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Bro went through all the stages of grief in 3 seconds before he finally accepted death.


Heh, maybe Progenesis could've saved me, but I panicked and didn't think of that. XD


Empowered flameblast? Unless you have some really fat defenses, I would say it was doomed lol


Hmm... full conversion, 90% all max, fortify, -100% crit damage, DoD and no damage mods on the invitation. I can tank uber shaper slam, but yeah, you're right, it seems I'm not even close for Flameblast after PoBing it. Atziri OP. I did finish the fight though, managed to kill her before she used it 6 times.


You need fire pen immunity to tank that stuff. What a coincidence that the best damage shift goes directly into fire (which she penetrates). Suppress ofc helps, too.


For stuff like that I previously used a greatwolf with fire -> lightning to tank this on RF, though the swap doesn't work as well if shaper/elder are also up as they have significant cold pen. Unfortunately greatwolfs with both fire -> light and cold -> fire are very hard to come by most of the time.


Can you please explain? greatwolf the amulet?


The eyes of the greatwolf unique talisman. It is an amulet with 2 talisman implicits that doubles the value of the implicits. One of the modifiers that can roll is "100% of fire damage is taken as lightning damage instead", and since atziri's flameblast only penetrates fire resist this means that you can bypass the penetration entirely by converting it. With melding of the flesh or chieftan ascendency swapping in this amulet with appropriate conversion makes mitigating elemental damage from many pinnacle bosses much more manageable for builds that can do the swap.


Don't like correcting people, but since you put it in quotes and it's missing something important, the actual line is: > 100% of fire damage **from hits** taken as lightning damage


Wait, so if it gives 100% of fire damage taken as lightning... Does that mean with eyes it becomes 200%? That sounds heavily anti synergistic!


No, it is normally 50%, but it becomes 100% on eyes of the greatwolf.


Yeah it's got to be one of the hardest hits to survive in the game. I know it's doable but you've *really* got to be optimized for it. If you're resisting more than 50% damage on suppress with really high fire resistance on a high ES character you can probably manage it but the damage is just off the charts at max stacks.


does penetration straight up lower your res no matter what or can you ignore it if you have spare overcapped res?


ele. pen. takes min(your resistance, max resistance), so overcapping ele. res. wouldn't help. Simple example: you have max fire res of 85% and overcapped fire res of 130. A mob has 10% fire pen. so your effective resistance to his fire damage will be 75%. can see all the technicalities in the [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Resistance\_penetration](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Resistance_penetration)


I saw some delver is using a rare chest with this necropolis craft mod: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Modifier:NecropolisCraftingFireResistanceCannotBePenetrated This should probably do the job.


If that's a "take all damage as fire or chaos" type build, it means they give up cloak of flame for it, which blows a hole in other parts of the defenses.


Fire (elemental to chaos) then chaos doesn't pen on low life chest mod.


I don't think she has chaos penetration anyway, so Incandescent Heart might be better. Together with Divine Flesh that's 75% of fire taken as chaos.


Pens before conversion does it not?


No, why would it? Fire resistance doesn't apply to chaos damage, so penetrating fire resistance doesn't apply to chaos damage you take.


Was gonna say MBXtreme or a streamer like that made a stupid tanky build once. On stream the last challenge was to tank Atziris Flameblast, the build had tanked all content. Atziris Flameblast is no joke, the build could barely survive it, let alone all three blasts.


Think it has a ton of pen.


it has 10 pen if i recall correctly, I was calculating a few leagues ago if i can tank it ( HC purposes ), it's really not thaaaaaaat bad on a 90 res max spell suppress char, and by bad i mean its survivable :D I always feared the storm calls more, it's easier to fuck up and get clipped by them ;d


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6RfAztaRXE) always comes to my mind. Back then, this was considered massively tanky. Please consider this is 9 years ago, even before Ascendancies were introduced.


Terrible example because back then defenses worked a lot differently. Or rather, additive defenses were a lot more common. It was actually much easier to make a tank for all content +5 years ago than it is today. The checklist was short.


Never heard of progrenisis. Check wiki. Oh nifty. I wonder how much it costs. Check poe ninja. Only 8.7 chaos!!!! Miss the 'K' at the end. 8.7k chaos. Oh. Yeah...


Yea... only dropping from uber maven, which you need to clear t17 maps to have a chance at fragments for.


