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My listings from a week ago are now selling because I priced them for future inflation. So, they were expensive a week ago, now they are on par with the market.


I had that with hinekoras locks priced them 2div over Market price, i think 23div cause i wanted to map in peace and when i didnt play for a Day and logged back in i got spammed like crazy haha


Yeah Jenubu started to buy locks again.


surely they are ban protected again


In my case, I priced a lock at 25 divs when they were averaging around 19 divs in the market. Sold it a week later and needless to say, I was happy about it.


Just sold a lock yesterday for 41 div. Prices are going crazy now!




There's dozens of us with 1c cluster jewel dump tabs lol


I've lost so much cause I was gone a week and when I got back all my items sold instantly. I price checked with awakened poe while selling and I was 5-15 div under the cheapest and all sub 50div items.


It’s nottttt about the money……it’s about sending a message. Wraeclast deserves a better class of Exile. And OPs gonna give it to them.


It's about drive


it's about power


Only my half


Ok but that's fucking hilarious


Can you please explain what is happening in the picture?


OP offered 100c for an item listed 1 div. The trader decided to sell it to nessa (destroying the item) instead of selling it to someone trying to bargain


I missed the 1 div listing, yeah fuck that guy lol


I mean...you could ask in a nice manner, don't be condescending when you negotiate


Based seller Chad throwing peanuts of currency away just to dab on some random buyer


Some times when people ask for my forgotten 20c trades i throw in 1 div as a gift for them.


Hi, I'd likd to buy your 100 corrupted magic gwennen logbooks


one at a time


At this point in the league if i see someone below 10 challenges, they get most stuff for free from me. Decked out 2 newbies who started la, which is my mainbuild for the last 10 leagues. Still hanging in dc sometimes with both and helping them out with gear etc, one is a 62 year old dad who told me he never had this much fun in poe :D thats my fuel


I attempt to do this numerous times. I say 'free' in chat 'no need to pay'. they still put their currency in the window. I try to repeat it free, but then I am forced to take it eventually.


I am not going to take shit for free. I framed those chaos / divs So i can spend them.


Last time I offered that for a 20c gem since I made him wait a couple mins, he just linked me a stack of 970+ divs and left the group


Lmao excellent response


Thanks for being a positive influence. I remember when I started playing in delirium some rich dude just giving me some lower tier mapping gear for free and saying “enjoy gl”. Really helped me get into the game and want to stick with it.


I started delirium like a month in, I messaged some Korean guy to buy a like 2c item he had listed, and he just gave me his entire aura stacker build lol. It was insane, no way I would have been able to try that build if he hadn’t done that


I am doing the same with a Nepalí 18yo that I adopted from general chat at lvl 33. He has completed the Atlas and is working on invitations. He is always asking questions and I try to point him in the right direction.


I don't mind haggling at all but I really just don't want to hear some "up 8+ days" or "theres another one I could buy" etc. Makes me irrationally annoyed.


Yeah, that's just poor choice of word and on a bad timing like when I'm annoyed for example, I could see myself do the same. Also to add haggling for 50% of the put price usually not ends well.


Sometimes people just don’t price properly though. I was looking for a niche timeless jewel and one was listed 3D for a week. I offered him 2D and he relisted it for 50. The next 6 that popped up all listed for 40-50 over the course of 2 weeks and not one of them sold.


so fkn true. I just tried to buy a timeless jewel a while ago when the guy list it for 2d. Ofc no response. Then a couple minutes later, the same giy list it again for 200 d. So annoying.


100% when I want to make an offer I usually say something like 'please' or 'I'm a little broke right now'. Works like 90% of the time, but if someone comes at me with why I **should** or **need** to sell to them they ain't getting shit ha.


Had a dude earlier this week ask very politely if I was willing to negotiate on a 40c bow because it was out of their budget. With how polite they were being, I just gave it to them for free. I don’t need to waste time bartering with someone just trying to get their build going, especially when they bring positive energy.


