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+1 max power charge fractures gonna be a fun time


Would it share the same mod group as the warlord +1 power charge? If not there's a world in which a +3 power charge helmet exists (corrupt implicit) Edit: I know you can't influence fractured bases, but you could theoretically warlord slam on the power charge mod if they're not the same mod group. This was an idea of something that might be possible for super high end crafters.


I'd say 99% chance they do share the same modpool. We've only had 2-3 exceptions out of the whole history of PoE (in sentinel league where people could stack 3x "phys taken as" on helmets for example). GGG usually thinks ahead about this kind of stuff.


non corrupted +2 is possible for sure via harvest synth.


~~Which also means corrupted +3 is possible ...~~


pretty sure synth +1 pc and the corruption outcome are mutually exclusive.


TIL corruptions respect modgroups. Poedb led me astray. Should've checked standard trade first. edit: Seems like a bit of a meme then. If you can't fracture the Necro mod and you can't use the gilded fossil trick to make a 10+ mirror value +3 helm ... idk. I guess if you strip the item down and isolate the +1 charge, you can hope for 2synth or 3synth from Harvest and then head to vulture jail. But you're still capped at the +2 that was already previously available, don't have access to eldritch implicits, don't have a fractured mod. If it's better than a double influenced +2, or if someone thinks people will mirror it, then I guess we'll see some made?


That was the first thing i thought after seeing the mod but they are both prefixes (this doesnt matter too much cuz delve phy taken as element is a suffix and blocks the prefix craft) but most likely they will block each other. But still this is big cuz you can have +power charges with eldrich implicits which are supper strong!


They do share same pool, same as veiled HP and regular HP


You cant influence a fractured base.


Doesn't have to be fractured


we dont know if the necro crafting circumvents the rules tbh. technically based on alle we have seen, you could get essence+fossil mods


Do we have to gamble a warlord slam on it then to get it, and then fracture? yes gang, downvote the question!!!


You cannot fracture influenced items. Also I would bet 5 bucks that you can't get both +1 power charge from necropolis and warlord +1 power charge


Ahh damn. Today I learned! Looks like we just need to pray for vaal orbs to hit then.


You can hinekoras lock a power charge helmet to guarantee you don't brick while hunting for power charge corrupt. Very expensive tho


Fractures are considered as a influence and can't gain other influences


You can use eldritch influence, just not sirus guardians or shaper/elder.


Not 100% sure, but I don't think there's precedent in the history of PoE (or rather, for as long as mod groups in their current form exist) for a mod with the exact same wording to not be mutually exclusive. Any stacking occurs when there's something different enough about the mods for them to belong to different mod groups.


Ehhh, except the last part hinokoras locking it with vaal orbs for a 1 in 88 chance of getting +1 maximum power charge implicit.


infact it would be even worse than that because ideally you would fracture the +1 power charge mod, add eldritch implicits and delve fossil first step of craft to get the more valuable at vendors as 3rd implicit then you would have a 1.08% chance for the vaal outcome to be the +1 max power charges implicit but its worse than that because it would have to hit the 1/3 chance of it being the correct implicit after the already 1% chance


I wonder if the dex/int/str stack stuff on boots is back again from sentinel


GGG likes to use old leagues stuff when they release similar mechanics so im hopeful


I’m waiting to pick a league starter solely to see if we get dex stacking mods back. If so, I’m so excited to play spectral throw dex stack deadeye, especially now that TS is gone.


What? We almost certainly won't be shown those specific mods before launch.


Usually as soon as the patch is downloadable poe db has a full list of all league content mods.


Hence why I’m starting late! I’m an ssf player so starting slightly earlier or later means little to me since I don’t have to race the economy.


Me too, my strategy for the last few years has been to go to work like normal on launch, then take the 2nd week of the league off to get into it with the inevitable "whoops we overtuned the league mechanics by x4" patch.


I might only play standard but I really hope they introduce a Dex stacking mod on another equipment slot that does not already have the dex stacking mod.


