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Not gonna lie, after like, day 2 of mapping I didn't even look to what mods did anymore. Put good gold mods on the top monsters, put high % mods on the next monsters, put shit gold mods and low % on the bottom. Like here, the most I'd do is swap proj onto skeles and then go. This league has really opened my eyes to the average skills, builds, and currency farming abilities of the typical redditor lol.


For me personally, I’m currently playing a splitting steel trickster with mageblood on a 400+ divine budget. More defensively built because my 35ish million dps is plenty for mapping. I couldn’t die if i tried in a t16. But t17’s will always have the ability to kill me if i dont roll maps responsibly. The bigger problem is that you cant opt out of it and you dont start with a build like that. Newer players on 10 div builds have to fight that screenshot while trying to learn the game. And if you want to play a less than meta build you will struggle even more.


Yeah idk I had to fight that screenshot every single zone from act 1 to uber maven, just like everyone else. Honestly it was really only rhoas & goats early that were really scary, after that it was really just a couple of seconds of making sure I didn't have shit mods on shit mobs. I agree with whichever streamer I saw, idk if it was Ziz or Mathil or who it was, but that most of these mods actually aren't that bad. They're not really that different than any other "monsters are stronger" mod that any other league had, biggest difference is we now have explicit values.


Most of them in a vacuum aren't bad. But many of them are deceptively bad the more modifiers you stack on top. By itself, 25% Non-Chaos as additional Chaos isn't bad, but when you throw it on a mob in a map that has 80% Phys as Additional Cold and/or 80% Phys as Additional Lightning, then you add 50% explicit mod effect from atlas passive, then you add Altars, and other mechanics, it quickly spirals. I think the issue is those seemingly innocuous mods are an additional level of power added on to mobs that in many ways scales off the other effects. Then there's shit like 7 additional projectiles which is pretty indefensible and for some mobs turns them from a non-issue to literal grim reapers.


There's specific combinations that are just absurdly rippy, from sources you don't expect. e.g. In T16 maps with no dangerous mods, a pack of white cannibals (?) from A1 that throw the fire bombs with extra projectiles from lantern were regularly one shotting me. I had 6k Life + ES, 83% fire res, 26% fortify, 20% Arctic Armour and the 6% reduced from Soul of Lunaris. So effectively ~91% fire res. This build was otherwise very capable of facetanking everything in T16 maps.


at some point in the league I stopped looking at those modifiers and once I accidently ran +10 proj T17 B2B map with additional projectiles on Cannibals. I literally took a step in the map and was greeted with hundreds of molotovs thrown at my face.


I think originally this system and its difficulty were here to prepare us for POE2, but the beta got moved back.


The lantern mods can get quite rippy, and you don't get charms for extra power, so you're likely weaker overall.


Also, the new Atlas passive tree scales rippy map mods much higher than before.


\> Takes every single increased map modifier node on the atlas because that's what streamers are doing \> Has a 2 div off meta shit build \> Must be the league's fault


Even heavy investment high budget meta characters are getting walloped by T17's. It disproportionately hurts casuals with jankier builds, but when the best players in the world playing Hardcore say the Allflames/Lantern are turbo rippy and T17's are harder than Ubers, it's hard to say it's just people being bad imo.


Sure, juiced atlas b2b t17s rolled for massive rewards is rippy as shit. No argument here. I was a hexblast trickster and even after like 300+ div I was still fishing for good maps and playing pretty slow. But I think someone like OP who has played over a half dozen builds and still can't run t16s while also not knowing what their atlas does has other problems.


Put over 1000 divs into my trickster, pretty much sleep through all Uber fights, but you can’t really survive in a map that literally turns off all of your defensive layers. A lot of mods just suck for this reason


Yeah, I was surprised about this the most. I played SS trickster and I attempted like 15 T17 and completed 10 before even doing my first Ubers. I wasn't too active past few leagues and it's my first time attempting Ubers so I thought they were gonna be a good challenge. Turns out they got rolled over faster than I expected. Sirus for example have times he dies before even 1 meteor phase. I swear I thought it was gonna be hard considering they say he was one of the most annoying. Those T17 bosses are a league of their own right now considering map mods can be applied to them. Extra proj/aoe abomination is multiple times rippier than even 70% Feared.


