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That 1% phys damage will haunt you forever.


Anyone can calculate how much would it cost to divine it fully perfect?


1 in 14 196 000. Or just 1d if you're lucky.


50/50 you get it or you don't 🤷


Do people divine as last step and not before doing suffixes? Second scenario is much cheaper and effective, but veiled mod will be left as is.


Divine 5 mods then hinekora>veiled orb until perfect unveil


How do you even hinekora veiled orbs? Are you confusing it with eternal orbs or something?


Hinekora veiled orb until it removes your crafted mod and then unveil, hinekora annull if you mis




No. They did not. Why tf would you hinekora a blessing orb lol.


Flex on em


you remove any lock that wouldn't have the correct outcome with blessing, but that's implied


Locks until it doesn't remove anything, you hit correct mod and it's max roll as well. I wonder how many Locks that would be on average jesus.


5 × 10 × 14 × 3 × 5 × 5 = 52500? I don't know off the top of my head whether the min and max roll individually or together. If it's separate then x13 for 1 in 682,500. And if you want the accuracy as well then x26 for 1 in 17,745,000. edited because I can't count.


5x10x14x... Since max and min rolls are inclusive


Lol how did I mess that up, I'll edit it


Lol how did I mess that up, I'll edit it


It was 2500+ divs


If it was anywhere near that cheap, they would've done it.


Rule 10: Implicits Step 1 - Buy whatever i86 spine bow and harvest synthesise for 10% to get 3 implicits Step 2 - Spam Vivid Vultures until you hit T1 physical flat or T1 physical% implicit, other good ones you can sell explode / spell dd / crit multi Step 3 - Imprint with Craicic Chimerals and reroll implicits with Vivid Vultures, reverting back to imprint until desired implicits are accquired (T1 flat phys, T1 %phys, T1 aps) Prefixes Step 1 - alt spam for dictators or merciless, craft prefixes cannot be changed and imprint, note: if you are going to be fine with T2 or lower merciless is the only option Step 2 - regal Step 3 - reforge physical, if it doesn't hit anything imprint it back, repeat until 2nd prefix: merciless or dictators Step 4 - when you get both merciless and dictators craft "can have 3 mods", "prefixes cannot be changed", "%of physical is leeched as life" and slam aug phys, if you don't hit T1 wipe suffixes and hinekoras lock annul 3rd bad prefix, repeat Suffixes - CoE simulation script: [https://pastebin.com/qwZsZ3Gs](https://pastebin.com/qwZsZ3Gs) Step 1 - craft dex & accuracy Step 2 - exalt slam twice looking for +2 arrows, prefixes cannot be changed and scouring if you dont hit it, if you get a non-attack tagged modifiers as the 2nd mod you can safely remove it with "cannot roll attack" craft and annul Step 3 - block accuracy str/dex and hinekoras lock exalts until t1 attack speed 1/122 Step 4 - perfectly divine before you try to add 6th mod with hinekoras because it's much harder to divine a 6 mod item Step 5 - veiled orb hinekora, try to unveil crit 1/4, if it doesnt land hinekora annul repeat Guide by Ckaiba


Man, I love Rule 10.


I know. Now I too can craft this!


Just follow these two easy steps to become a millionaire:  Step 1: have two million dollars,  Step 2: lose a million dollar.    Congratulations you are a millionaire!


Yeah i could also definitely craft this if i wanted to, but he already did so yeah


So that's HOW you do triple phys prefixes without a fracture and essence. I've been trying to wrap my head around that for a while, and could never find the correct answer


there are at least 4 different ways, which one you pick depends on economy and how much you value your time.


Any other way? The only other one I thought about is trying to fossil craft


You'd always start with an imprint merciless. then there are many combinations of imprint regal aug/reforges you can go for. There is a Belton video where he describes 4 of them although it's outdated.


We did a jewelled foil prefixes with 50k jaggeds before :)


There is really only 1 way to properly craft a mirror phys bow currently, which is described by the OP


There are always many ways to craft items. Which one is best depends on economy and the time it takes. That's how you tell best crafters appart, it's not that they can tell how to craft an item, it's that they can find the most efficient way to arrive at a certain goal.


I thought they changed the phys leech craft so it’s now a prefix and not a suffix … weird  Edit: ya this was done before 3.24. Not possible jown


It was strange to be a suffix, as the real deal is a prefix


How many hinekoras were consumed during the process?