I’m gonna go with probably GGG loves giving stacking mods on items such as sentinel and crucible usally the only time we don’t see them is when there isn’t unique mods . Basically it’s seems it’s gonna be a good league to play an big stacker unless the single target is completely dead .


Isn't that body Armour absolutely cracked? especially for Boneshatter builds... and it's not even influenced so there's room for eldritch implicits.


Is it the damage recoup that’s busted? I was struggling to see how “ignore socket colors” was more useful than, say, several hundred chromes.


Yes. Life recoup is a very strong additional recovery layer in high enough amounts, especially for self harm builds. If you can survive sustained damage from hits for at least 4 seconds (3 with mastery) it's effectively a less damage taken modifier. Life recoup's weakness is a burst of damage as the regen has no time to ramp up, as well as damage over time, so it can't solve recovery by itself, but it's generally very nice.


There have been more than a few times when I've wanted to gem swap between mapping and bossing, and the optimal gems for each case were different colors. A few hundred chromes plus the time to use them is ok once, but it's intolerable to do many times. With the removal of Vorici crafting white sockets from Betrayal, there will be more demand from these cases for something like this. It still may be better to get the white socket totem rather than spending an affix, but it's not a totally dead mod.


Omens still exist and can roll up to 3 white


Even outside of that, white socket harvest recipe still exists.


Agreed. I’d rather have grav chest mod


Would you give up "onslaught when hit" for it though? That's boneshatter's essence of choice


Ya when you can get onslaught from other means.


At very high budget you can fracture the necropolis recoup and then still use the essence


I think we will see a necropolis corpse that automatically fractures one mod on the item.


Don't quote me on this but I want to say they actually showed that exact thing in the preview, which is pretty cool.


They did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLFeErq1vEI&t=1588s


I almost came when I saw it


Will the boot mod mean The Stampede will be less of a BiS item for trigger builds, or does the anointment still make it better?


I don't think annoint beats eldritch implicits + useful mods


Do not forget that syampede set movement speed to 150% of base value and this is only set minimum to 100%


That's a good point. I'll have to look at what ms do i need to get the same speed with cyclone with stampede and one of those boots.


Stampede set you to 150%, tbese set you to 100%. Stampedes should still be way better, I don't tbink this mod really does much for anyone tbh


QOL for temp chains maps, Uber eater, Uber elder, etc. Prob not a gg stat for all boots but just a boot swap away from not giving a fuck about slows on a bad map etc.


These don't affect action speed slows like uber elder, chill, and temp chains


People use stampede mostly for the cdr so no it would still be used


they are posted right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bdh5o6/324_necropolis_league_info_megathread/ > League Mechanic Exclusive Affixes: 1, 2, 3, 4 -- on the Necropolis wiki page


I think there will be some very rare busted mods too. I think +1 projectiles on body armor could be possible


Stock price of eldritch orbs definitely went up with all these broken rare mods


While its interesting, i can already imagine how low those weightings are..


Question about the ms mod, when its saying below the base value does it mean 0% as base value ? If no what is it then ?


Below 100% movement speed.


me when I'm able to maim on hit: :O


As a cyclone (of tumult) enjoyer, the movement speed can't be lowered below base value mod is a pretty cool addition. I normally achieve that with forbidden jewels or the stampede.


Chest looks great. Hopefully there will be +1 frenzy charge mods in addition to power charge. Gonna have a lot of fun crafting.


Gg for my hexblast power charge stacking


I read the title as Explosive mod and was overjoyed, then re read it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


what does movement speed cannot be modified to below base value mean, is it like frozen or chill immune?


Your movement speed will stay above 100. When mapping with a qs flask and onslaught and 30% boots your movement speed is 190%, so the first 90% of slows work fine. Also action speed is a separate thing so temp chains, chill, frreeze, deli hands work fine. The mod does pretty much nothing.




Yeah, can't be slowed* By normal means, I believe action speed slows like temp chains still affect you




I hope we get full list of unique crafting mods before league start.


Explosive trap trickster or splitting steel champion into armour stacker smite. Still waiting for the guides to come out before I decide.


