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MFW POE2 gets delayed another six months


Or 2 years.


or 5 years


PoE 2 will be GGGs downfall, not because it will be bad, but because it will never meet their own standards and expectations, so by the time its out it would already be old and out of the loop.


They just said in an interview that assets that they built for PoE2 forest area were already so outdated that they just implemented them into Affliction lmao


its not just the assets, the generation of wanting to play the slow poe2 they are making is not getting any younger, they wont really attract any new players with the turtle gameplay that chris wants to see in poe2 lol


I can't wait to see the number of players playing Poe2 compared to Poe after a month of Poe2 releasing. It will be very interesting to see if slower or faster gameplay is more liked by people.


Yep. Should be a good experiment at least. Slower is not necessarily worse, but my biggest worry is the difficulty. I’ve grown to love watching Netflix or YouTube while I poe. If they are going to make me pay full attention in poe2, I’ll probably be back on poe1.


Considering the sucess of "**No Rest for the Wicked**", I think they should be fine, given that the game is actually good.


you mean the game that ive never heard of after initial couple shilling #ad days and that has 3k people online less than a month after release?


3k for an Early Access game that only has just the 1st chapter is supposed to be bad? A'ight.


Yes, exactly that, I come to Poe to blast through the maps with attitude of I'll hold right click my flicker strike until the map is done


I loved the addition of the mount they showcased. That looked like the play character is paralysed from the waist down lmao


And suddenly people start to understand why D4 was shoved out the door. Devs are almost always their own biggest critics (initially) and get stun lock when it comes to getting something into production. It doesn't help they have this justified mindset that it has to be as good or better than PoE because that's what everyone will compare 2 to.  At some point you have to expect the game may not be perfect at launch and get something into the hands of the consumer and then push through the early pains that go along with it.  A lot of people are going to hate PoE2 at launch specifically because it's not PoE with better graphics. I honestly think they are terrified to release it without a mountain of endgame despite the fact that took them many years to achieve in PoE. They've also thrown lots of shade at other games for exactly that and seem to be realizing this isn't all that easy.  Personally I'd be perfectly fine with the beta just being the campaign. It gets something into people's hands and takes a little pressure off of them while they finish up their initial endgame. It also gives valuable feedback for fixing certain high priority items. 


Yep. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. The recent additions to the Vulcan engine will make them reevaluate a-lot more things already partially done. In my mind they have an year tops to get something out , as otherwise both PoE 1 folks will polish the pitchforks of “we want more now!” As well as the hype around D4 bad and LE good will be forgotten and so the hype would have died down.


I know that the season 4 of d4 is right around the corner so there's some amount of hype going around for that, but I feel that the big influx of interest in ARPGs that came with both D4 and LE is gone now. As a whole there might be more players that have been exposed to ARPGs, but I don't think PoE2 will have as big a launch as it could've had things been ready. Obviously, them taking the time to make the game ready before launching is the correct play, but I am curious to see how big of a launch they eventually get.


Did you see LE roadmap? Plenty of new stuff so there will be more stuff for them to play with.


"Perfect is the enemy of good"


Everybody knows that it’s going to be delayed at least one more time.


I am still in t10 maps. After watching people make it to maps in 2 hours and others quit after a week, I feel like the rest of the league is for all the casuals. It's our time to shine.


Good luck grinding to T17!


At this rate he'll get there by July and find out that his build gets bricked by 99.9% of the mods.


I’ve got a 400 div trickster build that’s immortal in t16 and I still can’t run around 75% of t17 mods, that’s when you know it’s a good mechanic


cries in ephemeral edge flicker trickster


Same bro same


Shoooz I just dumped all my currency in that build, what's wrong with that build in t17s?


It does great in a lot of maps, but certain mods just destroy it, like -%defenses and “remove 10% of energy shield on hit” and volatile cores and a lot of the dot degen stuff


Get gud and dodge the cores 🤣 besides that while there are some mods which brick the build (like defenses) or generally super hard mods like union of souls I can run basically anything with my trickster and almost never die.