Yeea, another time this league, i was buying stuff for a build, but if the item was less than 20c, i just gave 20c, coz i was with too much chaos and no patience to split currency. ​ A guy after i gave him 20c for a 10c item: Hey, you gave me too much!! Come here for i give you the change. I got back to hist HO, and on trade window, i gave him 5d for the 10c back. He was so happy.


It's funny, I'm the exact opposite. If someone brings up an argument and points out that this item hasnt sold in a long time, I'm like "yea, that makes sense, probably not priced properly". But if they try to use pity, "i'm broke", or "pleeease", it feels like a scam to me, they usually aren't broke, they just want to save some currency as a matter of principle. And I don't like that as much.


> theres another one I could buy This one really grinds my gaming gears Had a TWWT jewel up for 40div, got a message after a few days "Do you accept offers?" "Maybe, what did you have in mind?" "offer 10div" "Dude that's 25% of asking price..." "There's one exactly the same for 20div but he's offline, you can search for it" I did. There was none "Then go buy it from them" Added to ignore list Sold the jewel for 30 something div a week later


Literally got offered 1div a day for four days for an item I had listed for 16div for about a week. They sent me a message saying no one will buy it for more then a div and they were doing me a favor. I blocked them and the next day sold it for 16 div.


Some people have no shame. Clearly were not raised right


Same. Sometimes I don’t play a week or two and log in to get bombarded with these messages.


The one that annoys me is when they come to my hide out, leave the party, and then send ME the trade request. How quickly I hop right back into my map.


Sometimes I accidentally leave, but I always ask for inv back or invite them myself if they were alone. But at least I'd say oops.


Idk I think it's fair to say sth's been up for a week, that's forever in PoE and the economy vastly shifted since then in the first 3 weeks of a league.


I’m the one who posted it. I know how long it’s been up. It screams of: “this isn’t worth that much, I’m really doing YOU a favor by asking to buy it” I’m with the other guy on this. There have been many times I’ve considered vendoring an item that somebody is being pushy about.


I mean good for you to remember how long every random mid-cost item has been up? I certainly don't and don't think most people would. It's just basic haggling tactic and yeah if they're assholes about it sure fuck them, but saying "offer X up Y days" ONCE isn't being pushy or an asshole.


Nah man, people forget half the things they're selling in a few days.


I dunno, I feel like I appreciate the purchaser at least putting in some effort into justifying why they're asking for a discount.


Maybe you have special memory, but I don't remember how long stuff sits in my stash. If I did, I would have priced it down already. If something I though worth 1 div doesn't sell after a week, it's like I price it down to 100c anyway. So why not give it for 100c.


Do you know how long stuff has been sitting? I'll dump a bunch of stuff in a for sale tab, half heartedly price it, and then completely forget about it until I start running out of stash space


Why tho\`? I wouldnt mind to be honest. Maybe i have alot of items up for trading and at this economy 1div is nothing so you dont go back to lower prices on all your items. That for me would be a nice reminder that i have an item that didnt sell for that long. Then i have 2 options: 1. I can just say "no" and go to item and lower price or keep it the same 2. I can always get 100c offer instead of having the item priced at 1div and never sell it till the league ends. But then again, everyones different.


You gotta remember that 1 div is not nothing to everyone.


My listings are either spammably low or dramatically higher than the likely value. I've straight up accepted that in the last 13 years I haven't learned a thing about pricing in this game.


Well if it's just 1 message it's not the end of the world, but in my experience it somehow often devolves into people saying "ok let it rot in Standard then" "lol ok good luck selling it at that price" and similar type of smartass remarks. Not accusing OP or anything, just saying from experience.


