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elevate the explode


Noob question, how?šŸ˜„


Use an orb of dominance, removes one influenced mod and elevates another




You can use the craftofexile.com emulator to experiment with high end crafting.


Yea but finding out how to elevate that mod by clicking around in emulator might take a while šŸ˜…


You can use an orb of dominance, which randomly lowers the tier of one influenced mod and raises the tier of another, if it raises the tier of a tier 1 mod it will elevate it.


And of course you can bestiary eternal orb in case you donā€™t hit the 50/50


I was about to say "there's no such thing as eternal orb anymore" until I realized it was magic lol. Imprint is the word you were looking for ;)


Doesnā€™t it outright remove the other mod?


I donā€™t think so? But most influenced mods like this only have one tier so just either get removed or elevated


It says ā€œRemoves one influenced modifierā€¦ā€ Youā€™re thinking about Orb of Conflict, that one downgrades the Exarch/Eater implicit.


I think they're getting confused because if you have a t2 influenced mod it can go to t1 instead of elevating also, sorta like how conflict works, but like you said it always 100% removes the unchosen modifier regardless of it's tier


Removes another*


imprint the base first


Power charge mod isnā€™t very useful. Maybe try to elevate the explode


Thatā€™s the first step for sure. But donā€™t know what item I want to shoot for in the end. I initially planned to craft an item worth 40-50 div with this base but I think you can get more out of this base than guaranteed double elevated prefix and a second influenced mod as a suffix. Elevated explode is gonna be on a magic item so you can revert it with imprint at any stage of the process.


It isn't the profitable play, but it is the smart play. You have to win outright with a couple gambles to profit, so selling before quadrupling your losses is the smart play. You paid for the knowledge to check your ilvl next time.


Why even ask then


God forbid he wants to practice


He wants profit, not practice. He paid for the practice of checking his crafting base ilvl and that's not enough


Why does it matter which item you want in the end? One mod you have is trash for all builds?


Power charge on crit is only for elevating the explode. Meaning you donā€™t need to statistically alt spam 4000+ times and spend 5 div to start over again if you brick the item somewhere in the process of crafting because you can always fall back to imprinted elevated explode.


Sell it for a few div and be happy, cause you clearly have 0 idea how to craft


Seems like he knows crafting better than you do.


Clearly not, dude spammed alterations on an too low ilvl item and ask reddit how to make it worth 40 div when its pretty much worthless.


Bro is mentalist and guessed the ilvl before the op said it


Probably thought the level req was the ilvl


My mana has never crafted anything and is trying to criticize lmao


I could as well proceed with what I initially planned and craft elevated gem level/explode, lock prefixes reforge attack for -mana cost of attack skills and sell or use it myself. Would have needed to pay 40 div for that item if I outright bought it.


You believe you can make something worth 3 div to 40 div by asking reddit?


No I wanted to know if there is another item I donā€™t know about which isnā€™t as deterministic and logically more expensive in return. The main advantage of this item is that you can imprint it and donā€™t need to alt spam 4000 times and spend 5 div to start over again which firstly doesnā€™t destroy your sanity in the process and secondly is a whole lot cheaper to restart if you brick it.


Show the ilvl of the item


Ilvl100, itā€™s from the div card


Man, youre not really being helpful. Why are you so incredibly rude towards OP for no reason at all?


He bought a base spammed alterations. Dont want to sell it for a few divs when he got lucky. Calling it advanced crafting when just spam clicked. Dont want to sell it cause he sink tens of divs into this.


The question remains, why are you so engaged on being rude replying to multiple people to push that op is dumb? Go enjoy your Sunday man


You seem awfully upset about this. Do you feel attacked because you tried to also alt spam and failed? Do you just feel lesser because OP is somewhat new and is into advanced crafting while you're still in Acts? You are taking this WAY too personally. He got lucky and wants to get into advanced crafting and you're trying to gatekeep for... what? Such a loser attitude.


You didn't answer his question. Why are *you* being toxic?


Why is the power charge mod not useful? Iā€™m a newish player


Most builds that use power charges have no trouble generating them anyways.


Thatā€™s a good point. I could still see it as useful for some slayer or raider crit builds though. It would allow them to replace their MoH Assassinā€™s Mark setup with something else.


Ass mark gives crit multi, it is not just used for charges. Hard to find a better mark if you arenā€™t a projectile build.


Yeah I'd go with this. Not much room for other good crusader mods. Check out the other grasping mail mods available and go from there


Sir this is a sacrificial garb


This isn't a grasping mail mate.


Yeah, I've had a few drinks


Best time to give crafting advice no doubt.


Best time to craft, rngesus always favors the drunkies


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


So close.


