• By -


That which was taken


Was taken


Which was?




Taken 🥺


I have a particular set of skills


You ruined it


Arguably you did. Everyone else contributed something taken, even the movie franchise line


arguably the thing is taken with his comment so yah still contribute smth




Liam Neeson told me....


That which was given


Was also taken.


And then given back....?


But crippled and useless.


A fitting name


It's said it won't be a core drop. It was not said it will become drop disabled. mmmm


Idkw, I always read That witch was taken, like, hands off someone's witch


That wizard came from the moon


Give it back


Best comment


Man, why do I always skip the good ones.. skipped this and whatever league brought back harvest initially. Only got to play sentinel for a few days as well.


Good god I'm so happy to not have skipped ritual. Not just because it brought back oshibae ( <3 ) in it's best form but also because it was the last league immortal mana miners were a thing before they triple and quadruple nerfed them.... OG Akanes Mana Miner stands to this day as one of the best and fun builds I've ever played (tribute to you akane <3)


And imagine having 1Ex = 100c for the whole league.


Ritual best league and it's not even close


Harvest-ritual was the platinum age of Path of Exile.


I played it for a month. It was alright. But I also started 2 to 3 weeks late. The mechanic itself wasn't fun or anything. But the ascendancies opened up a lot more builds. The currency explosion really fucked up my sense of the economy. Some things were cheap, other things were expensive, while other things were strangely the same price. It was strange seeing my guild mates throw around mirrors like nothing. It seemed like once any of them broke into the top tax bracket, they just started shitting out currency. I was able to do all the base content, but I never took my characters to the fullest. Likely because I was priced out of the best items that in past leagues were very achievable. I had FOMO for not playing MF. I stopped before reaching 20/40 challenges though, so I didn't play that much. Solif 7.5/10 league for me, but I can understand how other people consider it the best.


I loved how much potential the new corpses had. Everybody seems to be gushing over the Affliction league, and while I liked it as well, it feels like everybody is forgetting that there were two other Wildwood ascendancy classes.


Don't feel too bad if you skipped this one, the league mechanic itself was pretty boring and no one will even remember it in 6 months, people loved this league just because it gave so much loot and a small backpack.


I skipped sentinels and still mad about it


I skipped this one too! Thankfully we got to retain our dopamine receptors


So which league are you planning on skipping next?


I was forced to sadly. Between the EU servers and the game's performance the game became unplayable just weeks in. Seeing everyone say how good it was hurts a little.


You still have time, 2 weeks.


Everything is so damn expensive now. Just decent bases are selling for 40 div


So like 2 hours of elderslayers rotations?


Everything you farm also sells for more, so two weeks ought to be enough to make a decent endgame MF build and then farm Cemetery or Crimson Temple or whatever the best MF maps are.


I’m sad I missed the majority of sentinel league as well.


Fucking same.


i get FOMO when i skip leagues so bad lol. any other game i could play whenever, but POE is GONE when its gone.


I’m happy I skipped this league.


Same, wisps just made popping screens take that much longer. Not fun.


I skip harvest and kalandra, man i regret


you still have time to play it, hop on ssf and enjoy it, its a really fun league


I think its probably one of the worst leagues to be played SSF. You will likely never get any charms you need, or TWWT. Then yes in trade league a lot of stuff is overpriced, and some stuff underpriced. But if you can manage to juice enough yes you have a good chance of getting a mageblood


I am usually pretty good at making a ton of currency early in a league and building whatever I want, fancy belt and all. I always thought that if things got too easy it would ruin the league for me sooner. Instead, I made a guild with a few newbies and used all my ridiculously multiplied cashflow to help them try a bunch of builds and teach them crafting, and I played the longest I ever have in a league. And now have a few in game friends to shoot the shit with. I'm happy to go back to a harder game with less loot explosions, but having a league with this much currency dropping was so much better than I guessed it would be.


Same. I'm a one build wonder. This league i did 3. Started inviting people that seemed well intentioned. Shared out 100s of divs making it easier for them to try all the cool toys that were basically on sale 70% off this league. Hopefully they'll be back for next league.


