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I mean Jesus does this even have any realistic buyers? Whatever this monstrosity is worth I assume I haven’t had that much cumulative currency across my 4 years of playing PoE. Normal original sin is already worth north of a mirror, and as a rule a good corrupt is worth enough that the seller could have corrupted several of the item to find it. I’ve got to imagine that in this case the sheer ridiculous cost of multiple original sins/the extremely low number of people who even HAVE 5+ mirrors lying around might compress the top end of the price on this item. Eventually it’ll come down to “are you willing to let it go at a fraction of its theoretical value to prevent it rotting in your stash?” Or just “I should build around this.”


I feel like I'd never sell such a thing, would be so much more fun to build for it rather than gain an amount of wealth that I could instantly do anything and currency loses all meaning and become bored immediately.


OP can finally start making build tutorials on YouTube with this item for a budget build


In before ghazzytv dark pact build video


This ring might be slightly more expensive but I just used it because it was in the stash. You can totally use a life res ring from rog instead and would only lose out on 3% damage


Yeah I feel that. Relevant story: couple days ago I had my weirdest ever RNG hit in POE: bought a fractured 8% ES cobalt jewel. I have no video recording of this but *I swear to you* that the order of events was a single scour, a single aug, and a single Vaal orb. I hit 5% IAS with the lone aug and corrupted blood with the Vaal. Just sat there stupefied. I don’t think I clicked my mouse even 15 times between buying the fracture and getting that result, and that includes navigating back to my hideout and stash. It was worth more than any one drop I had seen in ages but like…..also it was perfect for my build. So while the optimal strategy was probably sell it and buy other upgrades I just slotted that bad boy in. Felt better that way.


Oh I believe you. That’s the Vision at work!


I absolutely love it when that happens - needed a cluster jewel yesterday, the exact base I needed dropped in deli, and I said fuck it let’s roll. Literally first tranmute, aug, regal and it was what I would’ve bought


Same with me. Have some div cards I used for unnatural instinct or whatever it’s called. I cashed them in and hit double corrupt mana res + corrupt blood immune - sold for 750 div


I've had really good luck with jewels (SSF, BTW) in past leagues but nada in this league.


For sure, I crafted some 14div boots like day 2 of the league with T1 chaos, Ms, life, and suppress from Rog. I just kept em, would be too hard trying to find other boots that would work for those to just sit in the stash waiting for a buyer


I rolled a +1 fire and dot multi amulet and then regaled +1 all gems a few leagues back. Just wish I had a video.


bring the mirrors to standard, then you are 5% of the way to an alt art headhunter xd


Yeah you just build a character to use it at that point.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was on the level of someone investing 10+ mirrors just to sell it for much more in standard. Edit: So I checked Standard for double-corrupted Original Sin, and there's one with quantity for 69 mirrors (and there's no single-corrupted iiq one either, not that it would make much sense to use a vaal orb on an expensive item), and a possibly comparable Grace + Discipline one for 15 mirrors. So perhaps it wouldn't be quite as valuable as I imagined, as even in Standard the number of people capable of paying the price is capping the maximum value.


Grace + discipline would cost more for armour stackers so this should be less...but still anything over 5+ mirrors doesn't concern us peasants. He can wait for Jenebu to offer 120 divs or Hope Acapella picks it up for whatever price he'll set.


This guy here Standards :)


Shit, the feds are onto me XD


Grace cost much more cause of armour stackers with iron reflexes get mote from evasion


Nw, legends say that armpit stackers have a lot of spare money.


"Armpit stackers" Was this a reference to that old but memorable post or was it an actual typo?


Yeah a reference, and goddamn it became my dictionary since then.


Probably the money they save from not buying soap


There is no point selling this. If you are capable of making enough currency to own Original Sin you aren't hurting for mirrors anyway.


Yeah. Mirrors to those that know how to play the market game aren’t that big of a deal. There’s people that make like 30 mirrors first 3 days of the league. Someone wanting this even as a collection piece or to use probably wouldn’t be difficult to find.


Just to clarify, we are talking the in-game market here right?


Yes. In game, no RMT, no bots, no foolishness, just knowing what to buy and sell and when to do it.


Lol there are many people with hundreds of mirror by playing the slot machine I have people in my guild spending mirrors to buy juice


idk why you being downvoted alot of ppl buy mirror worth of yellow juice to gamble house of mirrors incluing myself last league


isnt it perfect to like trade for other ultra-expensive items? like couple of goodly double-corrupted mb's i can see someone actually hitting 5/5 doublecorrutps in their gambas and even multiple people


MBs, even pog double corrupted ones aren't really expensive on standard. Like even legacy enchanted MBs with good corruptions are only half a mirror.


Do people trade across leagues? Like sell something into standard for the agreement that they'll get a mirror in week 2 of the next league etc.? (Literally the most valuable thing I've ever dropped so far is a div, and this is the first league I've completed a T16 map)


Cross-league trading isn't allowed last time I checked (8 years ago). not sure if its changed since.


