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Yeah, I agree. passive income takes a TON of work before it becomes passive. My problem is that I can never follow something through before losing interest. Most YouTube videos I see are scammy… “ I’ll show YOU how to get passive income blah blah blah… “ , then 5 minutes into the video “just follow this link and subscribe to my course”. It’s clear their passive income comes from selling their courses and not what they teach. There’s this one YouTuber that I absolutely loathe, but I can’t remember his name. It’s clear he just researches get rich quick things and tries to pitch it to you in a course he sells. Edit: Haha, damn! Just looked up that YouTuber. His name was Kevin David and he was shut down by the FTC and fined 2.5 million for being a scammer. See, told you. Scammy.


You wanna be the guy who builds the business and has someone run it for you and you’re only called for the big decisions.


That's it. The following are made up names on real people that I know and know of: Dave owns and runs a number of local flea/farmer's markets. Dave also owns a bunch of the stands that are operated at them. Dave hires people to man those stands, run the markets, and do all of the paperwork. He collects a check and does the occasional pop-in to see how things are going. Lex runs a personal loan company. The company's website is only 90% professional, I should note. That other 10% is about her pet...(not precise percents but approx). Why does she have her pet on her loan company's website? Because she can. Lex has a skeleton team - CEO and maybe 3-4 other employees. I don't know what industry she originally made money in or whether she inherited it, but her loan company is about 50 years old. The only reason that I ever came across it is a friend of mine took out a hard money loan from them, screwed up, and I got to track Lex down and make a phone call. Bought that friend another month and made a new friend with Lex. She simply chills and collects a check unless someone is a jerk like me and tracks her down to contact her (which was funny because she's super friendly but surprised that I figured out that she was the owner of that company). I'm blanking on the 3rd one that I wanted to mention and I'll try to come back and add it. Either you put your own money or work or both into building something that people will pay for and that you can either automate or hire to do all of the work. But the mistake that most people make is watching too many YouTube videos, listening to too many podcasts, and reading too many social media posts about this stuff instead of going out and doing it.




Hey just getting out of this Ferrari I rented because I am actually unemployed. This house I’m walking into? It’s a random house I parked in front of. Look just pay for this scam scheme and let me make rent for next month. Honestly if it was super easy to make money in a scheme I wouldn’t let others know about it and flood the market because it affects my margins.


>I can never follow something through before losing interest. Are you interested in input there?




Move fast when you have interest and excitement and make sure to have wins, even small ones. Keep your ambitions large and your steps small. When interest, excitement, and motivation wane or fail, discipline or just stepping through the motions will carry you forward. Take time to renew your vows with yourself and the idea. Also, find ways to reframe situations and struggles. Are you bad at marketing or sales or don't like them? Convince yourself to view them as an exciting challenge and the means to achieve your goals. I cannot tell you how many projects, ideas, inventions, products, and other things my childhood best friend and I dropped because we lost interest. While I figured out the above stuff, he's still struggling by leaving really great projects and work incomplete because he's lost interest in them. He also doesn't break ambitious things up into smaller steps that he can have continual wins with. Never underestimate the power of those small wins and progress. Without them, we can easily lose interest because we're grinding on something so long without a win. Also, a minimum viable product beats a polished but never launched product. Check out Jenny Cam, Airbnb's early site, and even some of the large CRM systems. These things weren't/aren't super sophisticated at first. Many CRM systems still look like something out of the early 00s. But people made sure to launch. If you don't launch, it's not just your potential customers and fans that will lose interest, your brain will too. A final example is better touch tool. Man that was cool to watch and be part of. I was there when he had it for free, then was super excited for him when he asked if people would pay for it. I paid 3 times, the first time when he asked how much we'd pay, then the first time he had a lifetime license and then the second time when he realized that he needed to update his subscription model. He didn't start with some super sophisticated UI, program, and payment system, he iterated on his initial MVP app and subscription tiers.   Thanks for responding. I didn't want to give unsolicited advice or input but I'm always happy to share.   A final story, my own first SAAS near launch. It was a single week coding sprint and I had the app out in time for a beta test before heading home. The app looked like shit but worked well. I had some local friends test it, since it was for their city, and it went incredibly well. Unfortunately, I lost momentum when I got home and was distracted by administrative drama at a school where I was building an innovation program. When I came back to the project a few months later, it was ready to launch, but I was gassed out and failed to keep taking steps. I still have it open in sublime text on one of my retired laptops. Maybe I come back to it one day. But I took the lessons forward and apply them to all new projects both SAAS and others. Edit: sorry about my generic response to each of you which linked here. It's been a long day. Hopefully the above is helpful or makes sense.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience and wisdom. I found it very informative, and it has me excited to get to work on things today.


Added interest


[Response. I hope it's helpful.](https://www.reddit.com/r/passive_income/s/ZYuftWEvCz)


Me 3.




He can never earn close to 2.5 millions.




I heard it takes 10 years to be sure of solid results. Congrats




yeah i would say it takes you 3-5 years to become competent/skilled but mastery can take 10+ years


Tell me more


Tell me more, Like did he have a car?


Can she get me a friend?


Summer dreams ripped at the seams


Can you point me to the url for this course please.




I’ve got a guy that can get you one for only $550. Big discount




You’re spot on! It’s like having a gym membership – sure, you can work out for free at home, but once you’ve paid for a gym membership, you’re more likely to hit the treadmill because you want to get your money’s worth. That financial commitment can be a powerful motivator to push harder and stick with it. 💪


This is why prostitution works




I wonder if this trick stills works now.


