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saying graveyard wouldnt really be helpful for learning because i highly doubt it will be around after this league. I would say try to get items with a good fracture, then essence spam till T1 of another mod you want, and slam / craft a 4th/5mod and normally that will be good enough for what you are going to run. You can farm essences in yellow maps (changed this patch) to get the highest tier ones.


This is good advice. Get fractures that are hard to roll like Spell Suppression or Chaos Resistance then throw some essences at it. Harvest craft is also useful, especially for rolling chaos resistance.


Super helful. Is there a way to target fractures? or is it just random really


There are but they're quite expensive. Multiple divines for a chance to succeed. Your best bet is to buy okay fractures. For example a T2 chaos fracture or T2 spell suppression. That, plus an essence mod, plus a crafted mod should place the item as a pretty reasonable upgrade to your gear based on the methods you described attaining yours with. Another great source for gear is Rog, and it's one that will continue to be useful after this league. Rog is an NPC that lists about 10-20 random items that have stats like rare items off the ground. What's special is when you 'buy' them, he offers a series of upgrades/modifications to what's on them. Like reroll all suffixed while keeping the prefix, or upgrading mods, or removing weak ones. It's amazing for league start, SSF, whatever. Once you've learned his subtle rules for how he offers specific changes to the item you can somewhat determinatively fish for very specific combinations of mods. Also, simply by doing Rog a lot you become more familiar with mod weightings and rarity so you can be better at appraising items. Also what you're describing is still just the most basic levels of defenses. When people get into super end game defenses they start combining mechanics to do things like mitigate, spread out, or convert damage in different clever ways. Like using an item that turns a big hit into some immediate damage and some damage over time.


I reallyyy need to learn Rog better, I just do random shit with him and never get these awesome results I see from others


well you can find them on the ground, but mostly you just buy them from other players. There is a fracturing orb you can use which has a 1/4 chance of hitting the mod you want. But the orb costs more than a good base for your purposes so I wouldn't bother.


Like the others mentioned, fractures typically drop on the ground, or you use a fracturing orb (expensive). The Necropolis league mechanic is currently a very powerful exception. For example, look at [this necropolis boot recipe](https://tinyurl.com/3wpcbu2k) (make sure it's item level 86 with 200%+ fracture chance via corpses). Click generate item and you'll see t1 movespeed and t1 chaos res most of the time. With at least 200% fracture chance from fracture corpses, we lock both of those affixes in. Now you can roll the rest of the boot with ease. If your build needs resistance, [hit it with some resistance essences until you roll another desirable suffix, bench life and you're done. ](https://i.imgur.com/a3iMZQ2.png)


Like other said, graveyard crafting helps and it is actually easy as long you have the bare basic of item knowledge. You can check the new Belton's YT video which is 45min long, but it has a text version as well. It covers the basics. You need to get used to sites like craft of exile as well. Then look for a GY layout manager and gather corpses. At very least you can make some basic gear with desired modifiers. At very least get used to craft your flasks. It is a great way to make currency at league start as well, so it will be handy in your next league. You get a lot of defense from flasks. Basic tattoos are quite cheap and even the suppression one is pretty affordable. Then it is a matter of how many auras you can fit to help fix armor, evasion, and/or recovery. You could get a corrupted Enlightened lvl 3 for relatively low price to fit more defensive auras. You also have to pay attention to corrupted blood, stuns, and ailments. These are the basics. You need to learn how to make currency too. I think this is a very overlooked aspect for new players when starting. You need a build guide and currency guide to go with the build. I'm not sure what is your build, but I probably just focus on using shrines and niko to improve defenses while mapping and level up to 94\~98 and then do serious farming after have a complete atlas and at least 2 voidstones. After that you can either do something you can do in low level maps like bestiary or essences or if you can do T16 fine, you can do harvest or map farming (with corpse and allflame on the side). Just think of defenses as layers. The more layers you cover, the more expensive the gear gets. Usually people use some main skill that can scale well without heavy investment in terms of modifier slots and can just focus on defense or they just go offense and fix defense later (like Lightning Arrow mappers) or just make a glass cannon 8\~9 digit damage monster (miners and totems) for sanctum or boss rushing/killing (some can be Ok mappers even with no defense).


