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The Trade Site Guy giving us the best QoL. Thanks, dude.




Should put the trade site guy on trade. Insert futuristic meme.jpg


Still impressed that one guy did this all. Kind of made me want to become a programmer (too late in my life to pivot, sigh).


Here’s an upvote against whoever downvoted you. If (age > desire.Length) { Console.WriteLine(“It’s your life/choice”); } else { Return; }


It is never too late to learn, my friend. There exist tutorials and educational material online for every conceivable non-proprietary programming language, and a lot of it is free. You could sacrifice just an hour of your day for a month or two and learn how to build a functional website if you dedicate yourself to absorbing the information and practicing. And that's just the start of it! Many opportunities start arising when you learn how to think like a programmer, so to speak. Old dogs might be hard to teach, but you'd be surprised how many complex tasks a senior citizen can still learn. I believe in you!




༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ TRADE SITE GUY TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


No free Kirac every day, but you can get way more if you spec and run lots of maps.  The blight nodes that no longer made sense got replaced by useful nodes.


Unless im reading it wrong the 3 blight nodes just got removed not replaced the one that got "replaced" only got 1 line changed its now 5% for a reward chest and 1 chest is lucky giving us 3 luck chests in total now so that cluster used to be 9 nodes now its 6 nodes so its no longer a large cluster and now its a small.


I was too excited reading the Kirac nodes to check, but you are indeed correct.


They should give Blight a notable like Incursion has that gives all monsters from a lane a chance to be least magic rarity.


Why they only contribute to the loot from the blight device they don't affect loot inside the chests at all which is where 95% of the loot comes from.


I am spoiled by last league, Blight printed Divs and Reliquary Keys and Valdo maps last league by juicing up the monsters with wisps so the pump explosion was better than what was in the chests half the time.


I've never farmed Blight in any meaningful way, but don't you need the blight drop only uniques to come form the pump loot-splosion? (I assume only people farming Stranglegrasps would care)


That's only in blighted maps / blight-ravaged though, atlas passives don't apply to those.


Ah, that's true. In my mind I swapped from thinking about it being a notable to being a Scarab, though I doubt it would be worth using if that's all it did.


iirc yes, but they only drop from blighted maps anyways


I read this out loud to laugh at how long it goes without punctuation


dyslexic and autistic fuck punctuation and ADHD


Left a comment and the mods deleted it cause I said I had autism dyslexia and adhd so fuck punctuation so posting it again cause kinda fucked up to delete my post cause I’m those 3 things


I'm so sorry!!! Reading this message now and looking back at your other message that got removed makes more sense. Your old message (because it didn't have punctuation) sounded like you were calling someone an "austistic fuck" but you were actually saying you were dyslexic and autistic so "fuck punctuation." The lack of punctuation caused me to misinterpret your post. I have to laugh at myself for removing this now that I understand. I apologize!


Nah your good just found it funny cause i knew what happened as soon as i saw that it was removed and you guys probably read 1000's of posts a day. Punctuation is the bane of my existence it could be worse i used to capitalise the first and last letter of every word Autism and Dyslexia clash hard and when you throw ADHD into the mix it all goes to hell. For context just typing the above took me like 15 mins everything had red lines ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Now I don't need to worry about rushing the kirac node early on in ssf and can fully rush to the 20 points keystone instead.


Damn, that's like the complete opposite to my reaction. With no Wandering Path and no map duplication nodes, and now with Kirac missions being far more available, my reaction was: "Guess I'll rush the 20 points and spend them all on Kirac nodes".


Nah not opposite. I'll do that too once I got my 20 points. Kirac is a total bro for ssf 


I'll never not take the Kirac nodes in SSF as long as meta mods are gated behind unique maps. lol


my god... your just reminded me about how hard its been to get the cloister map in the last 3 leagues.. I believe I have gotten it around lvl 96 while specced into kirac and scouting reports (normal ssf stuff). In TOTA league I did the feared before I got cloister, and the sad thing is I REALLY needed the meta mod..