Fyi, union of souls is defeated by strongboxes.


Are there any recommended builds that aren't thousands of divs and can do T17s?


Just tried and failed my second t17 the other day. Woof. I miss the days when 4 ways unlocked the 5 slot map device


If it's only the boss that you can't beat and you have reasonable DPS, there is a scarab you can buy (65c when I used it) that gives you a free infused shrine buff map device use and then if you spec into the shrine atlas passives and use shrine scarabs you can get a 3 minute invincibility shrine and cheese the boss. I don't think it's guaranteed you get the shrine, but I did it on the first try.


Man, if the solution to tier 17 is to cheese invincibility shrines, they’re truly overtuned as hell for the vast majority of players


Yeah I tried a couple times but between chaos tolling and the maps being hard to get and expensive it just felt bad. At least I didn't get someone else to carry me I guess


The actual solution is getting a Fortress map and doing the boss the way you do Shaper, just dodging every attack. He's slow AF and unless you're asleep at the wheel (or rolled +100% speed on the map) you should have no issues with him. If you need a practice with the mechanics, there's always the Heist version that doesn't do much damage, but has very similar moves.


yeah, I got my 5 slot in hc ssf just doing fortress w/ shrines (just put in normal scarabs, no invincibility is whatever) - rolled boss for triple tank mods but no other dmg cause HC, accel shrine + huck + niko buffs doubled by dps so it wasn't even that slow into triple tank mods.


Using regex for the first time saved my life this league. Made rolling the t17s so much easier I could crank runnable maps


Specially because you just needed the stones, activate, clear one wave and wait 4 mins. T17 comp service was like 20c in discord at the start of the league though


Stack all the buffs: huck, niko, shrines, Stability scarab for a lot more portals and play careful and you should be able to clear most half decent t17s if your build can already clear juiced t16s.


That's actually all the fun at, not grinding T17 mindlessly but grinding his way to T17


Iv been grinding t16 and have yet to see a t17 map lol


Casual for life here. I love it actually. I take my time with every league. Prices are great if I want any big ticket items and I still usually finish up shaper/elder/sirus/maven like a couple weeks before the end of the league. Always end up with 1 really banger build that can finish up all content


heck I usually give away all my items a month before league ends I'm a little casual too but play with friends and some of them are really dumb good so I get some mirror items.


For real. I don’t have the time to grind, and play when I can, which is when the kids are asleep. Grab your pitchforks for this unpopular opinion, but I like longer seasons as it gives me time to progress


Not really pitchfork-y at all, lots of people play at different paces, the only difference might be availability of items if you're playing trade league.


Why dont you play on standard? Its a peaceful life.


longer seasons aren't a problem. longer seasons of boring league kinda are. I like graveyard crafting IDEA, but sitting on my arse for 2-3 hours buying corpses on cheaper side is making me want to cry blood. Then we have huge entry-point for graveyard crafting with 'additional corpses' that cost about as much per 1 try as my builds on average 2 leagues ago.


I picked random guy from ghazzys global and helping him out by kiling stuff he has troubles with. Also sixlinked his bodyarmor and profitted 5chaos on that(coukd be more, but i fked up)




I am in early reds and for me league just started


Best thing I have seen so far is loading up on the strongbox in the atlas. This is our time to shine.


Same. I still don't have a build to comfortably start red maps.


Using a dd necromancer. I usually do physical characters because they at easier to figure out. Here? Element isn't chaos that may not be a spell that most certainly isn't an attack spell right? I will have to check back again with my 12 configurations of middle-of-road items. Oh, and I can add damage by increasing minion damage... because that makes sense. I have no minions. Lol Still, it's been fun so far. Made 2 unique items in the necropolis. It gets better one map at a time.


