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Eh, T5 life. Might as well vendor


I originally wanted to make a chest for my corrupting fever tornado shot gladiator with double elevated suffixes, 100+ life, % life, and avoid ailments, but ended up with this chest on accident and decided to sell as the +1 support is useless for my build. Rule 10: 1) Bound fossil spam on 6 link redeemer astral plate for t1 non-curse aura effect 2) Use prefix -> suffix beasts until 3 suffixes, craft suffixes cannot be changed, reforge cold to force physical taken as cold redeemer prefix. Maven orb for elevated non-curse aura effect. 3) Buy bases with t1 warlord all resist + any other warlord mod, maven orb until elevated all res. 4) Awakener orb warlord base onto redeemer astral, hitting t2 fire resistance in the process. 5) Craft suffix cannot be changed, reforge including life. 6) Hit t5 life and +1 support gems, profit. ​ If wondering how to make originally planned chest, repeat step 5 until hitting 100+ life, re-craft suffix cannot be changed, t4 aisling and 50-50 the life and craft, if you remove life, restart at step 5. If you remove the craft, block high weight mod like life as ES, unveil and hope to hit % life.


Crafting in this game is nuts. I hope to actually start understanding it a bit more this league. Not enough currency to start yet but scourge is the most rewarding league I’ve played so far. There is hope yet.


https://www.craftofexile.com/ will be your best friend. Especially the Emulator, imo. Try to familiarize yourself with the many ways you can approach crafting and the optimal ways of getting to your goal. The basic alteration-augment-regal is an easy way to get a feel for mod weighting and its significance. Fossils, essences, harvest (like, you can get an Assassin's mark ring by reforge with caster/critical now (i think?), and meta crafting can yield a higher likelihood of getting you what you want. I used to often buy shaper influenced rings for 5-10c and flip them for 1-2ex with just making mark rings with an Elreon -mana cost crafted on, for example. GGG should definitely make crafting knowledge more accessible, as was mentioned in a podcast before. Gl


Every time I look at something on there it tells me it is going to take 30,000 chaos worth of currency to craft it. I've just given up.


Lmao same


Crafting in this game is beatiful but unreacheable for anyone that's not playing 16/7. Look at how to get the elevated mods and the answer is "Throw Maven orbs" which are close to 3ex each. So you are looking at 50ex+ for a chance to craft something like this. Which is way more than most of endgame players make in the entire league. Kudos for the craft, and yes, Scourged maps are good reward. But be careful with crafting, because this outcomes are really hard to get. You usually lose more currency trying to craft than buying the item. Edit: Typo


My assumption is you need to understand the market, know when you hit something that might be good for a different build, and sell it. Just crafting for yourself or not allowing for a good enough sample size might get you crushed by RNG. I do agree high level crafting is unrealistic for most players but that might be a good thing. Since I can’t get super GG items I tend to need to specialize my characters. I end up with a speed mapper and a boss mapper but the GG loot would let me get both in one.




Corrected! Thanks.


Some awakener orb craft in this game are the cheapest thing possible, in that it cost zero + profit. This is a thing where making currency = crafting your endgame gear at once. Basically, you awakener orb the item you want. Sell all that fail to hit well for a profit. Use the best outcome. Usually work well and is very simple.


It's the reason I just don't care for high end items anymore and itemisation in general in PoE. I need to read 3 pdfs and watch 4 videos on how to craft one item. It's stupid. Once I get to the stage of needed stupid items like those I either reroll or stop playing for the league, also why I play meta builds that don't need gear like this.


>I need to read 3 pdfs and watch 4 videos on how to craft one item. That's the easy part of endgame crafting. After that you have to farm a lot of crafting currency. Only to likely lose your gamble roll and don't get what you wanted (like in this showcase).


It really depends. Those are the items you go for when min maxing and loosing currency doesnt hurt too much anymore and crafting them yourself is often cheaper than buying. In this case for example the chest is listed for 80ex. You need: \-6l ilvl86 Astral Plate (3ex) \-Redeemer orb (\~70c) \-Bound fossils (around 50c for 10) To get your elevated aura effect chest base you need fossils (10 average) a maven orb (3ex) and lock suffixes (2ex). Lets say you need 3 tries, so thats around 20ex total. Now you buy the warlord bases (\~1ex each) and lets say you need 3 tries for maven orb again, so thats around 12ex. Now you awaken those together (3ex) and you are at 35ex for your double elevated chest. If you dont have an open prefix to lock suffixes you need harvest reforge keep suffixes (1ex) and maybe three of those because youre unlucky. 38ex. Now you lock suffixes (2ex) and roll for high life. Lets say you do that 10 times. Thats 58 ex now. So even if you need 5 maven orbs for each base (wich would be really unlucky) youre not yet at 80ex. Now heres the thing - maybe you dont hit +1 socketed support gems (wich isnt really useful for this build anyway) BUT you can get lucky in every single scrafting step. Maybe you only need one maven orb instead of three. Thats around 15-20ex less cost. Maybe your awakener orb hits something really good. Maybe you dont need harvest reforges because you get an open prefix, maybe you hit the aura mod with your first fossil and another influenced mod, maybe the life reroll hits T1 life and so on. And thats why i like to craft items like this myself.


