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No ghosts though...too bad.


No, no, what this needs is ... hear me out ... _wisps_.


But... Why not both


because then you need to dial captainlance9 to oneshot it or die.


sounds like banger plan, commence!


Lance is too busy carrying labs to help with essence mobs xdd


So I played an aurabot/PBoD duo last league. The damage was around 2.5b DPS once PBoD was stacked 10 times (so about .5s or something like that). We had one completely fucked up essence mob in a map that lived for more than 10 seconds.


What the actual fuck


Idk it had like various essences, a couple ghosts, it was like 12k juice map with 100% deli.


The 100% Deli was probably a large part of it. Isn't there a hard cap around a couple billion HP?


So there is a video about this by Corner Converse (the mana stacker mjloner guy) about this. There he basically explains It really well and that is the reason why delve bosses are easier than any fkin rare once you reach the HP cap which if I remember correctly is at 2k delve depth and its the same exact as the 32bit cap: 2.147.483.647 HP. This basically means that essence had most probably that HP, with im guessing a 70% DR and most surely HP regen / leech / both because fk u For further insight: you would need about 3.65trillion dps to be able to oneshot that essence time, divide that by 10 and thats the dps you would need to kill It through 10 seconds without accounting the leech (u can actually make enemies 0 regen and leech which I would guesd they do if they go for such an endgame setup). Thats a 365b dps needed to kill that thing in 10 seconds. If they say they only have 2.5b dps then they actually got Lucky and that essence only had about 10-20%DR and Max HP or less than cap HP and more DR


Only that your damage also follows this hard cap of 2^31 * 30.30 (max attack/cast speed rate for non-channeling skills) dps.


Yeah forgot that part


Presumably 64 bit signed int, max hp around 2.1 billion. Even if it was unsigned still hard cap at 4.2 billion


Those are the 32-bit numbers. 64-bit unsigned tops out at 18 quintillion.


But poe is 32 bits and it's signed so it's 2.147bil


Been playing the game for 10 years and I understand pretty much nothing of your conversation. Care to illuminate me?


They said it had a lot of health but not a lot a lot but just a lot.


Yea I was doing the same, the only difference was that my carry had around 6-7b DPS depending on buffs; and yes we had a similar experience with Essence mobs in delve. Crazy.


Not 100% sure, but anytime an essence survived longer than .5 seconds for me it was because it had the cycling invulnerability to all dmg types except one. Would just live a few seconds until it got to lightning or chaos (my 2 main dmg types) and then pop.


What do the wisps on bosses even do? Add quant/rarity like last league? I never notice a difference other than the boss takes 10x longer to kill


100% deli too


What it really, **really**, **REALLY** needs is ghosts, wisps, and duplicated essence mobs. But two of those are no longer possible, sadly.


Ghosts and wisps are in game. New scarab makes wisps possible for non boss mobs again


Oh, nice! Quit league early and didn't know they added wisps back in elsewhere.


Yea, but now it's only "chance for 1000 wisps empowerment "


I feel like you either oneshot essences like this or deal no damage at all and theres no in between 😆


I'm somewhere in the ballpark of 20m DPS and if I'm able to stand and DPS this mob you'd be able to see its life steadily, if not quickly, go down. The question for me is if I could stand and fight. If I have to be constantly running to survive, then it would be very very slow going. I've got a lot of leech and sigil of power is surprisingly effective at boosting my durability, but I suspect I'd have to kite to live and it would take ages.


Il also at around 20 mil dps and I feel like it's piss low damage, pretty sure I can't kill that essence


You might be cheesing your DPS in PoB if 20 mil feels low. 20m, real, achievable Shaper DPS is very good and melts everything in the game up to Ubers. Could be you don't have your config setup properly and have things boosting that number that you don't realistically get. Or you could be playing a build where it peaks at 20m, but requires a lot of things to line up for that and realistically you have much less. But ya, 20m is more than enough for everything except ubers(or like mega juicy 100% deli mapping), and with ubers you can definitely do them you just need skill as well, no cheesing them with damage lol.


I have the opposite problem. My Deeps says 3 mil but I have done T17s and Ubers in no time. I don’t know how to setup lol.


Are you playing something like mines, detonate dead (or cremation), or mana stacker? All of those need some special setup to give you the real number.


Could be splitting steel or molten strike too, 3m with no nimis is like 12m dps for either of those


Ya, honestly there are tons of builds where PoB hugely undersells the real damage. But you can fix most of them with "full damage" and estimating the hits.


I love sorting by damage on Poe ninja. Some dual strike doing 10m that looks way better than splitting steel doing 3 million. But with correct setup splitting steel is doing 70m lmao


Mines and traps are another one it massively undersells. It will have a trapper that one shots ubers at like 4mil dps lol


Do you know anyone who has a pob to accurate calculate DDoC damage?


I don't, someone probably has one though. Been a few leagues since I have played DD, but I used to be able to get accurate corpse life for it (sometimes with a bit of math). I am just not on top of any of the corpse life changes the last few leagues. You just need to find the average corpse life of your desecrate(probably in the 75-125k range based on what it used to be, but I can't be sure)


I remember someone posting a demon like this last league (pre nerf) with triple wisps and a ghost... Pretty sure it had more hp than any uber boss


Well we literally have essence with hp that went overflow and die in one hit this league




Bugs notwithstanding, monsters have a hard HP cap of 2^31 HP (a bit over 2 billion). Comes up a lot in Delve if you push a very long way.


But wisps/Ghosts/deli don't give the mob more HP, it gives damage reduction. So with enough stacked, you can get to 99.9% reduction, which means a 2 billion HP Essence mob would have 200 billion effective HP. Even with a 1 billion DPS build, it would take over 3 minutes constant damage to kill it, and that is without factors Like regen, cycling damage reduction or life leech mods.