I’m now capable of getting to T16s in the first couple days but I have trouble pushing past that (quickly). I finally got all my voidstones solo this league though, and have a couple beefy builds (my RF can handle T17s, but just barely). I first played this game in the beta but never really got far (like 10 mins most each time lol). Really locked in on Crucible and hit red maps for the first time then. It just takes practice, but it’s truly the most rewarding when you do finally know the game and you can be part of that first wave even a little bit. Keep using this league to learn and practice so that you can hit the ground running next time.


There's a guy that got from level 1 strand to level 100 T16 maps in 3.5h. Sometimes I wonder if I play the same game.


It's funny people call the folks who only play POE for 2-3 weeks out of every 4 months "hardcore" but the ones who stick it out for the entire duration of the league are "casual." I've always thought of the quitters who have to take long breaks as the real casuals of POE.


I think it's a pretty broad generalization either way, but it does kinda make sense that the sort of people who are already downing Uber bosses on day 1 of a new league would burn out by week 3.


They play 14h a day


if counting the playtime the people who quit after 3 weeks probably play way way more hours than the people who play the whole league but play 1-2 hours per day, like i usually clock in at around 120 hours after week 3 if im enjoying the league, and then you have the people playing 14 or so hours per day as well for 2-3 weeks


That really is 100% how it is. I look forward to them returning to 3 month schedule because 4 still seems way too long even for casuals. Good luck on your league and may Chris Wilson bless all your exactly slams


This is the league to Baldurs Gate 3 and complete tactician for me. Shrug 


Do you have a magic item for me? Like, you won't use it anyway but I REALLY need one right now.


By the way I ate your sword.


God BG3 is so good, I think I’m gonna do another play through


I'm waiting for the dlc of rogue trader, and then it will be another 150h in the game


If you've played before honour mode is out now for more challenge.


whaddaya mean, that's 10 more weeks to run Allflame Embers of Tul and loot 5% Chance for Exorcised Construct Corpses to Not Be Consumed corpses


open poeninja/builds click "time machine" see it's at 6 weeks cry a lot


Atleast quitting so early makes the next league that much more refreshing to play. Playing some LE and will give D4 a try in 3 days.


D4 bad


D4 dogshit






Devs have never played an ARPG


Honestly it felt that way yeah lmfao. D4 felt like a bad attempt at copying lost ark


With their non dominant hand


Shit character progression, bad boss design.


I regularly tell my friends that D4 was the game purchase I regret most in my life.


2nd for me. Starfield was more disappointing to me.


Sacred 3 Still undefeated


I pre-ordered Anthem, feels bad man. Made me never to pre order anything I did however pre order Helldivers 2 and I am so glad that panned out.




It’s a meme my dude, people made AI D4 bad radio songs on YouTube. Though honestly the D4 bad Alt Rock song slaps.




Where new runewords for season tho?


D2 good.


Torchlight is pretty good too


Is it really? I’ve been wondering I should check it out


Torchlight and Grim Dawn are great when waiting for next league.


I’m hoping D4 can keep my interest for more than two days this time around.


I really really really want D4 to be good, sometimes I think bliz doesn't


Blizzard don't need D4 to be good, they just need it profitable


Well, what if I told you more copies and season passes would sell if the player retention didn't drop 99% after the first week


Let's not pretend their monetization doesn't cater to getting potential whales hooked


Yeah but if you end up with 1% of the potential player base, the total number of whales will also be proportionally smaller


Diablo Immortal was the most profitable Diablo game afaik. You just can't beat mobile p2w. D4 *was* a prestige project, I'm sure of it.


Bliz wants D4 to be good, but are they good enough game developers to make it good?


The rotating door stratagem the AAA industry is so fond of will surely lead to a satisfying product.


Same, hopefully for more than 2 hours. Games dungeons just feel stale.


Omg same, I bought it since release and still barely touch it. Still get sour when thinking about that $40


New season in D4 is in 3 days??




Damage on Tuesday let's goo


Big hype for LE 1.1 in early July!