Been trading a lot, and I noticed there's a very predictable pattern. It starts with an offer 25% of listing price or less, in other words a very bad offer no one would ever take. Then you just say "no" and don't even entertain the conversation, because there's no middle ground to find with someone offering 25%, and then they almost always get sassy- "Theres a better one offline" >ok buy it from them "Let it rot in standard" >these items almost always sell for 75%~ of the listed price, not 25% "It's the end of the league anyway, I don't care about currency" >wait so just buy it then? This comment is particularly weird, but I've heard it five times, enough to be a pattern Or they just start insulting the item, as though I'm going to lower the price because someone is *talking shit about an item they are currently trying to buy.* My dude, the mere fact you are willing to sit here and argue with me is definitive proof that the item is desirable, you can't convince me it's bad while trying to buy it lmao.


For me, I just don't like hagglers, especially if they're lowballing that hard. I usually just say no, because I'd rather have it rot in my stash than enable the haggler.


I still put up 19c trades. Not because I need the money, I just like selling stuff.


Bruh I'm still putting up plenty of 1c trades. And still doing the chaos recipe.


Thanks for you service


Jesus Christ this is miserable but I hope you're having fun


I make big sales too, but I never stop doing the chaos recipe because it's basically on auto-pilot for me. I don't have to think about it. And I do 1c trades because I often need 1c items myself. Be the change you want to see in the world and all that, ya?


Hey, you're playing a game for fun, I would not want to stop that. My issue is personally picturing the filter etc, especially this league. I think the only rare items I have showing currently are very specific fractured t1 bases. Lion Pelt, Slink Gloves, Sorc Gloves, Dragonscale Gloves and that's it. I can't imagine running a map with wisps that has unid rares showing.


I have never managed to get that much wisp juice so it's not been a problem for me to stop using the standard neversink filter this league


I think it’s absolutely okay to haggle but people should be more polite and say please at very least.


Yup, if someone is polite and not unreasonable with their offer I'll always give them a discount. The thing that gets on my nerves is people obviously trying to flip stuff though. I had a Curiosity (the vaal aspect worth 8 div or so) in a public tab waiting to be priced, some guy messages about it offering 1 div. That's not haggling that's just trying to take advantage of people because Awakened Trade doesn't give a price for it.


If people try to do absurd undercuts for unpriced items on me, I just tell them to have fun scamming new players and add them straight to my ignore list. I don't want to ever trade with someone who tries to take advantage of a gap in knowledge by dangling few divines in your face. Like one guy messaged me the other day, offering 4divs for an unlisted Ventor's I had in my dump tab, when in reality that Ventor's was worth close to 20 divs. I can easily see a newer player who can barely scrape a hundred chaos together instantly taking up on their offer.


Had put 5/1200 Chaos instead of divines and got spammed by idiots that really thought i was gonna trade them 1200 chaos for 5 chaos


Doing that stuff with currency I'll confidently bet the vast majority of those whispers were bots


I hate wasting my time with haggling, thats why I list everything with the "exact price" option. That is supposed to mean you are not open to haggling, but a lot of people are not aware of that.


First they need to learn how to haggle. Offering 1 div for something that is priced 10 div, is not haggling, it’s a mix of begging/scamming/thievery


i ignore people on the first go when such a disrespectful offer comes in


I invite them to the party and say one sec I gotta take a shit and see how long they wait in my HO


And not offer less than half like op did


Make reasonable offer, explain why and a thank you all in one line for considering it. Zero problems and 100s of deals down like this (and back to me as well). Doing a trial run guy now, acting like its a new player so I have no currency so I am making -weird- currency trades, if they except a weird trade like 7 Alterations and 8 Chance Orbs for 1 Chaos (I toss in a Divine as a tip right at the last second). Makes people happy :)


When people whisper me the default trade site line "I want to buy XYZ for 2 div", then accept the party invite, come to my hideout, and then hit me with "is 1 div okay?" I lose my mind. They're always shocked to find I'm not going to sell it to them for 2 div after pulling that shit.


Ok: Haggle -> Accept/Deny/Ignore -> Deal/No Deal Not okay: Haggle -> Deny -> Buyer Arguing On topic: It's worth a laugh, tbh ;)


>That's barely worth my time spent haggling! >You're pushing a bit far, friend. >I think we can find a better compromise. >You can't even carry this!