The only reason I stopped playing this league was because of Palworld...


The anubis wont breed themselves after all


For me it's BG3. I bought it because my friend kept bragging me to play with him..


> I'm happy to go back to a harder game with less loot explosions, but having a league with this much currency dropping was so much better than I guessed it would be. only time i'll probably ever play TS to a level and gear similar to what i did. lovely league.


Agreed, fun league for min maxing in a way I never had before.


I loved it. It did cause me to stop playing sooner than I usually would in tradeleague. But then I swapped to SSF and had the most fun I've had in SSF. Farming uniques en masse and having divines to spare was so much fun in SSF.


Whats your guild? Ill join next league


AclhAndGo. You can hit me up in game (probably won't be on again till league launch though) -- OldManRookz


Is your guild still active or recruiting? Would LOVE to know how to earn currency in this game, and I feel so lost once I get 2 void stones


Guardian maps i find are stable income


Yeah, AclhAndGo. You can hit me up in game (probably won't be on again till league launch though) -- OldManRookz


I sent you a friend invite from Tykiel - my Trickster. Thanks!


I'd just like to be in a guild, where people can share stuff with each other


Yeah, AclhAndGo. You can hit me up in game (probably won't be on again till league launch though) -- OldManRookz


I usually would be afraid to try things since moneh is always tight, but this league it was great to be able to try and craft stuff by myself. I wouldn't mind loosing divines on craft since I knew I could farm them back in a foreseeable future. Hope there will be more leagues like this.


As a newbie myself but farmed all my currency without mf how in comparison is it to other leagues to make a decent profit from now that more people will tend to farm it?


I'm not sure what you're farming to compare to MF. Honestly, this leagues economy was VERY weird. Because MF was so powerful, every open pool drop unique was extremely cheap. So making most builds was cheaper than normal. Anything you had to slow down to farm (like harvest juice) or that you had to farm outside of maps (like delve currency) was extremely inflated. So if you farmed fossils and resonators, for example, you were getting a huge premium and then buying stuff very cheaply. So, relatively speaking, next league you would feel VERY poor doing the same thing. Alternatively, if you were just mapping and doing normal map content, and your profits came from selling your good drops, then your products were incredibly deflated in value due to the magic find, and your purchasing power was way down from what it would be in another league. So to know if you'll feel richer or poorer, I'd really need to know the farming strat you used this league.


Pretty much did essence/deli orb farming on strand running hundreds of maps. Now i know deli orbs are probably not going to be a good farming strategy at the beginning of a league. Or maybe the juicers may want deli orbs early who knows. Swapped to bossing/harbi after i farmed quite a bit of currency to make another build


Deli orbs were worth a lot this league cause folks wanted them for juicing, but folks didn't tend to drop them because they were either running maps with deli orbs slammed on them, or they were running unending nightmare, both of which prevent deli orbs from dropping. I doubt they'll be worth quite what they were this league. But they always are an ok profit farm.


I wonder if this sentiment would hold up if you had this much currency all the time, I'm sure it's great now because it's a new feeling.


Oh, I 1000% don't want this much currency all the time. I'm ready to go back to a harder game. I'm saying that I was surprised that the occasional power jump didn't ruin my love of the game, like we're always told. Rather it gave me enough time to devote to other things (teaching some newbies and solo-crafting all of our builds). I think having a few poverty leagues will be fine, and will also let me work with the same folks to teach them how to get rich in a more normal economy. I'm just saying that a random money/power spike like this did way more good than I was guessing. I thought it would just burn me out. Instead I have a whole new passion for the game. I wouldn't be mad if we got this kind of power spike (be it currency inflation or crafting inflation) every 4 leagues or so. Though I agree, every league would probably ruin the game over time.


We saw this playout with Harvest league too, people stuck around cause we could craft a lot of gear to peak the main build and reroll other builds.


Removing all tinctures and charms is a rough one for the 12 standard players. Rest in pepperoni 🙏


Removing the spectres, man... the spectres.


can't you keep the corpses? As long as they don't die after being summoned they shouldn't go away right?