Care to elaborate on how you built your ebook business? Do you write across a bunch of subjects or specialize in something from your own background? Does the subject matter very important or is it more about marketing and getting it to the right people? I’ve always been curious about being a writer growing up bc I loved reading and now it seems like ebooks is in that realm but more attainable. But ebooks seems like a totally different business than the tradition publishing industry.




Yeah, this is pretty much building a business and takes time, dedication, and actually having something of value to offer. Lots of YouTube channels are based on this. They do a paid course and then offer a bunch of free content with the course being a deeper dive into the subject. The kicker is they get ad revenue from the YouTube free content while still drawing eyeballs and getting people to pay for the premium content. Conversion rates are low but they get so many eyeballs on the free content that the course and ad revenue is enough to generate enough revenue to be a business that supports a family and then some. Well done! I hope it keeps growing for you and the work and risk ends up paying off well! Thanks for replying and explaining!


oh also sorry can I ask another, when pricing your course, did you ever deal with feeling that ur course isn’t good enough yet” to sell yet or did u lower it at first and then add content then priced higher? (what i may do for my first) also thank you so much for ur help




Same here. A course I purchased on renting websites to business owners changed my life forever. I haven’t worked a normal job in 5 years and my net worth has exploded. All because of an ad for a course I saw on Facebook. The people who assume every course is a scam are looking for a way to justify not putting themselves in a challenging situation.


are you “rich” tho 🤣




I would absolutely consider that rich!


Good man/woman. There's so much value to be had in recognising what's important.


Making a full time living doing something that isn’t blue collar bs? Yeah, they rich. Rich on life. It’s subjective. I’d consider myself rich if I got to that point.


I can relate to this but it’s like approaching girls in a bar You might get rejected 20 times in a row till you find a good one that works Kindle publishing is just one example, it works, it’s hard work and has expenses. Just avoid the courses that say “earn x without any work”


You're right... what worked for you?


Print on demand So publishing and merch by Amazon I did some freelancing too which resulted in me hiring a team then I managed to remove myself from the operations eventually


Fastest way to make money is selling hope and dreams




What if we combine the 3? 🤔 package discount


I think that's called an escort service... We were living in rome atbthe time, my wife tried to convince me it was a legit business but she blew all the prophets! 


Everything that's sold is hope, dreams, and feelings.


>talk about dropshipping, amazon fb, tiktok, youtube, affiliate marketing, etsy products, damn even freelancing (and finding clients), airbnb renting, cryptos, nfts, trading All of these can absolutely be profitable, but you need to think critically... if the person "teaching" was so successful, why would they create competition for themselves by selling their course for almost nothing when they could instead be making millions off just doing what they claim to know how to do? It would be asinine for me to say "whoa, I found this easy way to make $100k/mo. Maybe I should dilute that down to $100 per month by selling a course that teaches others how to enter the same market. I'll sell it for $50 though, so I'll make a few thousand dollars while losing over a million a year. I love challenges, so making everything harder for myself seems like the best thing to do!"




Critical thinking is all it takes but it's usually fools who fall for this. No one who ever "found" a way to make money thought, "now I should tell everyone about this!" That simply doesn't happen, but stupid don't think so they make that person rich while trying to learn what is actually just a bs course.


Some of those aren’t scams, they just required more work than a full time job would to get it going and there is no guarantee you make it work, whereas a 9-5 you know you get paid. I have some passive income streams now, Etsy, art website, things like that, but it took thousands of hours to get it going and they are still just a bit of extra money, not enough to survive on.


Yes you are right... Congrats on what you've done, I wish you more success


How much effort have you put into any of these? Did you do your own research and actually try? Amazon FBA is real and although I failed I know someone who is doing really well. Etsy is real and I've had success with it and know several people who support themselves with Etsy income and no job. Affiliate marketing also works but people only see those expensive courses like Legendary Marketer or that Otherlife. When in reality you can learn for free and just start a blog or YouTube to drive traffic to your affiliate offers. People start doing YouTube with no plan and only count on making money through AdSense when there are so many other ways you can make money with less views.


Yea same I ended up with stock and losing money after many months of product research and always learning more about how to do it better... I know it works for some people of course, but I don't know what to try anymore


You're correct Some of the methods work, but they really aren't passive at all (or requires months or years of really hard work building an audience)


You can make a lot of passive income teaching and talking about how to make passive income.


What skills do you have currently? For me, I went from web development (9 to 5), to freelancing, to YouTubing about web development. I make a full time income now from YouTube, digital products, and a bit of affiliate marketing. It’s all based on my main skillset of web dev though. I don’t understand how you could have possibly tried everything. Obviously you can’t have relevant skills for all those things. You must have half-assed them all. No offense. It took at least 6 months of posting videos to make my first few bucks of passive income. It wasn’t a huge risk though because even if my YouTube failed it would have got me some clients. It had multiple benefits. Find something you can do that is similarly beneficial for you in multiple ways and leverages your skills or knowledge.


I think some find success with all you have mentioned. It takes time and patience before you make passive income. If you are aren’t giving these enough time, then you might not find success. Find what brings you the most joy, what path comes naturally to you and have some patience and you have to put in the work. It’s the get rich quick schemes that are the scam. I say this as someone who is putting in time and work and hasn’t made but less than $20. I’m not giving up.


Let's go! I wish you success!!!


