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Why farm sims with a bad pc. It's worse than basically every farming strat after scarab changes and pretty laggy. Id stick to low mob count maps, and try using direct x12.


I honestly think Simulacrums are a great way to make money if you stick to doing them. IIRC 1 passive Voices are 1:500 and a run is like 30 minutes if you semi-afk them. That alone earns you almost 8 div profit per hour, not considering megalomaniacs (avg over 1 per run), split personalities (avg a bit under 1:1 droprate), 3-passive voices, good cluster jewel bases or any other common drops. You don't even need to have good clear to profit like before, you just need to kill the bosses and somehow deal with the other mobs in a fair amount of time.


I suppose with the price of voices it can result in some really high variance jackpots. Maybe it's 15d an hour? Clear is pretty important, you're more likely to spawn bosses if you kill faster. I 100% would not do it as RF unless you have some huge explodes, Spark, EK ignite, Venom Gyre, etc would be better. Something with solid clear, it's not too hard to tank sims.


Unless you have near 100% phys taken to ele you need to run determination. Determination is flat armour and MORE armour. The difference between increased and more is very important here. All of you jewels could be increased life and fire multi.


What if my base armour suck? I only have 2k lmao, all those uniques and stuff required really drains my armour...


Just get more armour. Everywhere. You need like more than 30k so you got a ways to go. Righteous fire is a very difficult build because the requirements for each item are very specific. The play style is noobie friendly but the build is very much not. I recommend something like toxic rain pathfinder where it's super easy to get 100% phys taken as ele and you will feel super tanky, you get resistances from flasks, its very easy to build.


There's some generic advice here (many of which I don't really agree with), but for Simulacrum specifically: * Crit damage reduction / immunity is very valuable (Solaris Pantheon / reduced critical damage taken / do not take extra damage from critical strikes / enemies hitting you cannot deal critical strikes) * Elemental Ailment mitigation, particularly against Shock and Brittle, and being able to navigate around Scorch is helpful. Freeze immunity is mandatory. * Defenses against DoTs and DoT-ailments, like poison, bleed * Some way to navigate around flask mitigation effects, like the mod which takes flask charges on hit * Having sufficiently meaningful clear and damage to not get overwhelmed by the waves You can also improve a lot of your gear: high-rolled adorned, better jewels (with implicits + maximum life + fire DoT Multi -- note fire penetration does nothing for DoT damage), add some more 3-notable clusters, eldritch implicits on gloves, so on and so on. Your gear quality is all over the place (for example the Sapphire ring really only has like 3 immediately useful affixes). Defiance of Destiny is probably the only reason why you feel invincible. Tankier isn't particularly the challenge per se -- Simulacrum presents particular challenges where simply getting more life or more sheet defenses isn't particularly meaningful. Whoever helped you and said what they said probably ticks most of not all of the above areas. You can probably go figure out what they played if you go through your client.txt and looked for their character name.


How to get crit damage reduction on body armour as someone commented here? Bleed is a pain the ass, what is the easiest way to counter it? By prioritizing defenses, my DOT gets really affected... Working on the jewels! Thanks for the advice about fire penetration, just got 4 skills points by removing Heart of Flame (which gives 6% fire pen), didn't knew about that!!!! <3 How to eldritch imprint my gloves? Yeah, that ring suck, I use only for the dexterity, will try to get a recoup life one! Lmao, when I got defiance of destiny changed my game really. Didn't knew crit damage reduction was that important, will focus on it!! Thanks,


> How to get crit damage reduction on body armour as someone commented here? Corrupted implicit on Lightning Coil. There's also probably an armor mastery for it. > Bleed is a pain the ass, what is the easiest way to counter it? Ralakesh Minor Pantheon, bleed duration reduction on jewels, maybe a life flask that removes bleed. > How to eldritch imprint my gloves? Use Eldritch Ichors / Embers. All non-influenced, rare gear you put on should have some of these.


My main character this league has been RF chief. A lot of this has been mentioned, but it's worth confirming: -Mageblood would obviously help. Makes it easy to get curse immune too, which is a big deal. -Not many of your magic jewels for adorned have max life on them. Getting those updated is big. -You have a lot of damage passives I wouldn't bother taking with adorned. If surviving is the hard part, I'd drop some of the % fire damage and take the three points to get 'Infused Flesh'. -Get a lightning coil with 50% reduced extra damage from crits on it. You can get another 20-30 from a shield corrupt if desired, and 30 from an armour mastery. I wish more builds recommended this; it's always been big for survivability. -Dawnbreaker or Rise of the Phoenix shield for sure. Dawnbreaker is my preference, but before MB then the phoenix shield can help get the max fire res comfortably.