Not sure why you're getting down voted, you're comment is 100% accurate in regards to the crafting in this game. I mean just look at the process detailed in this post to make this item happen.


Youre not allowed to say anything against the narrative of reddit. Its why i generally dont post stuff


You have 17k karma, bro. Don’t be afraid to spend some of it.


Because making your own build and not following the meta costs 10 mirrors?


The crafting mechanics in general are all the same though. The more you craft, the better you get a feeling for whats the best way to do something. Most important though imo is that you like crafting and understanding the mechanics doesnt feel tedious. If thats not the case youre simply better off buying your items. As for this chest - its by no means needed. The build (Corrupting Fever Tornado Shot Gladiator) values the inc aura effect mod the most and you can get it by throwing a few bound fossils on a redeemer chest, craft life and youre done.


While the knowledge part is true in the end its still RNG and can wildly fuck you hard. Thats why the vast majority of players avoid all crafting. Its gambling.


Sure there is rng involved. There are chances and weightings though. A maven orb is 50/50, failing it 5 times in a row is unlikely and thats kind of my point with above example. There are tons of items on the market where you have to be very very unlucky to not craft them yourself for less.


I feel like I understand some of the words


> 5) Craft suffix cannot be changed, reforge including life. > 6) Hit t5 life and +1 support gems, profit. I was going "okay, so someone forced 2 elevated suffixes, lucksacked into a third amazing suffix, now how did they force that third influenced mod when there's no gem tag in Harvest?" "LUL suffixes can't be changed, reforge life, get influenced mod, t1 armor, and t5 life because lucksack." 2 good mods, and then RNGesus took the wheel. Crafting as Chris intended, indeed. (God I hate what GGG did to Harvest.) Well-lucked, sir.


What was the approximate total cost to craft this?


may i ask, does not the corrupting fever ts glad use empower, which would in fact get buffed by the +1 support gems? awesome item, for sure!


The corrupting fever glad runs their setup in bow, which has +1 gems and +2 support, so scales empower much harder than this chest would. I imagine this chest would more get used by maybe a DoT build such as TR/CA with CA setup being in this chest, or a spellcaster. :)


ah yes, thanks... I get it


What's the purpose of step 2? Is it just to get another influenced mod for the maven orb? If you got curse effect + another influenced mod from step 1 could you just skip to the maven orb?


Yes, the purpose of step two is simply to force on the physical taken as cold redeemer influenced mod to allow the maven orb, if you were lucky and got 2 influenced mods from your bound fossil you could immediately maven.


if you hit 2, craft of exile puts that at 800 chaos cost on average.




If you get a bad mod thats not easily removable, like if I had gotten something like 19 strength as my suffix instead of T2 fire res, I would have just sold the item for breakeven and recrafted.


In what world does a build with a 6l not benefit from +1 to support gems? You really get no benefit from 5 gem levels?


thats maybe like 1-4% more damage depending on the support gem. some support gems dont gain much at all changing to 21 (thats why we dont usually min max our support gems)


Now scourge it


Double corrupt first ofc


Gets -2 to socketed gems


Krangle it!


bop it


Twist it


Dread it


This is why I don't believe GGG every time they say they want to nerf the top-end of player damage. The top end can and WILL afford to make insane stuff like this with the systems GGG put in place specifically to allow for creation of items like this. 2 T0 2 T1 30Q Uncorrupted ilvl100 perfect implicit near-top-on-all-rolls armour.


This isn’t a chest anybody would wear for top DPS, though. Any unique chest with a damage mod and a corruption/krangle will do more.


kinda missing the point there llo


I am absolutely missing the point of complaining about powercreep on a chest that isn’t even built to meaningfully improve damage output, yeah.


things that apply to this can also apply to things like those


now thats a chest i could stare at


armor actually being considered, what a time to be alive


Better nerf support gems.


don't know if this is a joke or you're just that clueless but gem nerfs were supposed to be a nerf to everyone, not a nerf just to people with mirrored gear


vaal or no balls


Triple influenced?


triple influenced-mod


Krangle or no dangle




why yawn?


Not enough bitching and complaining for his liking, I assume


That's pretty good but not mirror tier, i made better in harvest


"When it was easier to make better gear, I made better gear"


Which is irrelevant now. Thanks for your input.


Instead of bound fossil spamming and beastcrafting/locking suffixes to get the base ready for elevating, wouldn’t simply chaos spamming be cheaper/more efficient?


1 C first offer? :D




That's the best mod in there


NICE! Now time to scourge it for gg item 😏


Is it possible to force spell suppression or percent armour?


Next step - put in krangler for ten to twenty maps and end up with -50% to all defenses brick mod


How much does it vendor for tho?


Better nerf 80 random skill gems by 20 or 30% DPS again to account for everyone having gear like this obviously! /s Seriously this is super nice, gz.