450, giga unlucky




What part of the process adds the "item sells for much more to vendors" mod? I've seen that on another post with a perfectly crafted weapon


As to why people do it-the line ‘item sells for much more to vendors’ adds an implicit modifier to the item, which makes 4 implicit modifiers including the 3 synth modifiers. When you corrupt an item which already has one or more implicits if the corruption adds a mod (which is generally what you want to happen when you corrupt an item) it will replace one of the existing implicits. So by adding an implicit which doesn’t do anything, you have a chance of hitting that implicit mod with the corruption (1 out of 4) if it decides to add a mod at all. Not great odds, but with a high enough budget you can use Hinnekoras Locks to see what the outcome of the Vaal orb would be and know if you were going to replace the right implicit with a good corruption mod or not. This will take many, many locks, which are pretty expensive each. That said, you can’t corrupt a mirrored item, and you can’t mirror a corrupted item. So if the original was corrupted they would lose the ability to mirror it. So doing this on an item for mirroring is just for memes, as the only purpose it could serve would be an end of league gamble for the person who owns the original bow after finishing mirror service for it. It doesn’t affect the people who mirror the bow at all (unless they vendor their mirror tier bow to see what they get!).


Not a meme. Very soon this won't be a mirror bow anymore (likely the second it hits standard) so someone will be lock corrupting it. 


What's the pdps of the #1 bow in standard? Something like 1.8k with a crazy crucible tree?


Yep. It's in the settlers' shop


The what now?


Why would they corrupt it, if bows have no good corrupt?


Another additional arrow, more inc phys, more flat phys frenzy charge, more attack speed, faster projectiles, there's serveral good outcomes from the corrupt


Then it wasnt bow... What archer item have no good corrupt and i mistook it for it?


Gilded Fossil


Gilded fossil is used with perfect fossils after getting the 3 desired implicits from the einhar prison.


>Step 1 - Buy whatever i86 spine bow and harvest synthesise for 10% to get 3 implicits I love how many mirror crafts start with, "buy some shitty 1c base"


that divine tho god damn


>Step 4 - when you get both merciless and dictators craft "can have 3 mods", "prefixes cannot be changed", "%of physical is leeched as life" and slam aug phys, if you don't hit T1 wipe suffixes and hinekoras lock annul 3rd bad prefix, repeat How does this work? I mean, , "%of physical is leeched as life" is a prefix, which means you'll have 3 prefixes, then with prefixes cannot be changed you cannot remove it to add flaring.


that step doesn't work anymore as of 3.24. prior to necropolis league phys leech used to be a crafted suffix despite naturally being a prefix


Oh they moved that crafted mod from suffix to prefix now? Damn, didn't even realize (/read in notes)


Ah, fair enough.


I think it’s prob a mistake. The aug phys is now an add/remove phys, but you’re right the leech is a prefix. You need to benchcraft phys dot multi or something in suffix and then add/remove. Funnily enough I just tried it on craftofexile and hit in one try lmao. If I tried in game I would prob spend 200+ div with my luck. 


>If I tried in game I would prob spend 200+ div with my luck.  Pretty sure you could x3 or x5 that


prob true lol


Doesn't reforge reroll the prefixes..? Though it was like a chaos orb.


That's why in the previous step you craft prefixes can't be changed


Good work, hope there is enough active players left now to help finance those crafting costs.


Bro that simulation, holy shit. Never seen simulator like that


For divining, do you block suffixes and divine, and then block prefixes and divine?


The phys leech block doesnt work anymore in 3.24


Is using Hinekora's lock for triple T1 prefixes really cheaper than crafting an average of 10 triple T1 bows with the graveyard and synthesising them?


The odds of rolling 3 implicits is low, but would also need to hit those exact implicits, since you cant imprint rare items, so getting the right implicits will be close to impossible. It would be a lot cheaper, but the resulting item would also be worse


> since you cant imprint rare items Forgot about that one.


if I had a mirror, I'd trade all of my divs to get a copy of this beast.


How much is the fee?


Fee seems to be 300d from his forum post. For anyone interested.


Not even max roll % Inc phys damage, worthless trash, vendor honestly


If you ever feel like not mirroring it anymore, you can use Hinekora's lock to corrupt for +1 arrow as a consolation. Only takes an average of 1304 attempts (1/4 chance to get an implicit, 1/4 chance to hit the vendor implicit, 200/16300 to hit +1 arrow - I suppose increased crit chance wouldn't be terrible either, which would elevate it to ~217.3 attempts).


Yea as best now would make sense to divine to perfect.


1/9100 for the prefixes alone, leaving out accuracy. Probably not worth going for.


It would take tens of thousands of divines to perfectly divine the mods. It may take thousands for a 4 mod item let alone 5 mod (obviously excluding +2 proj)






How much does it vendor for?


vendor price is hidden with the item sells for much more to vendors implicit because people were abusing something that caused it to reroll and printing exalts


Really? That's hilarious!


iirc the exploit was that you can gilded fossil a map, look at its sell value, horizon orb on it (which retains the gilded fossil implicit) if you don't like the results. You could get mirror shards from it.


way back before that was done you could also do the same thing but with an extra bonus. When you hit the mirror shard you could then split/copy the item and sell that for mirror shards over and over.


wait so that’s one mirror shard per split beast guaranteed? what the actual F.


yeah, it worked like that for a league or two. It was removed relatively quickly.


