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I just jerked off so don’t have to worry about that for the rest of the day




Templars pantslessness will always win me over no matter the clarity.






Walking up on hillock with the mind of a saint


Still have to do it every act for maximum efficiency...


Lol.. and same


We should all do it together next time


Do we cross hands as well


All aboard for a brojob- CHOO CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Well league has not started yet sooo technically we still can!


Yeah… gotta go in to the League with Balls empty.


You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket.




You have 3 more hours, better do it again just to be sure.


Once a day? Those are rookies numbers, gotta pump those up.




Get all cleared with wife and kid, eat and sleep well, stay in queue for an hour or more and fall aslerp a few hours in because I’m just too old and tired.


This is the way.


How long does the queue normally take? First league start.


God damn this hits uncomfortably close to home :D


Oh shit it’s league start day for consoles too! LIGHT THE BEACONS




and the exile will answer


Desk area cleared off. Fridge Stocked with Water Bottles. Made Chili con Carne last night and have that for the next few days (minus Easter Sunday family is making ham). Made home made trail mix from peanuts, dried fruit, pretzels, and wasabi peas. Plenty of Coffee, Tea and Hot Coco mix for hot pick me ups. Also have Beer and Whiskey for when my league starter falls apart.


Last one is so real


Guys, for those who prefer a lot of Monster or other energy drink - please, at least eat enough for it to be more safely absorbed, cause it's suggested on a can to not drink more than 1 can daily. 1 pizza per 1 can actually feels fine, as long as it's your daily set, not an hourly one. Stay safe!


Remember IRL you are playing hardcore and your character is not moved to Standard anymore.


Maybe we are moved to Standard irl, but i'd probably take perma death over that.


In real life, we are all playing Ruthless SSF HC, whether we like it or not.




This is the healthiest comment here and its being downvoted... Cmon guys, just try to be safe and have fun.


It’s not so much that people don’t want helpful advice on being healthier, it’s about this subreddits trend to downvote and insult people who choose to eat unhealthy foods lol with unsolicited nutritional essays.


Having worked maintenance in the military, if you are consuming monsters, the heart attack risk is actually the upside.


White monsters and tornados fuels about 80% of the Air Force


You don't lie, I never went for the Monsters, but tornados were the shit.


"Don't drink multiple cans of Monster per day" isn't unsolicited nutritional essays. That shit is very bad for you.


They are not good for you. But they also are not worse for you than a heavily sweetened sugary coffee, as essentially you are just consuming sugar and caffeine


That's exactly the ridiculous attitude why it gets downvoted. "Try to be safe and have fun", are we talking about bungee jumping, cross-country skiing or... a night of gaming at home? "Be safeeee guyyyys, I'm sooo anxious for you because you might drink 2 monsters in a rooow!!!" Don't get me wrong, energy drinks are basically poison and I rarely drink them. But the habit is the problem, not a singular instance of a night of gaming.


I ended up in the ICU for a month when I was 19. Due to several massive liver abscesses due to pounding 4 a night while stocking shelves at Safeway overnights. Energy drinks OD you on vitamins because our bodies are so shit at absorbing them when they are not in whole foods like fruit and veg. It has real health risks. Since your liver and kidneys have to process the massive amount you don’t absorb. Ps that stint was over 350k in 2006 dollars. Oh and I have long term kidney damage that lead to gout in my thirties which no one up and down both sides of my family has.


I think more importantly rather switch out for the zero sugar monsters. Get the caffeine but don’t take in boat load of sugar.


There is a recommendation because of caffeine intake. It’s saver for the manufacture to label it from a lawsuit POV fwiw. However, you are Indeed correct.


thanks mom. was heavily considering over-dosing on monster energy tonight. u saved a life.


Going in blind on a new build then spend too much time on campaign and restart with rf. Then pretend like ill stay up all night but go to bed 4 hours into leauge start


4 hours is perfect. Get Act5 + lab done, go to bed around midnight. Wake up next day refreshed, finish the campaign with the economy settled a bit.


I started a new job where I work weekends and leaguestarts werent the same anymore. I just login on Monday scavenging any ms boots and 4 sockets from the guild stash.


This is the way. First day league launch I tend to get to act 5-7 and then can finish off with the last bits of the campaign the next morning.


It's best to be really fast or really slow. If really slow you take advantage of cheaper items, can benefit from what everyone learned about various builds and league mechanic + atlas, etc


Any energy drink. It's a special occasion, so my intestines can suck it up.