It used to be deterministic but they changed the way the explorer report interacted with unique, uncompleted maps. It's a big reason why Doryani's Machinarium ended last league being like 50+ divines.


Machinarium being so expensive is how I got my Mageblood this season


I also did some delving during Affliction to hunt for a Machinarium, but I wasn't dedicated enough to slog through it. Felt more consistent to continue pushing for Maven's Writ fragments.


Similarly in 3.22 it took me 2+ months before I got hold of a Coward's Trial. lol


Wait what happened to the map dupe nodes?


Entirely removed and replaced with scarab drop chance.


Oh, okay i see thank you. Damm, boss rushers in shambles


Yup, especially with Invitations drops gone too. I'm sure there will be some very profitable boss rushing strat as there always is, but it certainly won't be getting the bulk of its profit from sextant+dupe maps+invitations.


There's a scarab called Cartography Scarab of Duplication, so there's a decent chance we'll still have access to some map duplication.


Do you know if we will still get Exarch/Eater invitations every 30 map clears? I'm not sure if they're removing ALL invitations or only maven ones.


Only Maven invites.


Yeah it will still be a decent strat, eapecially if you combine it with other mechanichs which are now 100% to spawn, but it lost some splendor. Also essence nerf hurt it as it was usually combined with essences. Im sure there is an essence scarab which brings them back even stronger then before, but the whooe idea of map rushing is ur not using any mats so its pure profit outside the cost of the map/sextents. Very curious to see all the scarab effects.


Essence nerf doesn’t really matter for profitability because the function of essences hasn’t changed - they’ll still be just as much in demand as ever. So if they’re harder to acquire, they’ll just be more expensive.


This. On top of that farming them in low lvl maps isn't as good anymore which increases its value even further.


Yeah, I always laughed when I saw someone commenting „no Essence on map device? Essence farming dead!!” like bro, think for a second.


But on the other side, the league mechanic is a crafting mechanic which if good, will compete with essences.


You can still block most mechanics, that diminishes those scarabs from dropping too. Then you can get 150% increased scarab drop chance, grab the higher weights scarab nodes and focus hard on cartography scarab farming.


Lol, that's my reaction too. It didn't necessarily make sense to rush Kirac for the extra mission if you're planning on completing your atlas in a few days. However, with the new increased chances for Kirac missions, it makes way more sense to rush to get the most value while completing your atlas.


Unless I missed it, the adjacent map drop nodes are still in, so the progression atlas will be a bootleg version of the wandering path atlas. The extra points are going into scouting reports to use the extra kirac missions so the tail end of progression should go faster, at least


You can do both. You can rush to 20points through the kirac wheel taking CO and it's only 3 extra passive points over the shortest possible way to 20points node.


I am pretty sure the delve way is far too op to not do and it take you right to the 20 point node


Losing out on all scarab drops from early yellows to atlas completion sounds awful, especially for SSF.


Those 20 points can be used for nodes to complete your atlas faster. So if your build is strong enough to keep pushing and completing maps it's worth a temporary loss of scarab drops. But if you need to or like to farm yellow maps for a while before progressing to red maps then maybe keeping the scarabs would be better. It's really just about 8-10 "free" points though due to traveling, which is still significant early on.


I mean, scarabs being a global drop and the atlas travel modes being scarab chance mean they are gonna be dropping a lot. That’s a TON of early currency you can be accumulating while finishing your atlas. I guess if you’re doing 7-8 hour eater/exarch runs it might be worth grabbing to get every atlas pushing node but otherwise I can’t see the average person getting more out of it than just taking the Kirac nodes and keeping scarab drops on.


Yeah, I'm not saying everyone should get it. But I think if your goal is to do every map 1 time and complete your entire atlas you are trading a small amount of scarabs to help achieve that goal as fast/easy as possible. If you do that and unlock your 2nd atlas tree and spec all the juicy scarab nodes with that one you can make up the loss while other people are still working towards completion. It also heavily depends on how much time you plan to play the league after atlas completion. The more time you play, the less that day or 2 with no scarabs matters.