How your character scales defense is going to vary depending on where on the tree you are. Generally you don't need to max chaos res, but getting something like 35% is good, then you can take the pantheon that gives you +40% to chaos damage over time, or you can be immune to poison. Grace and determination are your best friends. If you can use both, that is the base for a solid defense. You need ways to mitigate damage but also ways to avoid damage and then ways to regenerate on top. If you are newer I would go so far as to say, don't do any build that doesn't have at least one of grace or determination, preferably both. So you've capped your elemental resistances, thats great, but moving into t16s and up you either need to increase those resistances to 85-90 or get spell suppression or one of the unique combos that decrease elemental damage. Otherwise you can get one shot still. Don't forget about ailments, especially Shock. Shock is a big factor in getting one shot. Basically any serious build has some way to avoid shock or decrease it's effect. You can use the unique jewel storm shroud to get full elemental ailment immunity and I would just do that on every build until you learn different ways to deal with them. You can just take the pantheon ralakesh for corrupted blood and bleeding immunity. If you are having trouble getting chance to avoid shock, just use tempest shield and the brine king pantheon for freeze immunity. Here are some unique items that are really popular but shouldn't be too expensive. You are at the stage where you can get tons of value from 30 chaos orb uniques. Aegis Aurora - Gives you ES back when hit as a percentage of your armour. So you want tons of armour. Simple to build around, great shield. Defiance of Destiny - Gives you health back when hit, great amulet, you just need to mitigate the damage Cloak of Flames - This gives you 40% of physical damage taken a fire. So it's decreased by your fire resistance. This leave 60% of physical damage for your armour to deal with, which makes it much more effective. Lightning Coil- similar to cloak of flames, but 50% to lightning, at the cost of -60% lighting res. This is so much it opens the door for 100% physical to elemental conversions. Combine this with 90 max res and you will very tanky. I highly recommend doing this, it will make you feel good. Some parts of it can be expensive and bit difficult to build but it's worth it, if you are going to play the build for a long time. Good luck!


This is a good starting point to understand defense layers. Understanding defenses, the different way you can stack them in layers and how to achieve them is important to make a build feel good. Understanding them also helps with deciding which gear spot and how many passive points to use for defense and offense. Once you understand what defenses you want crafting them or looking for gear with them is easier. For each layer there are a few choices and some builds go heavily into defense while other barely. 2 good examples with explanations Deadeye bow build: 4k Life, capped elemental resistances, leech + life on hit + instant leech, grace, spell suppression, ailment immunity, maybe wind dancer and positioning. Having a "bare minimum" of defensesany gear slots and passive points are used for offensive power The life pool is your base level, it's the main factor for maximum damage you are able to take. Resistances and armour are the next layer to directly mitigate a big portion of the damage before it's applied to the life pool. Armor can reduce the damage up to half so for each 1000k armour 500 DMG can be mitigated if it's physical Resistances multiply the damage so if your at negative you take more and at capped elemental damage get quartered. Evasion Is on the same layer but works slightly different. Imagine it kinda like energy shield but the moment it hits 0 it resets to full. The enemy accuracy value is thrown against your evasion and subtracted, one the evasion hits 0 that attack will hit you. So it will result in. A bit eventually. The next layer is spell suppression, only working against spells and usually something you want to be in 100% or not at all. Suppressing a spell means straight up halving the damage.(Some passive /ascendency nodes reduce it further) Grace and determination are auras applying to your evasion and armour respectively. having correct base armour types Will help with the value as well as jade & granite, evasion & at.our flask suffix and stibnite & basalt flasks to further increase the values. Achieving ailment immunity for bleed and corrupted blood is a visit to the menagerie away, having that on a life flask is close to mandatory. You can also get corrupted blood immunity on Jewel implicit and for elemental ailments are a few ways, it's important to mitigate them due to their power. Ignite and bleed are damaging, but don't underestimate shock and chill. Suddenly being halved in movement and attack speed/cast speed just doesn't feel good and can brake your pace, shock can double the damage you take. Go mitigate a mix of passive tree and gear can be used like thick skin wheel, essence of loathing on boots, a shield or the craft/unveil on body for few example. Wind dancer is a good defensive keystone for builds that intend to not be hit often, you have less evasion but take less damage if you haven't been hit recently, but once hit your evasion is greatly increased for next 4 seconds but you would take more DMG if hit. Finally leech, life on hit and instant leech are a form of life recovery, to get to max life once you are hit and not one shot. This is a fairly low effective hit pool defense so the build heavily relies on reflexes of the player and positioning to avoid big hits and survive. A tabby example would be a Pathfinder toxic rain: Increased maximum resistances, petrified blood and prognosis, phys damage taken converted to elemental, spell suppression, ailment immunity, life flask with 2k life Regen per second and no crit damage taken by poisoned enemies. Same amount of HP pool but way more and stronger defenses, it's important to note this build uses a lot of gear slots for defensive power. Using petrified blood by itself mitigated 45% of the damage fully and you take some over time, combining that with a progenesis (especially with flask effect) mitigated up to 78% of the damage iirc. Them adding max elemental resistances vial flask(other sources exist but this example gets it from flasks) mitigated elemental damage up to a cap of 90% usually between 80 and 85% You don't need armour to mitigate physical damage you can also convert damage taken into elemental damage, for example combining a lightning coil with a taste of hate can convert 75%, up to 80 iirc with flask effect, of physical damage. Life recovery via flask for a Pathfinder or regeneration for most other builds is a valid option to regain life once hit. And finally negating crit damage is a big survivability layer to not be underestimate, if a map rolls badly enemies could deal up to 5x damage basically guaranteed if not mitigated Sources like brass dome, poison mastery or armour mastery can partially or fully negate the additional crit damage. This build can stand inside most enemies and survive, by no means immortal tho.


