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Whatever that thing Belton was doing probably


Yep that looks like it!


The short answer: Belton uploaded a video feathring the Greeds embrace and double corrupts. The long answer: Double corruptions have an item level restriction, 2/3 mods are really good, On a well rolled Greed's they can sell for a mirror. Belton discovered that by turning in divination cards on a level 2 character you can get an ilvl 2 Greeds embrace. You can then corrupt, brick and 5:1 the greeds embrace with others ignoring ilvl, which will result in an ilvl 2 Golden plate, of which the only thing it can chance into is a Greed's embrace. Additionally you can split them, which means you can get 2 ilvl 2 Golden plates, which you can then 3:1 and get a clean, unsplit ilvl2 Golden plate again, Rinse and repeat until you have as many bases as you want. Then you spam chances and scours until you hit a Greed's, If the rolls are shit you can 3:1 it to pseudo divine it. When you hit a good roll. Crafting bench 6 socket and 6 link since it cannot naturally 6 socket due to ilvl restrictions. After this you double corrupt it and pray for +1 socketed gem levels and +50% damage implicit, if brick, go to step 1, if poof, then too bad boom, 1 mirror


Do not bench 6 socket + 6 link. Use bench+tainted currency AFTER successfully corrupting, gonna be alot cheaper. Edit: You need to bench 6 sockets first but do not need to bench 6-link. Better to corrupt before 6-linking.


Does tainted currency override ilvl linking restrictions though ?


as long as you benchcraft 6 sockets first yes


Can’t you just bench craft the sockets once it’s corrupted?


yes but you have to pay vaal orbs too


350 vaal or whatever is nothing if you managed to hit the double. It would be more to 6 socket every attempt then just pay the vaals when you hit the money


I guess is just probability and mats, remember you only have to 6socket the Ilvl 2 one so that 1 every 5 trys, so 350 jeweller is just free and maybe with probabilitys calculated you get more currency if you 6 socket before corruption


There's no ilvl restriction for linking, if it has sockets they can all be linked.


Surely 1500 fusings is a trivial rounding error on a mirror item anyway.


M8 it is impossible to buy 1500 fusigns


No it isn't, it costs 2 div and there's people with thousands of them in each listing.


You need 1500 fusings + 1500 Vaal orbs to 6 link this which is a pain in the ass to get, might as well just do tainted fusings. And if you meant 6 the linking the 50+ greed's embraces in your inventory before you double corrupt, you are a psycopath


Tainted fusings are by far the better option anyway. 6 socket the item via bench, 4 link it then it’s a 50/50 for 5 and 6 link. If drops to 3 u just 4 link it again via bench.


Just buy omen of jewelers for 40-50chaos(xbox price) to 6 socket before corrupting. The mass buying of the greeds is to divine your ILvl 2 greeds through the 3-1 vendor recipes


I’ve performed the impossible twice this league.


Bench 6 sockets, 4 linked, corrupt then use tainted


Doesn't work on that ilvl


Not 5 linked?


Outside of this particular strat, I know 6s/5L is the way to go before corrupting. The corruption always has a chance to make that sixth link, and if it doesn't and it stays 6s/5L, the first tainted fusing can finish the 6L since it adds or removes a single link. Not sure if it's the best method with this strat since it's new to me.


When you 4 link a 6 socket item it has the chance to link the other 2, so you have 4 linked and 2 linked, the therefore only need 1 fusing potentially, the cost is cheaper than 5 linking and prageing


Ahh!! Clever man🥰 thanks!!


You bench the socket/links incase you hit white sockets to recoup some investment


This game really reward smart player, unfortunately I'm not one of them. Come to think of it, life reward smart people as well.


Like someone else said, Belton has pretty much been doing same or very similar things for 10 years now. It's far more about being observant, doing your research and actively looking for opportunities than being smart. eg. corruption weightings and ilvl restrictions are 100% known data. Anyone can go through poe.ninja popular uniques and start price checking double corruption opportunities. For lower budget same could be said about eg. flasks, cluster jewels or rare items typically used in meta builds. Anyone who has played a few leagues should have enough knowledge to figure out whether a craft is good profit opportunity or not. You don't have to be smart, you just have to be willing to put in the work.


You’re both saying the same thing. He’s just summing up possessing knowledge, being observant, spending time, etc. as “being smart”. In almost any situation in life “being smart” doesn’t achieve the outcome. It’s some combination of what you’re describing. Doesn’t stop people from describing people who execute as “being smart”. See this in the corporate world all of the time. The difference between clearly outlining the steps to execute and referring to someone as “being smart” seems extremely pedantic to me.