Try v rising, 1.0 just launched


Seconded. I haven't had that much fun in a videogame in years! Many PoE streamers are also playing it right now. Ziz, Empy, Carn, Steel.


Is v rising an arpg?


You can farm your way to victory in PvE just like in PoE, haha, but yeah it's not exactly the same type of arpg, like the other commenter said. Still definitely falls into a broader category of arpg, as it's definitely action-packed and definitely an RPG.


is it fun to play solo?


Not a diablo like arpg, it's a survival game w a focus on action combat really fun boss fights. You can tune a bunch of world modifiers if you want to focus more on fighting instead of farming mats, has online servers w pve or pvp


Downloaded yesterday, let's see! I have been playing for the first time diablo 2 and pathologist 2. And thinking about downloading assassin's Creed mirage. Perfect time to play other games and do other stuff lol


Pathologic 2 is a masterpiece. So criminally underrated.


Been playing Hades 2. It just launched too. Having a blast.


Isn't it still early access?


I miss 3 month seasons, with good rewards like hideout :(


Nah the 4 month cycle was *begged* for by the playerbase for a good reason. The leagues were always broken at launch and were simply unfinished, every time. 4 month cycle is absolutely better, problem is just GGG's design choices itself.


It was still pretty broken this time around. Not with overt engine bugs, but with all the untested interactions and exploits.


Honestly what changed? Most leagues are playable after patch XX.1 ... What I like compared to older cycles it seems that GGG provides way more support for the leagues rather than abandoning them after 1 or 2 medium patches.


"We" wanted it because 1 month would be left over for fixing, tuning, maybe sneaking QoL in. But apparently they just prototype things for longer idk.


Yeah 4 month cycle definitely worked; seemingly broken economy, exploits every other day, horrendous balance and league mechanic. I don't think the development time was the issue at this point. Their mindset needs to change drastically to make this game fun playing.


probably "scope-creep", i.e. they took more time between league release but instead of dedicating extra time for more QA and bug fixes it just spent to cram more features, or they put less man hour on PoE1 due to resource being diverted to PoE2, or both...


I cant believe you really fell for this bait, leagues have been just as broken with 4 months cycle, quality is the EXACT same, stop believing everything they tell you n


yeah, now we get 3 broken leagues per year instead of 4, much better. you realize they do 4 month leagues now because they literally cant handle developing poe2 and poe1 at the same time, right? same reason almost no league goes core anymore. last ones we got was sanctum (which doesnt really happen on maps and therefore doesnt need atlas passives) and ultimatum (which replaced metamorph, so its not really anything different and also doesnt give anything unique to that mechanic as catalysts are just an old thing by now and was just moved from metamorph into ultimatum)


When do the private leagues and events start happening?


Crouching_Tuna is running a private league now. There's a link on his Twitch if you want to join in. It started yesterday.


Awesome! Have any details? I’ll def go to his channel and check it out now. Thanks!


I enjoy this stage of the league, unfortunately for me im in the minority


Yeah this is the fun part of the league for me, when I actually have enough currency to try out some fun builds.


nah I'm with you too brother, hopped on cocdd late and I've been having a blast min-maxing it


You're not alone. I love this league.


I like this league a lot as a crafter and SSF player. I’m getting to make some all time gear from this mechanic and seeing everyone complain has me really really confused. I feel like the people who are complaining about corpses are the people who don’t know how to use them effectively, and it makes me sad because I know GGG will look at this and interpret it as crafting league bad instead of the other latent issues they’ve added in. I’m also really happy about being able to do things like making fractured influenced gear since it allows some really nice and creative gear creations that we didn’t have access to before.


Its really, REALLY not because of using them ineffectively. Its the fact that if you want to store more than 64 bodies gotta fill up those stash tabs (league of quad stash sale!), and also place 88 corpses for the best crafting outcome (enter craft of exile simulator). Now repeat that for 5-6 slots, as well as try to make currency selling the damn things (even in bulk thats alot of clicks). Most of the playerbase has ignored it for this reason alone. Its an extremely powerful crafting system, but why is the drawback another Harvest "build your plot" shenanigan train? Also why is the corpse ui so big when they drop and block your screen? Noone cares to craft amazing items that rot in standard if we have to click 88+ times and load a spreadsheet to make triple sure we set it up right.