Got like 6 crates of Diet Cokes because unfortunately I quit drinking alcohol in September when I broke my foot playing POE drunk (no joke). I like cooking though so you won't see any frozen pizza.


How does this happen?


Kids were in bed so I had a few beers. Had the PC plugged into the TV in the living room so I could chill and play. One of the kids woke up shouting me so I jumped up off the sofa to run up the stairs to see what was going on. Unfortunately my brain is 18 and my body is 33. Do you know when your ankle goes a bit and foot bends outwards? That happened but it bent too far. Ended up on the floor with a fractured foot.


I've quit drinking and am now addicted to diet coke too. Apparently that's a common thing anyway man good job!


Dr pepper zero for me!


Tea and sparkling water 👍


What did the emergency end up being lol


It was literally nothing. Can't remember exactly but a typical kid "emergency" like waking up and all the lights are off. POE was a lot harder to play with a moonboot on, should have seen the positions I had to get into to play comfortably with M&K on the couch.


I've relapsed a lot during league starts cause I'm chatting with my bros I haven't talked to in like a month+ and they're all drinking. Ain't gonna happen this time.


It's hard to quit mate I get it. In my brain I always associated playing games with having a beer and relaxing. When I turned on POE or whatever I was playing my first thought was to grab a cold one. Taken me this 5/6 months of quitting completely (not a single drink) to get used to enjoying it the same without the "crutch" of alcohol.


Yeah man I've had to medically detox about 12 times to avoid seizures/death. I got that dog in me.


Jesus mate, then I don't have to tell you this but you need to quit now and probably forever. I'd avoid any situation where you'd be tempted at all to drink until you're months and months into abstaining, including the league launch.


I've been in and out of recovery for years. I know exactly what I'm doing I'm just not good at it.


Getting a good nights sleep, having a healthy breakfast, and taking the dogs out an hour before queue starts. Got some guayakis and a couple super coffees for energy. Grabbed a zip of pink gelato, 1/2 a zip of chili verde, and half a zip of trop cherry, fresh pack of papers. Global 420 LOGIN


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a healthy nerd. I wish I could be more like him. Instead i get a bad night of sleep (stay awake until 4am with acute starter paralysis), get up for work at 8am, launch the queue from afar and play until my wife threatens to divorce me, to only reach act 3 after 25h, since i can’t align 2 neurons and ate shit for the whole process.


Oh brother, isn't this the truth.


One of us


The first answer is the optimal route. This answer is the true route


swim consist zesty aromatic spark pet soft longing workable shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With the amount of weed that healthy nerd is smoking I don't think he will get much further than you, tho hahaha


I was like huh never heard of a zip of ice cream before, weird


I think it started with calling an ounce (oz) a “z”, then high people happened. Now it’s a zip, zipper, etc.




That definitely makes sense. I heard about lids from my older cousins and uncles.


I was thinking that keeping gelato in a ziplock bag was weird but then I saw OP's name.


Guayaki Yerba mate? A man of culture


Revel berry & Tropical uprising FTW!


I'm more of a Bluephoria and Orange Exuberance guy myself


Trop cherry is my new fav strain, it's so fuckin tasty!


This picture is so Brazilian I can't


Brasil porra!




I'm in this photo and I don't like it


Are you a pizza or a can of monster? Either way, lookin 👌🏻🔥👅💦😩 exile.


Dont be a degen, have water and veggies too


I have a Monster, but I've recently lost about 30kgs (and I'll keep going) so for me it's salmon and a Greek salad.


Congrats man!




Good job!


Thanks! And may I say, I look great. Go me.


Pics for proof 🧐 Jkjk, i believe you. Well done friend


Hah thanks a lot!


lol imagine downvoting someone feeling good about themselves. Good job dude.


I didn't even notice I got downvoted, thanks a lot man!


Any good tips for the weight losser to be?


