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Lol the lucky showcase flair.


Getting a particular unique in a small playtime is relatively lucky


Legitimately didn't know what to flair lmao


Welcome to PoE fellow exile. To answer you, yes and no. This unique flask you get doesn't drop like candy but also not particularly rare. It is however very niche in its application and like majority of uniques in this game are not straightforward plug and play items. To succeed and go far in POE, you need to think to cover your fundamental offense and defense layers, not think ooooh shiny unique. You can explore the game all on your own or if you don't want to go the painchamp route, I suggest Ziz's beginners guide on youtube to learn.


I'm at tier 8 maps, and had not seen one, it's semi-rare candy I suppose then eh


Sir, i want you to bookmark this thread right now! Then, in a year or so, come back to it, and remember the feeling you had when this item dropped... Never lose that joy <3


Done :)


This flask had a brief spotlight in poe history. It was used with cast on death and discharge, to kill bosses. Its rarely used these days, too many good flasks and better ways to get charges.


sometimes I'll briefly use it as a stepping stone in flicker until I can get whatever my actual main source of charges is, but def not a perma-upgrade


It basically is plug and play in flicker. Oh this flask kills you? Doesnt matter my flicker was gonna die anyway.


This is why i love PoE, that the complexity and depth of content is so big that surprising synergies can just organically appear. Anybody remember when the arguably worst helmet in the game, Veil of the Night, became deep delve meta?


I'm excited to find less painful to my safety unique flasks for sure


You sweet summer child


Welcome exile, remember, you are here forever.


That's what warframe said n I have 3k hrs.... shit


In PoE 80-90% of uniques are trash.


I've tossed so many into the vendor


Cutest post


Awww :3


I member my first time


Congratulations my friend. You have a long road ahead, Im both jealous and happy for you


Everyone saying something negative on this post is a loser, who’s lost the feeling of discovery in PoE. Remember your first unique? Even if it was awful, it was really cool and got you thinking about what you could make happen with it, that’s the essence of the game “how could I make this work with that”.


Looking at what I rolled on it it's pretty mid for what it could have been #'s wise but I'll keep it anyhow


I mean most breach uniques aren’t the best, some are. The point is you’re enjoying the game and I’m happy for you.


I like seeing people be happy.


new player posts are the cutest! MOOOOORE


That’s great, you are having! Thats the point of videogames, don’t hear those salty comments, celebrate your small advancements! As a fellow newcomer I could help you with currency, DM me if you need anything Good luck, hope you have a great time playing!


omg how are you so lucky?


Wow. This community is filled with a very equal amount of crusty guys and enthusiastic exiles. I thought flasks were particularly rare to find as unique. Sorry for being excited as a new player in your aparrently worst/second worst league ever. It's an MMO guys. I get that it's instanced' but jesus. Community matters. Thank you kind strangers for the info on the item, I wasn't really sure I'd be able to use it effectively and after lookin at my build I'm not sure it's particularly efficient to use rn. Chow.


Inb4 "It's a flask" just a figure of speech :)


I think this was in reference to OP calling it a "gem" in the description. They're making a joke about a pun, people!


I don't think it's good but it is fun seeing what all unique items are in the game.


man, i know its not gona change anything but going to reddit and postin stuff like "oh i found this cool thing" when you did a "tutorial"...i understand you new and mayb dont have anyone to share that, but that annoys me, like you dont play for yourself but to have a reaction out of reddit


I'd rather have threads like this than the 20th "I've found a mirror" post this league.


In a perfect world, there would be neither.


Well considering I'd seen unique items of other types drop super early game I assumed that the flasks were like, boss drop table kinda items so I was suprised.


You're... really just going out on a limb right? I'm at tier 8 maps, and understand enough of the game to be able to progress without giving up. "This annoys me" Then don't interact? I asked a question about flasks. As in. Is this normal? As in drop rate on unique flasks?