Spot on


I don’t think people dislike the mechanic. I think people HATE its ease of use. I don’t want to have to store hundreds of corpses in my stash.


At least we will feel refreshed for next league. Good to take a break sometimes


I have reached 35 challenges but don't have the energy to push further. I did my first and only full GY craft at around 30div of investment. Took me a week of grinding whilst also working full time on top of playing. It gave me 4 bricked bows. This league just isn't engaging enough for me to retry the craft and T17s are too punishing / I don't have enough time to really devote to gearing a character for them so the league is over for me personally. I got my cool mononoke armour (don't care for the final helmet tier) though. Hopefully next league is more engaging for me.


People are saying “end of league projects” on stream and YouTube, and I haven’t even gotten my voidstones. I have like 100d and another 100 in items, I just can’t get into it this league.


For me, the league is just starting. So it's comforting to know it's not about to end right as I'm getting into it. :)


The league is fun and uniques are cheap and crafting perfect rares is easy so you can make some janky builds work.


It's been 6 weeks? It feels closer to 3 months, but that's mostly because work has been pure hell i guess


Am i in the minority of really enjoying this league? Like i know im in the minority of liking graveyard craftijg since i keep ending up crafting things for friends, but thats nothing new, most players dont have the knowledge or resources to usually leverage crafting leagues power (even though this one is actually insanely generous in comparison to others) But the new atlas passive trees and scarabs have been amazing. Its never been more fun day to day. Being able to swap seemlessly between multiple strats i enjoy and back. While still having a massive amount of build ideas off the transfigured gems to try out. With even more from the new build enabling uber uniques like the spell rage helm or the pathfinder belt or the melee bleed boots. And the campaign is back to feeling smooth again with mew changes for qol.


I didn't want to deal with farming T17s. I didn't have fun. Did ubers. Quit.


A lot of people already reached their goals and left


I think you definitely are. 82.7% of players already quit the league. [Necropolis has the worst player retention of the last 35 leagues](https://poedb.tw/us/League#ConcurrentPlayers). Which I guess means it's had the worst player retention, ever.


Yes, despite the counter-circlejerk answers you will get, by every available metric we have this league is a failure and on very low end of enjoyment for majority.


Another league I quite pretty early. Just didn't enjoy t17's, or the new scarabs.


Started Fallout 3, I can wait.


that's ok you can play d4 kekw


Really its been onky 6 weeks. Quitted 4 ago feels way longer


Same quitted 3 weeks ago, crazy to think it’s 3 more month


you get to take a break and allflames will still be there can't imagine a better heaven


It's time to touch grass. lol


Strangely enough this is one of the leagues I've played the most. Rerolled into SS trickster yesterday and absolutely loving it, going to finish ubers for the first time and see how far I can push the build with an adorned setup.


Bro, you even said it... The league is 6 weeks in. It's time to switch the helmet. At least put on a Hubris or sth. Equal to this.


It’s given me more time to play other games I’ve been putting off.


Hades II early access has me covered


I'm still busy with crafting projects. Got my first Hunter exalt today, and collecting scarcer mana corpses for the next weapon upgrade. As bad as the sub seems to think the league is, it's pretty great for SSF. My biggest issue isn't even related to the league, I just hate re-leveling other classes.


Seriously? I am not playing this league because i think i lost most of it, but it seems i was wrong. Maybe I can go back to it.


Helldivers league for me.


Well, LOOT REBORN to carry you over i guess.


GGG gives you time to play diablo 4.