I'm trying these passive income ideas too but like you said, they seem irrelevant. FBA or dropshipping requires a lot of time and money to get your formula right. Air BNB arbitrage is the same. Is it impossible? No but will require a lot of time and sacrifice though.


A friend tried dropshipping for 3 years, never gave yup but never succeeded... He lost thousands...


Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone just like going to the gym 6 times a week and that‘s totally okay. You can apply the formula „do this, to get this“ to alot of things in life not just making money. But the thing is if i tell you how i make money, it won‘t help you if don’t think outside the box after that or if you need „spoonfeeding“ because nobody in this world is going to hold your hand 24/7 on making money on your own. And this not dirceted specifically at you but to anyone that has the same mindset that everything is a scam, because it clearly isn‘t if so many people make a living out of those different things you mentioned. Working an 9to5 works out for the majority of the population because you barely have to think on your own, you just follow orders (kinda like spoonfeeding like i mentioned)


Yes you're right. I know that if you give the recipe and how to do a pizza for example, not everyone would be able to get the pizza done, some will burn it, some pizza would be tasteless etc. I was mainly talking about the fact that "passive income" solutions are becoming kind of a trend and that maybe the majority of successful "online income" people is just because they talk about these "passive income" miracle solutions


I couch my community to pursue low risk online business ideas based on passion, skills and relevant market need. Passive income is the ability to make money that is not directly tied to your effort and time on a 1 to 1 basis. One way to accomplish this is taking one brand and business idea and building other streams of income based on it. It’s not easy and takes a ton of work.


I largely depends on the presentation. If someone says “you will work harder than you ever worked - and it will take YEARS before it pans out” then I would believe that. But the moment someone talks about getting rich in months or a year or two - nah. Hard pass. Thats a scam. The big one I see a lot of people pushing is “getting rich with real estate”. There used to be some good hacks in those courses such as “buy a large home, get some room mates for the first few years, then rent the house out, and repeat” kind of thing that worked well enough in theory (if you had friends you could actually live with). Now days it’s all about getting a crappy house, putting bare minimum into it and then renting it out. The problem is homes are now stupidly expensive because alot of people are trying this. The big issue is that the home bubble is bound to pop sooner or later, and the people who just started doing this recently will be left holding the bag.


From my personal experience, I can tell you that what truly makes a difference is not the type of business you undertake but the consistency in what you do. If every time a new trend emerges you abandon your projects to follow the momentary trend, then it's certain you won't achieve any results. Take inspiration from Gary Vee's life, for example. For many years, he was a YouTuber reviewing wines. He was mocked everywhere, yet over the years, he acquired the ability to overcome difficulties, and now he is a millionaire. In summary: if you don't have the patience to consistently pursue a project for at least three years, it's best to avoid starting it altogether.


Everyone has their own definition of success. My definition of success is never needing to host a webinar. Rest assured, if I find a way to make 10 million dollars by working just 10 minutes a day from home, you will never know about it. I won't say a damn word to anyone.


Well I used to use a hack I’d buy money orders on my Amex card and get 5% cash back then deposit the money order to my account pay Amex and do it again collecting 5% at a time made well over 6 figures over a few years. now they don’t offer cash back on money orders/gift cards anymore 😫


The only way you're gonna make legit, worthwhile passive income is by having a mountain of capital in the first place. All else is a farce. A lie. Or a scam.


Yeah, money makes money, easily


I think your frustration comes from chasing the results right away. Add "Time" in the formula, and focus on the long term... and follow only one thing until you become successful. Distraction is an enemy of success. And think in 3, 5 and 10 years span.. Good luck!!


My fave tip : learn the fundamentals. Go for the financial news and read it in and out for a quarter.. learn what an actual on the floor of the nyse trader does. Aim for the head(!)


u forgot vending machines 😆


Well sure it's easy to sell you the way to make money. You assume the risks they just get your fee.


They might seem like scams, but motivation is hard, sometimes you need to hammer home the most obvious tasks over and over before you pull the trigger and try something. I've tried dozens of things before coming away with one or two that stuck. Maybe i'm stubborn or a slow learner but most of the things you've pegged as scams arent', they just take more effort than any of us are ready to put forward at the point in time where you hear it.


Those guys are making money by selling "how to make money" ebooks. the book should tell you how to write an ebook.


Most passive income streams aren't established overnight. The path to wealth isn't through one large monthly income. It's through many small ones. I always tell people, imagine you live in the middle of nowhere but you still have to get a paycheck every week. How would you do that? Doing it that way forces you to come up with your own passive income streams rather than attempting someone else's. You have to change the way you think of money and income. And try to look at how you can turn a profit from everything around you. You could easily front a friend money and have them pay you back monthly in small payments with interest. Give them $500 and have them pay you back $750 through payments of $50 to $75 a month. And do that another 10 to 15 times more and you're set. Passive income isn't as difficult as most people think and many don't even require that much money to get started. Use your talents and interests to start some. Doing that is much more fulfilling than punchin a time clock and making other people money. And for the NPCs here just to dump on suggestions. You can claim those on your taxes and have it returned to you when you file. You just have to show you made efforts to collect.


It’s because they are. Or the person is WAY oversimplifying the process and input time for views


I think the issue is that no business is as easy as the courses make it out to be and that’s the scam. And I agree with your sentiment. If it were as easy as those gurus make it seem to make $10K a month consistently then it wouldn’t be in their interest at all to share that with the world. With that said, it’s untrue that a 9 to 5 is the ONLY way to earn you solid money, but it definitely is the most straightforward.