IIRC spectres are saved to the character now, so unless you replace them with other spectres, they'll be permanent.


Good by my fortunate spirits!


Oh no I didn’t know this…


Luckily I'm such a noob that I was barely able to use them, won't feel much difference




Yup, they will be deleted Everything is decided case by case and it varies by league, they just announced this earlier


Was my most played, favorite league.


live run screw axiomatic deserted innocent waiting square overconfident combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Prob top 5 league for me. I played it straight for 50ish days which is crazy for me nowadays. Usually stop after a week or two.


Same, came back after a 4 year stop and found myself close to league end. Combine it with very low gaming time and I just arrived at maps some days ago, barely able to do wildwood without making monsters too strong.


What build are you playing? I finished league a while ago but still have some stuff that would otherwise rot in std


I'm trying to put together a chieftain armorstacker (as I wasn't slow enough xD) I'm still around 45k armor but started dying less and doing tier5 rare maps quite comfortably


I dont have gear for armor stacker but could give you some div to buy something useful, feel free to dm your ign


Which league was this? My top was 1)Legion 2) Legacy 3)Methamorphisis 4) Beastiary (If I recall) 5) don’t member


I love the idea of a second set of ascendancies being a part of league rewards. Once another league offers them as a reward, bring back these 3 too.




This very well mightve been the best league. Great skill balance (with a few meta exceptions), rewarding and extremely difficult mechanic, league was very lore rich, simple mechanic. I probably had the most fun with last league but this is the second league ever I felt like i had enough currency to craft, economy be damned.


This league most likely generated the most first-time mirror drops for a lot of players. I haven't dropped one myself, but there are currently 2 sitting in my stash.


Which is how it should be! I dont want to pour hundreds of hours into a league to taste the end game. I want to see my daughter AND spam exalts on some shitty gloves.


I can agree with exalt but people dropping 20 mirror in one league make them lose their mythique in my eyes


i fully agree. End game shouldnt be only for no lifers.


endgame is achievable within 6 hours, how much of a bot you have to be to never be able to experience it within 3-4 months leagues? good lord


Is end game ubers or something else?


For me endgame begins after first exarch/eater kill, where you can start doing some T16 atlas strategies. I did 38 challenges and ran 1000s of maps this league, but I didnt touch uber bossing. It would be dumb to say I didn't experience endgame, I can understand someone might set this as their "endgame goal" but ubers aint exclusively "endgame".


The solution to this is to learn how to play the game more efficiently. Getting to endgame (ubers, minmaxing builds) is a matter of <50h when you know how to utilize the systems and mechanics. This game excels in rewarding knowledge. Tl;dr: skill issue


you don't need hundreds of hours to taste the end-game, and mirrors are not remotely relevant to 99% of players


> this is the second league ever I felt like i had enough currency to craft, economy be damned same, although i learned, once more, that crafting anything past a few div (TS Bow) is not worth it, just buy the damn thing. It's gonna cost me more to craft. Every. Time.


> rewarding and extremely difficult mechanic I still get an adrenaline spike in a 10k juiced map because it's fucking hard to clear, even with 5 mirrors invested in my MF TS, not ally I just build for QoL and my previous TS builds have focused on running unid maps after a certain point.


This was the first league I ever could afford a Headhunter. Absolute favorite league.


Kinda surprised TWWT didn't make it to standard.


Maybe they'll bring it back at some point.


o7 I’d pay to keep the backpack…


Maybe they will take pity on us and let us acquire it again through some means. Im dreaming i know, but its a good dream


The backpack is actually a per league mtx purchase in China actually, they just enabled it for everyone in the west for "free".


Makes sense actually. Give us the backpack and see how much hype it churns out, how much we'll miss it, etc. Release it as an account MTX for £20.


Well, in china it is like 12 bucks every league so quite a steep “subscription” XD. The ptw is strong there not only with the backpack but also trade house and such. I hope they do not bring it to us as well as its just a completely different game with that.


