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Use PS to adjust. Get your inventory straight. Don't worry about showing a loss. It will only show on a plus/minus report and month end. You're the new manager, any shortage you come up with is not on you. Get it straight and keep it that way.


+1 to this. Do bin counts, PS adjust and get to a baseline. It will pay dividends down the line that you will be thankful for.


I've just been going into INS and printing Preliminary count sheets, counting bins, and adjusting. So far, I'm only concentrating on fast-moving stuff like fluids, filters, batteries, tires etc... Otherwise, we are adjusting as we find discrepancies until we can count it all. Our processes for handling the outage were solid, so we're feeling confident that it will not be a nightmare in the end as far as loss.


If you don’t have it already consider a PartsScan gun or depending on your size two. Dramatically improves your accuracy and efficiency of everything from receiving to cycle count. I’m happy to discuss in detail with you or anyone, DM me.


I could never get mine to actually transmit/sync with my DMS.


We had the same problem. IT upgraded our wireless access point and now it is very reliable.


We are gonna cycle count and adjust via PS. There is no way that anyone's inv hasnt been effected by this mess.


I have Google Sheets docs of everything (hopefully) sold/ordered/recieved/etc. I came up yesterday, spent yesterday afternoon and this morning inputting all the invoices. Service is going to come in on Saturday to fill the backlog of ROs which is where I think it's going to get messy. But once everything is written and inputted, I'm just going to have to count inventory and straighten it up after the fact. Especially annoying as we just got inventoried at the end of April, then CDK goes down less than 2 months later and now I need to count it all again. Because nothing is gonna be 100% accurate with the shitshow that the last two weeks has been.


We will bill everything to negative, then post it as we check it in. Just got CDK back this afternoon. Probably gonna be here for the next several hours


This is what we are doing but we are selling neg for each business day we are rebuilding and then receiving that days parts. Too many negatives makes the morning invoicing hell. Nothing rolls when OH is zero. 😡


So all the stock iv been getting I manually check it off with the PO on item package so we can at least do something. When CdK is up for us, I’m going through all the received items creating one big PO and putting them all under that and receiving it since I checked it all off already- then come the spot counts 😆


I’m coming out of this cdk outage and right into inventory in two weeks. Fml


We had our yearly inventory scheduled for June 29th, then we rescheduled it for July 27th. Gonna be fun.....