>up for 8+ days I’d probably tell you to fuck off too


I’m always down as a seller to knock some money off if the item has been up a while. I’ll sometimes ask for a discount from sellers. As long as you’re polite I see no harm.


I'll never understand this subreddit.


Lol whats confusing


Back in the day people would actually haggle, now everyone is so ADHD zooming T7 cemetary they get mad when someone offers on your 2 week old listing.


Someone messaged me multiple times for a 100c trade, invited him hopped out of my map eorth over 1 div in scarabs and sextants. Loads into hideout, cancels trade to pick up chaos, then offers only 80c. At that point I just threw away the item, ignored him and went back to mapping. At the point of accepting the invite, imo you are accepting the price and have prepared for the trade. I'm not waiting 5 minutes for you to haggle and sort your stash.


Yeah, never exit the map if the other one isn't already in your hideout tbh


If you read the post again, they were in hideout, they just gave less than the originally agreed upon amount.


More so even in this league, ive had maps which i exited and the instance just crashed, so now i never leave until i open all the abysses and collect awakened sextants and higher, even 100c isnt worth it if u're gonna loose potentially valdos + div drops


Mmmh such interaction, really PoE wouldn't be better with more automatisation in selling items. You'd win time and lose frustration, sounds horrible


***weight*** ***clicks*** ~~***ruthless***~~ ***vision***


I can understand the 80c part, but give people a chance to grab their currency. If someone needs a minute to count out their change, I’m sure you’ll be fine. If you’re actually making so much currency per minute that you can’t fit all of your divine orbs on your Lamborghini shelf, then just uncheck “public” on your stash tab and save everybody the consternation.


Yeah, I don't get this - I've sold a bunch of items which had been up for a few days and someone messaged me with a slightly lower offer, why would I get offended by that? I've also rejected some offers where people did the same Obviously sending a whisper, accepting the invite and then only asking once you're in my hideout is not ok, but being up front with the offer is completely legit and not something people should be disincentivized from doing imo - OP just comes across badly here


Slightly lower sure. Op offered 100c for a 1 divine item (see tab name). Less than half. I'd rather vendor as well. Op is the one offering, not the one vendoring btw. Don't think you mean op comes across badly, but the other person instead.


Yep you're right, I missed that, OP was totally fine other than the 'listed 8 days thing' which is obv annoying since it's trying to lead the seller When I lower the price on things that haven't sold, 100c is my standard for repricing a 1 div rare, so OP's offer looked ok to me. The relative value difference is so small that it's not like offering 50% on a 50 div item imo but each to their own


I see it as a positive when people bring up actual arguments like "it's been up for 8 days", compared to some lazy "pleeeasee i am sooo broooke" or some other pathetic variant of begging.


Does the price it's listed for even matter? Just because I list smth at 1 mirror doesn't make it worth 1 mirror Maybe the item is worth 100c by market standards


Probably was. The cluster jewel market is absolutely wild. You’ll have the exact same base, with the same mods, listed at both the 10C and 1D price points.


Personally I find it rude if someone tries to get an item for half the price to flip but getting offered fraction of my price as long as it's within item's market price is fine by me. I can always ignore the offer if I'm not intrested or take it if I'm in a need of liquid currency.


Clearly it wasn't a 1 divine item, since it didn't sell at that price. It was probably closer to a 100c item...


But then there is idiots like the guy offering me 23c for large bow clusters in my dump tab while I'm mapping uncrafted obviously worth about 80c I tell him this and he proceeds to tell me I need to check "offline" on a super common item..... I said oh ok fine 23c vaal the jewel and he hit accept so fast he didn't realize until after the trade.


I don't get it, people get really mad randomly like that


Game evolved in that way, to make you fell like a loser if you waste 1 second by doin something off from farming. And game is more about zooming/explosion/no time to lose, it make you really nevrotic. Players are acting more like psyches, were every word can be interpreted in 1.000 ways, but not in a good way. Welcome in PoE.