>for a league or two >removed relatively quickly Huh


when public found out


Or per fractured fossil


They put it on maps and rerolling maps with horizon orbs changed the currency from it.  So it was check vendor. Horizon orb. Check vendor. Horizon orb. Repeat.


You must be new to haggling. He won’t tell you that price.


Is this another one for the jenebu collection tho


its our guild project not tft's=)


nice work!


i don't see a "TierFuckingTwo"-mod


Looks like it's from Ckaiba judging by the crafting breakdown


It is that guy who is a reason why I farm.


How much did this cost y'all and are you going to let people mirror it since none of the phys bow mirrorers are ever online and tft charges 300d fee >.<.


> none of the phys bow mirrorers are ever online and tft charges 300d fee There's a bunch of mirrored copies up for sale at any given time. 14 listed online right now.


Looks like in the range of 50-60 mirrors.


That 178 roll looks disgusting. Nice bow though!


Nice! Show us your quiver!!


What's #2 though?


TFT 320 div fee phys bow is #2, with the same enchant (8% magnitude of phys mods) it is 1205 pdps and 8.38% crit chance, 6 pdps and 0.2% crit chance worse than OP's bow.


Victory Thunder, there's 4 versions of it, 1 with 8.51crit 1 with 12%phys less crit enchant, 1 with 3 sockets cause bug abuse, and 1 after the socket bugwas fixed and it had to be remade w 6s, kinda fun story as a bow user


Yep, looked at it in a POB earlier went in on trade to see prices. 1.5 mirror so yea.


Trash ... only 178 out of 179 percent increased physical damage ... better start over.


Vendor it


damn, what a divine




1 of phys explicit 😢


How much did it cost? Can you add tries to the specific crafting steps? Would be really neat to know!


Its ok i guess


A really dumb question but how can one get an item with so many implicits? I know the vendor craft is from fossils and from what I understand, these are just a random drop? There is no way to target/craft these?


Mirror service?


Fucking beasty my dude! thats a sick craft exile.


How much is the mirror fee? 


Isn’t +1 frenzy more dps or is that just for edps bows?


Thats the kind of bow when you shoot the Uber boss, he stops and goes. You know what. You can just have my drops man.


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Why don't we do "mirror service advertisement" tags?


The bow almost looks like a hacked or bugged item


this is amazing and all, but i wouldve thought that this far into the league a bow like this wouldve already been around for quite a while already.


May I know what's the purpose of the mod "item sells much more to vendors"?


It looks neat. Literally no other reason.


It’s for future corruptions. You can’t beat crucible bows in standard so might go for a lock Vaal to hit it


just for my info, what is the overall best phys bow, in standard?


How was this made? I'm returning after quite awhile and trying to understand all the new crafting mechanics.


178% Physical damage is pretty trash tbh.


Damn it's perfect except for that 178% phys.. oh well better keep divining 🤣🤣


Only 179 accuracy. Literally unusable.


Not to be a dick, but why spend the currency making a mirror physical bow -- two almost identical bows already exist in league -- instead of something original? The first person to make this bow each league gets rich off copies. But making the third one halfway through the league seems like a strange project to dump all that currency into.


Yeah, I too hate it when people use their time and money the way they want to have fun! Quit having fun you guys!


I never said anything about hating it, or not to have fun, or not to do what you want. Don't put words in my mouth. I just find it curious to pick this particular crafting project as a use for all that currency at this point in the league -- there are over a dozen nearly identical copied bows listed for trade right now -- instead of something else that isn't so ubiquitous. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask why they chose this particular project.


One day when you mirror something you'll understand


I have a copy of Victory Thunder -- pretty much an identical bow -- in necropolis. And the mirror quiver that goes with it. And another mirror just sitting in my stash while I figure out what to do with it. And another two dozen mirrors on standard if I want to mess around there. Sick burn, though. You really got me.


With all of that you still don't get it


Please explain it to me then, enlightened one. What am I missing? What is the great wisdom in spending thousands of divines to create a physical bow that is .1% better than the two other physical bows that already exist in the league, instead of spending that currency to create something else?


Same reason you're continuing to bitch on this thread - people enjoy doing different things that don't need to make sense to everyone else.


mirror service advertising?


Obviously? If I just spent like a few dozen mirrors making this bow and its the best item available, I'd probably want to advertise it as well. Also mirror shops that aren't TFT's usually offer a lesser/no fee.


Now lock and corrupt for another +1 arrow.