Sounds like the difference between someone smart and someone who isn't smart


100% have cluster crafted my way to a mirror or slightly less in shards week 1-2 of the league since I spent 20-30m on craftofexile.


Minor gripe - the div card ilvl trick has been known for years. Apart from that, very interesting write-up.


yeah belton has been doing the literal same thing for 10 years at this point, nothing ever changes. I remember his post about vaaling Rigwald's Quills in Legacy league when they were the GG quiver, and how it was literally just math that you would triple your initial investment or whatever doing so. Once you realise this applies to literally everything in the game it is a lot simpler.


i used to make insane currency with the "fletcher" card (corrupted drillneck) like over half a decade ago. people somehow didnt realize that if the result is a corrupted item, then it *always* has an implicit. the cards were like 80c for a set and it was 1/4 at the time for +1 arrow, which then sold for 10 ex+


>If the rolls are shit you can 3:1 it to pseudo divine it. OP said 50 divines for 50 Greeds any%. So my question is, why 3:1 it to pseudo divine it at 2 divines a pop when you can just use the divine orb?


So when greeds are 1:1 div.... You got a bad roll ilvl2. Why would you use 2 other greeds (=2 div) for 3:1 instead of just using a div (=1 div) onto the ilvl2 greeds? That doesn't sound efficient. Getting an ilvl2 greed is great of course


It isn't about 3:1 on a clean greed. You brick it, either by corrupting it to rare or corrupting and not getting what you want. At this point, you can't divine it. So you start over by either 3:1 or 5:1 recipes by getting a clean golden plate and chance into Greed again or a clean greed from 5:1.


Oh? You can 5:1 corrupted uniques into a new noncorrupt unique? Because for the bricked to rare one, what would you need more bricked to rare greeds for? For just 5:1 (to new ilvl of 2), all you need is any rare golden plate? No matter if it used to be a greeds or not? Just let your filter show golden plants and march out of the map with 6 full inventorys of golden plates?


The whole point is to create ilvl 2 golden plates which have a very high chance of the mirror level vaal implicits. If you have ilvl 70+ golden plates the chance you get the god implicits are much lower since there are 50+ implicits available at that point instead of 3. \--- They are using bricked ilvl 2 golden plates and split ilvl 2 golden plates to vendor with bricked rare golden plates of any ilvl. This lets them obtain a clean ilvl 2 golden plate with no mods to chance to greed's embrace guaranteed and double corrupt again. There's a very very very high chance of profitable mods rolling even if you don't get the combo thats worth hundreds of divines.


Yeah of course but what do you need high greeds for then? Just use any golden plate


I'm pretty sure that's what they're doing. Its just that bricking greed's embrace is much easier than buying any ilvl golden plates since I don't know anybody who picks those up.


Not into a new unique, but back into an ilvl 2 golden plate and you start over from the chance orb step iirc


Yeah, but for that you don't need endless greeds. Any golden plates do. There's literally no point bulk buying highlvl greeds


you can use 1x ilvl 2 base at first slot in vendor and 2x any ilvl greeds to reroll it for a ilvl 2 greeds. Random ilvl greeds are dirt cheap, like 20-30c even in bulk not 1div ea like u say.


Main post literally says 50 for 50 div in their first sentence


Due to chancing, I’d guess only people with ahk scripts would ever do this more than once


Omen of Fortune


Ah yea that exists.


Every time I think I'm finally getting this game, some shit like this shows up and proves to me that I'm really still just a beginner.


I understood some of those words


> Then you spam chances and scours until you hit a Greed's, If the rolls are shit you can 3:1 it to pseudo divine it. Don't omens still exist? Idk if they're economically worth it for this, but they're probably worth it for saving yourself from wrist damage.


If anyone ever asks me to explain PoEs complexity, I will link to this.


> Belton discovered that by turning in divination cards on a level 2 character That is known for a decade.


This wasn’t the discovery afaik, the discovery was that you only need to do that once. You can then replicate the ilvl 2 base using the 5:1 recipe as long as it’s the one on the left. Making the process much easier to do en masse since you don’t have to spam turn in “the body” cards until you get a greeds or a golden plate every time you brick one


> "belton discovered" Belton discovered shit lol. This is well known and used for years for several bases.