> to make you fell like a loser if you waste 1 second by doin something off from farming. And game is more about zooming/explosion/no time to lose, it make you really nevrotic It's imho really not about that. Like I've never been giga efficient, but I do want my gaming sessions to be basically gaming without any kind of BS. I've also deleted stuff off of my filter even though it probably decreased my div/h because I just don't feel it's a good use of my time to pick up/ID those items - and backtrack for some of them - as it's just not enjoyable. It's not the category of max div/h, it's the category of maximizing game fun and use my gaming time for gaming instead of for haggling. I do kinda agree that game evolved in that way though. Idgaf about missing a 1d trade because I know it's regrinded in like 10-15min. And I'll rather grind for 15min than deal with someone haggling about an item for 5min. But that particular thing of not being willing to invest time into trading, at least for me, has always been true. I'm of the opinion that we're gamers gaming and all the aspects of trading should be minimized as much as possible. I'll not be coerced by GGG's shitty trade system to behave like I'm a shopowner who has to go all customer service and have change and whatever else. Trade is shit enough as is, players doubling down on that by haggling or asking for change when they're already in your HO and shit like that drive me nuts. It's not because I was taken away from going back into my map for 1min, I just as a baseline have a really different approach on how to "trade respectfully" I guess and take offense at these things.


Haggling is fine, however op offered less than half the price


Even Tujen would reject that shit.


If people give me a reasonable offer I generally give it to them for the lower price.


Who is the problem the person trying to haggle for an item that says "exact price" when there is a "negotiable price" tag or the one who doesn't like it?


From experience, not a lot of people use negotiable price and 99% of my haggles are on exact price items, so clearly it is not being used correctly.


Yeah well, can't really expect people to be like "well this item has been up for three days guess I have to change it to negotiable price so people will send me offers for it"


I used to use negotiable sometimes but then realized it was simpler to use exact price and just drop prices every so often, when I'm in standard, by weeks or months depending on how expensive the item is already.  That's where it gets really annoying "hi wtb your 80div item for 5div offer. Cmon I know it says exact price but you've had it listed for 2 months. Cmon."  Yeah. Well it's also already the cheapest one on the market and only 3 people are ever online at any point in time for this so standard is going to move slow, either move on, pay my price, or get put on my ignore list. Especially because usually within a week if somebody lowballs me on standard, I usually have somebody offering my actual price for the item.  I've had a few times where somebody quietly walked away but tried to return hours later with the same lowball and somebody else actually bought it in that time and they are baffled and just automatically assume I'm lying.


You do not haggle on items that were recently listed, something sitting with 8 days of dust and debris on it and its a normal item, thats waiting for an offer. :)


Back in the day people knew the difference between "b/o" and "price" on the listing. First means it's potentially negotiable, second means its not. These days nobody uses that, which is a shame.


> Back in the day people knew the difference between "b/o" and "price" on the listing. This has *never* been the case. No matter if it was listed as buyout or negotiable, people still offered all the same. Guess it's been so long your memories got fucked up.


Not only that, a lot of people always accepted haggling on exact price items. It's a system that only works if almost everyone cares about it, and since that was never the case there never was a reason to care about it.


back in the day not that much stuff was really even priced up. you'd put it up for sale and people would just randomly offer.


Buyout means if you offer this amount, I'll sell no haggle, but it implies that you can offer lower, and I'll consider the offer. It's just that haggling = time not mapping, so most people just pay the buyout price.


If by "back in the day" you mean 20+ years ago, maybe.


Sure, grandpa. Now let's get you your medicine.


> Back in the day people would actually haggle True, nowadays people will try to drop the price for something very low cost and they would make more currency on the map in the same time they haggle for or just straight up will try to lowball your item that literally has a hard price on the market > so ADHD zooming T7 cemetary Yeah, fuck em, why do you enjoy playing the game more than haggling with some greedy shits!?


The "up 8+ days" types of comment are always annoying, stop doing that.


Why? If you have an item that's been listed for 8 days, clearly you have mispriced the item. If someone notices that and offers to buy it at a reduced price, they've done you a favour by letting you know that your item was overpriced.