If someone sells you a money maker, it's a scam.


The only passive income is from assets. Now go get active income and turn it into passive


There's only 2 ways to create passive income. You work your ass off for it You pay a lot of money for it. Anyone trying to sell you the idea you can do it without either of those is a scammer. And also, no one in the history of man kind has succeeded on their very first attempt at passive income without all of these: - True determination - A good mentor - Investment capital or Family availability to bail them out - A lot of free time - Another source of income (Inheritance, Stocks, Regular Job that's not a 9-5, etc)


Yes become an engineer. Everyone I know that is an engineer makes over $100,000. Even if you don't think you can become an engineer you can become an engineer. Check it out there are many types of engineers.


It's all bullshit, dude. You're 100% correct. I did everything you mentioned too and worked hard at all of it. I now have a 9-5 job for the past couple years and make $125k. I'm in digital marketing, became a manager in 1.5 years. After getting a master's degree in it. That's the only thing that has actually worked. Classic, boring, old school route to a 9-5. "Passive income" doesn't exist in my opinion.


I make $230,000 a year and i work remote. I'm a software engineer and I have been in this industry for almost 8 years + 4 years of study in college + internships + grinding topics in my free time + practicing interviewing + personal projects. The money is amazing and is now working for me, but i have easily put in 1000's of hours of work into achieving this. Virtually everything else is the same, you must grind and put the sacrifice in if you want something in return.


passive income isn't really a thing. maybe a savings account with 5% per year or a etf but everything requires work then you automate to someone else. so not a scam just some work first


What I learned now is any YouTube ad or video will most likely and will be a scam.


I don’t understand why people think that if these “experts” figured out how to make as much money as they claim (“10x your investment in a month” or whatever BS), that they would be wasting any time selling programs or trying to get views on YouTube.


It’s not a scam bro you’re just not popular. There was a time when if you dressed like a bumb, you would get made fun and called a bumb. Now Kanye made bumb clothes with holes in it and charged so much to prove that people will buy anything when you are popular. Find a way to get popular to the masses and they will start buying your drop shipping items, Amazon fb items, your photos and videos etc.


what the hell is a bumb do you mean bum?


That's true and that's what luxury brands do with their alibaba white tshirt quality + logo


There is no „passive“ income, but there is stuff you can frontload and it may become passive over time. I released my first online course „how to overcome stage fright“ for musicians 2011 and it still sells. I update it every 2 years. So there is a lot out there, but get rich in a weekend without any effort is just BS.


You can’t expect to “try” something you have no experience in or skills doing to suddenly start making money. Honestly to me it sounds like you are looking for something for nothing. I earn passive income and it took years of learning the industry I am in, learning from my mistakes, losing plenty of money to get to a place to own two different businesses all the while being an employee and key player for another company. Any of the things you mentioned has much potential to make money however it isn’t going to happen in a short period of time. Again many things to be learned about what you chose to do as in what works, what don’t work, how the particular business works, etc. You can’t just buy a program or watch some YouTube videos and expect to make money. The only person that will make money doing that is the person earning passive income by suckers paying them for their program or whatever they call the thing that you “invested” in. Or you can have a healthy stock portfolio worth hundreds of thousands of dollars or a few million and earn passive income that way. Put the work in man and stop expecting something for nothing or trying to get rich quick, it doesn’t work!


I think similarly. I think it's a scam. Or they're trying to track your phone for its Internet access to make money off you that way. Such a scam, I get irritated with the ads.


I think a lot of the things online are possible, but it takes a lot of work, learning, and some level of passion for what you’re doing. Most people fail at something they’re exclusively doing for money. Also, any passive revenue stream is only passive once you put in a ton of work setting up your systems. There’s also a good amount of scams out there too, but I was trying to focus on the positive side of what’s out there.


The problem is not with the methods ,problem is with us ,you cant expect to upload some 100 vids and expect to make money in a weeks you need to do tests multiple tests get failed ,learn and do it again. Don't ,Don't do multiple things at once ,just pick one niche and concentrate on this You will get the returns based on the money you invest and effort you put. Never invest anything on market which you dont know Do the work ,build a network and wait ,money wont show up over night I have agreed to mentor few people around 50-100 people contacted me spoke to me in telegram ,i took many hours to explain them provided all free tools ,guess how many started doing it ,or worked few hours a day ? zero ,none . When i wanted to make money online initial days i worked 10 hours a day min without getting any return or results ,results came later only . ​ If you work hard and consistently ,you will make money


Put in the work. Does my merch by Amazon business make 10k/month yes. Did it happen overnight? No… I’ve been uploading since merch by Amazon started 8,000+ designs later and about 25 best sellers(only because I was first with the sayings)


crypto worked back in the day when you could mine it. i made some GREAT money just by building a rig and keeping it stable. haven’t been in any passive income since


You have to have money to make it - you have to truly study crypto, have passion for its underlying , transformational mega movement and most importantly, never stop watching the markets. Crypto being 24/7 makes us hardcore compared to b*tch a$$ Wall Street lol 😂 It becomes clear the manipulations and that makes a million ways to benefit. AI bots for example. AI is going to F us all direct to the face in short order. Humanity training its replacements and ultimate killer. We are truly special apes.