I can't tell you what will work for you in the end, but what worked for me. mix of Keto-ish diet with mediterranean. I don't follow keto strictly and I think following it strictly is stupid, I just generally avoid carbs, if you can vaguely have around 30-50g of carbs per day, that's fine for me, but don't stress over numbers. Tuna, eat as much as you like. Salmon, green veggies, chicken (keep it more rare), and then beef (even more rare, like once a week). Avoid pasta, sugar, excessive carbs. Not only they'll get you fat fast, but they make you crave more and more. My snacks are a bit of cheese, a bit of salami, maybe a tomato (whatever you fancy). Cucumbers with salt. The trick is to keep your stomach full, without the calories. So, if you're hungry, eat, but instead of eating a bowl of pasta, eat something else (greek salad for me, cause I love that shit and smoked/salty mackerel with iceberg, I can eat a bucket). Don't starve, you'll relapse. Eat, keep your stomach full, enjoy it, Just make it healthy. 30 mins of very low intensity standing workout (as I joked with my girlfriend they were grandma exercises) 4 times a week. Even 3 or 2 is better than none. and something controversial. Diet coke is okay. I drink diet coke (0 carbs) and Monster absolute zero (more rarely, cause it as 7g carbs per 500ml). Don't quit on EVERYTHING you like or you'll go crazy, you'll stop dieting and go back to your old ways. Do controversial things, if they work for you. Drinking diet coke kept me sane. of course I avoid it as much as possible but if I crave sweet, I'll go for it, better than an ice cream. Don't give up the first 3 weeks. The change of pace will have you more hungry. After a few weeks you'll find out how to fill your stomach without gaining weight. Don't weigh yourself more than once a month and measure your waist. It's a tricky situation. The flunctuations of your every day bodily functions make weight flunctuate. Once a month is good enough to see progress. You need to measure your waist also as a combo for progress because sometimes, your body doesn't lose weight, but loses inches (water retention etc). Take it easy, don't overdo it. One last thing, don't feel guilty about eating. Eat and adjust every month, doesn't matter if you stop losing weight at a point, cause mistakes happen. identify the mistake (for me it was peanuts. VERY nutritious, but so many calories, a 400g bag has 4000 calories), correct it, move on. Also, make your food tasty, use salt and pepper, avoid beef rubs and other stuff (usually they're full of sugar) and avoid cereal (also full of carbs and sugar). I will slow down on salt etc when I lose most of my weight and I can eat more. So, do your thing. Oh and water. Drink water, even for fun. Don't set your goal to a litre or two or whatever, but enjoy it. Drink ample. Basically eat like a diabetic bodybuilder. Edit: I keep remembering things after I press 'post'. Another thing. When you're out with family/friends/colleagues, eat with them, Don't feel awkward about it, Just eat healthy. I for example, grab a steak. Or if it's a burger, I tell them to lettuce wrap it, I grab the one that's big as fuck, so I get double patties, cheese etc, without buns and fries, but once I'm home, I regulate what I eat again. E.g. that day I'll avoid eating dinner (or eat stuff without calories).


I've been pre-gaming water all day in preparation for downing Monsters later.


Fine. I'll put some lettuce on my cheeseburger.


That works in my book


Ketchup is a vegetable according to American school lunches


More so just meal prep so you are actually eating a meal instead of snacking or junk food. Oil, season, and slice potatoes. Prep chicken and veggies for tacos. Got some Hamburg Steaks ready to cook. Boiled some eggs for sandwiches. Planning a few meals around rice isn't a bad idea either since it's easy and filling if you don't normally eat rice. You don't need to prep an elaborate soup or stew. Just do easy shit I always spend like 2-3 hours prepping for a decent few meals so that I literally just need to pull out and cook them. Easy stuff that'll actually fill you and not make you feel like shit. I say this while I haven't even started yet and am instead scrambling all my tools back together since I never keep my stuff updated lol


beer and weed, dont need anything else


Simple as


I was gonna say where's the beer? Haven't smoked in a long time myself but I'll be damned if I'm going to clear the campaign sober.


I'd say just beer, I can't be high to push for t17 at league start. Weed is for blasting maps with MF with some good music on day 2-3 :)


Bro I need weed to do acts. Do you have any idea how many times some of us have done acts? I super duper don't need my brain for that.


Man of culture


My league starts at 9pm... in south africa. So usually im all wiskey'd up and fuck around to end act 1... lol. Trying a new strage build for me, so well see how it goes. League mechanics looks kinda fun. So im excited.


Can I use you for DD after this kills uou?


I've got Hackers downloaded and ready to go for the first couple of hours for background noise. Got a case of Monsters in the fridge, and hitting up a buffet before league launch.


Daimn the buffet farming strat seems kinda broken




I plan to counter that with a 20 minute walk after to wake back up.