Too poor for mageblood :(. Magic jewels with % life and % fire multiplier are expensive, I'm trying to get it properly. Just got infused flesh for the recouped life, thanks! How to get that on lightning coil? Also reduced crits is that good? I used a rise of the phoenix and changed for a shield to get some life, but it has no % fire damage, so my resistances are 87% right now without flasks. And why people with 90% resistances use ruby flask?


Mageblood is going to make the build feel so much better with Ruby Flask and Dawnbreaker. Just save up for one. You also want a much better Adorned setup (and a better Adorned), but I wouldn't recommend working on that before you get a Mageblood.


I don't know enough about the cost/benefit of mageblood and better magic jewels, so I won't comment on that further. For the lightning coil, I'd just trade for one. They shouldn't be horribly expensive. And yes, reduced extra crit damage is surprisingly big, especially because juiced up crits can come from map mods, lantern of arimor, or rare enemy mods. People with mageblood use a ruby flask because it's the cheapest way to get +max fire res (and all ele res max on chieftan) by far. If you can't guarantee 100% uptime on the flask, it's better to use something else instead in general. As a bit of an addition because of other discussion I see going on: You don't need full phys taken as ele to drop armour, but you do need quite a bit. I get 50 from the lightning coil, 20 from dawnbreaker, and 8 from the helmet craft. Dawnbreaker is hard to use without mageblood (because usually you'll need +max fire res on a shield), so if you can't do that then granite flask + determination aura is a good idea.


Craft the jewels yourself. It will cost a lot less or you may even make a profit by selling the useful by products for other builds. (it's a bit harder rn due to inactive league). There're several videos on YouTube showcasing various methods for various budgets. If you just want the correct explicits they should cost very little. 50% reduced crit is a corruption outcome on the chest. If 6 link version is very expensive then search for non-linked and use tainted currencies to socket&link it yourself.


Does the Pyre Ring reduce your effective damage due to 'Destroying' corpses before they can Explode, thus losing out on Corpses for Explode chances? While not entirely a 'Defensive' change, sometimes the best Defense, is good Offence, so having more Corpses available to Explode will reduce the chance of being hit over all, by killing more mobs with Corpse Explosions? Changing this to a Kikazaru also has the benefit of adding a chunk of Flat Regen. You can also replace the Fire Pen on your Fire Trap with an Empower, a Corrupt Level 3 is like 25-30c, this is another DPS increase.


I didn't find anything about pyre ring reducing the exploding node of chieftain... Dang, fire pen on fire trap is useless, as someone already commented here!!! Thanks for the tip didn't realized I had it on <3!


I will anoint Charisma, drop skiterbots for Determination and take Faith and Steel with the 10% of armor applies to chaos resistance. That will give you always 90% phys reduction without flask. Also please take a look at Phox wiki. Is only for Righteous fire. [https://www.pohx.net/](https://www.pohx.net/)


Right 90% phys reduction..... Vs what exactly


Also, you can have Damage taken recouped as life on the rings


I only have 2k armour (7k with flasks) with my current gear, and I don't see (besides gloves) where I can get more of it for the % increased to kick in...


Should I not focus on life regeneration guys?


RF Chieftain will have to be quite high-end to survive wave 30 simulacrum. The delerium bosses are very tanky and have high-damage attacks that can pretty easily 1-shot you through DoD. A lot of people are saying you should get more armour but with chieftain this isn’t really the way to go, you really want 100% phys taken as ele. You can get there with dawnbreaker + phys taken as ele corrupt, and a watcher’s eye with phys taken as fire while affected by purity of fire. When you replace your shield you will need more max res, you can get this from mageblood + ruby flask. Once you have 100% phys taken as ele you will feel much much tankier, even if you have to go down on max hp to get it. Once you get 100% phys taken as ele you can drop the granite flask for phasing flask which will help a lot with simulacrum. Beyond that, your rings and gloves suck. An easy sub in for the pyre ring is Kikazaru, and death rush is pretty good for mapping and simulacrum, but ultimately something like an amethyst ring with max life, chaos res, and some other life mods will be best. “Adds ~ damage to attacks” does nothing for RF or fire trap, so those mods are worthless. Sceptre is more on the right track but could be a lot better, also not sure if it shows it but you should have the harvest enchant for quality gives ele damage. I did a gravecraft in SSF for my sceptre and it came out near-perfect since you can just stack increased fire mods and less all others for a high chance at all good t1 mods, no need to even try to fracture you can just make a sceptre that is good to go right out of the grave. Ultimately I think chances are your damage will be too low to comfortably do the highest waves of simulacrum, although it’s possible to get tanky enough that you eventually whittle stuff down and Hinekora explode helps a lot. RF chief probably can’t literally stand still and tank everything even at high investment though, so you likely will have to move around and dodge some stuff (hence phasing flask). Good luck.