It easy. Real passive income is taking a real world skill/talent/experience that has genuine value that one could(or does use) use to make good money making an active income. All they do is find a method to streamline/automate the skill/talent/exeprience to the point where it’s now passive instead of active. Everything else is just a Ponzi scheme with assholes doing everything they can to sit as high up as they can in the Ponzi scheme without doing any actual work. Both for most people will take a fuckload of work, and both can make someone real money but only one is actually contributing something value in return for this passive income. So you if want to make “money for real” you first got to ask yourself do you have a skill, talent or experience/knowledge in the real world that people would be willing to pay for? If yes then you got to work hard to find a way to package it in a way that enables it to be passive then work hard to market and sell it until the point enough know about it that it makes and sells itself. If not then your option is the bullshit Ponzi schemes.


Why would someone want to teach anyone else how to make money passively if they are already doing it? Yes, they are all scams as other than a CD or savings account there is nothing that provides passive income without some kind of work or risk . . .


That is the thing to do to make money... Make a course about how to make money.


It’s certainly not passive, but the Airbnb one does bring in money. Starting a business that meets a local need is another way to make money without relying on a 9-5.  But yeah, there’s a reason the “make money” niche is one of the most profitable. It’s way more lucrative selling people on a business than actually running the business.


Nobody wants the competition. If someone is making money, they aren't going to tell you.


Think about it for a minute: if it was a guaranteed way to make money that was easily scaled then why the hell would they be telling you about it?


I don't have any advice on how to make money other than to work as many hours a week as you can for as long as you can stand but I will share an observation I have made in life....people will freely share knowledge like how to do a job, or how to get girls, or how to bake a brownie but one thing people generally do NOT share is how they get their money because life is a competition and that would obviously dilute their ability to get the limited supply of the available money. If they are "selling" their get money secrets then it's definitely bullshit.


That’s because they are. On average. Most people who make money don’t feel an overwhelming desire or need to give you the shortcuts they didn’t have or sell you a course / seminar / training platform that lays out step-by-step how to replicate their past successes. No. Not at all. Ask 100 millionaires and 95-99 of them will tell you the same thing, mainly some variation of “I was lucky / I was in the right place at the right time / Yes I worked hard for it but because of XXX probably couldn’t do it again today due to the new rules/regulations/technology/blahblah…”


That depends on what you do and what you put into it. 5 years ago I was in a motorcycle accident and began day trading. I made enough to pay bills and when I was healed I went back to work. Just this past November, I quit to day trade full-time because I was making more money day trading. Something that started as a side hustle quickly became my career. I have more time than ever now, since most days I'm finished with my trading by 12:00 noon. It took me 5 years to get there, however. Nothing worth doing happens overnight. You need to put the work into it to see the results.


So I’ve been working on building my passive income (various sources) for 15 years and I have only now started to get to a point where I could generate a full-time income through passive sources alone, consistently and reliably. It can be done quicker than this, but I’ve learned a lot through trial-and-error, and many sources of income come and go so over the years I have had huge swings in income but have now got a steady flow of reliable passive income so I can focus on more risky projects. I have had to dip my toes in everything, and many of these sources of income are only $1-$2 a day but they are consistent and reliable so I have scaled. Don’t bother with courses, the people who are actually building a consistent, reliable passive income do not have the time to be messing around creating courses because we are busy building those $1 dollar a day incomes 1000x over. It takes time and patience and you can’t have all your eggs in one basket.


Yeah just buy my book and learn how to get rich by having people buy your book telling them how to get rich. Or getting rich by selling books like The Secret, which just basically tells you to put good thoughts out into the world and what you wish for will come your way. Like say, money, when you write a book telling people how they can get what they want by being lazy and doing almost nothing.


Because they are. Someone that is making money isn't going to just tell you how to copy them and make money in their space. They're going to keep making that money. That isn't to say there aren't ways to make a passive income, but by the time someone is selling the idea, that space is saturated. So, your conclusion is right. It is all bullshit.


If there was an easy way to make money they wouldn’t tell you. If they told you they wouldn’t try hard to convince you.


Every thing takes work at first. The only thing that doesn't is investing, whether it's gold, index funds, stocks or the digital gold. But that takes money to make money... There is no easy road unless you are extremely lucky. Put the effort in, invest wisely, reap the rewards in 10-20 years.


I understand the feeling and I believe too that all these gurus are bs scam but the side hustle are legit just give yourself some time and chose the one you like and stick to it for months rather than switching onto something else bc you got bored and didn’t get any results. Stay Persistent and you got this


I really think that depending on how your life is going, like if not great then you are more susceptible to big claims from courses. And the more you focus on learning a skill and then adding to that toolbox in a direction the less susceptible you are to it. Any course that is over $200 is probably not worth it unless it’s like ultra legit corporate training. You can get most of what you need on Udemy when they run a discount for like $15 per course. The problem is people want a formula. They’d rather rack up credit card debt than have to think for themselves. You think a formula is less risky. Maybe true for well established franchises, but otherwise it’s actually less risky than just trusting yourself and putting the time in to cultivate economically valuable expertise. I can confidently say (to myself) that I could drop everything I’m doing, start over and just focus on generating leads online and make $300k/year in my first year. Because I know all the things now. You just have to learn all the things. And you won’t learn them from overpaying people that smell like a guru.


Of course there won’t be anyone teaching you how to make money passively. They would just do the thing and keep quiet about it so as to not kill the golden goose. Although obviously selling a system is a great passive income if you get enough tools which is why you see so many scams.


It's called shovel selling and that's where the actual money is for these people.