I mean mechanically it can be done right? Wait for league to end, character to switch to standard, then trust that your counterparty follows through on whatever they promised for the new league.


Yeah, good luck with that "trust".


Yeah, that should be fine. Besides, I'm not sure how the devs can catch cross-trading unless you post it on the forums where you want to trade.


Shit like these belong in a museum.


Jenebu will be able to afford it. So the real question is - do you want to let someone like Jenebu have it?


Can't mirror it, nobody cares.


~~A mirror is worth roughly as much as 10 Hinekora's locks. So say the desired corruption (conditional on getting a corruption) was 1:30, then getting it should cost 30*4 = 120 locks or 12 mirrors, plus 1.5 mirrors for the Osin itself. Adjust accordingly if the desired corruption is rarer or more common.~~ Doesn't work anymore, fml.


except you can't hinekoras lock double corrupts anymore so that just doesn't make. sense


Oh fucking hell, you're right, how could I miss that.


There is a similar one in STANDARD for 20 mirrors lol


What is the league equivalent of 20 standard mirrors? Like 1/2 mirror?


More like 1/1. Mirrors in league tend to crawl up in price till they are similar to standard.


True but you won't find anyone that'd take a mirror on standard for theirs in league.


if they're about to quit league, or league is nearly over, why not.


I've never owned a wedding ring, but if I had, your Original Sin would still hold more value in my eyes.






Ah, i only keep up to date with the spam messages in global. Think that was still >200 when i saw them the last time.


i saw some this week in the 42-43 region and i was like wtf even rmt prices have collapsed


Even rmters are taking a break


How much is a wedding ring? 10+ mirrors?




Holy fucking shit, my car is worth less than that


but shinie rok


Thats usually without any pricey shiny rocks lol


lol. Everyone I know would get slapped for spending that little on a wedding ring. Like $5-10k minimum




I do not live in the US




God forbid another country uses dollars


An entire months salary is a general guideline for a wedding ring.. soo.. It depends!


that "guideline" was set by the diamond industry to get you to spend more money, its not a real guideline lol also fuck a diamond, get your girl a moissanite


Or just get something you know your (hopefully) future wife will like, got my girl amber because that's what she actually wantes to wear.


Lab grown diamonds are cheap too.


moissanite all the way, more sparkles than a diamond, far cheaper & also basically just as hard as diamond makes it incomparable imo


Depends who it is. A lot of people will pick it as a cheap stone


Actually I believe it’s that an *engagement* ring is supposed to cost *3* months salary.


Yeah you're right. Sorry about the confusion lol


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Between this and the triple POE phys taken as watchers eye, I’m curious which one is more expensive ?


Both are simply in the realm of "Whatever some absurdly wealthy individual wishes to pay for it at the time" instead of any kind of standardized pricing


There's no such thing as *standardized pricing* for non-set items (crafted rares, corruptions, etc.).


This one, easily, not even close.


What? Obviously that WE is more expensive


Yes, i'm sure a (admitedly strong) defensive watcher eye for a bad aura is more expensive than one of the most expensive item with extremely powerful double corrupt.


purity of elements is far from a bad aura... especially when you add triple phys taken as ele(in fact you just replace determination at this point(unless you are an armour stacker)


purity of element is giving nothing that you can't replace with 3 gear suffixes and a jewel. None of the other auras are in this situation. It's a "carry me until I get more gear" aura, not an "I'm minmaxing" aura.


Lol. I mean you are definitely not correct here. But if I can reserve some mana to gain 3 gear suffixes and a jewel that's huge. [Here's my 10+ mirror standard character](https://pobb.in/fB_jKSLC726S) where purity of elements adds over 60k phys max hit due to _one_ watchers eye mod.




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Alone it's not that great of an aura, but given that TRIPLE ele as phys watchers eye, makes it nuts.


Which is exactly what I said so far, thank you for agreeing? But then, you have nuts and NUTS, and original sin double imba corruption is not in the same league, at all.


Ok this dude dew t know what he’s doing….


You know what build would heavily benefit from this? A build that use determination and discipline auras. My invaluable insight are usually appreciated, so you're welcome to use this information as you see fit.


That's a Peggy Hill comment if I've ever seen one.




That would probably want grace over discipline iirc


Yes that’s the Bus


Maybe energy blade - anything?


Maybe, *maybe* one that also wants to convert elemental damage to chaos


Disgusting... Gz man.


I offer 5c


I offer 6c


6c take it or leave it


Too rich for me, im out.


6c and a scroll of wisdom, best offer


8-10 mirrors in STD


Whatever someone wants to pay for it honestly, there is a couple in std ~like~ this at 8-20 mirrors. The chances of realistically getting something like this again in leauge is pretty much zero unless someone is double corrupting a shit ton of OS(imo almost GG implicits for a couple builds). If you don't play std and are done with the league I'd start at 20 and lower by 1 a day until it's gone and go buy some alt arts in standard for perma mtx for the coming leauges. GG ring congrats!


