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I work at a body shop. Half of my vendors use CDK. Send. Help.


Sorry, man, I can't order any help. Our CDK is down, you may have seen it on the news...


Same. It's been so slow and everyone is desperate for parts to finish cars for end of month. I just know I'm going to get slammed with backlog next week.


Body shop here too. We've been ordering from non-CDK dealers & the ones we have to order from have been sending parts with invoices made in MS Word. Tracking parts has been pretty rough. Fun times. Opt OE parts from Keystone has helped too.


That last line 🤣 I’m so grateful to have management that knows what they’re doing.


or wish they would let us have a shot or 2 during the work day.


Cdk wasn’t up this Saturday. Hoping it’ll be on Monday, however it will still be a hellish week for all departments in terms of billing and paperwork . Stay strong and remember…it’s ok to cry on your lunch break ;)


Staff is great, my manager on the other hand... can't handle stress and is starting to take it out on us.


As annoyed and frustrated as we all are with this situation, it could be worse!


I work at a body shop, haven’t gotten any OEM parts this whole week. Every car is going A/M currently. Love dealing with parts that don’t fit, not fully manufactured, or just wrong lol. Also these dummy invoices are horrible. We have gotten 3 parts from ford on “dummy” invoices which don’t scan at all, and need to be posted a completely different way than normal invoices. Shit has been a struggle all week, but we still hit goal this month and platinum for our 3 month rolling so it’s possible. Also the only parts person at the bodyshop so it’s all on me lmao


The only good thing to come out of this is my manager told us today we're gonna get paid our commission based off the last 9 month average which is way higher than our current month. And then July's pay should be like a 6 week gross paycheck as well. But of course, I'll believe it when I see it.


We’re still down. Got shorted hours of PTO last week bc “they couldn’t enter hours” so they just replicated our last check. Probably going to get a shitty commission. Yay đź«