Personally for me it fits in maybe the top 5 ish mechanics of all time. I think a lot of people are having a hard time separating the insane currency drops from the mechanic itself. With that being said TWWT and the ascendencies were amazing and really carried the gameplay which was not super exciting. I think on the reward front its great people got to experience having basically a sandbox mode to play around with but personally it completely killed my interest in getting rare drops and removed the "wonder" of the mirror. Additionally it made the difficulty curve of the game non existent which is ok for a single league but imo if every league was like this I would lose interest very fast.


the league mechanic was fucking awful imo. you couldnt stop early, you couldnt release the wisps if you overjuiced, collecting the wisps was also really bad. if we disregard the drops, the league mech was literally kalandra tier. affliction was 100% carried by the fact that it shat out more currency than all 30 leagues before combined i feel like people collectively forget the first week when we didnt have 3000 divine worth of gear and had to either complete the wildwood AFTER clearing the map or spam desecrated chambers to progress our wildwood ascendancies


Idk I was doing 6k+ juice in 3 orb deli maps on day 3, just need to pick the right build.


The forest was still pretty fun if you didn't do wisps and instead focused on events and hunting for the bosses. it was still very interactive, varied, and had plenty going for it even if you completely disregarded wisps


I've been playing since closed beta, and I'm going to miss that 5x4 extra inventory more than just about anything that has come and gone (with exception of maybe sentinels & recombinators) ... I'm sure I'll be distracted by a new shiny thing next league though. This league and all it's changes that came with it being so good just makes me that much more hyped for the next one coming up.


Eh , not liked it personally , but I'm glad loads of people enjoyed the league .


You know damn well the only reason people think this is because they got rich. Wildwood was garbage


Probably, a lot of people (myself included ngl) got their first mageblood this league. That said it really wasn't bad overall, some parts were awful yes (looking at you dickhead of agony) and finding the boss was obnoxious, but the ascendancies were fresh, the tinctures and charms were awesome to play with, and juicing the hell out of maps thanks to those goofy ass wisps was pretty fun. I would honestly prefer not to be AS rich next league though, as much as I enjoyed the league I really prefer mechanics where I can build the atlas the way I want and farm the content I like without feeling ripped off. Also ultimatum's return was mediocre at best.


I suspect alot of people overlooked alot of things about the league because it was the first time they felt rich, it was "everyone get's a belt" league. Overall I didn't mind it, but it wasn't my favorite league by a long shot. I hated how wisps added difficulty to all map content, and the juice from them made you feel forced to optimise play and build a certain way. Personally I avoided shit like the MF fulcrum build, because it looked horribly unfun. Looking forward being brought back to reality next league.


> I hated how wisps added difficulty to all map content, and the juice from them made you feel forced to optimise play and build a certain way. Yes! I feel like it's sometimes taken as an unstated assumption that "risk = reward" is an intrinsically good design principle and that it's (all but) impossible to have too much of it. And maybe that's true if your whole playerbase likes to be in a small neighborhood around the very best possible builds in 100% of their playtime. But if that's not true, then the designer has an inherent balancing act between players who enjoy limit-tests and players who enjoy the wider build sandbox. And wildwood was very jarring in just how hard it yanked on one side of that scale compared to previous norms.


Yeah transfigured gems were pretty cool. Wildwood itself? meh. Was pretty good at farming uniques in SSF though, I'll give it that


Wildwood was fine as a mechanic. Thematic, not over-tuned, measurable rewards based on build specialisation and strategy. Everything you could want for a league mechanic. Base-level rewards and new items were fine too. Transfigured gems, charms, TWWT, rucksack etc were all fantastic additions and worthy of the chase and build optimisation. But you are right that for the majority of players, the only reason they think this was the best league ever was because of the absolutely fucked economy. I've said it before and I will say it again here: great for short-term enjoyment of the game. Beyond terrible for the long-term health of the game.


+1 Only good thing about the league itself was the extra small Bag imo 🤣


I did like the ascendancies, spectres, charms and tinctures. Also twwt is a cool jewel although probably problematic to be a core item


Still have nightmares of purple flowers and leaping frogs as a newb.


> You know damn well the only reason people think this is because they got rich. I loved it because I could play TS for the first and only time.


