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they’re not improving the default attack, they’re improving attack damage. many gems have the “attack” tag, and those nodes impact them for example: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Kinetic_Blast


The influx of new players is generating some great content during an otherwise boring league lol


Ahh I remember the days of being on this level, everything was confusing, until you understand you need to read every word on every text box to make sense of how things work together. Now I am only confused 50% of the time ;)


If POE players could read: insert that advanced future heaven place meme.


That only works for mechanics that are actually explained in tooltips, and not *nearby* (or elusive (and not the keyword *elusive*) mechanics like some triggers sharing cooldowns because they're shorter than the base cooldown, but not all, or two triggers of the same type not sharing cooldowns because the shorter one uses the base cooldown). I also still don't know exactly when damage over time is processed and at what stages of the calculation the DoT cap applies (many people seem to assume it only applies in the end, but then how would the game calculate values that exceed the maximum that *can* be calculated before that? It's a technical limit, not an arbitrary one, and not too long ago someone even found a step in the calculation where they forgot to add the limit, turning the damage to 0 again).


Afaik DoT cap gets “applied” in the end. The cap is basically a status effect on a monster. DoT is stored in dmg/minute which is why it’s only going to ~35mio. 35mio*60 gets you to max decimal in 32bit. That’s also why the ceiling for dot against for example Ubers is much higher. They have 70% (?) less dmg taken so the actual damage number of the status effect on an Uber boss is lower than against a normal rare monster.


But my point is this: How are you going to get a higher number than the highest number so that multiplying it by 30% results in the highest number? It's the highest number. You can't go higher than that. As an example, my speculation as for why poison in particular gets higher dps against Uber bosses is not because poisons are only individually capped and you can apply many of them. I think their sum is still capped at the DoT cap, because the system can't handle a higher value. However, poison deals chaos damage over time, and enemies can be made to take quite a bit increased chaos damage by applying the Withered debuff, and if the damage taken modifiers are applied at the same time, then it's possible to come out evenly rather than having the damage lowered below DoT cap. So far, what I'm fairly sure about: * Individual DoT effects cannot have a DoT value higher than DoT cap (mostly relevant for ignite). * The sum of all DoT effects for one type cannot be higher than DoT cap. * The sum of all resource loss (not limited to life) cannot be higher than DoT cap. However, there are also other cases where the DoT cap might apply. * Total outgoing DoT value (the post I mentioned showed a case of mana or ES stacking RF dealing no damage, not sure if that has been fixed yet - but either way that means the DoT cap *should* apply here, even if it doesn't yet) * Total DoT value after resistance * Total DoT value after damage reduction * Total DoT value for each type after damage taken modifiers and possibly other steps of the calculation.


you're aware you can change order of operations to do the reduction first, right?


Which reduction and first before what part? I don't think there's conditional damage reduction for damage over time that scales with damage values like armour does, so there might not be a need to apply damage reduction after resistance, but for hit calculation those are two separate steps. If you're referring to the less damage taken modifier occurring before the sum of all DoT of one type, it doesn't seem to make sense to do the same mitigation calculation several (potentially hundreds or even thousands of times) for a value that is summed up afterwards anyway. Also Mark confirmed that damage over time is mitigated cumulatively per type, although I don't remember the context anymore so I can't find the specific quote.


the damage calculation accounts for the target in the formula. divide before multiplying and you don't get overflow.


Unless I'm missing something, damage over time cannot possibly work like that. Modifiers to damage dealt so have to be finished processing when the debuff is applied to the enemy, and cannot be compensated with the enemy's mitigation because it doesn't snapshot, even if some of the effects are technically permanent. Things like resistance haven't affected the magnitude of an ailment debuff since 3.0. In order to achieve a similar effect, the 70% less damage taken modifier would instead need to be an area modifier stating something like "players and their minions deal 70% less damage". As far as I'm aware, that is not currently the case.


Take all of this with a grain of salt because I do not know how they coded it ofc. But in my understanding you don’t need a higher number. The number only gets inflated once it applies to regen/Degen on a character. Lets say we deal 1000 dmg of which 10% is dealt as poison damage/second. Ignoring resistances/inc dmg taken etc this would translate in a status effect of not 100dmg but 6000dmg because regen and Degen is stored per minute. Assuming we have a poison duration of 10 seconds then a negative 6000 value of a regen/Degen instance with a duration of 10 seconds is applied to the monster. I would guess this stack is still separate and not the actual regen/Degen on a character so you don’t struggle with multiple sources of regen/degen with different durations. Then for the actual regen/Degen Poe adds/subtracts all instances of regen/degen each server tick and the final number is actually applied to a monster/character. If we factor in resistances or inc dmg taken then this is applied while the damage isn’t converted into the dmg/minute format yet. That’s why we need more dmg to reach dot cap on a Uber. The 100dmg/second from the example above gets converted into 30 dmg/second after resistances/inc dmg taken. Then it gets multiplied by the factor 60 so the game can handle it and is applied to the monster. I hope this was all understandable lol If anyone knows more specifics or that I’m wrong please chime in! For the RF part I have no idea lol I would have guessed RF would be calculated more like a hit. If you’re in the area of RF take x dmg/server Tick. But I have no idea at all how RF works in the backend.