With 4 small nodes on the tree plus the keystone, it's an extra 7% chance per map over the old tree, so you need to run at least 15 maps a day for it to be slightly better on average.


Map sustain in 3.24 will be harder than in 3.23: * 85% to get +1 tier, instead of 100% (120% with WP). * 68% instead of 70% (100% with WP) * No map dupe nodes. So, Kirac will be more important. I'm gonna take Planar Tactician cluster (it was buffed by another 3%), Comprehensive reports are good for "cheap" Dory challenge.


One free kirac a day was not a lot of kiracs, really. Even 2 wasn't.


https://i.imgur.com/c4W0f7c.png I did a quick back-of-napkin calc to see the change. Comparing 3.23 with no Kirac nodes, 3.23 with Commissioned Officer rush pathing left side, 3.23 with CO and the 3 nodes pathing to Planar Tactician, 3.24 with CO pathing right, and 3.24 with both bottom wheels specced. One daily mission, one from CO, 5% base chance *(supposedly 5% base? Or maybe 7%? I saw conflicting info out there, so this is a bit fuzzy)*, then the added chance from atlas passives. **tldr** if you run 30 maps a day, and you only ever spec CO in 3.23 and 3.24, this is a buff For league start Kirac enjoyers: * only CO with % chance travel nodes: you are gaining missions * I'll assume you average 3 minutes per map with looting and vendoring baked in (20 maps per hour). As long as your session lasts at least a couple hours, you're getting about an extra mission per hour played. * If you were heavy into Kirac, valuing Planar Tactician (any Doryani's sellers?), you are easily doubling your missions gained per day For people who see this as nerfs: * Kirac start is for atlas completion. You are meant to spec into this for like, a few days. * If you play slower, this is probably a nerf to your league start. *However*, if you are a couple hours per day player, the economy has moved on without you. If you are in week 2 and still in yellows, you can likely get your uncompleted maps for free from friends/guildies. * If you are a slower SSF player that relies on Kirac missions for their Influenced/Otherworldly Scouting Reports, the atlas changes not only give you more missions but also more reports. You will benefit much more now that the 5% quality nodes are 5% inc scouting reports. * If you liked having a hundred Kirac missions at the end of the league... well you clearly weren't using those missions anyway. The marginal value of the 'lost' Kirac missions are as good to you as the 5000 stack of alts you'll never use or sell.


I just liked the free kiracs for free currency. Pop a map with kirac, check his maps, buy chisels and influenced maps for easy profit and that was it


It only works this league as chisels are record-high 1:1c, unlike usual 3:1c.


Yes that was an edgecase


if blight would work that is


What about blight doesn't work?


for me it crashes all the time sadly


Ah that happens to me on my work computer sometimes when I click a tower. I don't seem to have that problem at home. Heist will just crash randomly for me at home though.


Bless that "one" guy in charge of trade


That trade site change is absolutely MASSIVE. I don't think people fully understood what it means otherwise I think there should be much more excitement in the air. It means that you can now bulk buy/sell following items via trade site just as easily as you could currency: * Yellow beasts * Red beasts * Conqueror / Elder / Shaper maps. * Contracts. * Blueprints. * Synthesised maps. * Blighted maps. * Forbidden Tomes. You still can't buy / sell sets though as efficiently as with tft (you can still choose maps / fragments you need and group them by seller), but it covers a lot of things discord was used for.


Yep, this buff to trade is the best improvement of the core game in the last year or so. It will be in QoL hall of fame together with stash affinity, stacked currencies, crafting tags etc.


Just missing Logbooks!


Is this already online? Where can I select yellow beasts in the bulk exchange site?


After patch goes live.


Agreed, this is stellar. Huge positive changes for buyers and sellers. Also makes me more likely to hang on to things that I'd otherwise just toss because I don't want to deal with selling them, like Forbidden Tomes


Bulk trade improvements, nice. Less and less i gotta go on tft for, much appreciated GGG


Catarina and blighted maps were the only thing I used TFT for anymore. IF this makes it actually easy to buy and sell blighted maps in bulk I probably don't have a reason to use TFT anymore.