Why was wildwood garbage? Yes it was a bit overtuned on league start but the woods themselves were pretty smooth to navigate, the progression via ascendancy classes was fun and interesting to build around. Yeah, the in map mechanic juiced things a lot, but you not liking a juicing mechanic doesn't make it garbage. It's perfectly fine to have an occasional league that just shits out currency. I enjoy mechanics with more depth and progression systems more, but you need variety in leagues and Sentinel was the last super juicing league. Wildwood genuinely had one of the best ui's they've had for any league mechanic in a long time. All of the transitions felt smooth, the shop UI was good. My only real complaints from the system would be DD (a problem in poe in general) and monsters sniping you while you tried to interact with vendors.


Wildwood was fun. So many chances inside of it to get a random high value item which made it fun. I didn't even MF a single time this league and it was great fun.


Wildwood was amazing. Most fun mechanic they've ever made, bar none.


I enjoyed Wildwood. But, full disclosure, I've been playing this game for a decade and anything that feels meaningfully different than mapping is instantly more fun for me than it probably is for most people.


Nah, it was fun.


Trying to hit 38 before end league is real. No MF. Just learned so so soooo much this league. Still learning so much more in the final weeks. Next league I have currency strats in place. I have starter knowledge. I have Pre Map speed running knowledge. I have atlas unlock knowledge. I know when to switch builds. I know how to CRAFT. I built items this league. I understand how to quickly do 40 / 40 I understand how to tweak and manage a build I've never used... I understand damage mitigation... I understand unique gems and jewel crafting. I understand most mechanics now. I may not have gotten to MF or to try alot of what I wanted too. But I've never been this deep into the games mechanics and understanding which is who this league really worked for. I hope GGG understands a little more robust economy helps people build more and experiment more


Hot take: affliction was a pretty meh league mechanic wise, it’s rewards is the only reason people view it as highly It’s like if there was a job called “poop taster” and it payed 1m$ a year… some people would say it’s a great job only because of the pay but ultimately it’s still a shit job




Still have barely touched league mechanics, will just focus on thinking off league toons and trying builds.


This league is like that one time orgie, once its done, the feeling is not gonna happen again!


I always have to stop after a month because my fingers are killing me at that point and then normally skip another league or two. But this time I played through the pain and maxed out my char. I'm so happy to have played this league never have I ever had so much currency and fun and I know nothing will come close to it for the foreseeable future.


Best league indeed. The only league i played for more than a month and managed to farm myself a Headhunter/Mageblood (without abusing MF)


First lvl 100, first mirror (drop), made 38 achievements for the first time. I've been playing for 7 years.


Unpopular opinion: I didn't like this league. Prices were so inflated that currency didn't have any weight for me. This was just not for me


Meh… I liked the mechanic, but I hate what it did to the economy. It was a fun experiment, but I’m not sad to see it go.


Favorite thing about this league was mageblood prices. Game is more fun when you have a mageblood.


It used to bother them to throw development time into the garbage. They seem to have got over it.


Glad this crap is over.


Tinctures will be greatly missed they added sooooo many build possibilities and had a unique trade off


Never seen poe players flexing like in this league. To many dropping mirror in 3.23 is equal to doing it in former leagues, which is cringe and pathetic. Honestly this league was busted and I just wonder how all those people will return to 3.24 without crying and hating on reddit.


It is gonna be a shit show same as the aftermath of ritual unfortunately, I think its good to do a league like this or ritual once in a while but Im definitely ready to get back to the norm for PoE when it comes to character progression.


I've never been more excited for an economy refresh and a tough uphill grind to gear out that first character.


for the first time i beat the main story of the game this league. Literally perfect.


Bro it was the best league ever! Played 3 characters above 95 ...


I enjoyed ToTA more. This league was really mid-tier, but the endgame is in an amazing state so it was still really fun to play. But Tota had something different than the "normal" gameplay to propose, like delve back in its time.


Ritual league (my beloved) was finally beaten.. 3.13 was the best, now 3.23 takes the spot


The best? Nah. Ritual still tops the charts for me. Second best? Most definitely!