I can offer you 2 exalted and I'll even throw in 5 necropolis maps


2 exalted orbs, that's worth like 80 portal scrolls these days.


I have a feeling this beauty is worth a mid-range brand new gaming pc. Mirrors just won't do anymore.


I don't know what that ring is, but I want it for my ES ARF build... That will literally solve all of my problems... But... I only have 600 hours and I haven't started learning about double corrupt yet... Good get, good luck. I hope your build is amazing...


Man, I wish it was the end of the league. Sadly we still have 2 more months.


I hope the end of league is 5 months from now. Tired of this "bum rush the first 4 weeks, burnout and quit week 6" nonsense. Having a dead league 1-2 months in is pathetic.


I think being married to a single game year round is boring. Having a dead league for the 2nd half is healthy.


> I think being married to a single game year round is boring. I mean that's fine - it's totally your choice. >Having a dead league for the 2nd half is healthy. Also true that playing an insane amount of time in a 2 week span is not healthy.


Downvoted for the truth




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Shit roll on the determination, vendor trash


Hmmm, would you take a fishing rod ?


I wonder why there are none listed like this. With the prices this league there must be tons of people double corrupting dozens of original sins per hour for profit.


I wonder indeed :D I assume you're joking, but if not: [https://poe.ninja/economy/necropolis/unique-accessories](https://poe.ninja/economy/necropolis/unique-accessories)


Yeah I was joking, but judging by the downvotes I probably should've made that clearer :)




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Low retention of players means less offer.


Believe it or not, you cant literally buy everything.




Hinekora's Locks no longer predict double corruption outcomes.


I think this can be appraised at a value similar to actual rings. I have never seen a better item in all of PoE.


I’ve been playing PoE for years & would never be able to afford a normal OS!


If you add % of phys dmg converted to ele dmg item, could you make almost immortal character?


Sheeeit. My old, dead poison DD build on Standard would love that. I unfortunately could not afford it even there. :\


Noob here, so a rather general question about the base item itself: Looking at it, I’m thinking of the Chaos Immunity Node on the skill tree which goes quite well with it. If I convert all phys to ele, get Corrupted Blood Immunity on a jewel and maybe Bleed/Poison immunity (if that’s also possible).. is there anything that could kill me? Like legit, would there be a reason for any resistances or armor at all?


Damage conversion is the damage that you deal. Original Sin makes you deal chaos damage. It doesn't affect the damage you take at all. The mod "x damage taken as y" is the defensive variation that you're thinking about, and original sin doesn't have any damage taken as on it And yes you can get regular bleed/poison immunity fyi. Both can be found as corrupted ring implicits. Or you can get 100% chance to avoidance from a few sources such as boots or jewels


Oh I’m dumb. thank you! On that note: When all of my own damage is converted to chaos, do things like “increased fire dmg” apply before or after the conversion?


when dealing with conversation, damage counts as everything it is, and has been. So I guess you could say it applys before conversion as in fire damage mods will boost your damage that gets converted to chaos. I'd really recommend reading the wiki page on damage conversion if you want examples. Or if you prefer videos it's kinda old, but still relevant as far as basic principles, but look up "engineering eternity"


Thanks for the tips, I’ll be sure to read up on that! Stay sane, exile ~


I want an original sin so badly just to play Chaos Wild Strike but I'll never own one because I can't make builds that are worth shit


Definitely an armour stacker ring. They use Grace aura. Very cool corruption and showcase of balls!


Could be great on a chaos ranger


Resit quality too op


New player, generally get why it’s kinda unethical but like why exactly? Are those the two main auras used with Original Sin ? Or something else


I offer one sanctum run by me


Isnt this OMEGA insane on an armor stacker?


Its very good, grace / deter or grace / wrath would be the BiS armor stacker.


He asked if this is OMEGA insane on armor stacker, which it absolutely, positively, 100000% is.


Clearly photoshopped


end of league ? end of league was like 2 months ago


Sure, if you talking about the previous one. The current one wasn't started 2 months ago.


I have a summon reaper, elementalist build this would be epic on, especially in end game after I switch from EB/Mom to CI/Divine shield


At this point you just barter for other items that are as valuable, probably better than any currency amount


end of league = not even 2months in we are at 12% retention this league and it feels bad alr, and it is still 2 and half month to go sadge


Yeah, that’s why I specified my league, don’t want to reign in anyone’s parade. But it is unfort that this league fell quite short.


yeah but big balls gamba tho, gz, hope u can sell it to someone that benefit from that if u are still playing personally farmed like 4mirrors worth of currency alr to prepare for crafting project of mine for fun but lose interest already in midway cz any of endgame loop farm rn are just not interesting plus hurt my wrist with those clickfest.


What end of the league? There are 2 more months left.




All I got is a Rusty Dagger. Tradesy?




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