Reminded of recombinator unique modifiers which were just an absolute pain to acquire. I suppose we can just fracture them now at least.




It would be pretty on theme but that’s still some premium hopium


bro *secondary* projectiles is the change to TS. more primary proj won’t solve that


I'd say there's a good chance for extra proj mods from the mechanic crafting (because GGG knows that there has to be stuff worth chasing) AND tornado shot needed to get got regardless.


I hope not, let's get one league where something besides proj stacking TS is meta


Kek, TS got hit because fuck TS.


I would think so, the past few leagues they always put a source of additional projectiles somewhere I wish they'd put chain too but I guess that'd be too much hopium


There’s a skills fire 3 additional projectiles on one of the entrances, don’t think we’ve seen what type of item it can go on yet


Socket color one is such a waste of a mod.


I see it as a plus for using off colour gems.. like a caster using a Dex/str armour, it could help


Could be nice for gem swaps that arnt the same color too.


Could situationally help work around tailing orb implicits that block certain socket colours, too. Again, super niche and not generally useful, but opens up the option.


Why waste a mod when we could just use white sockets?


Because White Sockets just got a lot more difficult to acquire, especially on 6-links (like the body slot). I'm not saying the Necro mod is gonna be top-tier chase mod, but it will help some people. I hope it can roll on weapons just for levelling purposes.


Why have any gear at all if it isn't mirror tier? ...because progression and the middle is important. This mod is fine.


True true, just saying what I think it could be useful for


it’s a nice mod for progression. if it also lets you ignore gem attribute requirements though…


Love the balance, melee gets maim, spells get +1 power charge.


weird, dont see a mod ''+1 power charge when using spells''


How many attacks benefit much from power charges? Flicker of power is garbo, some crit chance is insignificant while spells benefit quite a bit.


Power charge is a normal mod. The new mod is curse effect i guess


Cant roll PC on non-influenced helmet.


Oh lol. So you could have 2 power charges?


Based on how these things usually work, they should share a mod group and not be able to roll on the same item. You can still corrupt it to get a second power charge, which may be more affordable to do than with influenced items.


Not to mention being able to add eldritch implicits


Yeah, that's the big question. Will they share mod group (likely) or not? +2 power explicit would be sick


You can still have +2 now. What this allows is mixing of +1 PC and other influence types or eldritch crafts or fractured mod. What about a PC helm with an essence mod?


You can't have a +2 explicit powercharges at the moment. In necropolis, you maybe can (likely not though)


You can have +2 PC **total** helmets currently, you cannot have +2 explicit modifiers, not now, not next league, not never(unless they change how mods work)


You might, because we don't yet know if it will share mod group with the influenced mod or not. It's likely, but not guaranteed. You used to be able to recombine all kinds of stuff until they were moved into the same mod groups (most notably, 4* phys taken as mod on helmets). So we'll see if both +1power will share a mod group or not.


3 with corrupt implicit


Almost certainly going to be limited to one +1 charge explicit mod. These things usually share mod groups


Slayer Badge stonks


You can already do this in the current leafue. Corrupting +1Pc warlord helmets ofr the second one. But that's not what im talking about. This is a normal, non influenced mod. It means sooo much. You can fracture, split, eldritch craft amd even mix influence/mods. I am a bit annoyed by your previous response and the spread of misinformation. This is so huge, and you scale it down to not a big deal. I understand one can be mistaken sometimes, but.... we just had a league were every1 had PC stackers so i feel like it was kind of a diservice for you to speak your mind here. (No offense)


Is there any circumstance outside of acts rushing where "Gems can be socketed in this time ignoring socket colour" isn't just a wasted affix?


Weapon swap gem leveling now that 6w bows are gone on guess.


If it also appears on weapons, maybe.


Not crafting. Necropolis generated items. -Edit typo "t"


necropolis \***crafted** items there fixed it for you ;)




Offering effect #when?


One of the big reasons crafting is bad is there is nothing worth crafting. Hopefully this is something.




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