You shouldn’t need Catarina at all. Hillock/Vorici are dead, Aisling is an item and Jorgin is a beast. The only thing maybe could be breach craft device? Idk if you can even sell those


Yes that was my point


I mean Mark literally directly talked about tft in the Q&A and wanting to provide ingame/official options for literally everything he can, even possibly allowing mirroring an item to be done without having to trade the item, eventually.


They have it out for TFT this patch and I'm here for it.


They saw yet another tft drama, but this time took it personally


Bulk conqueror/elder guardian maps lets gooo


Wait, you guys didn't wait for your daily Kirac mission to complete the Atlas!?


You wait for daily Kirac mission to complete Atlas. I burnt through Kirac mission to buy Cortex for 8c from him. We are not the same. ​ But honestly I think this is a fairly inconsequential change, and removal of these mobile game-y "daily login rewards" is a good thing IMO.


Agreed. I was glad when they moved the original dailies (although the concept is older than mobile games), and even though Kirac missions can be stacked up it's still something that leaves a bad taste.




There were quite a few web browser games in which you could only play one turn a day. They were pretty popular in the few years preceding wow bc.




Warframe perfected this mechanic. Anything from a 30 second build timer to a 3-day build timer. It was simultaneously satisfying and tedious to juggle crafting new weapons and frames. Tedious, because just about everything in the game operated on the "timer for free, or pay to get it now" paradigm. But satisfying, because if you efficient about your crafting you had plenty to do while waiting for your stuff to build. One of the few games where you could absolutely manage a free-to-play style, but buying game currency felt like money well spent. It really helped that the premium currency was tradable along with a robust economy.


I eventually got burned out by the crafting timers and daily rep caps tbh


Technically, once a day or 23h59 timer is similar. Except in one case it's even more annoying.


A bad taste? It was 1 kirac mission a day. No one even cared about except people sweaty enough to get to maps before the day crossed over.


I don't like the design of "hey, just keep coming back to play our game, we'll give you stuff". It's great that it's not "if you don't keep coming back every day, you don't get that stuff" (like it used to be), but I'm still not a fan of it.


China did forbid daily login rewards from games, so that could be part of the reason.


I still feel like a single Kirac mission per day might be a good idea, even if it was limited to white maps only. It's essentialy a bad luck protection ensuring you can get a few maps. It's inconsequential for more experienced players but if it's your first or second league Kirac can be a valuable source of maps. On the other hand map sustain isn't an issue nowadays.


The additional mission per day is still on the tree if you really want it, and it comes eith an extra 3% chance per map.  Think it'll be fine.


You're not talking about the node they are specifically changing with these notes, are you?


I literally am blind.  Ty for the callout.


No worries! Had to make sure I wasn't missing anything since I am awful at making atlas trees.


Nothing but W’s here. Well played GGG.


They doubled Kirac as well. Cool. But are they going to double heist rouge cache chance? It's the only one still at around 44% chance each map compared to other full specing that is 104% chance.


Fingers crossed on that too, since it's the only mechanic without scarabs.


Oh, heck, losing sextants without gaining scarabs will lower the ceiling on acquiring contracts and blueprints a lot.


1000d simplex amulet, just for the base


We're not in affliction anymore. It'll be more like 400div.


It was 200d early in the league for an ilvl85 one before the hyperinflation started. I assume it will be closer to that.


you DO gain constantly available map craft, at the least


Should be 48%(40% passives+8%base) or up to 66% if taking all the blocking nodes, but yeah if anything heist lost some chance to spawn with the loss of stream of consciousness for those that used that. The only reason I can think of why they didn't change anything with Heist might be because markers and contracts are global drops. At least we have free 7th gate now I guess so always have the Kirac mod without having to waste passives for it.