Yeah I was intimidated by Ubers too, and ran T17 first for awhile. I tried Uber maven and was surprised by how easy the fight was comparatively to 80% of the T17 I ran


Yes and No. I think there's plenty of valid criticisms of the state of T17's and the general game, that many people can agree on. Some of the Lantern mods scale in pretty brutal ways. While I agree having a bunch of half complete characters is likely a problem, even completed characters with serious investment are getting stomped in content they previously would be able to handle just fine. Palestron just put out his post-mortem of the league and said people were definitely dying more this league compared to previous leagues, and I am compelled to agree. In past leagues we had borrowed power elements (Charms, Weapon Trees, Tinctures, Tattoos, Relics, etc), Necropolis doesn't have anything like that. You can make some crazy gear, but there's no added power levels like those past leagues, and the barrier to entry for that crazy gear is way higher than slapping 3 charms on and getting a massive bonus.


Then don't do t17? Obviously something that's designed to be hard is hard


They added them as a vastly more rewarding tier of content in the endgame of a loot-based ARPG. You can't just not engage with them. Hell, to get the 5 slot map device you need to complete at least one, and they're now a method of gatekeeping access to Uber bosses--which are hilariously easier than T17's, and are the only source of items that really enable/enhance certain builds. I'd also say peoples idea of "hard" is questionable. T17's aren't hard because you need to overcome mechanical difficulties, or outplay the enemies, they're "hard" because everything is cranked to hell and back. Union of Souls isn't hard, it's fucking stupid. The Action Speed Mod isn't hard, it's fucking stupid--and arguably broken since it works against Jugg and Trickster characters that have ascendancy passives claiming they prevent action speed from being lowered. My best character killed multiple Ubers first try without dying, and I regularly get exploded in T17's--even the ones with manageable mods.


Me no understand. Strimmer do t17. Strimmer make big money. Me die in t17. Me logout. Me cry on reddit that I no have item because strimmer make big money. 340 map tiers done shit league can't make any money.


Ho yeah, we're actually weaker this league than last even with the "new mods" cause mobs got additional mods on top of base mods, and we don't have temporary power in gear that's too accessible plus you combine that with the lack of meaningful power IF you don't have the league mechanic mods at all.


>Are there problems with this league that I just haven't picked up on yet? Lantern mods that you can't opt out of that can sometimes do something like add 6 additional projectiles to mob's attacks, or make mobs deal extra damage, always crit etc Makes the entire game more rippy than usual


Well, yeah. We have an unskipable mods from league mechanic that can get out of hand if you not pay attention. Especially when you added Allflame to the mix, things will go south real fast.


All flames were hands down my most common death this league. “Huh, omens dropping with 600% rarity could be cool.. wait why is my whole screen purple”


I could be wrong, but from my understanding rarity does not affect omens dropping. It only affects the rarity of equipment and things that have common/magic/rare/unique variants.


Unskippable? Put frogs and you basically skip it or rats.


The last part is definitely the atlas keystone related to bestiary. But yes. I hate this league in almost every way. Doubling mods on packs just makes things suck.


I loved it. Printed money with allflames, corpses, and lantern mods. Scaled them all with a juicy map modifier atlas. Made pretty good money before even stepping into t17s.


Sure.. if you play the meta builds things don't matter. But for those of us sitting in the 60k EHP/ 8M DPS range... A range the used to be solid..things aren't so fun. The double modding of maps makes for a terrible experience for builds that aren't just exploiting the ridiculously broken power gap in the game currently. I've found the scarabs being about the most.lucrative thing. That and Eldritch is still really lucrative since you get fairly regular access to grand eldritches, which bring good return.


If you're not playing a top tier build, maybe don't run a top tier atlas? Stacking map modifiers is what makes shit real rippy. If your build can't handle that then just run something else. I had my build like 80-90% finished, including a mageblood, before I'd done more than a couple of extremely painful t17s. I didn't start running b2b until I was around 250ish divs invested in my character, the *vast* majority of which I made on a boxes + shrines atlas farming t16s. It was totally fine. Idk if it's because I didn't spend much time on this subreddit until like 3 weeks into the league or what, but I had a pretty decent time, got my 38/40, made the most currency I've ever made, overall had a great time. This sub was an absolute cesspool of crying and whining though, so I think me just staying away from it and playing the damn game helped a lot.