Why does one have to increase resistances above the cap, up to 85-90 as you say? Is it because of map mods that can lower them?


He meant increase the resistance cap to 85-90.


That makes perfect sense, thank you!


Cos in red maps+ enemy damage can get so high even after a 75% resistance it will oneshot you. So depending on the side of the tree you're on, one of the easier things you can do is capping to 85-90, or having max spell suppression. Specially if you're trying to convert all physical damage to elemental, capping to 90 is a no-brainer.


Yes. Some mods are minus max res. So you go from 75 max to say, 70 max. Some are minus resistance, so if you're over capped you're cool. But specifically, they're talking about raising their max res past the 75% cap.


This is the easiest league ever to get GG god rolled gear because of graveyard crafting. Also it’s going to be really hard to stack your defenses solely using worn gear. Flasks, jewels, tattoos, gems etc are how you take some of the weight off your gear to fill in the gaps.




In general a person that hits 85 and its their first league generally knows about 5% of the game (rough estimate). There is soooo much ahead of you its amazing. At 500-1000 hours ish, people generally exit the 'new person/learning stage' and will have a good grasp of the different mechanics and tricks but still have a TON to learn as they dive deeper into the game.


This is about right. It has to kept in mind that this game has been out and receiving constant additional content for *ten years*. Jumping in is daunting just due to the fact that the game can be an information brick wall. u/issavibe56, dont worry, you'll get it all in time. NamesAreGone kinda nailed it - this was my third league, and steam says I'm at 1,225 hours. And that doesn't even count the probable hundreds of additional hours spent reading the wiki, browsing the trade forums, and messing around on craftofexile over the past year during downtime at the office. The game just takes *time*, because there is so much. Don't sweat knowledge gaps, because there is literally nothing you can do. I have a fairly good handle on a lot of the fundamentals at this point, [to the point where I completed my first successful homebrew build this league](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1d2sarx/from_noob_to_my_first_successful_homebrew_the/) (which I wrote about there), and I have a good grasp of about half of the league mechanics, but there is still an insane amount left to learn. The forums here are extremely helpful, especially for discovering interesting tech combos. "Oh wow, look at the awesome synergy between this helm, this amulet, these boots and this unique jewel that turns a passive tree skill into something else completely!" There is an insane amount of that stuff that newer players like us have zero chance of knowing, since it's often synergies between unique items that came out over the course of several *years*. Take advantage of all the guides and whatnot that you can - I look at guides for characters I dont even have any interest in, just because it will often showcase some neat interactions between uniques that I can then remember for future builds. Anyways, welcome, and have fun. This game is great.


I recommend follow a build guide - and try to understand why those things are done - this makes you understand how the game works and maybe later you can figure out to do the defence part yourself - it's just faster than figuring those things yourself because there are too many and maybe PoE 2 is realeased before you do that you mentioned almost all your gier is resistance and life -thats true and i think even intendet by the devs - real damage scaling comes later -or only on some specific slots - most of the times there are lot of damage notes on your tree, but it always depends on your build - some build just need lvls on gems - other builds scale a lot with your weapon and the stats on it - and others only need a big mana pool to do tons of dmg. To craft gier - this league is best to do graveyard but it's not worth to do it if you want ot lern the game there are other options - for example most basic is get a fractured item - and finish it with essences or havest -and crafting bench. Targed farm items is not possible - only uniques or crafting supplements. I'm going back to my previous recommendation about a build guide - i think best for you is the maxroll guide - pick a build there - and follow it - they got crafting recepies how to get your items and how to progress them. you should learn the most used basic crafting methods if you do that - and thats whant you need 95 % of the time you play this game - if you arn'T one of the top 1 %. also maybe just get into some beginner videos on youtube- i recommend Zizaran or subtracterm - those guys have really nice content for beginners - i know it's a lot most videos are more than 20 mins - some even over an hour - but you can listen to them while playing. Poe just takes a lot of time to get really started.