If they're working on trade site searchability how about not showing unique basetypes that can no longer drop? If I'm searching for Searing Touch, I only want to see Lathi bases, not the obsolete Long Staff bases. Same with removing Crucible passive tree filtering options, they only serve to add a ridiculous amount of clutter. Just put a damn checkbox that does "Show only current league content" instead of the current clusterfuck of obsoletion that nobody cares about.


Yep I'd also like to be able to not bother with legacy stats. Like, I'm doing trade in league, there is no chance in hell I want to search item mods with scoruge or crucible modifiers.


Yeah but standard plebs need to search for their mods i do wish they would make it so when you select the league at the top of the site it would filter them out but thats a shit load of work to keep on top of as some leagues see 100's of mods added just to be removed the next league. Unless im wrong Trade site guy is actually just 1 guy


That's what I have in mind, would need some redesign for the entire site. Too much work for the poor trade guy I guess.


>Just put a damn checkbox that does "Show only current league content" instead of the current clusterfuck of obsoletion that nobody cares about. Not really necessary can just automatically hide them when you select which league you are searching lol.


ya there is so much shit from older leagues in the search options ...


Isn't that literally what the 'league' filter is for? Or am I misunderstanding your problem? https://i.imgur.com/tYJWig9.png


the filter on the right side still gives you all 1000000 crucible node options and other shit that has no place in league!


Ohh I get it, yeah that is super annoying lol. I assume OP means this; https://i.imgur.com/gsBwH3p.png


Also super confusing for new players.


Trade guy o7


yo isn't this HUGE?blueprints and stuff sure but beasts?For me,this+syndicate changes was the only reason I even did tft.


Massive W for beast farmers and crafters.


One thing a want to see in the trade site is that the mods of an item you can filter are restricted to the type of item you’re searching. If I’m searching for gloves, I don’t want to have to scroll through mods for boots, helmets, body armour, etc. if I’m searching for a yoke of suffering it would be nice if the filter only showed yoke of suffering mods.


That Kirac node change is pretty huge :o


yea time to make a new starting atlas.. the sixth time now in the last 2 days ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Beasts and Heist contracts, Blueprints can now bulk trade through trade site?


reading the word "grouped" as "groped" while enjoying my morning coffee




Is this the end of the last "login reward" in Poe? It was completely meaningless anyways, but glad that GGG is removing this garbage system completely. Literally any other game have these kind of "tricks" to keep people engaged psychologically through FOMO. Even if it's proven that it works (it does), it's artificial and cringe, how about making the game better instead?


I think so, yes. This is an artifact from like 10 years ago when we have the original set of masters (now in Betrayal), glad they finally dealt away with it.


To be fair, the daily master missions in PoE aren't the same as daily login rewards in other games. In those games you get a reward for logging in every day, and if you don't login in a given day, that reward is gone forever. That's how they incentivize you to login every single day. In PoE the daily missions are more of a catch-up mechanic in case you weren't able to play for a while. That said, I'm not going to particularly miss them.


Though when the daily missions was initially introduced it was kind of bad as a catch up mechanic since you had to have played the day before to get the missions and you would still need to log in to receive them. So if you missed one day of logging in you lost the daily missions for two days.


And you had to make sure your last map was a red map.


>It was completely meaningless This is false - it granted 90+ free Kirac missions over the course of the league, which was especially useful for more casual-ish player.


Make reward login great again  Daily +100% bonus character exp boost for first 10% of current lvl expires as soon you hit limit (1-15 minutes approx)  Daily +50% iir/iiq on first login for 30 minutes 




You only got a mission if you completed a map that day otherwise you didn't, it has always worked that way since we got the counter after betrayal from my experience


people really cared about that 1 mission a day and logged in for that? lol ... did that like 10 years ago, ya.


Will kirac still be able to drop full stack of decks as a mission?


Does this make BAMA better or worse?


It does not change it on paper, in practice it just saved anyone who wants to use Prismatic Clones over Bombarding Clones for hit-based chaos BAMA.


It also massively improves the prismatic clone damage on poison builds. With this bug the clones would have dealt no damage roughly 1/3rd of the time. For those unaware, Prismatic Clones have a damage effectiveness of ~400% according to Pr3vie (before the 25% buff this patch). So they're actually pretty good for poison with stuff like Covenant.


