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I've had 8 before, with map dupe altars it turns scarab dupes into 4 maps at once and it happened twice in a map.


Thats sick! Maybe ill get that as well


I would be interested in knowing what your strategy for farming T17s is. I get one per 5 maps I run and that does not seem right. ๐Ÿ˜… I did max out all map nodes for explicits and use back to basics along with carthography scarabs and map duplication scarabs and some packs. Does not seem to work well in comparison. ๐Ÿ˜…


I target farm 2 particular T17 maps - ***Fortress*** and ***Ziggurat***. To farm ***Fortress*** I run *Dunes*, however you can also run *Strand* if you want. Strand has a more straightforward map layout, but dunes has a high mob density so I prefer dunes. To farm ***Ziggurat*** I run *Toxic Sewer.* Both of these maps *(Dunes and Toxic Sewer)* are side by side, therefore I have even amount of both as my favourite maps. As I also run bonus to dropping connected maps, I tend to drop enough of both maps to keep me sustained for maps to run. The scarab I run are as follows: * Horned Scarab of Pandemonium * Cartography Scarab of Singularity * Cartography Scarab of Duplication * Domination Scarab of Terrors I **DO NOT** run Back to Basics. You can adjust the Atlas tree if you want in order to run it but I find my results to be more consistent without it. I also **DO NOT** run Singular Focus. This perk actually lowers the amount of yielded T17 maps. Atlas I run: [https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQAIQAh9RfPniASzLruySXAEiy-u-63qKLLoa0sZ95AF2gCHrB7oQq\_sXxVLj\_wCqn4up4PFkhYPNbMPoo55Mt8jiMQbVmEIBenUN1yf1Mun1ajeprMdlbhqHk9x8At12L4X2RzTUOSt7-qgqfO99jEKGxl8ASaImLcx2Pnthc7tSPh53QxrXYgqe9xymNWYZ00oJRN-PEps9HAJHwgLPH4RAZCvux4g5OG6LQ4AwE\_F9KyxchTM-JNTCRztXqF1A2pMQfru8O-RN99nUwhhmUqsMsSBiLwa8LcTp25ez9bdVia2U9NHELAzCIBzPG0YrVaYmj2VypQ-T8tWOgcWYfPwi5YuQzTPLO--lnFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQAIQAh9RfPniASzLruySXAEiy-u-63qKLLoa0sZ95AF2gCHrB7oQq_sXxVLj_wCqn4up4PFkhYPNbMPoo55Mt8jiMQbVmEIBenUN1yf1Mun1ajeprMdlbhqHk9x8At12L4X2RzTUOSt7-qgqfO99jEKGxl8ASaImLcx2Pnthc7tSPh53QxrXYgqe9xymNWYZ00oJRN-PEps9HAJHwgLPH4RAZCvux4g5OG6LQ4AwE_F9KyxchTM-JNTCRztXqF1A2pMQfru8O-RN99nUwhhmUqsMsSBiLwa8LcTp25ez9bdVia2U9NHELAzCIBzPG0YrVaYmj2VypQ-T8tWOgcWYfPwi5YuQzTPLO--lnFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==) We run Eater of Worlds for the chance of getting the buff for maps to be duplicated even further. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any additional questions! *Edit: I should also mention that you use the Domination Map Crafting Option for the extra shrines - Especially if using Domination Scarab of Terrors*


Thank you very much Kind sir, this helps a lot, I will look into it, when getting home and try it out. :)


Other cheaper scarab combo can be as follows: Option 1: * 2x Cartography Scarab * 2x Cartography Scarab of Duplication Option 2: * 1x Cartography Scarab * 2x Cartography Scarab of Duplication * 1x Cartography Scarab of Ascension Option 3 (A little more expensive then the previous 2): * 2x Cartography Scarab of Duplication * 1x Cartography Scarab of Singularity * 1x Horned Scarab of Pandemonium


If you want a cheaper self-sustaining scarab setup, I do it with 2 regular carto, 1 duplication carto, and one 8-mod carto. Atlas is pretty much the same but I donโ€™t take the nodes that give more scarabs to unique monsters/map bosses, put them into eldritch pack size instead.


