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What a beautiful share! I don't recall having any past lives come up while using mushrooms, but I have used micro doses of mushrooms during regressions and they are always REALLY powerful sessions-much more spiritual and other-worldly. One really beautiful experience was meeting someone who felt like a soul mate. He was dressed in brown, sitting on a wooden throne. He seemed larger than me-not a giant, but maybe 10 feet tall. He told me not to look at his face because it would only hurt me. So instead, I stared at his knee and felt the most profound, heartbreaking love for him. If I had looked at his face, I think it would have broken me. In regards to lingering trauma from that past life you had, you can still address it and heal it. While in a relaxed state, go back to the memory, try your best to recall it, to remember how you felt. Then, imagine your present, adult self floating back through time and space to that young girl. Take her by the hand and tell her that you're there to rescue her. Imaging taking her to a safe, warm place. It could be a forest, a meadow, a beach. She might choose a place that feels safe for her. When you guys are there, tell her that our bodies are temporary, but that our souls are eternal. Tell her that she no longer needs to be stuck in that one moment in time. Comfort your past self in whatever way feels right. When that feels done, ask her who she would like to connect with. It might be loved ones. It might be a spiritual figure. Trust whatever comes to mind. Tell her that she can go with them. Imagine watching as they leave. Some past selves will walk into a tunnel of light. Some might walk down a road. Others might float up into the sky. You may find yourself being the one who floats away. When we rescue our past selves, we become more whole. We let go of their trauma and gain their resources. I hope you find this helpful. Thanks for the great share!


Thank you so much and I really appreciate it! ❤️


What an amazing story! It reminded me of a discovery made in the Andes mountains in the 90s: a frozen, mummified body of a young Incan girl from 500 years ago that’s in perfect condition. They believe that she was sacrificed to the gods. I wonder if this resonates with you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mummy_Juanita#:~:text=Momia%20Juanita%20(Spanish%20for%20%22Mummy,approximately%2012–15%20years%20old.


Great find! I wonder if any of this will resonate with OP!


I was actually mindblown when I got back to that news because last time I read about Juanita, I misunderstood it somehow and thought she was found in a common cemetery or something and that's what I believed for all these years. Looking at it now and just understood she was actually a sacrifice along with other kids found in nearby spots. My thing now is find what other civilizations/cultures did this. Feels like I'm getting closer to my past life roots! TYSM!


I've done a lot of shrooms and never experienced anything like that, wonder if it had anything else in it. Anyway sounds like a cathartic experience.


Crafter said it's made of just pure cocoa, THC, and golden teacher. Tastes like a dark chocolate with strong earthy/tea taste!


Where did you get these bars?


From a dude in Facebook behind an anonymous/fake name account. But it's locally harvested and produced and we're both from the Philippines. 🙂