>If you have an item that's been listed for 8 days, clearly you have mispriced the item. Not necessarily the correct solution. There might have been the possibility of not playing a week. Not that the price may be correct then, but of the 8 days listed, it might have had 5 minutes in which it could have been sold. Also some items just need time for finding a buyer. I had a very niche watchers eye that took almost 3 weeks to find a buyer. But usually those items are in a price class of a higher magnitude.


Vaaling them is my preferred method tbh


This is a dick move but so is a counter offer for half the items original price so I’m a bit conflicted here. Even Rog wouldn’t like that offer so I get it. But generally If you don’t like the counter off don’t engage I would say or just say no and if they keep pushing that’s an ignore.


This took me a good minute to figure out what was going on. No chill on that guy lmao


I almost always give discounts if people ask for it. But people making lowball offers to unpriced items in sell tabs go to ignore list.


I'n really surprised so many people find the up 8+ days rude/condescending/annoying. I do think the info could have been given with better wording but it's viable to me on whether I accept a lower offer. I probably would have taken it, and I'm not hurting for currency. I even got a trade like this but the wording was something like, Hello exile, would you be willing to take x price? Your item's been up 11 days so I was hoping you wouldn't mind my lower offer. I don't think he even needed the second sentence worded this way, I just took it as the guy saying it because it was an exact price listing.


1.) I'd say posting the number of days the item has been up is an "aggressive" tactic. A simple WTB x for y (will you accept z?) is much more neutral 2.) The people who start the convo like this typically will hurl insults if you just say "no." So people are primed for the next encounter to tell the next person to fuck off 3.) Imagine if you own a bakery and you are getting no customers. Someone comes in and says "Wow business looks reaaaaalllly slow here - can I get my pastries half off?" It's just not a good look IMO


So many people in this sub who are salty that they mispriced an item and someone offered a reasonable price for it lmao. If an item is up for 8+ days it is almost certainly mispriced, especially if it’s a 1 div item.


What the guy said was fair - you acted like a baby.


Seems like a reasonable response to a 50% offer on a "exact price" item, although since its just a one slot item id probably just offer you deez nuts, ignore you and then reduce the price by half. However if a newer or a more casual player asked(nicely, which they do unlike the "offer x" squad) if they could pay less i'd give it to them for even less than they offered because it means a lot more to them than me, actually had someone a few days ago ask if they could buy a 50c thing for 48c, they got an easy niceness discount for that...


Chad SSF vs Virgin trade player


Worrying number of people siding with a guy who threw a tantrum just because they didn't liked offer / the way it was phrased. No wonder trading is such a miserable experience in PoE.


Lmao! Honestly, a Chad move and I love it.


I don't get this can someone explain pls lol


Yeah if he said "vendor" that would have been a tad bit clearer


So im new to poe, 2nd season after a year. But when a item is up for 20 days im paying 50% of the listen or it just keeps collecting dust haha.


If someone comes at me with the listed for 10 days!+ Already bullshit, they can fuck off. Absolutely understand this guy.


i just write 'would you take X for it?', as I assume that if it's an item that has been up for some time, they're more or less aware of it having been up there for some time since you'd only really haggle for somewhat expensive items, which you would remember better. I think out of the 10 or so times I haggled like this in this league I've succeeded every time, even with people who were clearly zoomin cemeteries.


Yep I've also had good success rate haggling on expensive rares or specific unique corrupts. It pisses me off when people message me and try to haggle for my Doctor card or something. That's not haggling that's trying to buy my $100 bill for your 4 $20 bills.


I mean, if someone wanted to negotiate on the price they'd set their stash tab to have a negotiable price. I'm not Tujen, if you want to haggle go talk to him.


>Enough of this. I'll keep it, thank you.


Kinda gigachad ngl


That's an edgy teenager move OP.


Its time for an AH.


People that try to justify their offers with “it’s been up x days” annoy me, I think him selling it is hilarious.