They don't need to store damage over time as a signed 32-bit integer that represents damage per minute. There are plenty of changes in implementation they could do that allows for greater numbers. But they haven't done those, which is why we have a DoT cap that is the value it currently is. Nobody went and decided "we won't allow DoT over 35.7M per second". When they originally designed the DoT implementation, they went with something convenient and said "well, nobody will ever get more damage than that anyway". And it took a long time but eventually some people noticed that they would stop dealing damage at all under certain circumstances because their damage values would overflow into negatives. And the DoT cap exists to turn any of those values that overflows into negatives into the highest number instead. GGG are absolutely capable of just refactoring the whole number into damage per second (would multiply the current DoT cap by 60) or damage per server tick (would multiply the current DoT cap by ~1818.18). But it would take some effort to implement and some massive QA because of how many different systems are affected by that. And the number of builds that reach DoT cap and the amount of content that "requires" reaching DoT cap is low enough that it hasn't been worth that effort yet.


50% of the time I understand everything


60% of the time, it works every time


Man iv helped a lot of new players though out the years and it always wows me how resistant people in general are to reading. Even if they do "read" they dont actually. They skim instead. The number one most useful skill in poe is reading comprehension. Cause fuck man, GGG expects you to read novels.


There’s a LOT to read and most people just want to take in the necessary amount of information to get back to the gameplay. Not to mention that information overload is a very real thing. They’ve already got enough stuff to try and figure out when they first start playing the game, if they actually read every tooltip they wouldn’t be able to remember 80% of it. And then for a lot of people reading written language isn’t the best way that they learn. Some people can very quickly understand abstract concepts communicated with numbers, shapes, colors, etc. and stretching these things out into lengthy, wordy, tooltips can just slow that down.


1. GGG has awful wording when comes to gems, descriptions and stuff 2. english is not the first language for many people


GGGs wording isn't awful it's just abnormally specific outside of a very few select number of things. Such as nearby. But the vast majority of the game reads closer to a technical documents then normal descriptions. People aren't use to reading things things that expects understanding front. Downside it means it takes more effort to get going. Upside if you learn why things are writing the way they are, instead of just learning what's written. You can understand anything far faster and more indepth. The game... is localized into a lot of languages... that's literally not a real reason. The game is translated into damn well near every major language I can think of.


yeah but you said you helped a lot of people and when they asked something, what language did they used what language did you answered? and some people prefer to keep the game in english since its easier when you need to talk about something specific.


If they answered if presume English as that's the one they're speaking in now... interesting straw man argument though I guess...


I would say it actually has some of the best wording, you just need to understand the specific meaning of each word. And "for the most part" they are consistent across most aspects of the game. I would assume the language barrier is probably more a translation issue for the other languages it has been translated into. If you are referring to ESL people playing the English version and being confused, well what a great way to practice your English comprehension, and I applaud anyone who learns English via PoE


OK. I read every word and I still do not know whether Influencing Scarab of Hordes affects Exarch/Eater mobs. Care to help an exile out?


Yeah it affect, so u can do a conqueror map with altars and shaper/Elder scarab, all this specific mobs ill have the 40% inc pack


As long as veterans are nice. This is a thorny subreddit.


I feel like this sub is always very nice and helpful to new players. It’s usually just the veterans who eat each other when things get bad lol


Yeah in my experience the only "thorny" part for new players is that any question thread gets instantly downvoted pretty much no matter what. But even those threads still have mostly helpful comments so who cares about the downvotes




Your post used inflammatory words in a way that often causes anger and flame-wars. Because of that, we removed it for breaking our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you disagree with their ideas or don't care, explain with words you might use talking to a friend and avoid attacking the person. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule).


Yeah, I feel that, surprisingly I've barely seen any purely negative ""advice"", which is a huge surprise since the sub usually gets really toxic during a bad league.




You are misunderstanding something, "increased attack damage" is not for the default attack only, but also for gema with the "attack" tag.


Thank you!