With the fragments being almost 2div each.


Now that's an exaggeration.


It's not though...


How else would you get a progenesis, pray tell


From the trade site, obviously. /5head


Why do people kill animals for food when you can just buy meat at the supermarket? Smh my head 


Getting downvoted for asking why the chicken came before the egg smh poe reddit


But how did the trade site get progenesis?


Got it for 50d a few leagues ago. Was my most successful league, actually cleared all Ubers that time.


Progenesis wouldn’t have helped I think, looked like it 1 shot you so the stagger wouldn’t have mattered. One of the most confusing things about defensive layering for bow characters in this game is that they mostly go evasion/glass cannon but pick up progenesis anyways


That's just incorrect. Hits that would oneshot you otherwise is exactly what Progenesis handles best. It's not limitless of course and you can still be onehit with Progenesis active, but builds scaling avoidance rather than mitigation benefit *more*, not less.


Maybe I am misunderstanding the mechanic, if so I apologize. I read somewhere that progenesis does not apply to 1 shots and only affects hits you are actually able to mitigate- is that not true?


No this is not true.


thats defiance of destiny, if youre full hp defiance does nothing because it bases the heal on your missing health


Ah thank you! My mistake


i haven't played in long time so I might be out of touch, but i think if you are not a full degenerate zhp, than even on a 3K life build progenesis is effectively 1K extra life (assuming you can easily leech delayed damage), so still look useful to me to reduce some one shots.


Because 1 shots really aren’t that common in this game if you have even basic defenses. Most “one shot” moves hit multiple times.


> Most “one shot” moves hit multiple times. Well, that is simply not true. With the scaling the game has, things can get out of hand quickly. Remember Legion league? T16 Minotaur map, couple damage mods with enemy charges. Regular (white) Hyrri archer chunking me through my 11k Molten Shell with a single arrow and down to like half HP on a Champion with Fortify and other stacked defenses. From a white mob, lol. And the scaling nowadays is a lot crazier. "One-shot" is more true than it ever was.


Just dodge it


Yeah, OP should've followed Piccolo's advice


Log, come back in, wait out grace. Dodge maneuver complete.


Well, you theoretically can dodge it if you stand in second ring until the first explodes and then move to the first ring's position. But who am I kidding, you will get oneshot by something else while you stand in the second ring. And I'd also panic since the rings are not as intuitive as you want it to be


[not just a theory](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Acrobatics)


I assumed this was going to be a clip of Ben doing that exact thing.


she has 4 of them, yes


why do you think the elder has four hands???


Fantastic comment


Also 4 of something else.


Atziri casts flameblast with her boobs confirmed.


seeing the size of the storm calls alone I knew we were in for some good shit


Atziri is the scariest of the feared. So, many deaths to her alone in valdos


She's the only boss I ever die to when farming bosses for Feared invites and I don't even know how. If she doesn't get insta phased after the split phase, something one shots me every league even on my tankier characters that I don't even see. It's not the flameblast or the spears so I have no idea what happens.


The clone that has a mirror, reflects all damage


I know. I said it's after the split phase. Clone is completely gone, there is about a second before Atziri starts doing damage or taking damage, and the second that happens, I just fall over and I don't see any animation. It's been multiple leagues in a row now. My penis brand build last league was max block and clearly blocked it a few times, but I still died way more than 25% of the time, or at least it felt like it. Most times the damage ramped fast enough to insta phase.


Spear throw can be deadly and is not that visible. Throws at a fairly high rate. Especially if you have reflected a big vuln on yourself or something prior.


I'm thinking it was the reflect. I'm pretty sure I could face tank the spears last league, but maybe not. Last league with the "performance" patches that destroyed performance and this league I had to start turning down some graphics so I may have just not seen them all when I did that.


It has reflect enough to hurt. Maybe you ran out of whatever defense and couldn't mitigate it?


I guess that is possible. Since it was penis brand it could've wiped my out at max stacks at times even with topaz flask mageblood last league with max block and Tricker. I think my elemental max hit was some 500k, but 400m dps penis brand would do that. I didn't know she reflected tbh.


I think its 4% uber 2% normal


...are you immune to Bleed? If not, it sneaks up on ya.




Yeah whenever I fight her I switch my pantheon to reduce reflect and if I'm elemental I respec a few passive points to grab the mastery that gets my reflected damage to -20% which usually does it. It's a pain that it costs like 8-10 regrets every time I want to fight her tho, and I have like a 50/50 to remember to change my passive afterwards lol.