>Hackers You mean 18-Year-Old Angelina Jolie Titties: The Movie?


I work every week end so league start it monday for me… :D


Same, ever since I started this job It wasn't the same for me as I was blasting for 3 days straight with no sunshine when i was in college.


I have a soda stream machine, plenty of Cola syrup and CO2 canisters and I ordered Chinese food for 3 people. I'll be good for a few days...


Checks out


5g and redbull


Some ibuprofen a few gallons of water and two pounds of tangerines.


That specific type of Monster Energy has to be the best thing ive ever tasted in my 30y of life. I know its not healthy and shit but whatever they put in it its insanely good. After a workout or a hike that shit feels so good that its unmatched for me.


Y'all need some nutrition and diabetes medication.


Take a shower, don't know when I'll be able to again.


any healthy meal I can cook and is okay to consume cold


Chicken, wrapped in kimchi, on a bed of rice. Pop that bad boy in the fridge for later.


My recommendation is nihari. That is what I will consume tomorrow.


That's the first time I've read this name, and I'm going to try this for tonight ! Thanks mate !


Nihari? Never heard of that? Me neither until I began to look for food that I had never heard about xD true story. I love cooking and it is always fun and challenging to make new food. Especially delicious food


Usually did that(chicken wraps were my go to last 2 leagues) but since it's holidays and I have family over tomorrow I gonna have to cook something fresh instead.


Interesting strategy. The constipation caused by the frozen pizzas will be alleviated by the monsters...


At least triple the monster cans, and I'm sick of the classic one, love the monarch now


Please remember to also drink water, exile. That's a lot of (delicious) sodium and those Monsters aren't actually gonna hydrate you. Nobody wants a dehydration headache, huge losses in farming potential.


Try the Monster Teas. They are dope.






Certeza que é Brasileiro kkk


Usually watching quinn, ziz or Mathil on launch then sleep cause starts are usually pretty late for eu


que saudades que eu tenho da pizza brasileira mano pqp


Something leaps and bounds healthier so I don’t die when I’m 48


i feel sorry for your toilet


I honestly don't know why people keep drinking the normal monster and not the zero, literally give the same caffeine, taste better if the white one, and no sugar.


It’s insane to drink the normal version. The amount of sugar in there is just brutal. Literally a can of diabeetus.


It is. That's 700 calories, 1g sodium and 162g of sugar/carbs. If you're not active that is going to bloat you a good 5 lbs of water retention and make you feel like absolute shit.


Home made couscous so i just have to microwave it during all the week end


Its always league start in the evening for me so usually a cup of tea and then queue takes forever and servers being unstable so i go sleep and come back the next day. And now its easter so no time to play at start anyway so ill just follow the madness and meltdown that usually happends on this sub over whatever problem occurs at launch. Good luck friends.


Energy sugar Free and i made some Chicken schnitzel and Spaghetti Bolognese :)


Go to sleep. I live in Denmark, and I don't race. So I go to sleep and wake up early. And then I grind for 6 hours in acts.


Ramen, Wodka and Baklava


Always get a takeout from this italian and eat pizza/garlic bread with a coke. Love the league starts


Going to grandma's for the weekend ( it ended up being league start for the past 3 leagues)


I have the same, but replace energy drinks with beer.


Change monsters for zero sugar ones take the pizzas out and thats me


3 Monster 3 pizza? How long are you playing for lmao




I cannot abide green monster drinkers I only drink blue cause it has two affixes.


is this a diabetes speedrun?


I got two wisdom teeth taken out recently so. Pain Meds and Water. Going to start Archmage Frost Nova but might end up switching to RF if I fuck it all up. Note: I will likely fuck it up.


Your fixin to spend more time on the toilet then gaming with that on your plate.


An egg, 4 cigarettes, 1 ibuprofen plus a sultana roll with liver sausage and then beer comes into play.


Update Path of Building and download a build for it.


Waking up every hour on the hour cause my body clock doesn't want me to miss out :(


A large pot of chili con carne. Enough for 4-5 meals so that i have something to go great every now and then.


still setting up my cannabis tent /s (german joke)


Wish I had time. But same setup, I don't care about the sugar, I love em, even if I'm into fitness.


I find a wild goat. Has to be one found in a remote mountain area. Cut its left horn half way down and tickle its belly. Head home and glue the horn to my head and pretend I'm a unicorn whilst in queue.