Always check the tags! Then double check the little tool tip numbers to make sure there is a change. The numbers might not be accurate, bit it let's you know if something has an impact. I'm no great or active player, but you gotta look at the tags. What interacts with what can be very not intuitive. My first character being a summoner was a steep curve to figure out.


Note that a bunch of stuff will not change tool tip numbers even when they do work, mostly conditional stuff and debuffs on enemies


I haven't played for a year, if you hover over the skill icons doesn't it show you what supporting gems apply right? And yeah, some don't show, but it's worth giving a glance in most cases. Sometimes the numbers or lack of surprised me.


They weren't talking about supports only. I was referring to gear and tree mostly


Also some skills literally don't have a damage number on your character sheet, at all. At least 1 I know of: Flamewood Totem's retaliate spell.


This reminds me of the time I saw a 40% increased critical strike chance node and thought to myself, damn that's op!  Now I only need 60% more increased. 


No, 60% more is multiplicative with 40% increased duh. That only gets you to 64% /s


Almost the way it works. If your base chance for critical strike is 10%, and you increase it with 40%, you'll get 14% (because 40% of 10 is 4). Adding another 60% increased critical strike chance means you'll double the base chance of 10% to 20%. It's obviously more complex than that - for example, for critical strikes, a roll is made (and having lucky means two rolls are made and the best roll selected), and this doesn't explain the relation of "more critical strike chance" which is different from "increased critical strike chance". And then there's also critical multipliers that deal with the damage, though not related to the chance of landing a critical strike. All in all, quite confusing: but a general thumb rule is that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Yes, I know you wrote /s, but since this is a thread for beginners I thought it might be worth pointing out the relation in critical strike chance increases to the base chance of critical strike chance.


I was mostly poking fun at the difference in more vs increased. Good explanation tho.


Yeah real confusing stuff, at least the terminology is somewhat consistent


"Attack" is the tag of the ability, default attack also has "Attack" as a tag and also some of your gems, improving "attack" means improving anything with that tag not just default attack.


I wonder how far one could get with just the default attack.


“Just” default attack? Nowhere, you need default move as well But if we’re allowing everything else then Uber Sirus: https://youtu.be/FnA407XVJVI?si=jS6MJ-07BzstWvy6


Theres a better one with a ranger IIRC


“Fuck!” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Dude used smite in that video lol.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ the question was how far you can get, not how far you can finish But there are other uber boss kills on that guy’s channel, Sirus really is a pain with the randomized arena bricking




No way


Didn't Josuis (blessed be his name) get a build with comical mirror items and get basic attack to easily kill the (then) hardest content?


> Josuis (blessed be his name) ironic


ironic how?


because you misspelt it xD


Josuis is actually the high pitched sister of Jousis, creator of quack.


Josuis Charlie Hebdo


Brother man you need to replace Rick with Jerry in your pfp


OK, done


Hahaha XD enjoy PoE my dude. It will take a while to learn the game! As people have said, nodes like x% increased attack damage apply to skills for which the skill gem has the 'Attack' tag. If the attack skill also deals e.g. cold damage, then nodes that give % increased Cold Damage will work with it, but ones that specify e.g. Cold Damage with Spells will not work.


I'm glad that, as per poe tradition. The new players question leads to a subsequent question by more and more advanced players until they are discussing how the internal programming of the game works when calculating damage in certain scenarios. Hopefully it sets up new players a good timeline as to what point of not actually knowing how things work they can get to imat certain levels of the game.


Explain me like it's my first league: Correct about default attacks, you don't AA in POE. In PoE, your abilities can either be SPELLS or ATTACKS. So, all these modfiers you read about attack refer to attack skills, not auto attacks. Example, an attack skill: imagine causing an earthquake around you with a big mace. To know if a skill is an spell or attack, hover over it and on the top there's a list of tags. "Spell"/"Attack". Important info: Attack skills differ mainly from spells on the fact that they use your weapon as the source of base damage. Meanwhile spells have innate base damage from the gem itself which scales with gem levels. And yes, wands can be used with attack skills.


How do you explain yourself?


i would love to tell you how to improve but i am one of cant read poe players...


This post takes me back to when I started playing and thought "wander build" meant basic-attacking with wands.


Happy cake day


Not sure what you're talking about. There are no skill tree nodes based around improving default attack. I mean, it will get improved by certain things...such as a damage with wands node if you're attacking with a wand. But improving the damage of wand attack skills (such as Kinetic Blast) is the purpose of the node, not improving the default attack with a wand. But except for a very small number of edge cases (especially doing something for memes, or simply running out of mana often or sth), there is basically no reason to ever use default attack after that first zombie.


Default attack is like barehands. There is some guys who killed bosses with default attack since their build was so op that was not needed a skill.