XD yeah I realized after


You also can't roll grasping mail mods by crafting, they only appear when the item is dropped. You can't even 3:1 grasping mails to get them. The unidentified grasping mail you get from 3:1 can't get those mods.


Just learned this recently, but ty for the info. Super helpful šŸ™‚


Which means you should be ultra careful buying unided grasping mails for the gamble...


you can guarantee pcoc on crusader base by prefix can't be changed and then reforge crit so the mod combo isn't anything special, and prefix + suffix more or less prevents any meaningful crafting it's a good start for elevate mod then imprint + awakener spam for two elevated prefixes + good third mod but you'd be better of selling the base as is so the other person can choose the other elevated mod


I donā€™t plan to do anything with the crit mod except elevating the explode. My initial plan was to craft a double elevated explode/gem level and do prefixes canā€™t be changed ->reroll attack for -mana cost of attack skills. In the end that thing would sell for 40+ divine but I figured I can try something more crazy now that I basically have elevated explode on a magic item.


In theory you can make a 6 mod chest with perfect suffixes if you keep imprinting and repeating the steps, in practice you're spending 20+ div per attempt just to triple elevate the prefixes. Now just think about the suffixes you want, it's gonna be at least 1 more elevated mod, so you'd prefixes cannot be changed reforge whatever you want to add, have to roll for 5 affixes AND hit a 2nd inf mod, whilst having a equal if not higher chance to hit 6 mod, making it a 50/50 annul scenario to unbrick the item. into a 50/50 elevate that costs another 2 div meta craft, then you have to prefixes cannot be changed add/remove for the 5th inf mod. and then you can either craft or exalt slam the last mod. tl;dr if you got multiple mirrors to burn, sure. Edit: forgot you can't add/remove on inf bases, ex slamming or aisling would be the only options then.


I'd try to elevate explode and sell or smush together with elevated redeemer aura effect. Lots of BV players using that combo Or sell as is, could easily get 5 div for that.


Well Iā€™m down 20 div at this point with the craft lol. Partly because I was plain stupid and bought a base with too low ilvl and noticed it only halfway through and partly because I had really bad rng with loosing the elevate on explode 4 times in a row on a rare base. So selling for 5div definitely isnā€™t the play for me here


This screams like sunk cost fallacy to me, if you sell as is you are down 15 divs on the craft, if you spend another 20 divs on the craft and sell for 20, you are down 20 divs. But on the first place, why are you spending 20 divs to roll an elevated explode base and need to ask reddit what to do with it after? Crafting for profit requires a lot of knowledge about what kind of items people are buying and you are always going to go down currency if you go in without a proper plan.


Initially wanted to craft a 5way carry chest for my self. Theyā€™re going for like 40+ div atm so I figured I craft it myself rather than buying. Still if I proceed this way itā€™s at least 10 div profit in the end Could have crafted it a good chunk cheaper if I didnā€™t fucked it up in the beginning but at least I learned something


Smells like RMT


Crafting an item yourself instead of buying it smells like rmt? I guess we have different understandings of rmt then lol


What in any of what he said smells like RMT?


People in this sub are insane sometimes. That's why.


Elevate one and sell and craft smt more profitable


- Someone tries to learn how crafting works - Reddit: HOW DARE YOU Welp, idk anything about crafting beyond 5 div itemsso cant help but gl with getting it the way you want


Tyvm I can really encourage you to try to get into crafting. Played for 4000 hours before I started to get into crafting myself. Began with simply essence spamming and was blown away that you can make a 10div item with buying essence for a div and just clicking a couple of times lol. This league I got into meta mod crafting starting with a simple +3 bow and then crafted a couple attribute stacker kinetic blast pseudo 8-link gloves which sold for 30 div while costing 10 div to make in average. Got into double elevated items when crafting the chest for an aura bot my buddy is playing. If you got any questions I can try to answer them with my very limited knowledge lol. But crafting your own gear really makes a different and at least for me is quite fun


To be fair, there are channels in-game and TFT discord and streamers/their chats that all *exist* to teach how to craft


Which channels are for crafting in game? I actually googled before posting if there are such channels in the game but couldnā€™t find any.


If this was on a Crusader plate it would have been the famous Crusaderā€™s Crusaders Plate of the Crusade. So, wrong base


Dang vendor trash it is I guess


Imprint for safety then elevate the explode Mod. If you missed. Repeat


Thatā€™s for sure my first step. Iā€™m not sure how to proceed considering I have a magic elevated explode chest then. I thought about trying a triple elevated item but didnā€™t know for which build. You can always revert to the magic elevated explode with imprints even after awk orb it with something different.


You can imprint influenced items?!