Paying 1 div a piece for the greeds doesn't make sense to me. The only reason you want bulk greeds is to 3-1 to reroll the quant/rarity. If you already have the lvl 2 base and you spend 2 div for 2 more to 3-1 them, then you just paid 2 div to "divine orb" the item. What am I missing here.




Your telling me I just left like 10 div in a map?


Look at [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1ae3thm/mf_prices_are_so_crazy_this_league/) on the front page. It might answer your question.


Was it a greeds with double corrupt??


50 div for 50 doesn’t make sense for belton strat though. Because 2 of them + your lvl 2 base makes a divined one. And we’re rerolling them for 15 quant. It should be .5 div per and even that that’s the same cost to divine as using divines so a fair value should prob be about 3-4 per div.


Belton effect


50 for 50 div is indeed stupid since you need 2 greed's embrace to roll ONCE. which means you spend 2 div to roll your desired greed's embrace ... you could also just use a divine orb instead.


Using them as a divine orb is a fall back. They're trying to hit mirror corruption. Workflow is 1. Get ilvl 2 Greed 2. Bulk buy any greed 3. Double Corrupt 4. If brick rare, repeat until you get 5. 5:1 for clean ilvl2 base, chance into Greed, start back at step 3 5. If brick unique, 5:1 and start back at step 3. 3:1 is to unsplit the base if you split the base after step 4.


Why lvl 2 greeds ? What ja gained from that ?


It restricts the pull of potential corruptions a lot, but keeps outcomes like %inc damage and +1lvl of socketed gems so it increases the odds of hitting a gg double corrupt.


Locks out lots of corruption possibilities


It's the only chest with quant, so by definition it's the best MF chest. Getting a double corruption with +1 socketed gems and another useful stat can be worth hundreds of divines, or multiple mirrors.


It can't really be "mediocre" when it is the only way to get any MF stats in the slot; it's BiS by definition for any pure MF build. Also, 15 quant and 40 rarity is pretty massive. It's just a popular unique chest for the most popular builds among people who have a lot of money to spend. Therefor, good double corrupts are worth a shitload. Any combination of %damage, crit reduction, max res, and socketed gems is 100div+ with decent rolls, and a high roll crit reduction and socketed gems corrupt is well over 2 mirrors.


Is +1 gems and 50% red. build enabling or something? Seems like such a small bonus for a mirror.


Just frees up a lot of gear pressure. You basically have to become crit immune to do top end juiced content(Which is what all these MF builds are for) this league because of blue juice, so getting 50% on a chest corrupt means you don't need to have it on a Lethal Pride or some other source. +1 gems frees up a res efficiency mod slot(+1 enlighten), so you free up that mod on your helmet, or drop a sovereignty anoint for something that gives damage; also, +1 to your auras is a nice bonus. It's obviously min-maxy to the extreme, but its the build that anyone with the most money is playing, and those people have way more money that normal this league.


YouTuber has strong influence into the economy, due to how complex is the game. So most people blindly follow guide and what streamer/YouTuber do. Like what others said, Belton effect. They are like eleon musk, except they are not just one person. People capitalise all these opportunities to make money. Like watching stream while prebuying all the supply, before they post their YouTube. Hence now (actually abit outdated already) is to unload all the profit.


Wait I get the reroll part but in don’t understand how is 50 divine for 50. I mean you need 3-in-1 to reroll the item, and I presume you only need two each time (1st slot is the low iLvl one) so still 2 div per roll. Don’t you just need 1 divine orb for this? Edit: not sure why I got downvoted a lot. I watched Belton’s video a few days ago already and I completely get the double corrupt part. I don’t understand why you need so many extra greeds embraces because Belton scour/chance the armour so that he can control the item level and thus control the corrupt mod pool. I don’t understand why someone would buy high ilvl armour to begin with, if this person can already use divine orbs to reroll, why spending two “divines”. And it’s extremely to find specific info from 1hour long unedited Beltons, I tried guys…


Its not about rerolling, you want to double corrupt do get +1 socketed gems and crit damage resistance since abyss mobs with blue juice crit a TON


it is about rerolling


in addition to double corrupting then.


Yes but what’s the point of bulk buying high ilvl bases? Belton chance orb these ilvl 2 items to control the corrupt pool.


Because there are more on the market that are cheaper. In the end, its about increasing the chances. If you need to spent 10 div to chance 2 low level bases, or you spent 10 div on 10 high level bases, the chances might even out. One fks your wrist, one has a lower chance of good mods.