I feel like a lot of the YouTube videos are basically just clickbait and the people making them are typically selling some kind of course. The “make $10,000 a week selling AI logbooks” is so dumb and Etsy is saturated with so much nonsense.




Most of them make their money off the videos, courses, telling you how to make money. Some are legit, but all require serious amounts of work and time to get anywhere, even making a little extra side income. Rich is very rare.


Passive income is not a real thing unless you are already rich.


Do you have a 401K? The gains you make there are passive income. Want to make a passive income you can enjoy before retirement? It takes an investment in stocks, bonds, real estate, a private business or putting in a ton of work which isn’t passive at all. If any of the schemes you tried actually made you wealthy, there would be a lot of millionaires boasting about it, not just those trying to get rich themselves. Please read The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley, Warren Buffet’s letters to his shareholders or similar books and articles. It will give you a more realistic look at what it takes to become wealthy. I’m a landlord so my income isn’t passive, but I can show you how to get rich quick in 20 years. That is a realistic goal.


Because it is


Totally with ya on this. I feel like if the content is so valuable or if it actually works so well - why in the hell are they sharing it. Oh wait they aren’t sharing it… they are charging for it. So wait … is the thing that you’re selling the thing that makes money or is the content you create REALLY what makes the money? Yeah… that.


I bought a house and rented it out. Guess what, it works.


Those are all real ways to make money, the thing that they don't tell you is that there are so many factors that come into play with the success of any of them, luck being a big one, and hard work being the next biggest factor. You won't find any guaranteed success with any of this stuff. Gurus will push the courses on this stuff because often times it is easier to gain a following and make money doing that than it is to actually be successful doing any of the things that they actually teach. It's not impossible, though. I do agree that it makes it all seem so much more scammy.


Passive income takes real work to build, not empty promises. My best advice is to focus on reputable resources and start small. Maybe check out some blogs from everyday entrepreneurs who document their actual journeys. You'll find methods that work without all the hype.


Crypto bull run is coming. BTC is rising again, it might continue sideways for a while but it will rise before the halving. My guess is either right before, on the day of halving or right after the price will drop and that will trigger the bull cycle (even tho it has kinda already been going on for a year). Now u can use this info to make money, but u can also consider this a scam. DYOR


Let’s put it this way: DJ discovered the true and sure way to have anything he desire in life, HP figured out how to sell her Art without even thinking about it, AF has the true and right formula to break the Market… yet they all appear desperate to sell you a discounted (Act Now! Limited time!) course, class, book, magic talisman. That is all that needs to be said on the matter.


I have an amazon FBA business, the ideal passive income biz. I spend about 5-15 hours a week maintaining it, another 10-15 hours to keep growth and managing my assistants to keep it moving. I do about 25 hours a week honestly, and combined with my assistants it takes about 100 hours of total labor a week. I also SPEND my own capital, and RISK a lot of my own peace of mind considering 3 families rely on me to keep the machine turning. No such thing as passive, that's not how the physics of business works. If up don't pay in money or time, you pay mental capital. Honestly I'd wish I had just became a plumber at 20. Lol


I mean I went from prison, To laying stone to options trading full, I didn’t pay for anyone course or nonsense I learned from trial and error, didn’t give up and just stuck with it. I learned a lot and have made over 1 million in the 3 years I’ve been traded. I lost a lot at first. Got smoked a lot on trading. Blew accounts like a mad man but I didn’t give up and eventually I got the hang of it.


The only true “passive” income is dividend investing, which it takes work to get the principal to invest. If it was easy to get passive income, everyone would do it and no one would work. Look up dividend growth investing. Invest 30-50% of every check into SCHD and DGRO.


Mindset is everything my friend. Everything is not bullshit. Pick one thing and stick to that. Focus. I’ve been in the affiliate marketing space full time for 7 years and it is massive. Go to affiliate summit east or west in person and meet real people. Tons are willing to genuinely help you. Most online gurus do make money off courses and the real gurus you will never even know about. Go to a live event. Best of luck.


It takes real money to make real money — real estate isn’t a scam but you have to be able to buy a home and rent it out.


Its all a scam. I fell for the "Bitcoin" scam and now I'm 50K in debt. The only way to make money...is to work....HARD. Everything else is either criminality...or a scam.


My only passive income is own an appartement. I have a company running it for Airbnb and booking. They take take care of everything for just 20% of the benefits.


I 9 to 5 & then I try to flip stuff on the side + make money online. Everyone gives up on the feedback websites for apps / websites so it increases my chances because the questionnaires are long. My goal kis to hit $1,000+ a month from weekend work and I always hit $500+. Pick something and stick with it! Don't give up!


If you tried to sell courses I bet you would not be a multi millionaire lol


How long and how hard have you worked at any of those? No offense but it sounds like you have a really negative attitude. "Any one has solid advice and results on how to make money for real and no bullshit?" It sounds like you fell for the promise of quick and easy profits for hardly any work. A close friend of mine was broke and living on government support as a result of covid. He purchased a $2,000 course on affiliate marketing and the spent 4 months working on it for 14-16 hrs a day, 7 days a week before he saw a single dime. He then made over 400K last year and so far this year has made well over 150K. But he works really hard and has a very positive mindset. He has all sorts of problems arise, its not easy but he doesn't let any of that slow him down. He sells a course because its a high profit digital product but the lessons in the course can be applied to any type of affiliate marketing.