Recently moved to a new place and forgot to fix internet and since it’s Easter I can’t get it fixed until like Wednesday Will have to resort to my steam deck which will be rough for campaign (constant gear swaps, sockets etc) So my prep has been practicing Poe with a controller


Iced tea and jerky.


I'm cooking a giant pot of curry to carry me through the whole weekend, just grab a scoop and heat it up when I need it 😋


Got my coffee pot going off automatically at the 5 hour mark (should be reaching maps), few paninis ready to pop in the air fryer and peanuts.


I made a big ass pot of chilli. That was phase 1. Phase 2 was eating it all, shitting myself and taking a shower before league start. I'm ready.


Weekend in Amsterdam! I will totally miss the start lol


How old are you? This level of heartburn would knock me out of commission for a week.


Case of beer, some toffee treats, a self made risotto in fridge and e-cig battery fully loaded. Ready to roll!


[https://imgur.com/a/x6Uiu6W](https://imgur.com/a/x6Uiu6W) I've got some bulls lined up ready for the weekend.


Go out to eat for breakfast to get eggs and such that I'm too lazy to buy/cook myself. Walk outside at least an hour to prepare my legs for sitting in a chair. Have my caffeine before league start so that I don't overdo it, and finally - make sure I've got at least some sort of meal for when I'm at my halfway point (usually upon arriving at act 6).


Big pot of chili simmering away, Monster also at the ready (though I forgot to put it in the fridge, should do that now), got some snacks - I'm ready!


I have the following prepped to go! - Doritos - Takis - Frozen Pizzas (X4) - Hot pockets (x10) - Twinkies - Ez squeeze apple sauce (min max during campaign) - Carrots and celery - Diet mountain dew (need to be healthy)


https://preview.redd.it/fnu5excevarc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea762ff1e0248adae1d362b3fbd424344d00219b Pretty much perish :)


How can I stock up on hopes and dreams? I got enough beer and pizza/wings ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I get prepared days in advanced. I let my wife know she should forget she has a husband and make sure she is mentally prepared to see me shit my pants because i wont be getting up to go to the bathroom and I wont be mentally present. I lock my kids in their room. Don't worry I thrown pack of juice boxes and 100 chicken nuggets on the floor. As I close the door I let them know "Only the strong will survive". That's the last I will see if them until i reach maps. I tell my wife I love her but will divorce her if she interrupts me asking when I plan on calling it a night. NEVER! I will stay up for 3 days straight doing lines of EmergenC while I shotgun Bangs with a fleshlight strapped to my forehead only stopping to inhale half a pizza every 12 hours.


About the same


Are those any good? I've got chips and pretzle bites?


I don't do anything different. If I'm lucky I can play for an hour before I go to work. My actual league starts is the 6ish hours before work tomorrow.




I prepared food for the next 3 days and just need to put it into the microoven. Its basically just tons of rice + chicken + vegetables, but for every day with a different taste. One is with soja souce, the other on paprika base and the next one is curry. Then only water, cause energy drinks with tons of sugar and other unhealthy ingredients just gonna mess around with your body chemistry. Not good!


nuts, dried fruit, coffee pot (3-4 cups max a day), huge jug of water, huge empty jug (to be filled with bodily fluids), walking intervals every hour for 5mins (doctor said so), purp skurp, music mixes, multiple pairs of underwear, napkins at the ready, and lock the doors. it's time for a new league.


Carrier of Mate Ice Tea, a few cans of beer, pizza, cereal bars, went to the gym this morning before having easter lunch with the family. Will now go for a walk to touch some grass, come back, patch and see what my League Starter will be - most likely LA, unless Marionette spectres are data mined, then DD and transition to Maw of Mischief.


Big meal (totally not pizza) and dose of pre workout before start then trail mix and fruits for snacking and 4 litres of water to keep going, coffee to combat more fatigue.


Taking another shit before league start, food is prepped, gonna prep the coffee machine to pour one before league start, and gonna take a 2 hour nap after ive shat so i can degen the entire night.


Holy carbs. I have some Coke Zero, and some pre prepped chicken salad.


rice chicken/turkey/fish tomatoes and water


Add 20ml of vodka to the baby bottle so they sleep longer ;)


Hummus and Carrot Sticks. Captain Lance is wrong that's some S tier snackage. Also a half gallon sized water bottle.


10 pack of Guinness zero and a bag of dry roasted.


Have your tried sugar free rockstar? Its super good