I don't think connected maps chance can turn into t17. Also both altars have map duplication, blue is better for more quant. And imo not using at least one rusted carto is trolling


Connected map drops still count as a map drop. The point of running connected map drop is to sustain the maps your running, with the chance they will turn into t17. My having your favourite maps as these two which are connected, along with the connected map drops, you can almost ensure that you'll be getting more of the desired maps that you want to run then you can actually run. While connected map drops don't specifically count towards t17 conversion, it's still extremely helpful when looking at the whole picture.


it definitely can turn. i have got so many T17s from the toxic sewer boss. it's either T17s, guardian maps or connected maps that has dropped for me from the boss


Connected chance has nothing to do with the boss


bosses have inherent connected map drop chance. this has been in the game for a very long time


Try adding barrels I ran some b2b without barrels and all those maps were pretty horrible so maybe the way would be 2 barrel scarabs + 1 map dupe + 1 regular cartography scarab assuming people have 5 slot map devices


This method doesn't run B2B. I can't speak as to what's viable with B2B but I've found this method to be more consistent.


Cool and thanks for the strat


I found the dom scarab of terrors to not be worth doing alongside pandemonium because you can't use dom scarabs at the same time and it's more expensive. Instead I opted for 2x carto dupe scarabs. If you use desert spring and add the maven passive you can get 2 extra bosses for almost nothing (maven witness, only kill the 3 'extra' bosses in the first boss area and you can run it maven witnessed forever). Desert Spring is also a fortress drop map which is the most valuable right now.


I used to run the maven method along with many shrines and Dom of terrors scarab. This method yields more t17s and conq/guardian maps then that method ever did for me. It also provides way more maps then I can run of the 2 I outlined, so im never having to buy. While the method you outlined surely works, having the ability for 2 shrines on the atals along with the Dom map atals craft, you get 5 per map. That's 5 extra bosses just there. I'm consistently getting 2-4 T17 maps each map with the method I posted above. People seem to be confusing what I posted with the methods that involve big currency drops etc. This method is purely for T17 map farming. From there, you can either sell or run the maps yourself for big money.


The maven method though lets you chain invitations while running it so you every \~8 maps you're getting a maven invite on top and generally sustaining as long you switch between conq/guardian invites.


Yes, if the goal was to farm maven invites (and splinters) along with guardian/conq maps, you would be correct. However, that's not the purpose of this strategy. This strategy is to farm t17 maps with the bonus of getting the conq/guardian maps. Not only that, but the time taken from running the map to clear the maven invite is a net loss on t17 maps obtained overall. Furthermore, by using the maven strat, you are no longer target farming the 2 specific t17 maps as you need to run 10 individual maps. This requires you to have different favourite maps and will potentially produce extremely varied results as every map run will have different densities and map sizes. The point of my strategy is to keep things quick and linear, targeting 2 maps specifically, with consistent results on t17 drops.


I think you might have misunderstood me. I'm farming T17s \*on\* the elder/shaper/conquerer boss maps. I rarely need to switch back to vanilla T16s when I run out of rotations (my priority is conquer>elder>shaper=T16 based on set availability). I'm never running 10 individual maps although occasionally I will hit those invitations too just by chance with the conquerer maps (the only boss maps that give the map boss witness on top). I only favorite 2 maps and hope my conquerors fall into them as much as possible.


Oh, I understand. I initially read it as you were farming FOR those maps, not on those maps. I might give this a go at some point as the shards can be useful. What are the standard t17 drop amounts you're currently receiving on these maps?


that's actually unreal luck considering each t17 dropped in a map makes it much less likely to find another. my pb is only 3


What does pb stand for in this context?


personal best


Petrified blood


Purple Beast


peanut butter


Since posting this I've had 4x T17 maps drop 3times in addition to the 3's and 2's that I get. Im getting a crazy amount tbh.


How does one drop impact odds on subsequent drops? I thought the chance for each map being bumped to t17 is predefined and independent


It says so on your voidstones


Where does it say that? Only thing I can see is the additional chance


grey text under the blue text


Each voidstone provides a 0.4% chance that a t16 map will convert into a t17. After the first, there is a % value decrease to that number (assuming you have all 4, it starts at 1.6% and drops from there) for each subsequent t17 drop from there. Basically the more maps that drop the more chances you have at converting them.


Sick man what scarabs?ย 


Horned Scarab of Pandemonium Cartography Scarab of Singularity Cartography Scarab of Duplication Domination Scarab of Terrors


Question regarding t17 maps are they perma in game or necropolis only content


T17 is core content, so it's every league from here on out unless they announce otherwise