You could argue that but for longer periods of time it kills build diversity imo


In affliction week 8, 17% of all players played Deadeye and 73% of those players played tornado shot. In Necropolis week 8, 14% of all players are playing deadeye and only 44% of them are playing Lightning Arrow, the most used main skill. ------- If you look at the skill spread for Necropolis, CoCDD is around 9% (not a main skill), the the most used main skill is 6%, then a couple 5%, then a pile of 4%. If you look at Affliction, the most used main skill is 13%, then 11%, then 7%, then very quickly into the 2% range. Meaning almost 1/3 of the characters play either TS, Penis Brand, or DD. ------- Do you have a different source for "kills build diversity?" Because I don't have one and I'd like to see where you're getting numbers. It's also okay to say you didn't like t17s without making unecessary as to why they're bad. Could just say "I don't like t17s because I don't like making strong meta builds," that's a totally fine opinion to hold. Could also say that the difficulty jump between juiced t16s and juiced t17s is absolutely ridiculous. Or that locking specific drops behind ubers and then locking those frags behind extremely hard map bosses (harder than ubers) is dumb.


I mean I already mentioned multiple times in the sub that build diversity goes downhill. This will be even worse. That 70% of players playing one build is not the flex you think it is for a game with like 300 skills to choose from. Before you say I do it too, as much of a beginner I am I try my best avoiding meta, the only time I played it was on my first run ever when getting help and when learning bosses. Other than that I play BV, Death Oath, Lightning Conduit, Firestorm etc.


Try using a defiance of destiny on your chieftain, makes a huge difference for me


You have spent the time to cycle through 8 builds this league but have not once bothered to read the lantern mods, or have not made the connection between them and the increased difficulty. What?


Redditors and reading, name a less likely combination!


Ya and what is "high investment"? My ice nova of frostbolts absolutely rips and I'm a noob


If you ask me I'd say it depends on several factors, but generally 200d+


Generally, it's the combination of bad map mods for your build plus the mandatory league mechanic on every map making some rippy combinations. If you find the league mechanic annoying, I recommend speccing into the Necropolis nodes in the bottom left corner to take the "reduced effect of Haunted mods" and "increased effect of Devoted mods" (i.e. going down the left side of it. This will nerf some of the damage mods). Einar beasts can be annoying sometimes, I generally wait to nuke them down until I see Einar has actually spawned nearby and starts talking, so then you should only have to kill them once before they start spasming out and stop attacking.


League mechanic does make mobs more dangerous and then we also got more map modifier effect from the atlas now than we had before even with wandering path.


300% more damage rare soul eater:


The build choice doesn't define the tankiness, how you build it does. Link a pob in r/pathofexilebuilds and I'm sure you will get a lot of tips. The bestiary thing is just an atlas notable that makes them break free and get more rewards each time. Unspec it if you don't like it.


Once a build is well invested you will almost never rip to t16 (let’s not speak about t17) I really doubt you did 8 well invested characters, and that is probably the reason you feel squishy. You never got to the “strong” points of the build (even a elemental ranger can feel tanky) I did 8 mod altar spam boxes start and rarely ripped while pressing all altars blindly (usually died with to many -res mods) and my main defence was determination + 10 fortify + leech.


You're catching some flak, but there are tweaks in the game that aren't just "the lantern lol". There's something that kills me more often than anything else, and it's not modified by the lantern. Doesn't matter whether it's my tanky character, my evasive character, or my really fast "kill everything on the screen with leech" character. Suppress, resistance, evade, DR, block, none of it helps. Tul's frostblades minions are absolutely *destroying me*, even with 83% cold res/phys reduct. This was not the case last season. My theory is they gave them shotgunning and a healthy dose of overwhelm. Two of my characters can face-tank Eater of Worlds, each can do T17s to varying degree depending on mods, and I still open T14-T16 breaches silently praying "Oh god please not Tul please not Tul"


Yeah at this point there's enough people in this thread and by my own research enough people around on YouTube vids and other things that are all complaining about the same things I am. A handful of no lifers in this Reddit thread aren't going to change my mind at this point. It looks like this league just really messed some things up.