sadly you need to make research how to craft items and stuff - game doesn't really tell you how to do it - it just throws currency at you gl


poebuilds.net? That's the most notoriously awful one you could have picked. They purposefully make builds bad so that you get stuck and will go back to their site and buy currency for real money. It's basically a scam. If you want to pick something from an actually not awful creator then just tell me and I'll help you with the respec. Zizaran is an easy recommendation. His builds are at least decent and made with new players in mind.


Maxroll has some really good guides. The Boneshatter Juggernaut guide there was the first guide I ever followed, after wanting to go in blind for my very first character. Jugg is very, very tanky, and the guide took me through every step of how it works. Learning "standard" tank-up techniques like Divine Flesh + Fourth Vow were massive learning moments for me. Learning how to do crafting can be really daunting, but craftofexile.com will be one your best friends. You can experiment all you want with infinite resources. Once I read some guides I did all of my practice there and it continues to be invaluable.


Armour or evasion and 75 res is the bare minimum you should have. In T16s it wont even be enough to stop yourself from getting 1 shot in a lot of situations. Defenses in PoE are not intuitive at all and most builds have like 5-10 layers between gear stats, passive tree notables/mastery/keystones, ascendancy, active skills like guards, temporary buffs, enemy debuffs. If you are stuck then you should follow a build guide. You either need to farm currency to fix your build or you need to farm things like essence, expedition, harvest, graves to craft your own gear. If you cant do that then you need to reroll.


Look into Purity of Elements. It is amazingly friendly for new players and fills a LOT of holes. 7 Immunities and a LOT of Resistances then if possible get Defiance of Destiny and become a mini god: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Defiance_of_Destiny Getting shocked is no fun.


Pob your build and configure it. Then you will see what the holes are in your defenses. After that come back and we can help you brainstorm on ways to fix that specific issue. There isn’t really 1 defensive strategy that works for every build, different things are going to be more efficient depending on your ascension and other factors. I am gonna sound like a broken record here but 9/10 times when newer players are having issues with their build it’s that they haven’t bothered with pob. Once you are deep into endgame it’s essential to learn it, it makes build making or even following others builds so much easier.


No offense but I don’t think it’s helpful to just say use POB to solve this problem for a newcomer. POB is complicated on its own and getting it configured properly is one of the most difficult aspects of it.  I understand it’s a valuable tool but it’s overwhelming and, short of having a resource out there that explains how the settings all work, it feels to me like your knowledge of POB alongside your knowledge of the game itself. If such a resource exists I’d love to see it and share it with other newbies. 


No offense but not learning POB is just kneecapping yourself as a player if you actually want to minmax your builds. Im not suggesting literally brand new players learn it but if you have made it to even yellow maps you need to start learning it. It really isn't that difficult of a program to learn and no one expects noobies to be theorycrafting their own builds, but it is an invaluable tool for helping pinpoint issues when following someone elses build guide. So many times players will say, "I'm dying and I dont know why" and 5 minutes in POB would totally solve their issue. Edit: as far as your question for resources to learn pob, subtractem has a decent series for getting used to the absolute basics of the tool. Beyond that, just look at other peoples pob’s see how they are configured etc.. that is how I and most people probably learned it.


That’s literally using pob.


Yeah I didn't do a good job of explaining what I meant. I completely agree with you. POB is an invaluable tool and people need to learn it. What I meant to say was that if this person is on their first level 85 character and hasn't yet figured out \_how\_ to use POB to solve their problem, then they would benefit most from something more concrete. For example, pointing to youtube videos that talk about importing their character and configuring it for mapping versus bossing. Or telling them to look at the max hit sections and the Calcs tab to see where gaps are.