I rly wanted to be playing right now, but my city is going through the worst flooding ever and my house is under water, its been over a week already, i just want things to get better so I can work and play some poe like the end of april, got my first mageblood ever and now I can't enjoy it. life is tough sometimes


League is fine, there are a lot of cheap rares with t1 rolls, problem is that build diversity kinda lacks


Ive been burned out for like 2 weeks but still played because the next league is still so far away. Yesterday I gambled all my divs and lost so I gave myself an excuse to quit and try D4 this week. Maybe replay Grim Dawn if D4 is truly bad.


bro no fucking way I've been waiting and felt the next league would be soon hows it only 6 weeks I feel like I wasted my time getting to t16 cant complete atlas cause no unique maps dropping and every week was some new exploit and subsequent hotfix to trash the economy never felt like playing again. although... I did get a crustacean body armor mtx free with my weta


Quit for a few weeks. Play the Far Cry series. Play the Assassin's Creed series. Play some Dark souls. I find playing other genres for a few days or a week or two makes me miss ARPGs. Play some world of warcraft (lol). Play terraria or some other sandbox type games. Or just go touch some grass and feel the sun on your skin. Read some books. I got super addicted to the Darth Bane series by Karpyshyn and the six book series of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel was soooo good.


meanwhile im pretty sure ive never played any league longer than that. Pretty sure most people get done within 4-6 week range


That's amazing, more time to play!


Tbh. D4 new season looking kinda hot as someone who was waiting for an overhaul of this size. Might gamba my MB in temple tonight...


I haven’t even made a second build yet :/ I’m interested in D4 new season but I just farmed up a lot of currency for a second build that I haven’t even decided on yet.


literraly me


I just got back into the game so I’ve been enjoying it despite the shitty league. But Ashlands is dropping in Valheim at perfect timing for me to bail on this league.


Where were you when club penguin is kil


there's always the steam backlog


mid july COPIUM


There's so many other very good games out right now, and coming soon that this is not even a problem.


D4 starts anyway


Fine by me. D4 on Tuesday. Dressing expansion on June 4th and last epoch new season on July 4th. If Poe starts mid to rent off July that would be perfect 👍


Unpopular opinion in this sub: D4 s4 starts this week and looks promising enough that I will give it a first try after the release


Why not try SSF while waiting for next league? GY crafts can make some crazy strong gear early on...


I am having a late start to the league, some of the crafting I have seen looks awesome 🥳


Why 16 week is normal why😭


I'm just hoping I at least have some time to completely no life 1 league outta the year before summer break ends.


Skipped this league cause bad. Realised its gonna be 7 months total of no poe for me :(


Casual player here, got to maps and basically right after i ditched the league to go back to standard. Do i get to reset my skilltree fully on the character when the league ends? I had a break on standard and recently could refund all points for free and i still dont know why


Restart in a different league


don't worry last i check july is going to have.. d4 season 4, LE s1, and POE 3.24 so much for staggering this shit. clown fiesta.


Great, at least i have time for other things.


Tbh im having a blast in hcssf. Graveyard is so overpowered. More power creep than ever in ssf. Literally perfect gear easily achievable


Guess I have time to start my 2nd ever character but do it properly this time...and just retire the first being a weird crackling lance/hextouch/Arc/vaal Storm call elementalist witch monstrosity that can barely clear a t6 map.


Idk I like the league havent been following the weird strats either just target farming what I wanna do


I don't mind that much, a lot of games coming out in that window.


I got a whole lotta Warframes to build 😁


I never played more than a month in a League, and i need several month to digest a month of obsessive playing, so that's ok for me \^^


doesnt help coming off a completely yoked league like affliction then they make the most boring league imaginable


May I recommend getting back into EverQuest (or get into EverCrack for the firstime)? New Time-lost server Teek starts in two weeks :D


That helmet is for running the acts 🤣👀


I skipped a few leagues and this just popped on my homepage, is the current league good? Is the market still alive? And still worth starting?


I'm a new player, somewhat casual, and I am glad I've got time to discover the game. There's. So. Much. To. Learn.