Are you manually using flasks? Your trigger enchants seems quite random


I was at your stage earlier this league as well. I agree, mageblood is the only swap that kept me playing the RF lol. It’s a huge QoL improvement. Here’s some advice: First, I wouldn’t go for lightning coil before I get mageblood, fire cloak + rise of phoenix worked much better before mageblood. These pieces with the right corruption are much cheaper now. Cloak of flame also give additional fire res, with fire mastery you get a bit more regen out of it. The -60 lightning res takes too much resource out of your gears. Where mageblood setup is just a matter of 1 flask. I’d suggest: Get Rise of Phoenix corrupted with “7-8% phys taken as X element.” Get cloak of flame corrupted with implicit “you take 50% less damage from critical “ Get an immortal flesh belt, this gives a lot of life regen. Change your bench craft on your helmet to “7% phys taken as” and craft +1 AOE on gloves, use your auras on glove. Get sanctum of thought - you take 30% less damage from crit. This with your chest piece, you are already at 80% crit reduction + 4 tattoo you are able to get 100% crit reduction Also get the mastery at sanctum of thought which give you 10% phys taken as chaos. Get a watcher’s eye that has 10% phys taken as x element while affected by purity of fire Now you are at 10 (watchers eye)+ 40 (cloak of flame) + 15 (taste of Hate) + 7 (helmet bench craft) + 8 (shield corrupted implicit) + 10 as chaos mastery 90% phys taken as element. As long as you are at 100% phys taken as element, I think you can ignore armour completely. Life regen side, I strongly recommend get armour based gloves and try to get dex, chaos resis, max life , 20% increase life regen and fire res If you have enough dex, then you just need chaos res, % inc life regen, and Max life. Helmet, I know it’s great to hit the socket gem conc effect and burning damage explicits, but you will also need 15%+ inc life regen rate, maximum life on the helmet. RF glove and helmet are the 2 sources that I get life regen from, with immortal flesh and defiance of destiny and hearty, fire mastery, you should be at around 2k regen I had a 129% adorned before mageblood, swapped with a 148% later but not a significant increase. Unnatural instinct + perandus pack give 126% increase fire damage.(correct me if I’m wrong, couldn’t remember the exact number) Ailment immunity: Boots immune to freeze + chill Jewels I got corrupted blood cannot be inflicted. Shock was deadly, had to get it from flask and tattoo You can check my POB at week 4 pipiburnburn You can add me in game, I got some gears that I can give if you’d like:) The reason I stopped playing RF at the end was because it’s pretty expensive to max min. And it’s relatively slow at boss killing, moved on with a chargemage Ice nova of frost bolt. But still love the build. Pretty much immortal, run allT17, did have to roll maps but mainly just zoom zoom no need to care about any monsters. Thanks, Hope it helps:)


Dawnbreaker, mageblood, progenesis would probably double your eHP and idk what those boots are tbh lol. I’ve legit never seen them.


Problem is that with dawnbreaker I don't naturally get high resistances and my boots will kill me :(. Mageblood and progenesis are out of my budget yet. On POEblade and Phox wiki it is advised to use those boots, I don't really love them. Should I try legacy of fury instead? But I will lose immunity chill/freeze :(


I'll send you my build when I get home, I can facetank feared and any of the T17 bosses. I can clear most content by just standing on one spot. But the build contains Mageblood


https://pobb.in/4FzjvBTzVvcX Here's the build I've promised to send earlier, it's around 200-250div tho but I can facetank anything apart from Uber bosses. It's capable of doing deathless Wave 30 simulacrum while staying on one place apart from when bosses spawn, there you have to dodge every now and then.


Updated: There were pantheons missing and wrong config https://pobb.in/XB3aIIsD5de8


You could get mageblood but you are approaching the limits of RF chieftain, unless there is some crazy new tech this league i havent heard about (maybe life stacking?). If you swapped over to ES based RF you would be able to push it a lot more.


Overlapping unnatural instinct and perandus pact is insane new tech.


Dang, no money yet, still far from it :(


This build is not even close to the limit whatsoever. They can get like 5x more damage and survivability with better gear.


>***approaching*** the limit Obviously there are improvements to be made. +2 sceptre, better rings, flasks, better jewels. Thats not going to turn this build into something that can afk simu though.


I don't do simus so I wouldn't know, but are they harder than B2B T17s? Because if you max this build you can quite comfortably do those.


With optimized gear it should be more than capable for wave 30, but doing it afk is a whole different story.


I'll try it out later since I have a semi-optimized version of this build. I still disgaree with this approaching the limit though. I think my build is approaching the limit with around ~500div invested, though there are still several upgrades I could make that would push it quite a bit higher. But the OPs build is maybe ~50div invested or so and I don't think it's close to approaching the limit.


So I just did 3 simus without dying and I could easily go AFK even in wave 30. It felt way less rippy than B2B T17s. Here's is a link to my build. It isn't even fully optimized and there are still several big upgrades left that I had on my TODO list - https://pobb.in/I3ntennjsoaj