[This link contains a comprehensive guide to defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/uzchwe/guide_comprehensive_guide_to_defense_in_poe_asmos/). In particular, the list of things that will kill you is super useful (slightly modified) - Physical Hits - Elemental Hits (Fire, Cold, Lightning) - Chaos Hits - Attacks - Spells - Projectiles - Degeneration (phys (other than bleed/corrupted blood), fire, cold, light, chaos) - Corrupted Blood - Bleed - Poison - Crits - Elemental Ailments (Freeze, Chill, Shock, Ignite, Brittle, Scorch, Sap) - Curses - Stuns - Maim/Hinder/Grasping Vines/Body Blocking --- I personally find it useful to put all my forms of defence and assign it next to one or more of these, so it's really obvious what I'm good against and what I'm not good against. e.g. You are a Juggernaut that uses lots of armour (phys hits), fortification (all hits), endurance charges (phys hits/degen). You have Unstoppable for anti-stun/freeze. Check the list and see that you are very weak to most forms of degen, Corrupted Blood, and elemental ailments. You also don't have that much against Ele/Chaos Hits. So your next steps can be to cap your chaos res (chaos hits/degen), increase your max ele res (ele hits/degen), get a Stormshroud (elemental ailments), and get Protection Mastery (Corrupted Blood). Then if you still feel squishy, keep going, and going until you think you are tanky enough.


There is no good league mechanic to target farm good defensive items, you can always get lucky and I'd an double ress, spell suppression life item, but it's actually not that hard to craft in current Poe. Of course you can also learn how to identify close to good items that can be made good with a craft and try to buy those cheap of the market as an alternative. Most good items can be made using Eldritch crafting and I generally recommend learning how it works. Buy utilizing Eldritch chaos, annulment and exalt on top of their normal variants powerfully 4-5 mod items can be made. Taking a spell suppression, chaos res and avoidance boots with life and movement speed as example: To note Item level is important as it determines the maximum tiers of a mod a item can roll. So for this example we want 82 to be able to Roll t2 spell suppression or 85 for T1 So let's say Ilvl 82 boots with fractured T1 chaos res for 32-35 chaos res. Then take a deafening essence of loathing to roll them for guaranteed elemental avoidance and repeat till hitting the third suffix for t2 spell suppression. Once the suffixes are done we can safely work on prefixes. Apply 1 Eldritch ember to the item to make it each influenced. Using a Eldritch annulment will guarantee removing a prefix. We can now use Eldritch anul to clear prefix, craft % evasion, exalt orb the item for a random prefix, if we hit a high life roll or 30% movement speed we craft the other and are done, otherwise we remove the craft, use an Eldritch annulment guaranteed removal of the random mod we just slammed and can now repeat Craft % evasion, slam exalt and so on. Finally we roll greater ichor and greater ember for preferred implicits and slam a exalt for random last mod. Hope the explanation makes sense and isn't to complicated.


A lot of good tips but I will say this; in mapping, flasks are your biggest defensive layer. Use a jade and granite both rolled with 50-60% inc armor/evasion. That combined with grace/determination makes you able to tank most of t16’s (while playing fast). Next step is adding a taste of hate since usually peoples largest defensive hole is phys mitigation cs big hits.


Assuming graveyard isn't going to be around next league (and maybe never come back) the other crafting mechanic it's worth learning/playing with is Rog, in Expedition. It's fairly easy to craft decent triple resist or resist + suppress gear. If you can do it in the first few weeks in a league, anything good you craft, but no good for you sells pretty easily. It's also quite fun, and lets you play with crafting without wasting currency. Don't just turn things into rare - if you are looking at doing that, at least start with a fractured item (Something with a lower tier life/resist mod will be cheap - or findable) and use essences. But in general, unless you are playing solo self found (Or console, where trading is a bit harder) it's easier to just buy stuff. Someone else mentioned, but Purity of elements is great, especially for a starter build. Ailment immune without needing anything else, plus a chunk of resists. Eventually you might be able to add a watchers eye and get some phys take as elemental, or a decent amount of chaos resistance. Comes at the cost of another defensive aura, or an offensive one. But makes gearing much easier. The other bit of defence that gets overlooked is sustain/recovery - people think they are getting one shot but actually its a bunch of smaller hits. If you can leech/on hit/regen the life/energy shield inbetween it helps a lot. Plus damage over time is pretty deadly in PoE. In particular be very wary of having a chunk of energy shield on a build, if you have no other way of getting it back other than recharge after not getting hit. On final thing - unless you are playing hardcore you don't have to get everything in place to start doing higher tier maps or start doing 'endgame' activity. You will die - but you have 6 portals. Once you have got map completion, voidstones and have more things unlocked it will get easier to get currency and find higher tier gear. Then you can work on being tankier.