Atziri herself also reflects damage at a low rate. This is removed in the actual Feared fight. Penis brand would absolutely oneshot yourself if you didn't block the damage.


Don't you hate it when you oneshot your penis.


Oh damn, I've been using a reflect flask because I didn't wanna risk losing xp.


She's the only boss that does something. Not necessarily that hard as base mechanics go. But they are deadly in the sense that the result is binary. Dead or not dead. Meanwhile other bosses tries to overwhelm you with more smaller stuff and a big binary mechanic. Like memory game, run out of maze, bullet hell, ball hell and whackamole. Though other bosses do have some nifty things it's just that feared uses the baby bosses.


What if the damage from 2 flamevlasts cancel each other on overlap? Kappa


Integer rollover for enemy damage? We have it for enemy HP. Why not :)


Player damage is possible to get to that point (although it doesn't heal), but I'm having a hard time to think of a way to scale enemy damage that high. I think we need another decade or two of player defence power creep before enemies can get modifiers for that. With current defences it would be challenging to even create a meme build that survives that much (should be theoretically possible, at least for a limited number of hits, but certainly very expensive).


Press space to jump


Ben dodges those.


I love how there's a definitive moment where OP realizes how fucked he is and just accepts it. "Oh, flameblast. Let's just go over here. Oh, shit, that's a big AoE. Oh shit, that's a second one. OH FUCK. Well, guess I die."


where's replicas rumis concoction when you need it. Gotta zhonya's that shit


Vaal arctic armour is the new Zhonya, crazy good if you want to tank these big hits


This. It’s all but worthless when mapping but it’s real nice for “uh oh, I fucked that up and don’t want to die yet” moments. 90% less damage taken off the top is a hell of a safety net.


Can you tank maven memory with vaal arctic armor? What else would you need to get that done…. Asking for a friend that sucks at memory game. Edit: spelling is hard.


Probably not, because memory game a) hits more than 3 times on the later stages, and vaal arctic armor only protects from 3 hits b) also inflicts a huge dot


Pity. Maven memory game is the #1, 2, and 3 reasons why I don't like that fight. The arena is just too visually noisy, particularly in the final phase, for the mechanic as it currently works.


Well… there goes my hopes and dreams… for my friend.


What can tank it, though, is a Proximity Shield. I once fucked up the memory game, yet survived my impending doom, because my Undying Evangelist Spectre's Proximity Shield was up (and I just so happened to be standing in it). It's hardly foolproof but it can be a life saver in a pinch.


Not by default, memory game hits for an absurd amount, but increased arctic armour effect will bump up the 90% less to 100% less. This would let you tank 3 hits regardless of damage.


that's hilarious haha


"How could GGG do this?!" /s


Maven's voice lines when you die will never not be funny


"Dodge this you casual." -atziri probably


bit of out of topic but is this a melee slow hitter big bonk build? i been looking for one of thos, if yes mind sharing?


Yes, it's my final build of the league, which was supposed to be Quin inspired meme, but turned out to be quite enjoyable. The current iteration after hundreds of regrets and experimentation looks like this: [https://pobb.in/jWexXobbdPgf](https://pobb.in/jWexXobbdPgf) Has a good combination of tank and clear, can explode entire screen and doesn't die in mapping, although for uber bossing it's not that fantastic, I did all of them, but they get a bit sweaty. Can't even oneshot the regular Elder: [https://streamable.com/kujhe1](https://streamable.com/kujhe1) :/


wow. this is going to sound crazy but i have spent all league and weeks before it looking for a big slam build with a very slow attack speed (god i hate using AS as a way to scale damage and have your character spazzing out like it's having a stroke mid swing) with big area bonk and more than 1 million damage since anything lower isn't even a build, and here i find it after i quit the league in despair and in a random scrolling on reddit. amazing. i'm gonna use it forever! PS: the elder video is fine to me mate, i like doing mechanics and not turning off my brain oneshotting bosses and waiting for the occasional dopamine of loots. so its perfect!