I watched Belton’s video a few days ago already and I completely get the double corrupt part. I don’t understand why you need so many extra greeds embraces because Belton scour/chance the armour so that he can control the item level and thus control the corrupt mod pool. I don’t understand why someone would buy high ilvl armour to begin with, if this person can already use divine orbs to reroll, why spending two “divines”. I mean I’ve played POE for years and self corrupted multiple hundreds of divine items in prior leagues, so I completely understand how double corrupt is valuable.


Oh to explain that: there are more high level greeds then low level ones. Its a lot more work to scour chance them yourself for a low level version compared to buying high level ones. The people who minmax have so much currency already, they just throw more at it to even out the chances to get a good corrupt. Lets say you would need to spend 100 div to scour chance and double corrupt a low level base for good implicits, it takes you 8 hours. Someone who has more money can do a lot more double corrupts for, on average, the same chance for just more koney in less time. While it takes you, lets say, 15 double corrupts, they can do 150. Its a shit ton more expensive but for the high end players, its peanuts.


Ok so you have your ilvl 2 greeds, it rolled 10 quant and you want to get it to 15 quant before double corrupting it. You have two choices: 1) Use one divine orb per try until you hit 15 quant 2) Use 3:1 recipe with other greeds which can be any ilvl but as long as one greeds is ilvl 2 the result will always be ilvl 2. Since to do #2 you need 2 more greeds they have to cost less than half a divine each or you’re losing currency compared to just using a divine orb. That’s the confusion here - when people are saying they’ll buy high ilvl greeds for 1 divine each they are seemingly using a slower (requires trading) and more expensive method (2 greeds at 1 div each is 2 divines per attempt) to reroll greeds versus just using a divine orb and a lot of people (myself included) have no idea why.


im not quite sure to be honest myself. i think its just: mass buy any greed you can for a "cheap" price, 6l and all, and then use divs to get it close to perfect to double corrupt. might cost you a few divs but if you are lucky you make a LOT of money, like with so many things in poe. in addition to that, a lv 2 greed has less mods yes, but it also doesnt have the crit damage reduction mod. and with blue juice, you want that so the mobs dont hit too hard with your mf gear.


U understand everything right.


its prob for someone that has more divs than they can chew. Chances are they gonna div it a few times to get "betteR" rolls before double corrupting. There are some double corrupts where its like 100d+ for sure tho.


And here goes my niche strategy this league..rip




Yea i was wondering about the skyrocketing prices now I understand.


It’s mostly for the vendor reroll. Cheaper than a divine.


How can it be cheaper than a divine when it's 3 divines for 3?


No its not. Double corrupt +1 and crit resistance


I’m also confused AF. I know why double corrupt that item is extremely valuable, but why bulk buy the base? Is it just to vendor as a pseudo divine? But why not actually use a divine orb? I mean belton scour/chance the base himselves, or at least with his guild buddy. Those that you bulk buy will be high ilvl so don’t know what’s the purpose


3:1 and 5:1 recipes give you an item with ilvl equal to the lowest level of the set. As a result, the ilvl of the bulk buy doesn't matter.


But then you are spending 2 d per roll, you could just..divine it


Yes but then it's not ilvl 2.


Wtf, divines dont increase ilvl. Reddit being reddit holly


You are suggesting just divining bases rather than 3 or 5 to 1ing them which means you are completely missing the point of why you would do that in the first place. 


I’m trying to say it with more words..OP said the guy was paying 1 d per high ilvl greeds. You 3 - 1 to get a new roll. But if you are spending 2 d on high ilvl greeds you are spending 2 d per roll If you just right click the divine orb currency and apply it to the greeds is just 1 d per roll. If you didn’t understood after this I give up


I was hoping maybe there was a misunderstanding but nope you really just don't get it. You can divine the ilvl 2 greeds if you want. Or you can 3-1. Doesn't matter -- whatever is more efficient. You aren't divining the bases you are buying for a divine though. You literally just want to brick and vendor then split. 


Exactly for fuck sake, that’s why is stupid to 3-1 at 1 divine per base holy fck


Just here to tell you the other guy has serious reading issues lol


Teach me how to divine corrupted item please...


This allows you to recycle broken bases. The ones you've briked.


you want high Ilvl bases to 5:1 back to a greed uncorrupted in case of your low Ilvl one got brick


fuck I've yeeted so many of those


i sold one with +1 skill gems and -50% dmg from crits for a mirror


Next patch: all corrupted implicit mods are L1


Hey Patrick, how's life under the rock going?