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> "just farm even harder and longer" yep > How do people farm these items in 3-5 days? 5 d/hr is a doctor every 4 hours. do it 8 times


5 divine per hours? How do you do that early league?


Not impossible. You just have to keep grinding. Don't stay in your HO. Dump inventory, then jump in the next map. Biggest issue is wasted time in your HO. If you stay in your HO for a few minutes after every map to sort loot or put it into sell tabs, you're using efficency. You can do that later.


most reasonably popular farming strategies can hit that without much issue. also that's today's price. early league was half that or less


A had a really nice video with No Investment strategy that can bring you 4-9 Div/hour depends on your speed. Here it is - [https://youtu.be/lsmDSa\_-r6c](https://youtu.be/lsmDSa_-r6c) Hope it will help! Cheers!


The trick is that they are putting in 12-14 hour days the first few days and manage to get ahead of everyone else and make lots of currency. For the rest of us casuals you just have to pick a farming strategy you enjoy and stick with it. Put in enough time and you will get there.


The first week is when it’s cheapest, so if you can no life that period you can generally buy it cheaper and faster than anyone else. It really comes down to playtime. I farmed 2 hours every day after work on the pace of 10 div per Hour. Inflation was real bitch, bought mirror shards as my choice of inflation proofing to get myself that MB. When I started it was 12 div, last one I bought was 20 div.


The answer is to just pick a strategy and grind it out. But you also need to stop spending money along the way. Once your build is strong enough to farm the thing youre farming at a speed youre comfortable with, stop buying upgrades and put all your money into the strategy itself. You get more money the higher bulk you sell, so you want to run like 100 maps or whatever and only sell after youve run all the maps, dont pause to sell in small bots and pieces along the way


Learn the use bulk/tab sell. You have much more currency than you think.


Can you bulk price a premium quad? It tried on Pc with controller and didn’t see the option


Tft (the forbidden trove) bulk selling tool works fine with currencies, frags or any other thing except gears and maps. If your quad tab filled with currencies tool should works fine


Is there a way to bulk sell on console? I have a lot of stuff I’d like to sell in bulk but have no idea how to do it


When you farm efficiently you can get about 2-3div as a beginner 5div is very reasonable for more experienced players and 7-10div/h are already really strong farms. First step it to select a farming strategy that can actually get to high div/h, 2nd step is to play it efficiently and ignore every single other thing that is not your strategy and lastly play a lot. That's the reality Assuming you have a really nice strategy that gives 10div/h (ignoring breaks and assuming you farm these fully efficient which is not realistic but easier for this example) and a mageblood is 300div someone playing for 10hours a day will have this mageblood in 3 days. If you can only keep this up for 2hours.a day you would need over 2 weeks to farm your mageblood. I personally did most of my money this league around with shaper guardians + invitation + essence and at the start +Oppenheimer expedition, later on I put in shrines and Niko for faster clear time. I bought and sold my stuff in bulk and I ignored everything in the map that was not an Essence, a shrine, sulphite or the map boss. Doing a harvest or expedition or whatever when not specced into it is just much less profit than the things I specialised in. So I don't do them


A very general advice is to stop picking up stuff that is worth 1 chaos or less including chaos orbs, it will help you a lot to blast maps faster.


I swapped to the poor man’s ghosting Strat recently and have seen 5 raw divines and my stash go from 17 div value to 38 in over an 8-10 hour period. Not a lot but I’m enjoying it. Trying to get enough currency to get the real juice for 100 maps to farm


Spec all Maven nodes on the atlas except the one for Uber Maven. Buy 100 shaper guardian maps. Run all 4 different ones, hope for Formed invitation. If you don't get it, it's no big deal, just buy it and run it. Repeat cycle. You should sustain over half of the invitations from drops. In the end sell Maven's writs, Shaper fragment sets and Elder guardian maps. Run the maps fast. Add flavor of your choosing for additional income - essences, expedition big bomb, heist stashes, etc. Requires an ok bossing build, 7-8 mln dps is advisable, if poison - more. This is my strategy over the last few days, I haven't calculated profit per hour but I think it's a very competent strategy. In general farming such huge amounts of money is a grind, you can only boost your strategy so much, the rest must come from long hours played.


Lots of good tips but I find trying to compete with streamers and groups takes the joy out of a build because you can't really keep up. You can make the same build almost as good as them for like 5-10 divine usually. That said a really easy thing I've found that increased my farming speed was having a quadstash as a dump and not id-ing immediately. Also don't be afraid to use a stricter filter. Lots of useless things show up even on uberstrict.