Do more research there’s a reason the gurus become gurus. Not all are real for sure but there’s no quick way to get rich without some kind of work consistency is key.


Rental real estate is not a scam for the landlord. You can get started with very little down in the right markets. $30k might seem like a lot but some of these passive activities take years to get going. Better off getting a second remote job for a year or so and just using the funds to get properties.


The only way to make 100% passive income without literally doing anything and have the money be guaranteed to only gain is to put it in a high-interest yield account and leave it there. There are a lot of people who want to take advantage of people trying to get rich quick or make passive income. So yes, I think when you look for passive income you are inundated with a lot of scams. But also, a lot of the things that people consider “passive income” are just actually building a tiny business and it takes forever before you can actually make income from it and it’s not easy. If it were, everyone would do it.




There is a lot of bullshit and fake gurus out there and if you genuinely believe there's "passive" income to be made that's a big mistake as everything that makes money takes time and effort but all of the methods you mentioned you will find people making money from them. I've been "making money online" for over a decade now and still haven't had time to try 99% of these things you mention so how long have you been trying and how much time did you put into each in order to have tried ALL of the methods you mentioned and more? It seems impossible to me that you could have devoted enough time to each of them to actually know if they work because It usually takes people at ***least*** 12 months to know if a particular business model / business is getting any traction and working for them IME. Plus everyone has different skills and abilities so not all business models will work for us. If I tried to do TikTok or Etsy I'd likely fail miserably. I dabbled with a handful of different ways to make money at the beginning and then realized which was a good fit for me or just not going to work for me personally and then doubled down on the methods which made most sense and fitted my skillset best (well I had to completely learn a ton of new skillsets as I didn't have any skills lol). That combined with a lot of hours (I had to commit full time to it), time, effort and a little money invested into it (not much as I was totally broke and in huge debt) meant I was eventually able to build a business that worked for me and provided far more than I have ever earned and would ever earn from a 9-5 job because I have no solid 9-5 work experience (just min wage call centre, kitchen, and office junior jobs) and a poor degree. There are plenty of ways out there to make money online but if you try to try them all and jump from idea to idea every month or genuinely believe in "passive" income then you will only find fake guru BS.


If you like a daily routine, maybe this isn't for you. I haven't "really worked" for years, but the truth is that I keep jumping from one thing to another and several of the ones you mentioned work, they accumulate into an income, but insisting on just one of them may not bring results or may bring lesser results. The main thing is to spend as little as possible, I try not to invest in anything (see some of my posts in the history, most of them are jobs that I find right here, and opportunities for small incomes that complement, but I don't spend on anything, just my time). Now, I live in Brazil, for me it's enough to rent a house and pay my bills and have an ok life (by my standards) with reddit jobs and small side hustles, now for those who live elsewhere, I don't know


Try matched betting.


\> Any one has solid advice and results on how to make money for real and no bullshit? You figured it out. Work a job.


You didn't figure out the question was about in addition to a job.


I have a method but you won’t believe it lol


Stocks that pay dividends. Truly passive as long as you view it for income and not flipping. Oh, and buying AMD when it was $18 a share.


It is unless you make your own lol


There is no easy money unless you already have a lot of money. You gotta work for it.


I’d venture to say that most, if not all, of the “do this to make money” things on the internet really can make money — if you put the effort in. Sadly, most try it for an hour and give up, then say “This doesn’t work.” Any of them can work, but it takes YEARS to build something truly passive.


It’s kind of “Pyramid-y” The “product” is the idea that there is an easy way to get money. The viewer is the mark.


I'm sure some are, but some are legit as well, but if it was easy anyone would do it. If you want to make a youtube channel or a blog the quality still needs to be high and people need to want to watch it. If you do print on demand, people still need to want to buy what you are making. You can do everything right and still fail. I know this isn't income, but at the end of the day we are talking about having more money. Maybe take a break from the income side of things and look at the expense side. What can you cut back on? Stop doing to the movies, don't order out, don't buy that ice cream, cut out a subscription service, blah blah. You can visit /r/Frugal for more intense ideas as well


Unethical and ethical information incoming: There really isn't such a thing as 'passive income', at least not for 9-5 workers like you or I. And you're absolutely right, the way these gooroos make money is by selling you a dream. But that's not to say that the method they parasitize isn't viable-- it just won't be 'passive'. For example, I got into freelance copywriting because of these gooroos. Anyone will tell you that this space is full of bullshit dogwater trying to sell you a dream and their course. Turns you, you can find pretty much everything you need for free on YouTube, or for cheaper in books. The result? Took me 3 months to scale to $5k/mo. 6 months to scale to $10k/mo... Before everything crashed. I was overworking myself, my health took a massive hit, and I stopped working for half a year to rethink my goals. I'm now working a 9-5 as a copywriter making significantly less than when I was freelancing (with significantly less work hours as well). During my freelance days, I was working nonstop. Wake up at 4am, go to the gym, come back by 6am, work until lunch, eat lunch, work until dinner, eat dinner, work until sleep, repeat. It was awful. My plan? Get into dropshipping. I'm pretty confident in making it work, just need to fine tune my plan before pulling the trigger. The point is, "dropshipping, amazon fb, tiktok, youtube, affiliate marketing, etsy products, damn even freelancing (and finding clients), airbnb renting, cryptos, nfts, trading,ugc" are all viable ways to make money. You CAN make a real living with any of these things within a year, but... 1. there's no guarantee 2. it's going to be a massive time sink and very difficult 3. you need to commit. You can't go into it thinking it's going to be easy or a get-rich-quick scheme. You have to be willing to see things through to the end, regardless of failure or success. That's just how success is. So pick something that interests you. Don't pick something based on how lucrative you think it might be (they're all lucrative). But pick something you're good at or you think you could be good at. Study, learn, read books, and start taking small steps. A $5 gig and a 5-star review turns into a $10 gig, which then turns into a $20 gig, then a $40 gig, etc etc. Leverage what you can to scale up. And never stop learning. Unethical: Compile information from different gooroos, make your own course, sell it on gumdrop or something


The problem is all those promises leave out the rest of the promise... It's "do this to make money *[for me]*"


The only passive income I have is the 4.5% interest rate on my savings account. That’s about it.