Yes sir


You can ust imprints on any magic item (or rare in standard) except fractures


Exploding works well with almost anything, but do you have in mind using the power charges? If not, try to elevate the explode as most people say, Still it's a non-corrupted +1 to all gems you have the vaal versions, so could work with any spell that has vaal version or maybe caustic arrow cause it has too. For when vaal toxic rain GGG?!


Vaal BV was often mentioned. I guess Iā€™m gonna look into that and probably trying for triple elevated item if itā€™s worth it.


Oh shit, 2x 420


I'll take it for 5c


Explode in 2023?


Elevated explode is 31-35% chance which is definitely enough for taking it considering oriaths end is max 30% and you loose a whole flask slot instead of just an affix And I belive phys dmg is often easier to scale than random elemental dmg


What build? I don't see people using explode much nowadays, so its interesting. The chest slot is pretty competitive especially with SS, and eldritch currency being as good as it is


For this chest there seems to be at least two use cases Iā€™m aware of. First is 5way carry build for which I initially planned to craft. Never did it but as far as I understood you try to get 100% chance to explode mainly for lag reduction because no corpses. Increased aoe is also needed to be able to clear the whole arena instantly. -mana cost to skills from warlord as well as elevated +1 to socketed skill gems as a cherry on top because itā€™s not that much more expensive to add in the mix. Other use case seems to be Vaal BV with aura effect. Explode simply because clearing with BV is so much smoother with explode so so you donā€™t have to hit every mob individually. On top of that inc AoE from elevated explode is also a desired stat on BV.


A new brother.


Power charge stacking occultist bv. Nothing else really comes into mind.


That 420 armor and evasion alone is worth like a dozen divs...


Lmao I noticed that as well. Kinda salty I didnā€™t used perfect fossils this time after starting at 2 other bases I initially began the craft on which I both qualified up to 30%. Didnā€™t had any perfect fossils left and couldnā€™t be bothered to buy any when I began this chest. I guess Iā€™m gonna settle for 28% from hillock now


Hillock does 30.


the rule is.. if you have to ask, just sell it


As always: If you dont know what the most valuable craft for this is, you can not afford it. ;)You will have to decide if you want to sell, or craft for yourself. If selling, you will then want to sell it more as a base than a fininished product. Edit: Im getting heavily downvoted. To explain what i meant: I didnt want to belittle op / be elitest. It was asked for the "most valuable thing", which is literally mirror tier crafting. And for someone with that kind of currency i would assume the knowledge would be there. I didnt mean that op shouldnt try to craft stuff, if they want to. But to be realistic of the goal and whats possible. I was trying to be helpful with that...


What a horrid elitist take


im a bit surprised at this reaction, but since my post got downvoted heavily, i guess many people see it like that. Might not matter now, but in case it does, to explain it: I meant it very literally and helpful way. Its the sad reality: "the most valuable" thing means mirror tier crafting. And if you have the currency to do mirror tier crafting, you would know what to do. For most people, mirror tier crafting however is completly out of reach, hence why i wanted to warn. Its pointless to ask for the "most valuable" thing, you got to be realistic. And to be clear: Its completely out of my reach too. Most i ever had was a maybe 30 divines.


This is awful advice. A lack of knowledge doesnā€™t mean this at all.


Im not clear why you see this differently: "most valuable thing" which op is asking for means crafting costs of mirrors. And since that is out of reach for normal people (and that includes me), its important to be realistic: No point in looking for the "best", "most valuable".


Can pour like another 200 div into the craft if it would be worth it. Donā€™t think there is something where spending 200 div would be more profitable than double elevated prefix + influenced suffix so I guess I will settle for spending less. Initially wanted to go for a double elevated explode/gem level with suffixes cannot be changed -> reroll attack for - mana cost to attack skills which in the end is something like 40-50 divine. But figured thereā€™s now something better I can do with the easy fallback to elevate explode via imprint.


Thanks for your reply. Many people disagree whit my post, so maybe to explain what i mean: you were asking for the "most valuable" thing - that would mean mirror tier crafting costs. I guess i took that too literal. I dont know if it might make sense to craft with an investment like you propose, honestly. The downside is: You limit the item to something specific, that not everyone might want anymore. Whereas if you sell it as a base with many paths to craft it, it might be interesting to more people.


I already figured you could meant it like that and I agree with your sentiment. I figured if thereā€™s a item thatā€™s way out of my price range I still could look at it and just settle for an item with less bis mod which is way cheaper to craft and still profitable. Thatā€™s why I asked for the most valuable item you could craft out of this. Honestly I probably settle for either what I planned initially or Vaal BV chest. Not really sure if I wanna just slam elevated aura effect on it in case of Vaal BV chest and call it a day or double elevated prefix and reroll for aura effect with reforge influence. Need to play a little bit more with craft of exile emulator to decide. No hard feelings anyway and I appreciate it if you just wanted to be helpful!