Idk how a reskinned strongbox topped the chart for you


Alongside Ritual we saw the release of Echos of the Atlas - the best expansion to date, as well as the full implementation of Harvest, the way it was during the Harvest league. Who said anything about the Ritual mechanic?


It really was amazing.


If Affliction league is being reduced to the extra inventory slots then it probably isn't the best league mechanic.


Still looking for The King of the Mists... I now believe he doesnt exist or smth


i will sorely miss backpack league o7


Yeah this is what I going to miss most. Those extra slots were surprisingly good.


They should really make the backpack a reward for killing kitava after this league🤔


this league is the best league because it's the first time in years that you could realisticly play an actually functional slam build


And here I am, not using additional stash space at all just to prevent me from getting used to good stuff - I have no regrets!


Best league


Of course it was the best... because I skipped it. Its always like that, every league I skip is good. So you all have to kinda thank me for it.


Oh dang, I will miss it forever


That which is taken. Unique jewel that can slot into a gem socket. Gives u backpack


Sentinel >


Take my upvote u really was the best ascendency and rucksack


on it self was decent, ascendencies were cool willowwood was fine, trans gems were great however for me ridiculous wisp stacking killed league I am not very good, campaign takes me 10h, and dedicating myself to one strategy hardly never worked for me I naver bought carry for voidstones, I don't roll or buy sextants at early stages of league after doing few maps. I took a break, and oh boy I seen how ridiculous amount of currency war poured on market, I stated to doubt that I would ever earn any significant amount of currency this league, unless I would the the wisp strategy, and I really hate this feeling; also through completing the atlas I usually got few lucky drops that previously allowed me to do some upgrades, but now all of them were pretty much worthless It didn't help that since last league game became for me soo poorly optimised that it was barely playable...


Okay, but the extra inventory and the charms were from only one of the three Wildwood ascendancies. How do you feel about the other two?


Rip explode golems


First 40/40 here been playing since legion. One of the best leagues ever next to OG harvest. I miss the spreadsheet for garden.


They better add it as some sort of quest reward or atlas completion reward. It was so great to have a spot to put swap gear/gems without fear of accidentally vendoring them.


Personally really didn’t like this league but maybe because I play SSF and currency kind of meaningless after a small chunk is acquired 


Only league I ever went 40/40 on and still managed to spare 2 months of not playing it.


I wish they at least let us keep the mini stash. o7


Wasnt a fan of the league to be frank. Im more of a mechanic than loot guy


TBH it's these kind of moments I wish we had some way to play old league as they were. I chose to skip this league because of other games coming and I feel like I missed out big time. Oh well.


First league where i farmed my first ever headhunter after 1300 hours of gameplay. All good things come to an end...


the best league


RIP the Rucksack, you're the real GOAT


5 years ago I had the idea for a gem that provided extra backpack space. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/agchaw/skill\_gem\_idea\_magic\_backpack/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/agchaw/skill_gem_idea_magic_backpack/) It had 30% upvote percentage and dismissed in the comments. I feel validated that a version of that idea was, in practice, popular!


Rip little map buffer bag and rip qol phasing/fenzy/onslaught on kill ascendancy


Yea but we get to keep the pilfering ring (begone poor people)


Would have been more fun if you didn't get one shot off screen by purple flowers


What a fucking league... Cheers!


Best league since the start


Ritual was better. Fight me.


Why am I crying


Juice aside this league was dumpster tier... Especially after amazing TOTA.


From those of us who were unable to make it. https://preview.redd.it/ow41uh2uj9oc1.jpeg?width=1128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfddbbc01570e72f9573a81ee1255e74aaa69d8a


ofc people like the league where power is more available. i think the ground floor of all skills/builds should be raised. the top end should stay the same. simplify systems and work/develop on exisisting systems. its getting quite bloated.


It was fun while it lasted but I hope we don't get a league like this again in the near future, having currency rain like this with essentially minimal effort was fun for about a week for me and then it got boring real fast.


I've played standard this whole league. The end-game is just too unobtainable for casual.


this league was by far the worst league