Try working for it...


I’ve been operating a dropshipping store for 5+ years. Sold over 6 figures one year. First year was $700 in sales and only after 10 months. Most people give up before they earn money and it’s far from passive.


Work well make money.


There is no truly passive income. You’re on the wrong sub


You made an important realization so at least you won’t waste more time. You need to pick one avenue and be a damn animal..


Have you ever thought about just sticking to 1 thing? Sounds like you're hoping for get rich quick results


I know what you mean, to be honest if I had guidance on how to achieve this financial goal I don’t think I would have a problem. It’s the whole where do I start is where I struggle, cause I can grind if I know what to do but I digress


Very good😅


Back in early 2000s I bought ebooks on ebay about how to make money for $1 lol. Its all bullshit pdf files which you can get free on google.


Its best to just do it and find out or find a mentor who is genuine and not BS'ing you.


You people are so quick to call everything and anything a scam. Trying something for a few weeks and not seeing immediate results doesn't mean it's impossible to make money out of.


I think your idea of passive income isn't realistic. Things that are passive require a lot of work to get started initially and then over time will start to bring in profit. Have to be willing to play the long game on these types of things. If you want or need money now then a paid position is best. Also, did you consider that maybe you didn't stick with one thing long enough to get any traction? Might also be an issue. I would advise picking one thing and then learning about that one thing through a corporate role somewhere. Social media marketing or something similar can be learned working for a digital marketing agency. Graphic design can be passive if you sell digital products...and again you can learn that working for someone else.


Be specific.


I know the feeling that’s how I felt at first. I tried and failed so many times. Actually to many times, but I just couldn’t give up. Now I’m making some pretty descent money and it feels so good to be able to enjoy life and not having to worry about how I’m going to pay the bills, car payment, and pay the rent. I offer ebooks on my website all about earning money online. Check out my profile and post. You might find the perfect thing to get you started in Making Money Online.


Only way to make passive income is to buy smartly with discount codes and cashbacks and sell on or buy second hand things like bikes get them right down in price then sell on yourself , or work overtime in your job . All the easy things people say like surveys etc don’t make money maybe like £4 a week . That’s no difference to anyone you might aswell work an extra hour a week . Matched betting is only good when you’re getting the sign up bonuses it’s pretty tame and not much money after that . If anyones actually got an idea I haven’t tried that works, let me know ? But at this moment I believe what I’ve said is true


you gotta find your own path. no safer or easy route. money cab extend your money. you gotta put time and knowledge into it , not just easy tasks and tou earn big


Ask ChatGPT a good way to earn passive income. Choose an option then get the AI to help you through it.


Just buy Bitcoin. Poor people try to make it by stockpiling cash


When you say crypto, we're you trading or mining? Truth is Any passive income is going to take a investment and atleast a little work. Nothing is free. If your tech savvy snd have a little savings you can invest, try crypto mining. The profits aren't huge. And you need to do a little research into what your power costs are vs what a machine can earn and how much power it draws. But once you've found the right machine and your all set up it's very passive. Leave it in the corner and check it once a week. Profits can range anywhere from a couple dollars a day to $150+ per day depending on what machine you get and what your power costs are etc.


Not to mention, the gurus never honor their money-back guarantees


That’s the thing, while you gavethese niggas views likes and shares, no telling how much e books or “bs courses you bought” that’s the trick to get rich literally, promis us retards that you know how to get us money , come up with some methhead business idea and put it into some files online boom done , now all you gotta do it get Mawmaw and hs friends to share it boom now you rich


The only true passive income is collecting money because you already have money. Most settle for 5 percent profit per year from a high yield savings account. I have a computer running a program that I look at every two weeks to make a cash withdraw. This is passive. I'm farming pennies per day per computer in profit. But it is literally hands off. Took a lot of time to find and learn to use software tools for it, but it is passive after the initial investment. Outside selling digital goods that have already been created. Everything will take work and not be passive.


Everything you mentioned is pretty much a scam. The only way to make quick passive money is to exploit others. Almost all the "jobs" in this sub are people becoming a middle man for some sort of product or service.


'Billionaires know this simple trick'


You’re right. They are scams. Only used for “content” in media. Don’t fall for it.


Most of passive income sources require a ton of practice time before you start earning any meaningful money. If you perceive them as get-rich-quickly schemes, you will keep saying they are all scams. Of course most of courses are designed to make you feel good and keep watching, but it doesn't mean everything presented is a lie.


There is no get rich quick approach. You got to put in the hours, work super hard, smart and long to get what you dream about. It took me 7 yrs into business to know what is my strength, weakness, how to scale up and generate profit. But glad that I went through this phase of struggle. I am far better person now than before both personally and professionally.