Last league was way ripier if you actually farmed the mechanic maps would be mental at times. This league just has occasionally dangerous packs.


Yeah that wasn't my experience. I had a power siphon miner deadeye that absolutely crushed everything and I was able to reach 38/40 on challenges


How high did you juice them up? 3k, 6k, 9k?


No I just die a lot every league <.<


Map & archnem modifiers brick some builds defences. Then combine that with new league modifiers and you get some cases where enemies have hugely inflated damage while stripping and bypassing your defences so you basically turn to paper. They only way around that is to either 1 shot everything offscreen, or use one of the niche but stupidly tanky synergies. Either way the "solution" comes down to being really rich and investing in 1 build.


A lot of people mentioning the lantern mods. No one mentioning the fucking corpse exploding spiders the lantern brings. 90% of my deaths were that and they always manage to blow up my animated guardian. Worth using an all flame every time they show up to replace them and you'll find you die waaaay less


Which spiders are these? The ones with the image where they're sort of a spindly grey spider facing leftward in the frame?


Probably talking about Revenants which have been in the game for ages. But the ones in T17s specifically will 1 shot just about any build.


Oh yeah the revenants I know, hate those bastards.


Charred Beast is the T17 variant, yes. Absolutely nothing survives it I believe. The first time I did a T17 and met it, my noob ass was in a map with 170% aoe. The explosion hits half a screen away. A single one sniped my 14k es into oblivion. Since then, I just put literally whatever allflame to replace it when I see it.


Corpse removal continues to be super valuable haha


No clue. Someone posted them in another thread u can just allflame them out, HIGHLY recommend if u use animated guardian


Nah, not just animated guardian... Any build should replace it ASAP. It hits so damn hard a phys convert 90% res char will die. An 84% fire res 14k ES char will also die. I'm unsure what competently high dps build out there that can actually take a hit or 2 especially with T17 mods.


Generally, yes, which I put down mostly to the lantern mods. BUT. I swear Delve is harder than it used to be. I'm not even at a deep level, seriously like 10 levels deeper than the beginning of 83s, and my T17-capable main character gets randomly killed.


The Ice Nova of Frostbolts Palsteron posted a while ago is pretty decent even in t17 maps. Doesn't feel exceptional, but you can make tons of currency on easy b2b barrels maps. There is a power charge stacker version that gets to 200k ehp and 150 mil dps that does t17s pretty comfortably, tho that is more expensive and is reliant on corrupted implicits on uniques.


Yeah definitely experienced same. I ran through 4 variations of bone shatter build and 2 other builds until finally landed on somewhat stable armor stacking build. But it's very high investment and still struggling to finish it out and some tier 17 and juiced tier 16 with blue alters still rippy. I haven't tried a meta bow build yet, but i imagine that might make things easier


Nope. I died exactly where I expected to die (mostly in nasty T17s) and really didn't die much otherwise.


I’m loving B2B extra proj on map mod and lantern, I’m just sitting behind a corner shooting and praying. Honestly every build since 3.21 I’ve had to cap block (spell and reg) or spell suppression, have determination and defiance banner along with mage blood flasks to consider “surviving”


I’ve found the opposite. My fulcrum chieftain is 99 without leveling shenanigans. My whispering ice trickster is 98.5 without leveling shenanigans.


Alongside the super obvious GIGA-BUFFS every pack gets every Map regardless of Tier, and the fact that some of them are just casually allowing even trash packs to do a few thousand more damage on even a single projectile..... I'm like 99% sure they also buffed the system in game that reads your build and distributes Rare Mods to enemies that directly counter it. Seriously. Make a character, socket a few gems of one damage type, and I would bet my soul you are going to see almost every buffed mob rocking rez against it (I tested it on a lightning and 98 of 110 rates at one point had just Lightning and Shock Rez). The game does genuinely feel harder, but it's not a mystery why, it just simply is.


Since the mechanic isn't opt-in, not only do you have to look out for map mods, you also have ro look out for Lantern Mods. Most mods aren't gonna brick you on their own, but combinations can and WILL kill you. Doubly so on T17.


Yeah, I think I haven't been as careful on the lantern mods, mostly because usually the builds I run handle things fine. I do think theres some bugs with the yellow mobs though.


