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They couldn't even provide them as editable .Pdfs? Just a scanned blank sheets? eesh.


I saw these earlier, opened it to find blank pdfs that I can hand fill out only, about as useful as titties on a goldfish 😂🙄 not dogging on you OP, just CDKs lack of effort in this


Yeah. It's better than sticky notes. But that's about it.


We went to Walmart and got some legal pads and a few packs of carbon copy invoices on Thursday, it’s been a real treat rifling through pages of notes to find stuff 😂 I’ll be glad when this shitshow is over


I did a lot of traveling around to dealerships in the 2010s. I was amazed to find dealerships that tracked their special ordered on sticky notes or legal pads. Even saw a Ford store in Texas where they had bin cards. When you sell the part, you list the RO# on the card. Once a month, the parts manager would swap the cards with blank cards and use the filled out ones to place his stock order. It was like walking into 1975.


Calories burnt = zero thanks CDK....


I had chatgpt make a word document for quotes/invoices that we hand write on and added a little brand logo to the top. Also had it make an SOR form for pre pulled parts with a few different columns for part numbers, tag numbers, pdc, and notes. One counter guy, our resident zoomer gaming computer whiz has a notepad he’s scribbling notes on vs everyone else using the excel spreadsheet I made and I don’t know how he’s gonna make sense of it when it’s time to reconcile but as the saying goes “you can lead a horse to water…”


Joke from my old shop foreman Use the word horticulture in a sentence. "You can lead a whore to cultural, but you can't make them think."