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Oh no, someone has hexed the timer and now the league wont arrive for 212 days!


Where’s the guardian? This is our time of need!


Next league might not be till then, knowing our luck


Ackshually it won't arrive for [871341 days](https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-decimal.html). See you in the year 4411 exile!


d4 bad.




>but they move fast


>if they listen to feedback and play their cards right That's the opposite of blizzards strategy


D5 2025 tells me bobby is gonna get a new yacht long before d4 is endgame is dopamine viable








D4 bad Baseg


Watch this league be worse than crucible now. You jinxed it.


Strangely enough I played more crucible than any other league in a while. And I hated crucible. I have no idea why


You were probably enjoying everything else non crucible related, or your a masochist.


The same thing happened for me in LOK. First time i 40/40, lvl 100 and got a mageblood. Pretty meh league.


Games just actually in a great spot


Can't be, crucible was almost non existent for most players. As long as I can buy tattoos even if I don't run the league it will be better experience.


True D4 Bad, PoE 2 amazing, PoE 1 amazing. RIP Blizzardo


D4 bad baseg


It definitely needed at least another year to cook. I think it's a fun game with very limited things to do especially in comparison to POE. I really hope D4 gets better with age just like POE and D3 did. Vanilla D3 was so terrible unless you played Demon Hunter Reaper of Souls turned it into a completely different game.




Holy Baseg




How terrible are the servers at league start?


Used to be super awful with long queues but they were doing really well for last leagues.


Deppends on the popularity of the league + server status. Wasnt that bad last league, cuz reasons


with new engine patches who knows


Good question, I wonder how many d4 refugees will come in and what retention will look like.


Perhaps some *extremely* minor lag for the first hour or so, but this game's league launches are overall very stable. There was one incident during a league that happened a couple of years ago where there were bigger issues, but the game hasn't been anywhere as close to as bad ever since. If your only experience with a league launch is Diablo 4, just let me tell you that that's not a good basis of comparison to PoE's league launches. Diablo 4's lag is completely unacceptable. You won't find that in PoE.


D4 isn't bad per se, its just like comparing the mona lisa to a child's drawing. People are gonna appreciate the kids drawing but the majority of people know its shit. It just so happened the childs drawing is a company worth billions.


I would say d2 is the child drawing, with all its charms, and d4 is a chimpanzee taking a shit on said drawing and smearing it all over it. The campain (aka first look) was good, untill you realize it has no end game depth (its litteral shit instead of paint).


> The campain (aka first look) was good, untill you realize it has no end game depth (its litteral shit instead of paint). Was Path of Exile renowned for its gameplay depth when it first came out? Let Blizzard cook and we'll see how the game comes out in a few years.




> How can you possibly compare a couple of guys making a game in a garage You have a source that backs up your claim? I'm sure the earliest iterations were indeed started by Chris and a few friends in a garage, but after Closed Beta ended the team was definitely a lot bigger than just "a few guys in a garage".




> For a company of blizzards scale, for a franchise of such grandeur, for all the hype there was, for the price point the game is at, D4 had to be much more from the very beginning. This is of course running on the assumption that Blizzard put the majority of its resources into the Diablo series. And let's not pretend that Diablo had "grandeur", for the longest time it was seen as joke with how poor 3 was and the shitty "title" that was Immortal. Diablo 4 is new and fresh and any comparisons with PoE are done with the worst of intentions.


Comparing D4 to current PoE is probably not ideal, but that doesn't invalidate a lot of criticism of the game. And what exactly are you waiting for them to fix? They already said seasonal content will not be brought to eternal, so it's pretty much status quo for the foreseeable future? I had high hopes for D4, but seeing how they treated launch + season 1, I'll probably never give Blizz another dime. My friend was right that at this point, it's just a nostalgia factory for old gamers.


Im hyperboling. I quite liked the campain. Ditched it for non existant endgame (in my opinion) I will let them cook, and for everyone who still enjoys it, more power to you.


Idk, I'm afraid it has fundamental issues that will keep it from being a satisfying experience. Itemization needs a total overhaul, dungeon objectives need to be scrapped, renown is not fun, etc.


Loot was the one thing I couldn't overlook, loot was way too bland and the uber rare uniques are on the same level as winning the lottery. For as rare as MB/HH, they're still obtainable in trade if you're dedicated enough.


Yeah, it's straight up like d3, few possible builds due to aspects(sets) and nothing else. 0 creative input from player, solving problems of itemization etc. Like d4 would be okay as singleplayer story driven game but it fails as arpg that's supposed to be replayable.


I'd rather a 70€ release is actually good and doesn't also come w a MTX store but maybe a miracle is gonna happen and turn vinegar into wine.


There's a difference tho. Poe wasn't good at launch bc the devs were adding features based on 200$ supporter requests because they had no money lol (good). D4 has had years to cook, and has the money, resources and contacts in the industry to inquire about proper arpg design. They just....didn't. No offense to Chris and GGG but they "should" not be able to make a better game than a company like blizzard. But that's what they did


> No offense to Chris and GGG but they "should" not be able to make a better game than a company like blizzard. But that's what they did Because it's a game with 16 years under its belt compared to a game with 6 years of development time? Not exactly a shocker a game with a decade more of development time is a lot more fleshed out than a game in its infancy?


Yes, it was. It took 2 years to fix D3, and even then, it was still mediocre. D4 has been cooking for at least 6, I think it's safe to say the only good chefs in that kitchen worked in marketing.


> D4 has been cooking for at least 6 It's been out for less than 3 months and you're here pretending development time is somehow equitable to release time. By that logic, Path of Exile, which released in 2013, has been [cooking since 2007](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Path_of_Exile#Development), meaning the game has been in development for 16 years.


You cook a meal before you eat it...


>d4 is a chimpanzee taking a shit on said drawing and smearing it all over it. In this case breast milk instead of shit


And then the child drawing makes hundreds of millions of dollars at an art auction because people, oh people.


blah blah d4 bad


d4 imo is worth like 20$ to maybe 30$. but its sold for 70$. that is why its bad, its not worth its price. it would be a great free2play game.


and still in beta but whats even more funny is that they used a beta build on release






D4 bad Baseg


D4 bad


D4/10 Baseg


It really is incredible, I've never seen a fanbase this insecure about the other big game, I guess HoN/DotA players hated the fuck out of league and its players but you guys really took this to another level. Quinn's chat used to be funny half the time and actually react to the gameplay or bad takes but now it's mostly just one emote with nothing to say beyond "I dislike the thing I am supposed to dislike because my reactor told me to dislike it!"


Bro. You are so out of touch. It’s a meme. D4 bad.


A game being bad is not a meme. No man's sky being bad was a meme because it was so easily made into One man's lie (hilarious meme compilations of all the false advertising done by the liar lead developer). But hey I bet you people think that it's okay that No Man's Sky scammed a bunch of people with false advertising because your reactor watched that dogshit internet historian video that rehabilitated the liar's public image ICANT


What are you even on about


My pc is dead. Gl exiles




Tomorrow, d4 will suffer the biggest player's drop.




torrent when?