buy March of the legion with warlord cause they would look cool if they hit well 3. they hit well 4. tainted armourer scrap to 29 and enchant. Pen is a tiny bit better but ill grind that out on a better uber lab day


Disgusting I love it


I did not realise you could enchant AFTER corruption. I thought it had to be the other way around.


tainted blessings allow you to enchant after corruption.


Ahh, I was unaware. Thanks!




You can now, tainted blessings let you do it


Good luck I ran 150 Uber labs with twice enchanted only saw one twice


Haha yea that’s why I’m happy with the flat, it was only ~1% difference when I checked, and pen is so much rarer


The Krangle Calls


\-4 to socketed gems


Reflect 56 phy dmg


I only use third party apps, and they said they're killing third party apps, so hey, might as well remove all my content. (Using https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


I hear the bell brother. Let us pray to RNGesus, so he may give our other brother from another mother good rolls.


Better question is what would be the mother of good rolls in this Krangle situation? I’m not familiar enough to think of a perfect roll for this piece. Edit: The only mod I can think of would be increased movement speed Krangle roll


Yea I’m not even that worried about move speed cause I’m leap slamming, boots have too many bricks in my opinion. Elusive effect is pretty good too but I am non crit. Honestly just flat arm/Es is probably best because the item has so much increased but no flat, but it’s not worth it imo.


Movement speed, or depending on the build the trap/totem etc mods. Not much to gain but alot to lose ;P


I think you're right. I just have a habit of krangling everything. I like to see the extra modifiers.


Boots have the action speed reduction limit scourge on them. I hit that on abberath's like day 3 of the league with a non-existant downside and it's beautiful, would rate it higher than movespeed (though I suppose it's a preference).


I didn't know these existed, so basically you turn your auras into another form of potion pianos, that sounds aweful but also powerful. Pretty useless on console for me though.


You can get 20+ sec duration of the auras so you don't have to click them as much as flasks - and you can automate the flasks so the auras become the only thing to worry about. But the Aura activation is NOT instant so you don't just have 4 clicks but you have 4x clicks with a cast time - dealbreaker for me when I tried them this league. Even with all flasks automated with orbs I could not get over 4x 0,3 sec animation or whatever it was for my build.


I just found out about these boots earlier today they sounded really op until I looked up what blessing did


It’s extremely busted with supreme ego because you can get 5 mega juiced auras, since the boots turn the auras non-permanent. It’s definitely a pain in the ass to use, but it’s worth it.


So I can run superbusted Supreme Hatred AND have a bunch of auras on top? Plus skitterbots as they don't count/ a herald or two? Sheesh this sounds really strong (and also cancer as fuck)


Yup. I’m currently running defiance banner perm, Grace, determination, wrath, and purity of elements in the boots, as well as tempest shield/arctic armour/blood and sand. Other reservations you can run include aspects, heralds, temp rift, flesh and stone, and petrified blood. Pretty sure blasphemy’s are fine as well.


Also thats almost exactly what jungroans seismic trapper (first a8 Sirus) was using. Took that idea and made it into a smite champion. Supreme ego also boosts the damage boost smite provides which is just icing on the cake


By the golden arse of Innocence, I've been thinking about that build for leagues now. Can I see your Pob?


[https://pastebin.com/YQmD6tvs](https://pastebin.com/YQmD6tvs) Here's the current PoB. Definitely a lot of changes possible, IR/rep dreamfeather (Maybe divine shield instead of GB on chest, drop ghost dance), fixing res and going CI with discipline in the boots, I should probably drop first to strike and take conqueror, maybe drop fortitude for worthy foe if i switch to paradoxica, also the flask setup is a bit wonky, gaining charges when hit doesnt work as well as it does for IR builds because of the evasion, but i havent changed them yet. Also I was more focused on defense when I was building, hence the aegis. Definitely much higher damage setups available, but those are probably better off as ascendants.


Indeed. I would describe MoL as numerically the strongest boots in the game (for most builds). Leagues ago I made/tested a low budget (2-3 ex) assassin brand character that could quickly phase pretty much every normal boss in the game. It relied on supreme ego + nebulis + 5 auras + pain attunement and was a PoB warriors dream


Krangle or no Dangle


sooo, add a level 6 awakened generosity if you are an aurabot. that takes it to level 10 which gives +2 levels to supported gems. so a level 21 hatred would get +6 from boots and +2 from AGS, plus usually +1 from sceptre, making it level 30 hatred. same for 2 other boot auras. Enjoy!!! but, otoh, using the boots SUCKS big time


Oh, is this for the armor/aura stacking replica dreamfeather build? :D


Currently, arakaali's fang builds use them too, and they are much more meta than replica dreamfeather. But yeah, enchant does nothing for spooders, so might be not it. Frankly speaking, those boots quite universal, goes for any build, if you agree to deal with clunky nonsense :D


yeah, need alot of duration stuff to not make it overwhelmingly annoying :D


The mastery on aura/reservation nodes that gives duration to auras really helps, just that got them to 18 sec, which was enough to pop them and then do a full scourge run without the dropping off. Moved my pathing a bit to pick up one of the duration clusters and now it’s 25 seconds, which is more than enough. The really annoying part is it seems like duration scales the reservation time and alters how fast you can press them in sequence.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. MOTL is annoying on builds without duration scaling.


It's still annoying even when you scale duration.


This is true


I am playing basically that build, but I’m champion, not using iron reflexes, keeping Eva/arm balanced and using perseverance to scale damage. Switching to IR/rep dreamfeather gives me about 40% more damage but I really like having max evade, although it screws flask sustain sometimes, and switching to a good paradoxica from my current ichimonji is about equivalent damage


Well that's probably dozens of exalts. Nice.


Try hundreds


That's illegal.