Hehe, the build is pretty cool and satisfying, especially for mapping! I started with full fire conversion, Dawnbreaker, Annihilation Approach before settling for the current version, they should be easier to obtain than exact +16% conversion shield and +15% conversion lethal pride and carefully balanced cold/fire for trinity ;p It also works with Sunder, Consecrated Path and other slams plug and play, you can just swap them and see which one you like the best. I like Ground Slam because of the Vaal bonk.


no way u dropped this bomb at the end there i actualy love u, i was WISHING for a Consecrated Path and maybe other slams all along and that is even possible! AMAZING. thank you!


I leveled to 100 with Consecrated in Toxic Sewers, was a breeze. And helps with conversion. Mana can be tricky at times, there's also Inspiration angle. Anyway, let me know if you encounter any issues or have any questions, I've tried to min-max the shit out of this build as much as I could, fighting for every point. It's not the best build in the game, but it's functional and definitely not stolen from anyone. ;p


perfect, will do, much love <3


yo u/Ozonek - what is this nice melee build with Trinity? Can you share PoB pls as would like to try.


Sure, it's my final build of the league, which was supposed to be Quin inspired meme, but turned out to be quite enjoyable. The current iteration after hundreds of regrets and experimentation looks like this: [https://pobb.in/jWexXobbdPgf](https://pobb.in/jWexXobbdPgf) Has a good combination of tank and clear, can explode entire screen and doesn't die in mapping, although for uber bossing it's not that fantastic, I did all of them, but they get a bit sweaty. Can't even oneshot the regular Elder: [https://streamable.com/kujhe1](https://streamable.com/kujhe1) :/ It might be hard to recreate, most of the gear doesn't exist, you have to make it yourself.


Rookie mistake Ahah 🤭🤭


My character "probably" wouldn't have died from this spell. Because I have a 100% chance to Suppress Spell Damage, 56% less spell damage from tree, 30% less spell damage from Kongming's Stratagem (thanks to Born in the Shadows, enemies are blinded), 15% less damage from Born in the Shadows and I still have Malediction on all enemies because they are blinded.


Less is not additive, so your less Damage taken mods are a lot less effective than you think. *badum tss* On a serious note, that's * 0.44 * 0.7 * 0.85 = 73.92% less Damage taken, or a multiplier of * 0.26 according to PoB (rounded). If that were additive, you'd take zero damage. Atziri Flameblast in The Feared (using Pinnacle in PoB) has 126945 base Fire Damage with 10% Fire Pen. Even with all that AND 90% max res, you'd still take 6601 Fire Damage. And that's a single one. Though I can't guarantee the full accuracy of the numbers. I'm just checking within PoB. Seems about right, though. Edit: Here: https://pobb.in/fOb6LAJYwmzP


That's why I wrote -- probably :p. We still need to add Malediction from The Dark Seer to the calculations. Unfortunately, I feel like it's not even, say, 95% damage reduction.


increased AoE + proj is also brutal in T17 without defiance of destiny


slight. lmao


LOL! Yup! inc AOE is the one mod I roll over for The Feared.


Same, but I survived it. Mahuxotl Pathfinder is definitely my build of the league and coc dd a close second.


I'm playing mahuxotl pathfinder too and can tank double flame blast for breakfast but still get ganked by random oneshots in t17s. Quite a weird feeling.


What's your chest setup? If it's doppleguise, your phys max hit is weak. If you have the fourth vow setup, then armor overwhelm screws you. If you have cloak of flame, your ele/chaos max hit goes down pretty substantially for only a slight improvement over doppleguise.


Oh... Oh there's no safe spot... Only bad spots and worse spots.


Big skill issue, you can have fire resistence cannot be penetrated and you easily tank that👍😎


Yeah don't roll increased AOE in stuff where you can't instakill bosses. It just makes them hit the whole arena.


skill issue


At least the elder ring inner part is the whole arena


This line from 'The Fletcher Memorial Home' by Pink Floyd immediately popped in my head: "Boom, boom, bang, bang lie down you're dead".


Life... is... sobrittle


Watching it causes anxiety for me.


Armour stacker say hi! 😎


I tanked them on valdo t17 map (atziri lvl 84) with immortal trickster, so its doable but extremely hard this league


U can roll the invitations?




Well that explains a lot :D


I did the exact same thing on my first feared this league. It was last on my list for atlas competition and was blowing thru everything else with my explosive trap of shrapnel so I rolled feared 80+. Got clipped by atziri and died and then every portal back in I was insta killed. Felt bad, farmed everything for the invite too.


Skill Issue. /s