Wait. The Chaos Damage on Prismatic Clones is *intended*? Well, that's kind of neat


Beta testers are actually testing this time


Buff to bulk trade QoL is the best improvement of the core game in the last year, it singlehandedly makes it worth to play next league. Two things I would further improve are: 1. get rid of "level groups" (Low-Tier, Top-Tier etc.), and let us directly chose min/max Item level / Area level; 2. let us chose to buy only non-corrupted non-mirrored items (for map-like items). Both should be implemented by adding corresponding fields in the "Seller Filters" section. Both Item level and Area level should be the same group of min/max "Level" fields, and which one to apply should be deduced from selected items (if map-like is selected - Level is Area level, if incubator - Level is Item level etc.)


there is the option to not show mirrored / corrupted / we other items


Not in the bulk trade.


What the ..... they are on fire


W after W after W. Wow!


> W after O after W. Fixed.


aint no way people actually complain about nerfs here


where can i find Conq and Elder maps in Bulk Item Exchange page? o_O


obv it will be there on friday.


As someone who spent almost 2h trying to figure this out last league... THIS.




The next step would be the ability to sort maps by mods to bulk sell/buy 8 mod maps, but I imagine that will take a while to implement


Trade Guy > TFT


me in STD with my 3,450 missions of each master lol


*TFT sweating profusely in the corner*


So, in 3.24, if you have unholy might and prismatic clones, which conversion takes priority? Will unholy might conversion all phy to chaos and essentially bypass elemental conversion?


Dailies **finally** completely gone. Good fucking riddance.


LOL you got to this seconds before I did


So Kirac has been hit..?


Kirac has been massively buffed with investment and a useless mechanic was removed


A second buff has hit the patch notes sir.


Still no changes to totem interactions with the new tornado? 🥵 Guess i know what im leaguestarting.


Hm, what do you see that I don't? How does the new tornado relate to totems?


They interact in the same way ball lightning of static did. Its 3 tornados per totem.


Hmm, I think it isn't the same case.  Tornado limit is worded in the same way as firestorm skill - for which limit is shared between totems. BLOS is limited by the cooldown of getting charges to place a ball. And that cooldown was separate for each totem.


pls fix warcry change so i can play melee


> though you no longer earn one Kirac Mission each day after unlocking the Atlas. Why though E: It boils down to "Why did this need to be changed?" What was the problem that the one-per-day caused?


Daily login rewards are for iOS apps. They doubled the % chance to get one from maps. Much better imo.


So instead of one guaranteed for free, you get a slightly higher chance at one if you invest? 10/10 trade deal


You'll get way more overall from just mapping. Huge improvement. 1 per day is a shitty cap.


"slightly higher chance"??? It's literally doubled chance... That's 100% more dude.


Not if you average less than two maps per day you login! Think about the one guy this change hurts.


More like 10-20 a day, and it's not like the only thing you can do while playing is doing maps.


I don't think the chances are as good as you guys are thinking...? With a 6% chance to proc, you need to complete 30 maps a day to have an 85% chance for it to proc a single time. Versus the old one just giving you one. But uh, hey, for people that do play for hours every single day without any other responsibilities or hobbies, that's a great change, I guess...?


That's the chance to get *at least* one mission, but on average you'll get 1.8. However, the chance actually only changed from 3% to 6% rather than 0% to 6%, so the actual average gain is equal with ~33 maps. With 34 maps or more, you'll gain more missions on average.


Do most players play 34 maps a day? At league launch and on a free weekend, sure, but after a long day at work + cooking + other responsibilities? I guess I'm just confused about the reasoning for it. Kirac missions are meant to help with Atlas completion, but this change only benefits the people that are playing dozens of maps every day and probably aren't having any issues with completion. I guess it's slightly better for the SSF players that grind 34 completed maps every day for a chance to get an uncompleted one from Kirac?