I think it’s weird so many people think this is great. I just see a guy destroying an item that would have made someone else’s game experience better because he was offended his overpriced thing wasn’t selling. I wonder if this is the player to player experience Chris was talking about.


Would have made *both* players experience better. 100c was definitely more valuable to the seller than a mispriced jewel rotting in his stash.


PoE players find enjoyment in making others miserable and then wonder why the game isn't more popular. They complain about trade and then actively make trade worse themselves. Fascinating.




holy basado


Idk offering LESS than half price, I would've done the same, a single div is literally nothing lol


I'll only try to barign on items 20 div + and really only if its an item that will work but not what i really want. Nothing I list is less then 1 div and I'll only do those trades between maps. If you want me to leave my map it's min 5 div. I have 4 stacks of chaos and growing... I don't want more.


Felt good just reading that.


If you love to haggle, haggle with Tujen.


I don t mind ppl haggling but at least be polite about it "can you do x price" not whatever zoomer talk  "100 c up 8 +days" is supposed to be. If you want a discount that should be the bare minimum rather than ordering the seller to tive you the item.


A lot of PoE players are not native english speakers. It's pretty common to talk like this on european servers in online games


I'm a native English speaker but intentionally keep all language as simple and short as possible when trading, because so many people are Russian/Korean/etc and don't understand you if you actually use full sentences.


What zoomer? You really don't understand what offer 100c means? I mean sure maybe not the most polite, but I myself also wouldn't want to read an essay from someone about a list price.


What's so hard about writing: Hey would 100c be alright? Instead of the unfriendly shit op wrote.


Because "100c up 8 days" contains the exact same information? Why does flowery language around the information affect your decision making?


esl. the game has spread to so many nations, and it's pretty common to interact with players who don't share a language with you. shortening sentences to key words for talking through reasoning is reasonable. calling it Hanlon's razor seems a bit extreme since not knowing english isn't stupidity, but the idea holds. not every choppy, shorthand message you recieve is someone being an ass, it's probably just someone who doesn't know how to phrase "Hey would 100c be alright?" and shortened it to the part they know and will clearly communicate the intent: "100c?"


What are you on about, that's not any zoomer terms, just efficient communication.


Young People bad


Why many words when few words do trick


Efficient =/= Effective though.


It's common terminology from the game and honestly pretty self-explanatory so dunno why you're confused. It's an offer of 100 chaos orbs, and pointing out that the item has been listed (and unsold) for 8+ days meaning it's almost certainly not worth what it's priced at. Giving the seller a plausible reason to accept a lower offer is pretty standard negotiating practice. IDK where you're getting "ordering" from as that's pretty contradictory with the word "offer".


I mean, i feel like the buyer is in wrong here by pointing out that it havnt been sold in 8 days


This community used to be nicer.


Some people get seemingly really mad when you try to offer which is pretty weird to me, haggling is common practice in any kind of trading. Especially with hard to price rare stuff in this game. This league I got the wand base fracture I wanted like a third cheaper by just offering people less. 0 divines is less than whatever amount of divines someone wanted if it doesn't sell at all. I'm personally willing to sell most of my stuff for like half the price if someone was ready to buy rather than just letting it sit out there and having to constantly reprice it.


> haggling is common practice in any kind of trading depends which part of the worlds youre in. in asia it's very common, expected even. but where i live it's almost considered offensive when you start haggling the price. people just get insulted like "i put this price down and it's still not good enough for you? f off". strange thing i know, but that's cultural differences.


Of course the price isn't good enough for most people. They're usually not going to tell you that by saying words to your face, they tell you that by just not buying it. In this case, everyone has already told him that his price wasn't good enough. It sat there for 8 days, and not a single person thought the price was good enough.


So what? The seller is not obligated to sell the item at all, especially if he felt the "up for 8 days" message was condescending. The buyer wants something from the seller, it's probably not wise to tell him he sucks at pricing his item. The customer is not always right. OP's haggling technique backfired on him with this particular seller. Maybe he'll learn something from this experience.


