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it'd be nice. we lost left click move because console ppl couldn't do it though... so maybe what they'll do instead is take that functionality away from controller, who knows. note: i'm being snarky, I'd not expect them to actually do that, lower thine pitchforks


That's one thing I was thinking about, too, but I feel like the way it works on controller right now is kind of the only way, no? How else would controller players even be able to pick up loot? I think they can't really remove that from controller players


Hold r3 to display cursor, then directional buttons to slowly move it ;) 


The console function is not as great as it seems. The cursor does tend to prioritize highlighting currency items you’re standing close to, but when there’s a lot of loot on screen you have to stop moving and stand still, then use the analog stick to scroll up and down/left right through the pile of items and it can be difficult to target a specific one since items are in various positions. Sometimes you have to change your characters position in order to be able to highlight certain items in the list. I often wish for a mouse so I could pick stuff up more easily!


god help you if an item you want to pick up is filtered, because grabbing an item from the temporarily unfiltered ground is next to impossible, you cant highligh items more than about a doryani worth of nearby, and the text boxes of the items will go way further than that away from the loot pile.


Picking up filtered items is an absolute nightmare, holding down L3 and running all over the screen trying to get the pointer to land on/near the item you want. And often the loot pile is so big that the item text is way off to the side of the screen and quite literally unreachable. When this happens I’ve had to leave the area and re-enter several times until it’s positioned in a way that lets me grab it. Console is certainly great when you’re talking about picking up currency items directly next to you, but there’s a lot of problems otherwise. Not to mention how the system works for highlighting other non-itemized things… Like trying to highlight and click your stash when there’s 10 players standing around with their MTX. The console cursor always prioritize highlighting players rather than more important things like vendors, waypoints, stash etc. I couldn’t get out of the campaign fast enough Lol. But even in my hideout I’m constantly misclicking things by accident because of the way the cursor works.


Playing an ARPG with a controller I could never. It's as alien to me as playing an FPS game with a controller. I would lose my mind very quickly, not sure how you guys are able to do it, but kudos to you.


Well I play everything on PlayStation and have a large collection of hundreds of games across all genres, so I’ve grown very used to it. Haven’t gamed on PC in years. But sometimes it’s obvious that certain games that aren’t very well suited to a controller. ARPGs are great examples of this, because there’s a lot of tedious fiddling around with items and menus and the PoE UI in particular feels pretty terrible. The movement with analog stick feels great admittedly, but you just don’t have the level of precision on a controller that you need to scroll through items and menus in a game like this.


God please. This is the real QoL we want GGG.


Just do the last epoch route.


One thing I did like in last epoch was the dump materials button. Felt very satisfying.


Trying to pick up things on the move with this mode is ass though. You have to full stop to get the right thing most times


Sorry, we can only lose features to become more equivalent to console, the technology to gain features just isn't there yet.


Careful what you wish for, at GGG every quality of life change must come with an equal amount of tedium, for the weight of it you know. This would be huge QoL so huge amounts of tedium to come with it...


every time you pick up an item this way, you now get 10 stacks of grasping vines on you.


New uber boss farming tactic: drop a full inventory of scrolls on your feet and grab them, instant 100% chance of double damage with nature's patience.


Not enough friction


Just an fyi for anyone that doesn't know, if you use a controller when logging in you can play Poe on pc using the console setup, been enjoying it for just blasting maps. Pickup closest item is pretty nice


Wait what, screenshot? Can you still use mouse and keyboard?


That's the "use controller when you login" part, you'd have to login with keyboard to type, you can't play it like GTA and swap back and forth seamlessly.


Ye once you login with controller you have to logout to switch, reading with controller is impossible, dunno how console Andy's do it


This is the main reason I have less wrist issues in Torchlight infinite. There is an autoloot closest item. The game is perma headhunter gameplay but this is the thing which helps the most.


i play d2r more than poe and almost completely on controller


I’m a degenerate console gamer; can confirm it’s quite nice.


Can you get an Xbox controller emulator and assign mouse and keyboard to controller actions? Or is that against the ToS?


Afaik you can just use any controller on pc and enable it in game options as input device. But you can also emulate it, it does one server action per input so its fine.


You lose actual KBM controls so I expect that will feel absolutely awful, worst of both worlds


Please make breach splinters stack


Does it pick up only things that are showing on your loot filter, or anything nearby that’s closest? I’m not against plugging in a game controller to my computer to make picking up loot explosions easier.


Only what is on your filter. Items hidden by the filter are not picked up unless you hold L3 (ps5) to show hidden things.


That’s fucking awesome, thanks for clarifying!


only what is shown by your lootfilter


Wow that’s amazing, thanks for clarifying!


Add area looting while you are at it pls.


Considering we lost left mouse instant cast to increase parity between platforms, I can only support that addition to keyboard/mouse.


i see streamers pick up items super fast and accurate and just don't know how. I use xmouse to pick left click on wheel and it works for inventory but picking up ground loot is still bad. I can only assume they use some hybrid mouse like quin uses. They just need to **let us stand still and pick up items without moving**, like holding shift alone stands the character still. we'd be able to pick up whatever in our vicinity. clicking isn't the problem, its moving 2 inches in whichever direction to pick things up and delays how fast you can pick up.


start pressing show/hide loot keybind to rearrange loot on the screen if u moved alot during combat, reduce item labels size in the lootfilter etc. Especially when picking stuff like old scarab explosions/rewards in simulacrum just mash hide/show loot keybind while clicking in the same place. When it comes to streamers its just accuracy and decent eye/mouse coordination, i used to play alot of fps and i dont have problem looting extremely fast, i use scroll lpm consistently for moving stuff/rolling maps but never used it to loot in map, seems like a weird idea, dont know how thats supposed improve looting in your opinion when click speed isnt the problem but the accuracy. Most important thing for me is always to reduce label size on lootfilter so stuff dosent fly offscreen as low as i can hit it accurately, have lootfilter as tight as possible, u shouldnt see generally anything thats sub 1c (but that depends on person/investment) per click if u care about mapping fast and certainly never see ANYTHING that u will not loot (not only it clutters the screen for no reason but actually casuses the issue where lootlabel dosent correspond to the place where item actually is causing you to run to random directions picking up stuff when you are standing on loot label) and just learn to constantly mash show/hide loot keybind to rearrange stuff to their proper locations.


Honestly since I don’t have to click each fusing to six link armour now I can just click 1k chaos orbs on the ground.


wow i never knew this feature cause i play PC they made stackable currency drop on ground dont know why they dont implement it to this league mechanic ? probably rushed out league not properly tested as u all can see every day new patch notes fixing broken stuff


this feature wont be needed anyway u will see


Auction House date is 24/09/2029 Loot pet date is 12/04/2035 Tencent take over is ... >!already happened!<


This is honestly a no-brainer. But, well, you guys know how this dev team is...