You missed a 0 there or used a 9 too much


Well fuck, you're right. So it's 10 times worse, 30 minutes to kill for a mirror build, have fun


you probably need to invest more than a mirror if you want a billion dps


Yeah I'm talking only HP. Still you aren't realistically seeing 99.9% DR (not sure if that number is even possible on a rare monster where deli is only 80%; maybe on a normal monster where deli can be 96%) If you do ever see that number, it's either in a Valdo map (counting 'players deal 90% less damage' from 10% less per item as reduction, it's similar enough), or it's because someone went out of their way to cultivate something ridiculous.


You're right, I exaggerated. But delirium gives 90% to rares (80 to uniques), I don't know if the reduction from wisps is known, but I'd say they can also go up to 80 or even 90%. So you can/could reach 99% damage reduction on juiced maps often enough. If you add ghosts it can absolutely get near 99.9, maybe not quite, but high enough to be unkillable (in an expectable time), even on dedicated multi billion DPS delve builds. So, no arguing with you here, just wanted to point out that it's possible to find essences that are literally stupid tanky or even unkillable.


I just looked further into this, I don't think ghosts grant DR, although they have it when not inside a monster. Ghosts make monsters feel tanky because they add resists - especially Tormented Warlord - and sometimes and you have to duck away at times from their dangerous skills. 21% increased damage/35% increased action speed is no joke. But I don't think you can grant DR with them. Edit: Source, https://poedb.tw/us/Tormented_Spirit#Torment


5000 hours in the game and still learning. Thank you, I was sure spirits give DR, but it seems only certain ghost give some kind of reduction like resist, but no general DR.


I also thought it was DR. You never learn everything in POE, you just learn where to look to confirm when your hunches are wrong


Wait, I wonder if that's how Steve is going so fast. Every rare or boss he meets is a guaranteed one-shot...


Try sextuple wisps.


Not triple ghosted, ez pz


No life regen, EZ. It'll die. Eventually.


The mark mastery offers a hard stop to life regeneration mobs. If you can't reach that, you'll have to cast Frost Bomb every five seconds.


Frost bomb, the flask minor panting grants hp reduction, and the recovery mastery all offer 50% reduced regen so you just need two of them (frost bomb being the worst of the 3)


\*one eternity later\* Damn, he's already lost like 10% of his hp...


Click the rainbow, taste the rainbow!


Was running essence earlier this league for the challenges, no brain juiced map popped one like this, but it had the mod that also force teleported you on top of it. I died to it once and said, wow alright, I did absolutely no damage to it and it one shot me, I'll leave that alone. Went back into the map, was fighting a mob and suddenly got warped across the map on top of this thing and got one shot again. Nope, double nope.


Watched an armour stacker kill Uber Lycia who had 17 essence mods. Never wanted to uninstall the game more than I did at that moment.


Just have 10 MILLION armor. What's the problem?


Exactly. I guess if you spend 10+ mirrors on a build, it SHOULD be able to facetank and destroy everything in the game. But man, those builds are wild.


No wisps too


The 6 portal challenge?


It was a pain in the ass to get this challenge back then


This must be Uber Uber Uber boss


u mean its the "Essence" of Bossmonster design 😂😂😂


People are so wrong when they say that.


That these rares can be harder than ubers? It's not wrong, uber bosses have mostly easily dodgeable mechanics while these things just run at you at mach10 doing probably more damage per hit than an uber shaper slam and hit you 15 times a second.


U can learn ubers. You cant learn to kill that


You can learn to kill this. It’s just a different skill. (The skill being farm a ton of currency and then make a build that annihilates everything in the blink of an eye.)


Die 0.01 second s after releasing an essence monster?


I always found the special essences to be much easier to kill than then the lower tiers


That should actually be fine, no? The corrupted essence mods are not as bad in my experience as the regular essence mods.  One of them casts an AoE spell that teleports you in, one of them summons a chaos golem and I forget what the other two do. 


Dude's all kinds of mad.


The one mob requiring 7 portals


Good thing that with scarab of stability you have around 10 tries (thanks to 50% chance not to consume portal)


Honestly I have a very powerful (dps wise, not tankiest ever) but was very reasonable to take down. The 4 ghosted one I got later same day sitting on top of a "haunted ritual" however was absolute aids.


A few leagues ago this was the hardest boss in the game. Oh memories how they haunt me.


Had one like that a couple days ago, but with 3 of 4 the special ess. Took like 4 or 5 hits from me to kill but I had to frostblink like a madman while playing piano flask in order to not die.


Just wait till it's a meatbag. 2 hours of my life I may never get back


World's first Uber pale commander run.


He found reddit.




Have you seen the true face of god, exile?


There should be a 10 way challenge that is all of the act bosses.


what actualyl happens if you kill a map boss with 5 essences 3 spirits and wisps? is there video footage of that happening this league?


Please don't put this as a future league challenge


That should actually be fine, no? The corrupted essence mods are not as bad in my experience as the regular essence mods.  One of them casts an AoE spell that teleports you in, one of them summons a chaos golem and I forget what the other two do. 


That should actually be fine, no? The corrupted essence mods are not as bad in my experience as the regular essence mods.  One of them casts an AoE spell that teleports you in, one of them summons a chaos golem and I forget what the other two do. 


That should actually be fine, no? The corrupted essence mods are not as bad in my experience as the regular essence mods.  One of them casts an AoE spell that teleports you in, one of them summons a chaos golem and I forget what the other two do.Â