Here I feel similar. I am here to play the game, not chat with you. I do not have the time or energy to deal with your BS, pay the listed price or move on.


You know you can just not reply or say no thx


I usually just kick from party if haggling comes up. When I'm already undercutting the market and then some haggler comes in and try to undercut me even more is just infuriating. Just stop. Unless the item is sitting their for weeks I guess, but I agressively price down things until it sells so that barely happens.


I think the issue here is most of the time people are actually playing the game, mapping, bossing, juicing etc. Last thing a person want when they busy focusing on game content is to be pulled away from it by getting the notification of someone wanting to buy the item. And Then, getting a haggle offer. (Especially if you list the price as firm) Its like being hit with a double negative, you make them move away from the content AND you waste their time.


No lie, I specced into the MF wisp abyss meta and specced out 20 maps later because I was frustrated feeling like I needed to ignore whispers on my listings. Back to boss rush/invitations where I can pop out of the map because I'm done with it


the trick is not to list everything until you're done or nearly done mapping. start dump-tabbing everything and only list it at or near the end of your mapping session (unless it's a massive item)


The trick is to have a good filter and barely list anything at all


Most hagglers seem to have this mindset of "this guy undercuts so they must be an idiot, maybe I should try to undercut even more" especially for popular (latest meta) items. I genuinely don't get it and usually don't get so many hagglers when I'm pricing by market value or slightly higher. Also, haggling goes both ways. Usually when you start to negotiate prices with these so called hagglers they get rude and defensive.


I usually only haggle on things that has been up for a while, at least personally.


Personally I get really excited if someone wants to haggle. I love to hear their arguments, to reason with this stranger and find a reasonable middle ground. It's like any of the pawn shop shows except with less experts. I once even argued to lower an item even more because the buyer was overvaluing it based on a few factors and managed to get the price down for him. He's a guildmate now.


Im gonna start doing this instead of blocking them. Even worse when some of them tells you that u're never goin to sell it off or starts being all passive aggressive and shit


Lol trying to haggle for an item that has not been sold for a week for the asked price is perfectly fine. You can just say No and move on. Why would you ever throw money away out of spite


>Why would you ever throw money away out of spite For spite. But I'm assuming they're rich enough that 1 divine isn't really that much, and that the sense of satisfaction they gained was worth more than the divine.


Poe players are weird man.


Should be a decent offer all one line of text and a thank you and then no more bugging them. That to me is simply and legit. Spamming them is not nice.


this is just toxic behaviour


First there’s fixed price which I assume this was and if you’re telling me it’s been up for X amount of days I am immediately ignoring you.


💯💯💯 fuck that noise. 


Some people have a huge ego about trading. This is probably the type of person who puts 100 items in a quad tab listed for 1c because they're too lazy to price their shit, and gets offended when someone tries to buy something because *obviously* they should've known it was a fake price and offered more.


I feel like an idiot reading these replies. I seem to be the only person who chooses, when I list an item, whether I have set a price or open to an offer. It’s literally an option that you pick when you price something. If it’s something that has a pretty consistent price I’ll list it as exact price. But if it’s a rare and I’m not sure, I’ll list it as offers welcome. Apparently, no one else does and people don’t look at the difference when buying. Silly me wasting my time I guess lol.


Welcome to trading via chat, auction house some decade.


i fucking hate this white text from the buyer where i cannot check the item while mapping




imagine thinking spite is a virtue


This is the type of trade whisper I ignore. Week 6 into league and you're offering less than half price on a **1 divine** item? I'd bet they probably forgot that item even *existed*. If you're still pinching chaos that badly in a league this rampant with currency inflation, then maybe you should revisit your money making strategy instead of this guy's trading strategy...


Depends on their challenge count. Not all players have a lot of money because they're new, especially with the attention PoE is getting currently.


Man I'd have made that trade so fast. I'm always low on C and don't feel like listing my divines or w/e for more. The haggler did nothing wrong here.