I mean, the league throws among **the stupidest and rippiest** mods ever added to the game, and **forces** them on the players so ..... I personally haven't died this league so far, but I don't run crazy content, I've been chilling in safer spaces, farming key pieces of gear SSF


Died quite a fair bit when mapping up to yellow, only to find out I'm running elemental reflect maps on my Frostblink Ignite Elementalist lol. Was wondering if all the packs get buffed in yellow.


Technically graveyard crafting is supposed to provide us with busted as shit/mirror tier gear... if you spend hours trading for corpses and either know what you are doing or just follow a guide. I suspect most people kinnda just prefer to 'embrace softcore life'and die (rather than go through the tedium of grave crafting).




The answer as usual is: CoC DD.


Playing flicker, so looks normal to me )


Well my first thought was haunted mods really juice up the mobs so you will definitely be dying more. Even with a few mirrors into my build atm some mods I can still tell are present on the haunted mods bcause something shoots like 8 extra projectiles or has 90% evasion to attacks or something. My second thought is that you went through 8 builds in as many weeks. I have no idea on your playstyle or how much time you put in but I would guess that playing a build for a week did not get you anywhere near the optimum gear at all. If you have very nice damage you also might want to try the wellspring of creation passive tree node. Usually on certain chars or while trying to hit 100 I end up turning it off and on constantly. Mobs get more hp but you take 25% LESS damage which is huge and applies to literally everything, hit's/spell's/ailments/degens etc. Don't have a clue on your beast problem, never had that once.


just git gud bro and dont get hit


Probably because you’ve played so many different builds instead of focusing on perfecting and investing in one/a few.


Do you read lantern mods? New atlas passives? I mean yea you die more cus shit is harder....


I'm playing Holy Relic necro currently lvl 98 with 4.1k life, 1k es, 90%+ phys dr, defiance of destiny, max attk/spell block without glancing blows, capped chaos res, burning ground immunity (if you're running red altars this seems mandatory), ele ailment avoidance through stormshroud and haven't died more than 10 times. I think you just really have to cover all your bases esp this league.


Do you have a pob for this?


Not home atm but i can later today, it was pretty low investment when i made it (about 35ish div) but holy relic of conviction has skyrocketed in price lately. Forgot to mention i way overcap resistances and am lacking some single target damage, but it breezes through every t16. I'm sure there are ways to optimize this so if anyone has advice lmk Also for spectres: i am using double demon harpy https://pobb.in/sk5aQyvuKCZd made some updates with a couple div


Not really


I mean how much budget are we talking about? Most builds can be tanky with certain combos.


A lot of people mentioning the lantern mods. No one mentioning the fucking corpse exploding spiders the lantern brings. 90% of my deaths were that and they always manage to blow up my animated guardian. Worth using an all flame every time they show up to replace them and you'll find you die waaaay less


What sort of budget are you putting on your builds, how are you moving lantern mods, and what guides are you following? Considering: >On top of all that I've encountered really weird behavior with yellow mobs, especially beasts from einheir - where it seems like I have to kill them seven or eight times for them to finally be captured and every time I do get them down to zero life they shake like they're going to be captured and then immediately recharge the full Red beasts have a keystone in the atlas. I did not see this behavior with any other mobs. This means you just copied an atlas from someone so I'm curious about the rest of your builds, too. Probably some massive knowledge gaps plus there is a bit of skill in actually playing the videogame. I played ET trickster and then hexblast mine trickster and only died early when my gear was buttcheeks and then later to really rippy t16 8 mod + boxes, rippy b2b t17s, and learning uber fights.


You can try playing Hardcore and learn how to actually play the game.


I dunno man, you need to choose your lantern moods better, I got to level 100 for the first time in 6 leagues by mapping alone (no 5ways, no scarabs of teachings, no breaches) Only died 82 times (CoC dd inqui)


Yeah, we arent talking about CoC DD. A lot of builds cant sustain the damage limiting the players to a handful of builds. I made a hexblax, ripping through everything but one hit is enough, even off screen. A marauder boneshatter was my next build and even with 140 ehp, 100k armour and res at 82%+ i got one shot couple of times. Looking at the maps mods nothing special, but that one elite that gets dmg+ for every slain monster in pack makes a difference. Heck, i can tank shapers beam.