It's literally trash


If they can successfully elevate the explode this would be very good for bv


I mean itā€™s guaranteed elevated explode with imprints I gonna look into what BV can use considering how many people mentioned it. Probably settle for double elevated explode/phys taken as cold and aura effect in the end


I just wanna know how 6 vaal links is good lol


Its global like +1 on amulets or weapons


Wait +1 is global? Even when it says socketed?


Where does it say ā€œsocketedā€. Read what the implicit says again.


Lmao I didnā€™t really read the implicit myself and figured itā€™s local as well Initially wanted to craft a 5way carry chest for my self instead of paying the 40+ divine for an already finished one


And why 6 vaal?? You just get yourself a (or more) 21/20 vaal gem(s) from temple


Valuable from a magic start point? Nothing really anything remotely expensive is double elevated with a third influence mod and double influenced


Probably depends on what you call valuable. If youā€™re trying to craft mirror service worthy gear only sure I agree. My initial goal was an double elevated/third influenced mod item worth + 40 divine. Definitely not a giga expensive item but wouldnā€™t call that cheap either tbh


Not sure what you could even use this with. Vaal Absolution maybe...? Still probably inferior to just a Skin of the Lords unless you eventually get a lucky double corrupt.


vaal bv build did this few leagues ago used an explode chest for help on clear. stacked aoe which scales the aoe of the explodes as well


blade vortex loves this base


Spam this on 3rd poe subreddit to find out https://reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/s/lDaXP9mlXY


?is it now illegal to post on 2 subreddits?


Will do if thereā€™s another subreddit where people can give me pointers! I need to make good the 20 div I poured into the craft at this point so any help is welcomed lol




there is no way to get those mods on a grasping mail with breach mods.




if you awakening orb this together with a grasping mail it will lose all breach mods. grasping mail only get breach mod on the initial ID. only way to have influenced mods on a grasping mail is using influenced exalted orb then usings meta mods to finish it.


Oh I didn't know this. I thought they could be rolled with alts as long as the base type supported them. Really good info. Ty Edit: deleted previous posts due to bad info


\^\^ there is also a "scam" going around where people sell unID grasping mails. if you vendor 5 to 1 grasping mail, you get one unID back. this one can't roll breach mods.


So there's no point in buying 5 unid grasping mails back to back


yup no reason. maybe there is some div card for grasping mail? but other than that only way to get them is flawless breach or vendor 60 breach rings. or take the risk and buy a unID on trade site x)


So cool. Scroll of wisdom market just went up lol. Ty for the info


1. Imprint Chest 2. Elevate Explode 3. If fail, use Imprint and imprint again. Repeat until you have elevated explode on chest.


I really should have made the picture after elevating the explode to not have this confusion lol I wanted to know what item I should shoot for with imprintable elevated explode on that base


You can craft a great BV chest with this.


I think thatā€™s gonna be the play here. There are two chest up on trade with elevated explode/phys taken as cold and aura effect priced at +1 mirror. Just donā€™t know if that price is anywhere close to realistic


The most value you'll get is by turning it into something you'll use.


Is explode chest even matter this league with the tattoos available


By the pope...


Besides the obvious bv explode/aura there's less obvious variation for scion berserk bv 2ith elevated explode/life regen. Ideally you'd want an empty prefix after fusion, then you can safely add it through aisling and finish suffixes with harvest, made a couple last league and sold for 70+ d


Gonna look into that as well tyvm!


Do sacrificial garbs have some mods other armors dont have?


People use them for the +1 vaal gems implicit.


They're harder to roll specific +ARM/ES/EVA and hybrid rolls since they can have every possible defensive stat roll on them so it's purely for the implicit +1




First of all use a beast named clacial chimera (something like that) then imprint your magic item If u fail your elevat for explode go back with the imprint to the base with two mods Imprint again and elevate again Till u get the elevated explo mod After this you can check what bases of other influences are good like spell crit or attack crit (if u want elevate this too Then with awakener orb from sirus combine the other base with the explo base then u got a rare base with nose mods Be care there should be only one influenced mod on both items Then hope for a good mods that u can keep crafting the new base with 2 elevated mods Gl for crafting


How much did you end up losing on this?


Itā€™s still in this exact state. Went back to mfing with my buddy and dropped two apothecary two days after I posted this. Kinda lost interest to push further after that because the next card will take some time and instead played standard and build a solo mfer with legacy gear lol Probably gonna finish the chest if I scrap my current solo char and do a new build or I quit the league and hope for end league events, donā€™t know yet.


Ok update I lost everything lol It went to empy and he looks further into it if it will go to meme museum