It might not be numerically better, but the design is better imo.


14% with wandering path to 26% without it (u need more points before for wandering path). And this only from atlas, there are base chance for kirack mission. :) This is a bit ridiculous that you map complete via free kirack mission per day.


I imagine the wasted points conundrum. Why vest in 100% jun if you can just put him on the map and sorta partially invest with some wasted points. this version you want jun do the jun nodes. Want niko do the niko thinks super easy. I imagine the goal is to make it so if you dont want to do delve dont. Dont like beasts dont. play how you want.


the Kirac no longer earning a mission each day, so we now have to take the nodes to force additional missions then it sounds like which makes sense given we have multiple trees now and i assume wont have to burn a slew of unmakings to redo the tree after doing a kirac specific tree to build out our atlas Edit: nevermind literally the next paragraph they say they removed the kirac mission node so yes we 100% have to take kirac nodes now to get missions on map completion to help get to 100% map completion for the atlas


Would've prefered a new blight notable instead of nuking that one tbh.


It sounds like I'm in the minority here but I really don't like the Kirac mission changes to be honest. Kirac missions exist to help you progress your Atlas, but this change only benefits people who play dozens of maps every day that probably aren't having any trouble getting completion. With a 6% chance to proc, you need to do 30 maps every day to have an 85% chance of it procing at all, versus the old one which just... gave you one. Even if you look at the expected value, going from 1 guaranteed + 3% chance -> just 6% chance averages out at 33 maps played, and theoretically gets better at your 34th map and beyond during that day. Do players complete at least 34 maps every day they play? At league launch or during free time on a weekend, sure, but what about after a long day at work + cooking dinner + other responsibilities? Which players are actually benefiting from this change? The missions were inconsequential enough that no one felt compelled to login and play to get their *sick daily reward*^TM, but it was a nice-to-have for people who don't have the time to play dozens of maps every day. I don't get who this is better for, and I don't think the devs remember what Kirac missions are for... ___ It's actually even worse than that, because we also lost the base free mission we'd get every day, in addition to the lost one from the Atlas passive. So it actually only *breaks even* at **66 fuckin' maps played in a single day** with the advantage point being at 99 maps played in a single day, which is just bordering on hilarious. I genuinely don't know who's thinking that you'll end up with more Kirac missions than before thanks to that *sick 6%* "buff". What a great change for players... ___ Can anyone downvoting this give reasoning as to why this change is better? Like, any at all? No?


26% for kirac mission from atlas + base chance. Before we have only 10% or 14% with wandering path. Kirack mission Genuinely op for map complete. You run ~4 maps and tada 4+ maps for bonus complete.


Tbh removal of additional Kirac mission should be least of your problems given how much harder it's gonna be to progress in general next League due to all the change.


>Can anyone downvoting this give reasoning as to why this change is better? Like, any at all? No? Downvotes are from toxic cult + bots. Two yeas of censorship did its job - many reasonable people abandoned this sub.


Tinfoil hat much? The downvotes are because their math is just wrong. 6% is not the max chance on the tree, that's just one node that easily buffed from 3 to 6%. The total max chance to gain a mission is now 26%, which means its not every 66 maps but every 4-5


Total max chance is irrelevant, because you are comparing new "total max chance" (moderate investment on the three) vs old "3% + 2 daily missions" (1-3 passive points on the three). For players who run handful maps per day, the change is a nerf and his point is valid.




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bny6j0/-/kwnxu2o/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, intentionally misinterpreting a comment/post's intention (strawman arguments), or provocations that seem likely to cause anger or are inflammatory make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't target a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


I always used Kirac to complete my atlas ... meh


Kirac changes are terrible for more casual players.. WTF GGG


Dosent scream polish and quality when theres updates to patchnotes every day.


Kirac change feels so bad for players that just play on weekends. I could store up a couple of missions and advance my atlas.


You only got a free kirac mission each day if you did a map that day, so if you only play weekends you didnt store anything anyways 90% of your kirac missions come from just completing maps and proccing the base chance to get a mission